11111111111111111111111111111 Rccu CLT CiH ITH 0064700025 I ' I 3 MARS 2015 I 8 t~ .030.2 .. Notification of the State Council on the First Batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage File l\o.: State Council [2006] 18 May 20,2006 The State Council hereby releases the first batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (518 in total) identified by the Ministry of Culture. China is an ancient country with a long civilization and abundant and colorful cultural heritages. The intangible cultural heritage is an important part of the cultural heritage, a witness to the history of China and a vital carrier of Chinese culture. It embodies the spiritual values, way of thinking, imagination and cultural ideology exclusive to the Chinese nation and reflects the vitality and creativity of the Chinese people. The safeguarding and good management of the intangible cultural heritage are of profound significance for carrying forward cultural traditions, maintaining national solidarity, boosting national confidence and cohesion, and for stimulating the construction of a spiritual civilization. All the regions and departments shall, in accordance with the spirits and requirements of the Notification of the State Council on the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage Safeguarding (File No.: State Council [2005] 42), carefully implement the working policy of"safeguarding orientation, prioritized rescue, reasonable utilization, transmission and development" and adopt a sensible approach in the safeguarding, management and reasonable utilization of the intangible cultural heritage. The State Council (sealed) The First Batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (518 in Total) Serial I Categor~· Element title 1'; ominating Entities No. 1\"o. ! I 1 The Twenty-four Solar Terms in 516 IX-68 China Agricultural Museum Chinese Agricultural Calendar 3 '· 0"00-3379~: ·: ;,.. •'i . ·. ... ·:: : ·... -~ ·, .. ..,. ~ . f E.. "' ~- ~·i· C2o06J 18 ~ .. .. \ " ., "• .l•• ~ r-! •. ~~··· ·\· ·. ,. ' > ·~ ;: :· " J. 4 ~~ ~=-. .· . ..; .. ,; ·,· ':'· ,. .r· . ~ ··r ; . ' \ . 2 5 . ..... -·' ·----·--- ... ·- .. ······· ···-----------:----- -----. .:ts :' :f- : :; : (~ it 518 :s:Jf) . L -/f.-%· ,_ /~; . JA~~* ll~ti~l¥-1[ 1 I -1 1li li!tl ::t Jli 4H~ iL I , Jt Jf I 2 . I -2 . · 1P1f.Ft .. t w{l:JK~ ~ g fff A1.!­ I I . ·. :. ~;j. !/i·~~ -l ' . I 3 I -3 , . -_:1!:~ - ~~t ~~ . 4 I ~4 : · .· :~ia.- ~!#i : :· . .iilt ~,~ijf .. : j 5· I -5 . .· .· .=j~J -~t . .~ .ffl4ilit-l . : . ~ ... , 6 I -6 :· ·.a ~M~ :it-vi. : . ... ·ir. ~-i'ft·'- iL iP ; ; l . .. ~fit.-1i· -~ Jii ;p . .· . .1 • .. : -: . • : - ~ · 4:. :• ~ . 7 I-7 .. *ir:-1;.;$ it ijf ,·.,tt.ffl ;p \ 1lrjr \ .. i •: ~ - ili *t*!frif · I • I i .< ;' ,~-.-mtJkml :·· · .l 8 -· . -L 8 ... 3 - I (- _ . : ) 6 . _:. :,:.~~~ ·.. ~-,--·------------- ·-··---··- ,---- ··--··- ·----··. ---·· __ ....__ ....-: ·· - - ·- · -- ·- ·-· -·· - ·-·· .. -- -·-· ·-·--- --·-. __:so 507 IX .. "' 508 iPI ~~ t :1( mw 509 lX -61 . .• ~l~!t>J 1e- . t w·;Jtl ~ ~ IK M~-w 510 IX -62 · · l*·?J-m. t?·!!J I*~% 511 IX-63 · . ·:~ ·fflJJr[]j<. ~j:J:kJ~ .ir-M: · !fr~ ffl 1]f , : 512 IX-64 , ..'$·~*l1lii. ·. I. ~:~·I!!:£--! :. ·.- ~ .±- 11!. .I . ..l­ 513 . II ~65 tll1$ :A''M-~:Jf~ w tp . ... ·. :· . (.~t'*all#) 5H __. Jl..,...6p, __ .· ~~~~ 515· .. · II~67 -.~~~.~ -~ :, -- ·· t W-~l ~ ~ ~ WJ ft:J, ji Jltilf ..., o/l!l:*iiti~... ' :," 516 u-68 ~--. • , *·m• ;r .. :- l ....t 1!91l " sv .