/ PAGE SIXTEEN MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1967 lHaurlirHl^r iEu^uittg Hrralli Average Daily Net Pres.s Run For the Week Ended The Weether I November 16, 19.57 PereeHt et D. S. Waotbar ■*■«■■ The Past Chief Daughters of the St. Jud* Thaddeua Mothers About Town I Daughters of Scotia will meet at Circle will meet tonight at 8:1.1 Dr. Kove Authors ^ the home of Mrs. \VllHam Teaadale, at the home of Mrs, John Mc­ Palozej'Blanchard Weddins 12,655 Rhowera eaidlng tenigtit, tontag 216 Woodland SI., "lomorrow night Dermott, Boltoii. Co-hostesses will Journal Article Member of the Audit cooler. Low aboot 49. Wedeeedejr PoUc« C3ilef Herman O Schcn- at 7:4,%. be Mrs. Thomas Sweeney and Mrs Bureau of Clreulation cloudy, ceolor. High areond 66. rtel will attend a meetlnp of the Roger Diimaine. Members are re­ Conneclimit Chiefs of Potire Asso­ G Averv West of Kast Hampton minded of the rummage sale, j Dr. Irwin Kove, officeii at 153 th« CORK Manchester— A City of Village Charm ciation at the t'ninn I>eag:oe CInh ^^ill speak on modern hells si the Main .Street, 1., the author of an mum MANCHISTiR COHH* In New Haven on Thursday. meeting of the Profe-sslonal Wom­ The Mary Williams Group of the article entitled "A Simplified VOL. LXXVII, NO. 4.3 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1957 (Claailfled Adverttalng on Paga 14) en's l.'iuh tomorrow night si S Second Congregational Church will ' Technique for Taking Poaitlve CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS PRICE n V E CENTS Students of the Barnard Junior j o'clock at Whiton Library. V'icc meet at the home of Mrs. William Tranaparenciea of Radiographs.” High guided their parents last I president of the ftovin Bros Mami- I^onard. 8,17 K. Middle Tpke., lo­ niursday night through an open fartiiring Co . West is active in morrow night at 8 o'clock. | which appears In the November i.,- house inspertion of the school fa­ ' rommiinlty affairs Members at- I siie of the Journal of the National cilities Robert Fenn, president of , tending the meeting should use the The Ladies Society of the Com­ A.ssoclation of Chiropodlats. SHOE REPAIR SHOP One of the problem., a lecturer Pentagon Denies the PTSO, making use of the munity Baptist Church will meet ■ Reds Bare ' r-.aiii entrance of the library, USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT school public address system, wel­ i Guests are welcome. tomorrow night at 8 o'clock at the ' at a technical meeting has is comed all the parents present and church. Mrs William Terrell will presenting his information to his encouraged them to become active .Sunset Council. No t.’i. Degree he the guest speaker. audience. Dr. Kove's article de- Special For Tuesday Only! Terms fori Dulles members of the PTSO, which now of Pocahontas, will meet at R 1 scribes a simple technique by Ike Ordered Curb U.S. Send has 460 members The next meet­ o'clock tonight in Tinker Hall Mr. «n<l Mrs F. R. Klork. 6,3 ' which x-ray can be made into MEN'S. LADIES'and ^ ^ ^ ing of the PTSO 'vi he held in the •\fter the business meeting a so- Mpnry Rt . unri Richard Auer. Glas- ! slides for projection. These slides CHILDREN'S SHOES school auditorium on Fch 4, rial time with refreshments will lonhury. have recently returned I are al.o frequently used to illus­ UN Talks he enjoved. from a hunting: safari in Africa. trate to patients their condition or what ma.v have to be done for On Satellites Talks Manchester k<odge, No. 7.1. AK They ppenl September hunting, in them. INVISIBLE By .5IAX HARRF.IJ40N and AM. will observe Pa.«( Masters' ; Miss Joan Swanson, da iphter of Africa, and then visited Italy for United Nations, N. Y., Nov. Night at the Ma.so'.lc Temple to­ ■\lr. and Mrs. Carl Swanson, 62 j " ff"' weeks before returning Dr. Kove, who received the de­ gree of doctor of podiatry from the Washington. Nov. 19 (^P)— '‘■auch official on Oct. 9 that: 19 (/P)—The Soviet Union de- morrow at 7 .10 Thi .Master Mason .‘Slimmer St., is s member of the : home, HALF SOLES • «'?d Atomic Wcapons to Europe Long I.slann University, College of "The President desires that Air ; dared todav it would not take degree will be even plifled by the freshman rlaSs at Connecticut Col- I The Pentagon's information pa-st masters, assisted by the Fel- Podiatry in 1954. opened hi., Man- Forre personnel refrain from mak- ___ , . , i, . v- i- lege. New London She is a gradu- ’ Tlie Holy Ghost Mothers Circle Zippers Replaced—Hats Cleaned chief distlaimed today any ing public/'comment on the satellite lowcraft team. At the conrlusion che.ster practice In June. ' P®' * tiler L.N. dl.slirma- ale of Manchester High Rrhool will meet tomorrow night at 8 knotvledge of whether Presi­ progran^of the United States and 1 meilt talks unless the Asscni- of the meeting there will he a so. o'clock at the home of Mrs John A native of Hartford, he attend­ .1 Minute Heel Service—.Ml l\'ork Guaranteed cial hour and refre.shnients. ed public school., in that city, the dent Elisenhhwet' had is.sued' other countrie..