April 20, 2012 Volume 5, Issue 2 Youtube’s It Gets Better Movement hits Freeman By Maddie Keebler for lesbian, gay, bisexual, dad and telling him that he Staff Writer and transgender youth,” is gay. said Savage in the introduc- “Promise you will love “Differences should be tion of his book, It Gets Bet- me as long as you live,” the celebrated,” said Eric Ston- ter. son kept saying. estreet. Stonestreet por- The point of the website After he told his dad he trays a gay man on the is to collect encouraging vid- was gay, his dad was eerily show Modern Family. His eos for LGBT teens to help silent. character, Cam, is married them get through the hard “I still love you, son,” to Mitchell (Jesse Tyler Fer- times as a teen. Savage his dad replied. guson). Their characters really wants to help the In some cases, these give good insight on the life LGBT youth feel more com- teens have the support of of a gay married couple. fortable about coming out. their friends and family, but All of the time, people He wants to assure to them some don’t. There are fami- continuously say to be dif- that it really does get bet- lies that aren’t accepting of ferent, and to be original. ter. No matter how hard it their child’s sexual orienta- But in some cases, being is now, it does get better in tion and they push them pretty well and they said different isn’t celebrated as time. away. This project was de- that they would support me much. For Lesbian, Gay, These LGBT kids are signed to help the kids go- no matter what decision I Bisexual, and Transgender often scared to come out ing through a hard time in make.” (LGBT) youth, coming out about being different, and their life. Werner said that the can be the scariest thing they have a reason to be What is it like to be a support from his friends and they have ever done. scared. The bullying that gay student at Freeman family have made him more Memoirist Dan Savage goes on these days is unbe- High School? open about it. The biggest and his husband Terry lievable. Students are so “To be openly gay at challenge he has faced is Miller started the It Gets harsh. Freeman is hard because a telling family and friends. Better campaign in hopes of In the case of Billy Lu- lot of people think differ- “Not a lot of people know making an impact on the cas, one of his friends said ently about it and some- about it just because I worry teenage LGBT population. that she actually heard peo- times try to harass me, but about being harassed on a This project was inspired by ple tell him to “go kill him- the bad comments that I get daily basis,” Werner added. a thread of teen suicides, self.” (Teen suicide victim don’t hurt me because I am “Most people appreciate and like 15-year old Billy Lucas, hangs himself from barn proud to be gay,” said junior accept it, but some hate it who took his life because rafters) Zach Werner. and continue to harass me classmates had been bullying “Now we’ve got to dispel Werner knew that he is about it.” him due to his sexual orienta- this myth that bullying is gay when he was younger. Hopefully the efforts of tion. just a normal rite of pas- “Telling people about adult role models like Sav- “One hundred videos. sage, that it’s some inevita- being gay is really hard be- age, Miller, and the thou- That was the goal, and it ble part of growing up,” said cause you don’t know how sands of others that have seemed ambitious; one hun- Barack Obama in his entry they are going to react,” spoken up through the It dred videos-best-case sce- for It GetsBetter. Werner explained. “I’ve lost Gets Better project will help nario: two hundred videos- One young man posted a a lot of friends because I to influence and support made by lesbian, gay, bisex- video on the It Gets Better told them I was gay. My other LGBT teens to be ual, and transgender adults website of him calling his parents took the news open and not ashamed. A new year, new leaders, and new ideas By Hannah Williamson new ideas, thoughts, and, of students and their leader- it’s their last year as high Staff Writer course, leaders. It’s never ship within the school. Re- school students. too early to start planning cently, our student body “I am excited to hope- Like always, the start of for the coming year— elected new ASB officers for fully reunite our class in a new year tends to bring especially when it comes to 2012-13. Each of these stu- order to make next year as dents has displayed their enjoyable as possible before school spirit in applying for we all head in our separate these positions, and each is ways,” Dresback said. In This Issue: excited to be a part of the Next, junior Lindsay decisions made during the DeHaas is taking the posi- coming school year. Accord- tion of Vice-President and • Pg 6: Steroids: Bigger isn’t ing to Leadership advisor she couldn’t be more ex- Scott Moore, the new offi- cited. better cers are great choices who “Knowing that next year display strong team work, will be my last year at Free- • Pg 7: Teen drinking not a good enthusiasm, and new ideas. man, I was really deter- Our new ASB president mined to try to make the plan is junior Christian Dres- best of it,” DeHaas ex- back, and he is ready for the plained. • Pg 9: Eagle Scout among us responsibility that comes According to DeHaas, with it. His biggest goal is it’s important to her to • Pg 14-15: Video game reviews to make next year the best make next year a lot of fun it can be for everyone, espe- while still being able to get • Pg 18-20: Sports spotlights cially the senior class since a lot accomplished. (Continued on page 2) page 2 (Continued from page 1) year will be a great one. it is equally important. The we have four great new offi- “We have the most “I’m most excited for all role of secretary comes with cers, what’s not so obvious amazing leadership class my ideas that I have in a lot of organization skills, is all of their plans they here at Freeman,” DeHaas store for everyone,” Avey and Schmidlkofer is ready have in mind for next year. beamed. “And we are plan- said. “I kind of want to keep to be a part of the action. They’re all set on keeping ning to have one crazy-fun most things a surprise, but “I wanted to be secretary their ideas secret, just so year. I’m excited to bring my ultimate goal is to get to get more involved with everyone can be pleasantly back Freeman’s spirit and the whole student body in- the school and its activi- surprised with all the activi- energy into the school, and volved and basically get stu- ties,” Schmidlkofer stated. ties they come up with. make some awesome memo- dents to be excited for All in all, we have four These are four great stu- ries!” school again!” great students who are step- dents and they will not let As Spirit Commissioner, Last, but definitely not ping up their authority next our school down. junior Samantha Avey de- least, we have ASB Secre- year, and all of them are “It’s such an honor to be cided to step up to the chal- tary junior very excited for a part of the Freeman ASB,” lenge. Avey can’t wait to Brette what the year DeHaas exclaimed. “We are get more involved and is ex- Schmidlkofer. holds. determined to make next cited to leave her mark on This position “I’m excited be- year super fun. I plan on the school. With so many doesn’t al- cause they’re ex- bringing back school spirit different ideas already in ways get as cited,” Moore said. and hopefully starting new mind for assemblies, much fame as “They have a lot of traditions. We’re leaving themes, and bonding activi- the other offi- good ideas! the rest of our plans a sur- ties, she knows that next cer roles, but Though it’s obvious prise!” Running Start, is it the right choice for you? Mason Mackleit and it greatly affects Free- that will grant you the cred- for college,” said junior Tay- Staff Writer man School District finan- its needed to graduate Free- lar Franz, who is currently cially. So students inter- man High school. If you enrolled in Running Start. Have you ever wished ested in Running Start need two math classes then If you are interested in you could skip a grade, or must have a lot of maturity you will end up taking two doing Running Start, you two? Well, Running Start and self-dedication. math classes at a college need to meet the following can’t help you now but it “In the first five years level. However, English requirements: be a junior or can help you when you get that I was here, we had classes are different as the senior, pass a college place- into college.
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