January 22, 1.970 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 737 {From the Arizona Republic, Jan. 18, 1970] Strong, calm in adversity, collected in the An article points up that, in today's sports face of shock. world, slanted accounts of games are not only SIGNOFP FOR "THE VACHER" allowed, but encouraged. This is irrefutably (By Dave Hicks) The "Vacher" would have appreciated that, so there is little need to add that the strong, true. "Sports today with .• .'' calm, collected came apart afterward, be­ What this is, is extremely and unforgive­ My God-with who? cause a man prefers to do his crying in ablybush. A telephone call at 3 a.m. jackhammers an private. Let this be said: Vache did not concur with icy wedge of disbelief into the overnight. Let me tell you how Bob Vache regarded this juvenile approach, simply because he was As effectively a.s a 45-year-old Tolleson himself professionally. a conscientious newsman who told it like native met a career rife with radio and tele­ it was. vision deadlines, unreality seizes the night "I'm not the most knowledgeable," he would say, "so L have to do it with prepara­ To him, or their, inescapably discredit, as if its absolute "air time" is 3 a.m. tion." someone or some few asked Vache to become The "Vacher" is gone. tnis sort of shill during his broadcasts for No, damnit, he's not, but yes, dammit, Whatever his adopted attack, the "Vacher" came to be, rightfully so, the acknowledged the Phoenix Sun. he is, and the tragedy is related until a re­ Do you know what he said: NO. luctant final accord with fact. best sportscaster in Arizona. And in the muddled hours that follow, an This did not materialize from his routine That simple, endearing gesture cannot be ethereal tape recorder, always slightly out daily broadcasts via radio and TV. Because adequately appreciated in this era when, as of reach, unwinds a decade of sharing hotel Vache always was engaged in a struggle to get TV Guide indicates, the club broadcaster is rooms, cab rides, sports tales, airplane small­ more air time, and if you knew him, this was a shill. talk, a deepness shared with few (if, indeed, never a selfish play to get more Vache before The "Vacher" never would have succutnbed any others), a mutual professional admira­ the public-just more sports. to that. tion a stronger personal esteetn. One timely and towering tribute to Vache He wa.s a self-admitted "14th man on a Bob Vache, of course, would condemn the (there was forever the problem of ma-king 14-man Tolleson basketball squad" way back maudlin. that come out, in print and TV-radio on when few people were granted the privilege Knowing that, one would congratulate the road a.s Vash-a, rather than Va.sh), crops of getting close to this someone special. himself, in retrospect, that during a 3 a.m. up, ironically, in TV Guide for the week Jan. "Sports today with ..." telephone call he sounded merely aghast. 17-23. My God-with who? HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Thursday, January 22, 1970 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ending June 30, 1970, and for other Miller, announced the Vice President and The Chaplain, Rev. Edward G. Latch, purposes." Members of the U.S. Senate who entered D.D., offered the following prayer: The message further announced that the Hall of the House of Representatives the Senate agrees to the amendments of the Vice President taking the chair at Thou shalt remember all the way the the House of Representatives to Senate the right of the Speaker, and the Mem­ Lord thy God led thee.-Deuteronomy amendments numbered 4, 50, 51, and 56 bers of the Senate the seats reserved for 8: 2. to the above-entitled bill. them. Eternal God, who didst lead our fathers The message also announced that the The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints as to these shores that they may bring forth Senate agrees to the amendment of the members of the committee on the part of a just and a free nation, give Thy grace House of Representatives to Senate the House to escort the President of the to us their children that we may be ever amendment numbered 83 to the bill <H.R. United States into the Chamber the gen­ mindful of Thy presence and ever eager 13111) entitled "An act making appro­ tleman from Oklahoma, Mr. ALBERT; the to do Thy will, without whom people priations for the Departments of Labor, gentleman from Louisiana, Mr. BoGGs; cannot prosper, races cannot reason and Health, Education, and Welfare, and the gentleman from New York, Mr. CEL­ reasonably, and nations cannot live to­ related agencies, for the fiscal year end­ LER; the gentleman from Michigan, Mr. gether in peace. ing June 30, 1970, and for other pur­ GERALD R. FoRD; and