REPTILIA: SQUAMATA: BOIDAE catalogue> American Amphibians and Reptiles. Dirksen, L. and R.W. Henderson. 2002. Eunectes deschauen- seei. Eunectes deschauenseei Dunn and Conant de Schauensee's Anaconda Eunectes deschauenseei Dunn and Conant, 1936: 505. Type locality, "very probably collected on the island of Marajo," Par& Brasil. Holotype, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (ANSP) 20891, female, snout-vent length 2200 mm, collected 6 October 1924 by R.M.de Schauensee (examined by LD). CONTENT. No subspecies are recognized. DEFINITION AND DIAGNOSIS. Eunectes deschauenseei is a medium-sized, semi-aquatic boid with maximum total length of 1920 mm in males and 3001 mrn in females. Dorsal scale I' I I I I I MAP. Distribution of Eunecres deschauenseei: the circle is in the ap- proximate center of Ilha de Maraj6. the probable type locality. Other known localities are marked with dots. FIGURE 2. Head markings of E~inecresdeschauensrei (from Miiller 1970, used with permission). FLUVI\L I. ~jurtcct~-lUC.)LIIUUCIIJCC~ lrutll LIIG alctl "1 aa~ltaLIUL uo FIGURE 3:~olot~~eof Eunecfes deschauenseei (ANSP 20891)- Arari, llha de Maraj6 (photograph by L. Dirksen). tograph by L. Dirksen). rows at midbody are 43-54 (E = 47.3). Ventrals are 214-236 (? 1959; Stimson 1969; Miiller 1970; Peters and Orejas-Miranda = 224.3) and subcaudals number 49-62 (? = 56.4). Some 1970; Matz 1981; Hoogmoed 1982; Petzold 1982; Trumau 1982; subcaudals are divided, but usually 45%. Supralabials are 12- Chippaux 1986; Waller 1988; Waller and Micucci 1993; 16 (usually 13-15) and infralabials are 16-20 (usually 17-19). Henderson et al. 1995; Yuki and Santos 1996; Starace 1998; The rostra1 is about twice as wide as high. Three nasals surround Dirksen and Bijhme 1998a. 1998b; McDiarmid et al. 1999; Rivas the nostrils, with the interiormost in contact. Two regular 1999; Dirksen 1999a. 2000; Colares 2000; Henderson 2002), prenasals are twice as high as wide. The single loreal is the taxonomy, systematics, andlor phylogenetics (Amaral 1944, largest head scale. Oculars number 5-8 (1 supraocular, 1 1948; Kluge 1991; Waller and Micucci 1993; Dirksen and preocular, 1-3 suboculars, and 2-4 postoculars). The other large Bohrne 1998b; Dirksen 1999a; McDiarmid et al. 1999), food dorsal head scales are irregular in size and number and may be and diet (Petzold 1982, 1995; Starace 1998; Dirksen 1999a), fused. Five to six scales of approximately equal size surround behavior (Petzold 1982, 1995; Schmidt 1985; Starace 1998; the frontal. The anal plate (= cloaca1 scute) is undivided. All Dirksen 1999), balling-posture behavior (Dirksen et al. 1998), scales are smooth. Cloaca1 spurs are smaller in females than in reproduction and growth (Belluornini et al. 1959; Petzold 1982, males. 1995; Dirksen 1999a), hemipenial structure (Dirksen 2002), The dorsal ground color is yellow or brownish-yellow. The osteology (Kluge 199 1, see also Remarks; Dirksen 2002), pattern consists of a series of dorsal black oval blotches, which microdermatoglyphics (Hoge and Santos 1953). and sexual are occasionally triangular, and smaller, more laterally situated, dimorphism (Belluomini et al. 1959, Dirksen 1999a, Starace irregular black blotches. The venter is cream colored. In com- 1998). The species is included in the checklist by Frank and parison, the sister species Eunectes notaeus exhibits smaller and Ramus (1995) and the "encyclopedia" of Obst et