Oracle® Spatial and Graph Map Visualization Developer's Guide 18c E87774-01 February 2018 Oracle Spatial and Graph Map Visualization Developer's Guide, 18c E87774-01 Copyright © 2001, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Chuck Murray Contributors: Joao Paiva, L.J. Qian, Jayant Sharma, Honglei Zhu This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. 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Contents Preface Audience xvi Documentation Accessibility xvi Related Documentation xvi Acknowledgments xvii Conventions xvii 1 Introduction to the Map Visualization Component 1.1 Overview of the Map Visualization Component 1-1 1.1.1 Map Visualization Component Architecture 1-2 1.2 Getting Started with the Map Visualization Component 1-3 1.3 Prerequisite Software for the Map Visualization Component 1-3 1.4 Deploying MapViewer-Based Applications with the Map Visualization Component 1-4 1.5 Administering the Map Visualization Component 1-4 1.5.1 Logging in to the Map Visualization Component Administration Page 1-4 1.5.2 Configuring the Map Visualization Component 1-5 Specifying Logging Information 1-11 Specifying Map File Storage and Life Cycle Information 1-12 Specifying a Web Proxy 1-13 Specifying Global Map Configuration Options 1-14 Customizing the Spatial Data Cache 1-15 Specifying the Security Configuration 1-16 Registering a Custom Spatial Provider 1-17 Registering Custom Nonspatial Data Providers 1-18 Customizing SRS Mapping 1-18 Customizing WMS GetCapabilities Responses 1-18 Customizing WMTS GetCapabilities Responses 1-20 Configuring the Map Tile Server for Oracle Maps 1-21 Defining Permanent Map Data Sources 1-21 Configuring and Securing the Map Data Server for the HTML5 API 1-23 iii 1.5.3 Performing Map Visualizer Administrative Tasks 1-25 1.6 Oracle Real Application Clusters and the Map Visualizer 1-26 1.6.1 Creating a Container Oracle RAC Data Source for the Map Visualizer Server 1-27 Create a Container Oracle RAC Data Source 1-27 Create a Map Visualizer Data Source Using a Container Data Source 1-31 1.6.2 Creating a Map Visualizer Data Source Using the Oracle RAC Service Name 1-32 1.6.3 Restarting the Map Visualizer 1-32 1.7 High Availability and the Map Visualizer (WebLogic Server Only) 1-33 1.7.1 Deploying the Map Visualizer on a Middle-Tier Cluster 1-33 1.8 Secure Map Rendering 1-33 1.8.1 How Secure Map Rendering Works 1-34 1.8.2 Getting the User Name from a Cookie 1-36 1.8.3 Authenticating Users: Options and Demo 1-37 1.9 Map Visualizer Demos and Tutorials 1-37 2 Map Visualization Concepts 2.1 Overview of the Map Visualizer 2-2 2.2 Styles 2-2 2.2.1 Scaling the Size of a Style (Scalable Styles) 2-4 2.2.2 Specifying a Label Style for a Bucket 2-5 2.2.3 Orienting Text Labels and Markers 2-7 Controlling Text Style Orientation 2-7 Controlling Marker Orientation 2-8 2.2.4 Making a Text Style Sticky 2-9 2.2.5 Getting a Sample Image of Any Style 2-9 2.2.6 Allowing a Text Style to Overlap or Be Overlapped 2-10 2.3 Themes 2-11 2.3.1 Predefined Themes 2-12 Styling Rules in Predefined Spatial Geometry Themes 2-13 How the Map Visualizer Formulates a SQL Query for a Styling Rule 2-15 Styling Rules with Binding Parameters 2-16 Applying Multiple Rendering Styles in a Single Styling Rule 2-17 Using Multiple Rendering Styles with Scale Ranges 2-18 Caching of Predefined Themes 2-18 Feature Labels and Internationalization 2-19 Primary and Secondary Labels for Linear Features 2-22 2.3.2 JDBC Themes 2-22 iv Defining a Point JDBC Theme Based on Two Columns 2-24 Storing Complex JDBC Themes in the Database 2-25 2.3.3 Image Themes 2-26 Creating Predefined Image Themes 2-27 2.3.4 GeoRaster Themes 2-28 Creating Predefined GeoRaster Themes 2-30 Using Bitmap Masks with GeoRaster Themes 2-35 Reprojection of GeoRaster Themes 2-36 Virtual Mosaic Themes 2-36 2.3.5 Network Themes 2-38 Creating Predefined Network Themes 2-40 Using the Map Visualizer for Network Analysis 2-41 2.3.6 Topology Themes 2-42 Creating Predefined Topology Themes 2-44 2.3.7 WFS Themes 2-45 Creating Predefined WFS Themes 2-48 2.3.8 WMTS Themes 2-49 How the tile_resizing_option Attribute Works 2-53 snap_to_tile_scale and tile_resizing_option Attribute Usage Guidelines 2-54 Creating Predefined WMTS Themes 2-55 2.3.9 Custom Geometry Themes 2-56 2.3.10 Annotation Text Themes 2-61 2.3.11 LRS (Linear Referencing System) Themes 2-65 2.3.12 Thematic Mapping 2-68 Thematic Mapping Using External Attribute Data 2-74 2.3.13 Attributes Affecting Theme Appearance 2-77 2.4 Maps 2-78 2.4.1 Map Size and Scale 2-79 2.4.2 Map Legend 2-81 2.5 Data Sources 2-85 2.5.1 Catalog Data Sources 2-86 Export the Necessary Metadata from an Oracle Database 2-86 Export the Necessary Spatial Tables 2-87 Edit the Map Visualizer Configuration File to Add the Catalog Data Source 2-88 Restart the Map Visualizer Server 2-88 2.6 How a Map Is Generated 2-88 2.7 Cross-Schema Map Requests 2-90 2.8 Workspace Manager Support in the Map Visualizer 2-92 2.9 Map Visualizer Metadata Views 2-93 2.9.1 xxx_SDO_STYLES Views 2-95 v 2.9.2 xxx_SDO_THEMES Views 2-96 2.9.3 xxx_SDO_MAPS Views 2-97 2.9.4 xxx_SDO_CACHED_MAPS Views 2-97 2.10 Oracle Maps 2-98 2.10.1 Overview of Oracle Maps 2-98 2.10.2 Architecture for Oracle Maps Applications 2-99 3 Map Visualization Servers 3.1 Map Visualizer Map Data Server 3-1 3.1.1 Domains and Map Data Server URL Patterns 3-1 3.1.2 Map Data Server Request Parameters 3-2 Getting Data from a Predefined Geometry Theme 3-2 Getting Data from a JDBC Theme 3-3 Getting Annotation Text from a JDBC Theme 3-4 Getting Topology Data 3-6 3.1.3 Interpreting Data Returned from the Map Data Server 3-10 3.1.4 Map Data Server Error Handling 3-11 3.2 Map Tile Server 3-12 3.2.1 Map Tile Server Concepts 3-13 Map Tile Layers and Map Tile Sources 3-13 Storage of Map Image Tiles 3-14 Coordinate System for Map Tiles 3-15 Tile Mesh Codes 3-16 Map Tile Requests 3-17 Tiling Rules 3-18 Tile Background
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