~::---?9 . :-' x·iPJ f ~~:~·~7it!' I • ~ .·Ji.fflt·tt Vitli·it~H~'t.~ ~Ja 518 . 1X -70 . :.... :*':>J ~ . ' . ... .~ _j •. .... ~· :·· -~ l. '· .\ -·. ; . .. .1 . , .... .'V \ I - 42- 7 •.... ~ t . - : #'~: ~ ~ Jcf-$ f1 ,4it~u J¥-ju -rP A ~~Jf.f, 1f =*:$ *11-~ ff .. 4~, ·-$ .. .4-~:Jf# .. 4- 7c!¥ g" 4-00A-*-~ *~ IJ.~Jf~4- 00 ~ W-11-~Jf '~*~' f.!j tfr l7t 0 4- ~ 3:. .t* lf *0 ,;! ·· · .- . 2006 .1¥- 5 1~ 25 Fl ~ tt 14 Notification of the State Council on the Third Batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage File No.: State Council [2011] 14 May 23,2011 The State Council hereby releases the third batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (191 in total) and the Extended Elements of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (164 in total) identified by the Ministry of Culture. All the regions and departments shall, in accordance with the requirements of the Notification of the State Council on the Enhancement of Cultural Heritage Safeguarding (File No.: State Council [2005] 42) and the Advice of the General Office of the State Council on the Enhancement of Intangible Cultural Heritage Safeguarding in China (File No.: State Council General Office[2005] 18), carefully implement the working policy of "safeguarding orientation, prioritized rescue, reasonable utilization, transmission and development", adhere to the concept of scientific safeguarding, enhance the safeguarding and management of the elements included in the List, strive to promote intangible cultural heritage safeguarding to a new height, and contribute to establishing a comprehensive intangible cultural heritage safeguarding mechanism with Chinese characteristics, promoting the prosperity of cultural development, building up a shared spiritual homeland of the Chinese nation and matching up the increasing spiritual and cultural demands of people. The State Council (sealed) The Third Batch of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (191 in Total) Extended Elements of the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (164 in Total) Serial Category Element title l'lominating Entities 1\'o. No. The Twenty-four Solar Tenns in Chinese Agricultural Calendar Kecheng District, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province; (Ritual for Beginning of Spring in 516 X-68 Suichang County, Zhejiang Province; Jiuhua, Ceremony to Initiate Spring PI owing and Spring Shiqian County, Guizhou Province. Storytelling in Shiqian) 9 000364 4 00 it (2011J 14 % oo*~~~~01ti~=:m III *~&~~~mi=t1tii~~~8{Jidi~ 4~, ~*~,~~*A~~~' 00~~~~~,~·· tJL ¥.1 : oo ~ r7t tt~ /ff x 1t if~ 1iftJ Jt flg ~ ~ trL oo *J;ffi- ~f: #J JJt x 1t it F ~ *- (#it 191 :rj ) 5fP 00 *- ~ffi._ ~f 4m $ jc 1t 1l F ~ *- tt !& Jji §I ;& jfz (#it 164 ~) ' ~ -f /~ ~ 0 ~ ±~ rR , ~ if~ fl ¥- *P.~ << 00 ~ 17t *-t fJD 5! x 1t :It F 1:% t? a~:@. ~fl )) coo~ c2oosJ 42 -%) ft1 «oo ~ r7t w, 0 rr # -t fJD 5£ ~ oo ~f: tm lffk x 1t 1t r 1% t? _r 1t av :t x )) < oo w, :K -1- 10 C200 5J 18 %) :J$, R :t$1W %~ "1:%t? 7sr i_ , ttsftk tt - ,~~~ m, ~ ~ ~~ "~r ~~#, ~## t~ ~¥ 11 ~, tL ~ 1t~ %- ~F #I JYt x 1t 1! F f6 3JZ:rfti § e~ 1*- 1? , ~ 71({1:1 If lj I 1t ' ~ fJ ti iJJ ~F #I JYt X 1t 1! F 1:% 1? 11 _l ~ Fl~ if ~ ' 71 :#1 ~ 3t 1} s~ , :tr t:f 1!1 4=f ~ f1~ ~ F #I JYt x 1t :It r 1% 1? ~~ It , ~#Jx~*~~*•~, ~~t:f$~~#:tr•#*~ ' ~ ~ A~#A B ~~*~~#~~-~'~ili~·~~Mo - 2- 11 ( ~it 191 1Jl ) !ili l§l ~% I]i§~~ $11Ht!! 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