UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 15 Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:49AM S-0864-0003-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0003-01-00001 Tltle Items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes III, IV, V Date Created 02/01/1964 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0003: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit H- ro VJJ 03 J£« A. Halite * * §*B« Ife. Sy0i2, &a;}ad M,i * ST. * * S«I. Mr. Aiexander SG luncheon - Friday, Ik February 1964, 1.1$ p.m., 58th floor H.E. Mr. Zulffcar All Bhutto H.E. Mr. Syed Amjad All H.E. Mr. Agha ShaM Dr. V. A. Hamdani The Secretary-General Dr. Ralph J. Bunche Sir Alexander MacFarquhar Mr. Ghulam Alsbas * «.B« HP. 8 fi .f '(^ "" !SA " ****^ SG luncheon - Tuesday,, 11 February 19&+, 1.15 p-m. 58th flour | H.E. Mr. Zulfikar All Bhutto 2. H.E. Mr. Syed Amjad Mi )Mfi Qr Ahmad—(SJL.^ i^ ^ H.E. Mr. Agha Shahi The Secretary-General Dr. Ralph J. Bunche - Sir Alexander MacFarquhar 4fe. Jos6 Sola S-G- y PJ CD cl- # SG luncheon - for Jfean Marin, President and Mreetor- of Ageaee Ifrance Eresse * Heetossday, 12 ifebraary - 1.15 P«m» Mr. Jean Marin Ht?. Oeorges &p. H» IPevares de ®a e Seyms Seda-Benaett lalph J« Bunche fi.l. Mr. Hoger Seydoujc Aaib . f uevas /^SsSsfcs c /?/t'<= /AJQ SG 8 February re your luncheon for Jean Marin, Wed., 12 Feb. Dr. Tavares de Sa called and requested the follow- ing additions to the guest list :- 1) .Amb. Seydoux 2) Mb. Cuevas Cousis - of Mexico 3) Jean d'Arcy k) Paul G. Hoffman He has mentioned these to Mr. lolz-Bennett. p. UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES NEW YORK -JS NEWYDRK- AD REB B E TEUEG RAPH I Q U E CONFIDENTIAL 7 February 1964 Mr. Secretary-General, Jean Marin, President and Director-General of Agence France Rresse, will be in New York early next week on his way to the Latin American Editors' Roundtable to which I invited him. Gibson Parker, in the cable I am attaching, suggests that I offer him a luncheon. However, in view of Marin' s status in the information field not only in France but also throughout the world and his growing interest in your visit to Paris, I recommend that instead you yourself, Sir, consider inviting him to a small luncheon. In case you agree, the best date would be Wednesday the 12th, since I have ascertained that on " Tuesday Marin will be in Washington. have discussed this with Rolz-Bennett tf-Testerday before your arrival. Respectfully, H. Tavares de Sa ZY271 i PARIS 61-$«3.64 OMNIPRESS NEW YORK ' • . UNPAR 33 TAVARES FROM GIBSONPARKER CONFIDENTIAL NO DISTRIBUTION, JEAN MARIN NOW PLAKS STOP W NEWYORK MONDAY AND TUESDAY NEXT WEEK ENRQUTE MEXICO* FURTHER OUR CONVERSATION HIS KINDNESS NCERNINC SECGENS FORTHCOMING PARIS VISIT MAY EYE RESPECTFULLY SUGGEST YOU MIGHT CARE OFFER HIM LUNCHEON 11 OR 12 FEBRUARY WITH POSSIBLY OTHER SENIOR FRENCH SECRETARIAT MEMBERS, GEORGES ;'_.. .35 WOLF HAS HIS SCHEDULE * :T PABfMNIPRESS ;oj "ff CQL 33 11 |2 tn t **s UNITED NATIONS Press Services Office of Public Information Uni-l3d nations, N.Y. (FOR USE OF INFORMATION MEDIA — WOT AH OFFICIAL RECORD) Note No. 2897 11 .February 1964 NOTE TO CORRESPONDENTS The following statement was made by a United Nations spokesman today: The Secretary-General, U Thant, conferred this afternoon with R.A. Butler, United Kingdom Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. They exchanged views on a number of questions, including Cyprus, Yemen and Malaysia, and on other matters of interest to the United Nations and the Government of the United Kingdom, Mr. Butler was accompanied by Sir Harold Caccia, Sir Patrick Dean, R.W. Jackliug, A.K. Campbell and J.N. Henderson. 'X X"X' fttr fars^li fllr &£** » Pa?'* ft* .$ * H H.I. Mr- $U C. Cfasgla * * S.I. Mr. B. I. Chekravarty . K&ren&m Singh * * JJp. Balph J. Bunehe I. * H.S. Mr. C. S. «Jha Mr. Jos€ Sola-Bennett *** SG luncheon - Monday, 10 February 1.15 p.m., 38th floor Mr. Mahomedali Currun Chagla H.E. Mr. B. U. Chakravarty H.E. Mr. C. S. Jha Mr. Harendra Singh* The Secretary-General Dr. Ralph J. Bunche Major-General I. Rikhye Mr. Jose Rolz-Bennett . Mr. Singh is Counsellor and Deputy PR. He was the one who accompanied the Minister when the Minister called on you last Friday. P- • / MPHRC( A POSN 3 UNATION 222422 RC24 RGN561 PALAIS ROYAL 5 ATHENES 25 8 1400' GRKETAT ETAT WE THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS MR U THANT NEWYOfiK HEARTFELT THANKS FOR YOUR KIND HOSPITALITY .AKB WARM RECEPTION FREDERICA R COLL