REVIEW OF ARMENIAN STUDIES A Biannual Journal of History, Politics, and International Relations Issue Facts and Comments 38 Alev KILIÇ 2018 Formation of Armenia on the Political Map of the Caucasus and Karabakh Issue (1918-1921) Jamil HASANLI Contributions of the Turkish Eastern Army Under General Kazım Karabekir’s Command to Turkish National Resistance and Peace-Making with the Caucasian Republics at World War-I and the Following Turkish War of Liberation Ali Bilge CANKOREL The 1915 Events in the Light of the Russian Archives and International Court Decisions Mehmet PERİNÇEK Evolving Armenian Image in Russian Literature Gülsün YILMAZ GÖKKİS BOOK REVIEW REVIEW OF ARMENIAN STUDIES A Biannual Journal of History, Politics, and International Relations 2018, Issue 38 EDITOR Alev KILIÇ MANAGING EDITOR Mehmet Oğuzhan TULUN EDITORIAL BOARD In Alphabetical Order Prof. Dr. Seçil KARAL AKGÜN Prof. Dr. Refik TURAN (METU, Ret. Faculty Member) (President of Turkish Historical Society) Prof. Dr. Sadi ÇAYCI Prof. Dr. Hikmet ÖZDEMİR (Başkent University) (Political Scientist) Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇİÇEK Dr. Bilal N. ŞİMŞİR (21. YY. Türkiye Enstitüsü) (Ret. Ambassador, Historian) Dr. Şükrü ELEKDAĞ (Ret. Ambassador) ADVISORY BOARD In Alphabetical Order Yiğit ALPOGAN Prof. Dr. Yusuf HALAÇOĞLU (Ret. Ambassador) (Fmr. President of Turkish Historical Society) Ertuğrul APAKAN Prof. Dr. Justin MCCARTHY (Ret. Ambassador) (University of Louisville) Prof. Dr. Hüseyin BAĞCI Dr. Jeremy SALT (Middle East Technical University - METU) (Bilkent University, Ret. Faculty Member) Assist. Prof. Dr. Brendon J. CANNON Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARAY (Khalifa University) (Historian) Ahmet Altay CENGİZER Prof. Dr. Norman STONE (Ambassador) (Bilkent University) Dr. Edward ERICKSON Prof. Dr. Ömer TURAN (Historian) (Middle East Technical University) Uluç GÜRKAN Prof. Dr. Hakan YAVUZ (Journalist) (Utah University) PUBLISHER Hazel ÇAĞAN ELBİR Review of Armenian Studies is published biannually Review of Armenian Studies is a refereed journal. Review of Armenian Studies is indexed in the EBSCO and TUBITAK-ULAKBIM databases. Articles submitted for publication are subject to peer review. The editorial board takes into consideration whether the submitted article follows the rules of scientific writing. The articles are sent to two referees known for their academic reputation in their respective areas. Upon their decision, the article will be published in the journal, or rejected. The reports of the referees are kept confidential and stored in the journalʼs archives for five years. AVRASYA BİR VAKFI (1993) Publication Office Terazi Yayıncılık Bas. Dağ. Dan. Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti. Abidin Daver Sok. No. 12/B Daire 4 06550 Çankaya/ANKARA Tel: 0 (312) 438 50 23-24 • Faks: 0 (312) 438 50 26 www.avim.org.tr ISSN: 1303-5304 Subscription Office Hülya ÖNALP Terazi Yayıncılık Eğt. Org. Mat. Kırt. Ltd. Şti. Süleyman Nazif Sok. No.12/B Daire 4 06550 Çankaya/ANKARA Tel: 0 (312) 438 50 23-24 Fax: 0 (312) 438 50 26 E-mail: [email protected] Design Ruhi ALAGÖZ Printing Neyir Matbaacılık Matbaacılar Sitesi 35. Cad. 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CONTENTS (İÇİNDEKİLER) Page Contributors...............................................................................................................................................5 (Yazarlar) Editorial Note.............................................................................................................................................7 (Editörün Notu) ARTICLES ...................................................................................................................................................9 (MAKALELER) Facts and Comments .......................................................................................................................9 (Olaylar ve Yorumlar) Editorial / Başyazı Alev KILIÇ Formation of Armenia on the Political Map of the Caucasus and Karabakh Issue (1918-1921) .......................................................................37 (Ermenistanʼın Kafkasyaʼnın Siyasi Haritasında Oluşumu ve Karabağ Meselesi (1918-1921)) Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi Prof. Dr. Jamil HASANLI Contributions of the Turkish Eastern Army Under General Kazım Karabekirʼs Command to Turkish National Resistance and CONTENTS Peace-Making with the Caucasian Republics at World War-I