the gentleman Grant that by the aid of Thy spirit poses," with an amendment as follows: from Tilinois, Mr. ARENDS. true democracy may come to new life in In lieu of the language proposed to be in­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Pursuant to our land, that government and indus­ serted by the second part of the House order of the Senate, the following Sen­ try and labor shall faithfully serve our amendment insert: ": Provided further, ators are appointed to escort the Presi­ people, and that our people in a real That those provisions of the Economic Op­ dent of the United States into the House spirit of unity shall love our country with portunity Amendments of 1967 and 1969 that Chamber: Senator RICHARD B. RUSSELL, undying devotion. set mandatory funding levels, including man­ datory funding levels for -the newly author­ of Georgia; Senator MIKE MANSFIELD, of Bless our President as he speaks to us Montana; Senator EDWARD M. KENNEDY, and to our Nation this day. Make him ized programs for alcoholic counseling and recovery and for drug rehabilitation, shall be of Massachusetts; Senator ROBERT C. wise with Thy wisdom, strong in Thy effective during the fiscal year ending June BYRD, of West Virginia; Senator HUGH strength, good through Thy goodness 30, 1970: Provided further, That of the sums ScoTT, of Pennsylvania; Senator RoBERT and may he lead us in the paths of appropriated not less than $22,000,000 shall P. GRIFFIN, of Michigan; Senator Mn.TON peace. be used for the family pla.nnin~ program." R. YoUNG, of North Dakota; and Senator Bless our Nation abundantly and make GORDON ALLOTT, of Colorado. her a blessing to all the peoples of the RECESS The Doorkeeper announced the am­ world. bassadors, ministers, and charges d'af­ In the spirit of the Pioneer of Life The SPEAKER. The Chair declares the faires of foreign governments. we pray. Amen. House in recess subject to the call of the The ambassadors, ministers, and Chair. charges d'affaires of foreign govern­ Accordingly Cat 12 o'clock and 2 min­ THE JOURNAL ments entered the Hall of the House of utes p.m.) , the House stood in recess sub­ Representatives and took the seats re­ The Journal of the proceedings of ject to the call of the Chair. served for them. yesterday was read and approved. AFTER RECESS The Doorkeeper announced the Chief The recess having expired, the House Justice of the United States and the As­ was called to order by the Speaker at 12 sociate Justices of the Supreme Court. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE o'clock and 19 minutes p.m. The Chief Justice of the United States A message from the Senate by Mr. and the Associate Justices of the Su­ Arrington, one of its clerks, announced preme Court entered the Hall of the that the Senate agrees to the confer­ JOINT SESSION OF THE HOUSE AND House of Representatives and took the ence report on the disagreeing votes of SENATE HELD PURSUANT TO THE seats reserved for them in front of the the two Houses on the amendments PROVISIONS OF HOUSE CONCUR­ Speaker's rostrum. of the Senate to the blll <H.R. 13111) RENT RESOLUTION 477 TO HEAR The Doorkeeper announced the Cab­ entitled "An act making appropria­ AN ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT inet of the President of the United tions for the Departments of Labor, OF THE UNITED S1'ATES States. and Health. Education, and Welfare, The SPEAKER of the House presided. The members of the Cabinet of the and related agencies, for the fiscal year The Doorkeeper. Hon. William M. President of the United States entered CXVI--47-Pa.rt 1 738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE January 22, 1970 the Hall of the House of Representatives generation that suffered in war, but more once again strong and healthy, based on and took the seats reserved for them in for the fact that we had the courage mutual consultation and mutual re­ front of the Speaker's rostrum. and character to win the kind of a just sponsibility. At 12 o'clock and 32 minutes p.m., peace that the next generation was able We have initiated a new approach to the Doorkeeper announced the President to keep. Latin America, in which we deal with of the United States. We are making progress toward that those nations as partners rather than The President of the United States, es­ goal. patrons. corted by the committee of Senators and The prospects for peace are far greater The new partnership concept has been Representatives, entered the Hall of the today than they were a year ago. welcomed in Asia. We have developed House of Representatives, and stood at A major part of the credit for this an historic new basis for Japanese­ the Clerk's desk.
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