HE UJNCHEOK IN HONOUR OF H.M. THE QUEEN OF THE HELIENES SATUBDAT, 25 JANUARY fi , frt n a w M. ASIROGHJ .'f Captain MQRAUS Mr. SUSLOV * * H.E* Mr* STEVENSOH H.E. Sir Patrick DEAN H.R.H. Priacesa IEEKE HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN THE SEGRETABY-GEKERAL H«S. Dr* FEDOREMG Madame KAEDlJOU Madame BITSIOS fk. Mr, STAVROPOULOS Mr. DE i Mr. ROLZ-BEWKETT 1 1 C3 Protocol cirsd. L:L;?.5.son 22 January PROGRAMME FOR THE VISIT OF H.M. TH3 QUiiSM 0? Ti.:: KiiLJ.SKei TO HEADQUARTERS OK SATURDAY, 25 JAUUAE: 196-V 1,15 P»J3, H.M,. the Queen of the Hellenss -r<a tUs ^-::~':2-;'^ 01 Hor afi'icinl - — • party will arrive in Her motorcade ;rb thr sscrot:-.x-:Lat ontro.nce , ———"—--*' Her Majesty will be greeted out- side fcha b^ildisi^ by "r, Piss-re cie MeuleiBsesterj Chief of Protocol. arc? officially vsosivod inside the Secretariat lobby by the Sscrotary-Gsiiaral. by Mr, Oonstantisi A. 3t..':vropcv.",02 , l^£;-.l Cciuical, The Secretary-General will escort H.I-1, tho ,Vr.ei3a c;ad fclie members of Her suite by special elevator to the 38th floor. 1.20 p.m* The Seeretary-Gtenesv'1 mil escort the Royal party into his Conference Room, on the 38th floor } where the guests incited to the luncheon "will have assembled previously* The Chief of Protocol vdll introduce the guests to II .M. the Qusene 1<,30 p.m= Lviitshson ^•all be served. 2«30 p«m« H.Mc. the Queen -will take leave in the dining room of tlis guests invited to the luncheon. Preceded by the Chief of Protocol., H.M, the Quesn, acco.'npanied by the Secretary -General , nnd the members of Har suite >;ill ,^o by spscisl elevator to ihs Seer-st-^raat lobb;.". The Rcyal p3r'':»y •will procoed along the VJest sicls of the Socrstar5.at lobby to the South exit of the lobby n.nd into the Dag- IHanr.rskjold Library. 2<>3$ p°ni» fe. Joseph Groesbsekj Acting Director, and Mr. Jcsr-gen K* nielson, Chief of the Preparations Division of the Idbrfizy., ^yi3J bo rTbro duced to HoS'lo the Queen and ifill conduct the ftoj-al pfirty on a brief toyr of the Dag Hnnanarskjolci Library. Tlio pr.rty vd.ll proceed to the Ifeaa Reading Rooia and rQtum to the library lobby. From there the party vdll go by special elevator to the second floor into the Map Collection and the Uccdrcw Wilson rooras* 2,40 p«tsi9 Arrangements *rfill bs made to enable photographers to take photographs of H«M0 the Queen and ths Secrefc^ry-Gsner;-! in tiis VFoodrow VJilson Room. After the photographs hsvs bsen taken the party -v;<ill go by ele^jatcr down to the coneo-urse a;id into the Periodical Rooai, Her Majesty will bs sho^ai the The tour vd.D. esd bj s visit to the> A 2e55 p,ra. The Secratajy<=General xdJl escort Her Majesty and the msaibers of ^^^^SSS™ Her party by the front stair^y up to the ground floor assi out to Her car outside the Library entrance. 3oOO p.Ke H.M0 the Qaeen •will leaire Headquarter s0 L.L. L . UNITED NATIONS W^ NATIONS UNIES INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM ?C .January 1964 TO: The Secretary-General Date:. FILE NO THROUGH. Mr, C.V, Narasirahan Chef de Cabinet FROM: Pierre de Meulemeester Chief of Protocol SUBJECT: Visit of Her Majesty the Queen of the Hellenes on. Saturdgfr, 25 January 1964 " 1. Quest, list for the luncheon As the Permanent Representatives of France ir'i Yu~ sir via have declined, may I heve them replaced by the Queen's "-v^ VWC, Cpptain George C. Moralis, and H.E, Mr. Alexander A. Matsaa, tLo iresk Ambassador in Washington? I am. .still awaiting the reply of Mr, Stevenson, r'houW he decline and should you accept that I invite the .iree ,'enba r^sador to the United States, may I invite his wife to make up v?tii list of At present t'he list stands as follows: The. Secretary-General t H.H. the Queen H.R.H. Princess Irene Madame Karolou The Permanent Representative of Greece and Medame Bitsios The Permanent' Representative of the V33R The Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom The Permanent Representative of Bulgaria The Permanent Representative cf Turkey - The Permanent Representative of the United States (awaiting answer) Dr. Bunche Mr, de Seynes Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. Suslov Mr. de Meulemeester ' . • I would like to be allowed to include H.E. Mr. Alexander Matsaa and Captain George Moralis. - 2 - 2. Progranroe for the visit The guests to the luncheon have been invited fcr 1:05 p.m. up on the 38th floor. H.M. the Queen should be arriving Detween 1:10 and 1:15 p.m.
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