-----' hiy approved a Soviet bloc de- The F>iith (’owles Rtnckland Malone. 38 Quaker Rd. SHOES SHINED ! University of Bridgeport, arid the order.s forbidding public dis- Five days after Russia sent Its maiid to give Communist and ' r»roup of the Second Congrega­ first space satellite into the air, , ^ Chief of Police Herman Srhen- Univer.,ity of Connecticut. cu.ssion of .satellites by the tional Church will meet lomorrow Members of Temple Chapter. No. WORK DONE WHILE U WAIT this me.,sage was dispatched by Diefenbaker Denies del will he the guest speaker to­ evening at 6 o’clock at the home 53. ORS. are reminded of the ves- Armed Forces immediately Harold M. Helfman, deputy direr 7he United States opposed the night at the meeting of the Buck- of Mrs James Beckwith. 13 Hart- ' per service Runday at 4 p m. in the after Russia launched its tor of the Office of Information i Soviet demand. ley School PTA at 6 o clock in the Masonic Temple, for the benefit of Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister land R'i. Members are reminded to ' J first s p u tn ik . / Services at headquarters of the Air ■ ^ _ school auditorium. the Ma.'jonic Chri.'Jtmas F'und. Research and Development C om -| V. Kuznel.sov told the Gen- bring articles for the auction. A Houae aiibcommltlee Investi­ Warheads in Canada gating government information mand in Baltimore. It was sd- i A.s.semblv he woi.ld vote The Army and Navy Club Aux- ‘ Rl Bridget’s Mothers Circle will dressed to the Air Force Ballisllr * western-backed compro- practicea and policies asked /Mur­ mise plan to add 14 new members ' 1 ihary will hold a public setback ; meet tomorrow mghl at 8 o’clock Mirsilc Development at Inglewood. COSMETICS ray Snyder whether he ktfew of to the U.N. Disarmament Com­ Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 19 (/P)—Prime Minister John Diefen* partv at the clubhouse tonight at ' at the home of M-s, Paul lyefran- Calif. ◄ any instructiona or advice from mission and would refuse to par­ baker said toda.v that U.S. Secretary of State Dulles must R;30‘ r rois. 184 Hilliard St. A bake sale will be held. THAMiMS the White House, National Secur­ Eight days later. Helfman fol­ ticipate in the commission's work ^ AH ic lin«slines ^ have been mi.sinterpreted or misquoted in stating that he be* HicH fop ity Council or opert^ons coor­ lowed up with a protest that word if the plan is approved. Xi Gamma Chapter of Beta SIg- | of the previous message had leaked lieves nuclear warhead.s are .stockpiled in this country. Marion Atkinson of this town dinating board forbit^ng military Instead he insisted that the ma Phi vnll meet tomorrow eve­ personnel to commei>l on the satei- to an aviation magazine. He cau­ will exhibit a collection of enamel .Assembly should add 21 new roun- ning at 8; 15 at the home of Mrs. /\ ilte program of th; or any other e Arthur Drug Stores j jewelry at the craft show in the/ tioned against releases or state- commi.ssion bringing \\'88hington, Xov. 19 (/P)—Secretary of State Dullee said Albert Post, 59 Ferguson Rd. i countries. menst which ma.v prove embar- Art Framing Gallery. 992 Farnit ! its total size to 32 members, half today the United States is studying possible formation of "I have no )tiiowledge of any ' rassing at ail levels of command” ington Ave., West Hartford Cen­ western and half either Commu­ several stockpiles of atomic weapons in Europe. These would *uch instructiph." Snyder said. Snyder told the subcommittee nist or "<meomniitted.'’ ter. opening Nov 25. Tlie show, : Kurthermop^, the as.sistanl sec-. he hoped It didn't think he would complement a network of intermediate range missile bases. which leading Connecticut crafl.s- U.S. Delegate Henry Cabot relarv of d^ense for public infor approve such instniclions Lodge urged the Assembly to ap­ Dulles told a news conference he thought the IRBMs would men are exhibiting, will run mation n»w he had propo.aed cen­ Actually, he disapproved the dl- through Dec 7. prove the western plan - spon- not he available in opernational amounts until the end of 1952 HUDSON sure for an under-official of the , sored hy Japan.
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