and the Following Turkish War of Liberation........................................................................65 (Birinci Dünya ve Kurtuluş Savaşlarında Kazım Karabekir Komutasındaki Türk Ordusunun Millî Mücadeleye ve Kafkas Cumhuriyetleriyle Barışın Tesisine Katkıları) Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi Ali Bilge CANKOREL The 1915 Events in the Light of the Russian Archives and International Court Decisions ..........................................................................................117 (Rus Arşivleri Işığında 1915 Olayları ve Uluslararası Mahkeme Kararları) Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi Dr. Mehmet PERİNÇEK Evolving Armenian Image in Russian Literature ..............................................................149 (Rus Edebiyatında Evrilen Ermeni İmgesi) Research Article / Araştırma Makalesi Res. Asst. Gülsün YILMAZ GÖKKİS Review of Armenian Studies 3 Issue 38, 2018 BOOK REVIEW ....................................................................................................................................179 (KİTAP İNCELEMESİ) Some Notes on Hans-Lukas Kieser’s Biography on Talaat Pasha and Dr. Yücel Güçlü’s Criticisms on the Book .....................................179 (Hans-Lukas Kieser’in Talat Paşa Biyografisi Üzerine Bazı Notlar ve Dr. Yücel Güçlü’nün Bu Kitaba Yönelik Eleştirileri) Dr. Pulat TACAR 4 Review of Armenian Studies Issue 38, 2018 Contributors ALEV KILIÇ graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University in 1968. The next year, he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the Ministry) of Turkey. Kılıç served as Ambassador to F.R. of Yugoslavia between 1996 and 1998 and Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg between 1998 and 2001. In 2001-2004, he served as the Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry for Economic Af- fairs. He served as Ambassador to Switzerland (2004-2009) and Ambassa- dor to Mexican United States (2009-2011). He retired from the Ministry in 2011. Ambassador (R) Kılıç has been the Director of Center for Eurasian Studies (AVİM) since 2013. PROF. DR. JAMIL HASANLI graduated from the Department of History of Baku State University in 1975. He completed his doctoral studies in 1984. He worked as a visiting professor at Baku State University between 1993-2011, and at the East China Normal University (Shanghai/China) between 2016-2017. He served as the advisor to the President of Azerbaijan in 1993 and as a deputy in the National Assembly of Azerbaijan between 2000-2010. In 2011, Prof. Hasanli conducted research on history and public policy at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Washington DC, USA). Prof. Hasanli is also an Honorary Member of the Turkish Historical Society. He has 30 published books in Azerbaijan, Russia, the US, and Turkey. Some of his published books are as follows: At the Dawn of the Cold War: The Soviet -American Crisis over Iranian Azerbaijan, 1941-1946 (2006); Stalin and the Turkish Crisis of the Cold War, 1945-1953 (2011); Tarafsızlıktan Soğuk Savaş’a Doğru Türk- Sovyet İlişkileri (1939-1953) (2011); Stalin ve Doğu Türkistan’da Müsulman Herekatı (1931-1949); and The Sovietization of Azerbaijan: The South Caucasus in the Triangle of Russia, Turkey, and Iran, 1920-1922 (2017). ALİ BİLGE CANKOREL entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey in 1971. Throughout his career, he worked in many of the departments of the Ministry such as the departments of Cyprus, Maritime Law, Multilateral Economic Relations, Protocol and also served as the Special Counsellor to the Minister. Additionally, he served in other critical positions such as the Director of the European Union Department at The State Planning Organization and Special Representative for the Minister, the Prime Minister, and the President. He served in Turkey’s embassies at Ottawa and Beijing and served as the First Secretary, Counsellor, Minister Counsellor at Turkey’s Permanent Mission to the UN Office at Geneva. At the later stages of his career at the Ministry, he served as Turkey’s ambassador to Afghanistan and Ukraine and also served in capacity of an ambassador at the Baku Representation of OSCE. Upon concluding his career at the Ministry, Cankorel served as a Visiting Lecturer at Ankara University, Middle East Technical University, and Boğaziçi University. He is also the author of the books titled
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