al. (1984). more numerous blotches dorsally, and the smaller lateral blotches usually form rings below the dorsal blotches. The presence of REMARKS. Kluge (1991) did not observe any differences five black head stripes distinguishes Eunectes deschauenseei between the skulls of E. deschauenseei and E. riotaeus and from Eunectes murinus (four head stripes). designated them sister species. However, an examination of the skin and the locality data of the E. deschauenseei material DESCRIPTIONS. Descriptions of Eunectes deschauenseei, examined by Kluge (USNM 135453,135454) indicated that he other than the holotype, are in Belluomini et al. (1959). Muller examined E. notaeus skulls misidentified or mislabeled as E. (1970). Petzold (1982,1995), Chippaux (1986), Schmidt (1985). deschauenseei. Starace (1998). and Dirksen (1999a, 2002). Griffin ( 19 16) and Gomes ( 19 18) reported E. notaeus from the lower Rio Amazonas. Griffin's specimen (CM R 379) since ILLUSTRATIONS. A black and white photograph of the has been determined to be E. deschauenseei. Surely, the E. holotype, when it was alive, was included in the original noteaus of Gomes (19 18) was E. deschauenseei, which was not description (Dunn and Conant 1936). The same picture was described until 1936. used in Petzold (1982, 1995). Photographs are in Matz (1981), Schmidt (1985), Starace (1998), Dirksen et al. (1998), and ETYMOLOGY. The name deschauenseei is derived from Dirksen (1999a, b, 2002). Head and habitat pictures are in R.M. de Schauensee, who collected the holotype in 1924, in all Dirksen (1999a, 2002). X-ray pictures of the hind limbs are in probability on Ilha de MarajB in the mouth of the Amazon, and Dirksen (2002). A lithographic drawing of the head is in Muller later forwarded it to the Philadelphia Zoo. The snake is called (1970). Sucuri or Sucuriju by the local people (Dirksen 2002). DISTRIBUTION. Eunectes deschauenseei occurs in the LITERATURE CITED Brasilian states of hap6and Par6 and in French Guiana. The distribution in Par6 and Amap6 is between Santarem and the Amaral, A. do. 1944. Notas sobre ofiologia neotrbpica e brasflica. VI. mouth of the Amazon, including llha de Marajo. Only three Formas de boineos de recente registro. Pap. Avul. Dept. Zool., S. localities are documented for French Guiana, two in swampy Paulo 5:4148. coastal regions. The species also may occur in Suriname, as -. 1948. Otidios do Pad. Bol. Mus. Paraense E. Goeldi 10: 149-159. one locality is near the Suriname-French Guiana boundary (see Belluomini, H.E., A.F. Maranhlo Nina, and A.R. Hoge. 1959. Contri- bui~iioA biologia do gCnero Etmectes Wagler, 1830 (Serp. Boidae). Map). This semi-aquatic species lives in swampy, often Estudo de seis ninhadas de "sucuris." Mem. Inst. Butantan 29:165- seasonally flooded areas. 174. Distribution maps are in Waller (1988), Waller and Micucci Chippaux, J.-P. 1986. Les serpents de la Guyane franqaise. Collect. Faune (1993), Henderson et al. (1995), Dirksen and Bohme (1998a), Trop. 27:l-165. O'Shea (1999), Rivas (1999), and Dirksen (2000, 2002). Lo- Colares C.,A.L. 2000. Geographic distribution.Eurtectes desc.ha~rertseei. cality maps for French Guiana are in Chippaux (1986) and Herpetol. Rev. 3 1:255. Starace (1998) and for the whole area of distribution in Dirksen Dirksen, L. 1999a. Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boi- (1999, 2002). Stimson (1969), Peters and Orejas-Miranda dae: Eunecres. I. Eurtecres deschauenseei Dunn and Conant, 1936. Herpetofauna 2 1 ( 122):12-2 1. (1970), Petzold (1982,1995), and Trutnau ( 1982) restricted dis- -. 1999b. Mythos Anakonda. Reptilia 19:34-37. tribution to Maraj6. The species also is mentioned for Brasil in -. 2000. Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: EII- Belluomini et al. (1959), Miiller (1970,1971), and Yuki and rrectcs). n. Eunectes ntrrr-inus Linnaeus, 1758. Herpetofauna 22(126): Santos ( 1996). Eunectes desctw~ienseeihas often been described 23-34. as a rare species. -. 2002. Anakondas. Monographische Revision der Gattong Euttectes (Wagler, 1830). Natur und Tier-Verlag, Miinsrer. FOSSIL RECORD. None. -, E. Buongermini, C. Striissmann, and T. Waller. 1998. Protective balling-posture behavior in the genus E~necr~.~,Wagler, 1830 (Ser- pentes: Boidae). Herpetol. Nat. Hist. 6: 151-155. PERTINENT LITERATURE. Dirksen (2002) provided the -and W. Bohme. 1998a. Studien an Anakondas I: lndizien fiir natiir- most comprehensive information about the species in his liche Bastardierung zwischen der Grokn Anakonda Eunecres trrurin~rs monographic review of the genus Eunectes and is usually not und der Paraguayanakonda Eunectes notcrrus in Bolivien, rnit An- mentioned again below. In addition, the following topics have rnerkungen zur Taxonornie der Gattung E~mectes.Zool. Abh. Mus. been addressed: distribution and habitats (Belluomini et al. Tierkunde, Dresden 4:45-58. -and -. 1998b. Studien an Anakondas 2: Zum taxonomischen Status for the Terrarium. T.F.H. Publ., Neptune City, New Jersey). von Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801) (Serpentes: Boidae), O'Shea, M.T. 1999. Anaconda. Pet Reptile 3/99:24-28. mit neuen Ergebnissen zur Gattung Eunecres Wagler, 1830. Salaman- Peters, J.A. and B. Orejas-Miranda. 1970. Catalogue of the Neorropical dra 3439-374. Squamata. Part 1. Snakes. Bull. U.S. Natl. Mus. (297):l-347. Dunn, E.R. and R. Conant. 1936. Notes on anacondas, with descriptions Petzold, H.-G. 1982. Die Anakondas. A. Ziemsen Verlag, Wittenberg of two species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 88:50>506. pl. 14, figs. 1-2. and Lutherstadt. Frank, N. and E. Ramus. 1995. A Complete Guide to Scientific and --. 1995. Die Anakondas. Westarp Wissenschaften, Magdeburg. Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World. NG Publ. Rivas, J.A. 1999. Tracking the anacondas. Natl. Geogr. 1/1999:62-69. Inc.. Pottsville, Pennsylvania. Schmidt, J. 1985. De Schauensee's Anakonda. Herpetofauna 7(38):22. Gomes, J.F. 1918. Contribuiqiio para o conhecimento dos ofidios do Starace. F. 1998. Guide des Serpents el Amphisbknes de Guyane. Ibis Brazil. I11 (1). 1. Ofidios do Museu Paraense. 2. Descri~aode duas Rouge Editions, Guadeloupe, Guyana. especies nova. Mem. Inst. Butantan 1:57-83. Stimson,A.F. 1969. Liste der rezenten A~nphibienund Reptilien. Boidae Griffin. L.E. 1916. A catalogue of the Ophidia from South America at (Boinae + Boleriinae + Loxoceminae + Pythoninae). Das Tierreich, present contained in the Camegie Museum. with descriptions of some Berlin 89: 119. new species. Mem. Carnegie Mus. 7: 163-229. Trutnau. L. 1982. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die neuweltlichen Riesen- Henderson, R.W. 2002. Neotropical Treeboas: Natural History of the schlangen der Gattung Eunectes Wagler, 1830. Herpetofauna 4(17): Corul1u.s horr~rlanusComplex.
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