INDEX Note: The Index includes front and end matters. Page numbers in boldface italics in­ dicate illustrations. abandoned structures, see Val-Jalbert "Aesthetic Qualities in the Experience abbeys, in ruin, 481, see also Arbro­ of the Ruin" (Ginsberg), xxi, 465 ath, Dryburgh, Glastonbury, Jed­ Aesthetic Quality and Aesthetic Exper- burgh, Mellifont, Melrose, ience (Mitias), xxi, 465 Sweetheart, Tintem aesthetic realm, 163 Abdera, Greece, 427 aesthetic reversibility, 60 Abel, 393, 436 aesthetic sense(ibility), 217, 291 Abraham, 136, 144, 400; see also aesthetic theory, 461-465 Ibrahim aesthetic tourism, rules of, 154 abridged books, as ruins, 258-259 aesthetics, analysis in, 161; as an art, Absolute, the, 217, 401, 404, 429, 431 330; of art, 162-167; and Being, absurdity, 79, 401, 402, 403, 410, 417, 203; of Bruins, 385; crimes 424,439; humanity as, 215; joy­ against, 289; as a discipline, xvii, ful a., 215 xviii; of exhibition, 350; going Abu Simbel, Egypt, 379 beyond a., 329; national a., 121; Abydos, Egypt, 68, 69, 70 of sublime, 470; of television, "Ac-cent-tchu-ate the Positive" (Mer- 250; see also aesthetics of ruins cer), 156, 451 Aesthetics and History (Berenson), xi Achaemenid Empire, 460 "Aesthetics in Hiroshima: The Archi­ Acropolis of Athens, 124, 125, 126- tecture of Remembrance" (Gins­ 129,143,298,304,339,453 berg),465 Acropolis of Edinburgh, 147 aesthetics of ruins, absurdity of, 332; Acropolis of Philadelphia, 230 and a. of art, 162-167, 169,236, Adam, 389-394,414,445,453 348; and beauty, 447; and biblio­ Adams, Robert, 467 graphical field, 461; and botany adaptation, and ruin, 301-302 of ruin, 71; comparative a. of r. Aden, 390 in the arts, 162; and definition of Adriatic Sea, 26, 304, 366 ruin, 314; history of, 463; most Advancement ofLearning, The (F. Ba- important contribution to, 461; con),277 as paradox, 447; and pictures, Aegean Sea, 123, 128, 129, 169,453 344; and politics of ruins, 472; Aegina, Greece, ruins in, see Temple and Romanticism and Classi­ of Aphaia cism' 325, 327, 442; and Resto­ Aeneas, 358 ration Ethic, 299; and ruin artists, Aesop, 93 469; and term "ruin," 288; varie­ aesthetic attitude, 18 ty of, 464; versus art history, 465; aesthetic experience, 156, 162, 164, as visual, xix; and walls, 380; see 465; see also ruin as experience also poetics of ruins "Aesthetic Experience of Ruins, The" "Aesthetics of Ruins, The" (Ginsberg), (Patrik),465 xxi, 465 aesthetic field, artworks as, 165; ruin "Aesthetics of Ruins, The: A New as, 165 Category of Being" (Hetzler), aesthetic point of view, 348 464 Robert Ginsberg - 9789004495937 Downloaded from Brill.com10/11/2021 09:14:28AM via free access 496 THE AESTHETICS OF RUINS '" Afflatus of Ruin, The': Meditations Amboise, France, 415 on Rome by Du Bellay, Spenser, America, see United States of America and Stevens" (M. W. Ferguson), American Acropolis, 484 471 American Bumper Sticker, 405 Africa, 356, 458; ruins in, 6, 151 American Civil War, 358, 488 Afsluttende uvidenskabelig Efterskrift American culture, 484, 492 (Final Unscientific Postscript to American Film Institute, Washington, the Philosophical Fragments: A 237,248 Mimic-Passionate-Dialectical American Indians (Amerindians), 97, Composition; An Existential 148,476,484 Contribution, Kierkegaard), 271, American literature, 257 450-451 American "Negro" Spirituals, 383, 450 Agamemnon, 458 American Ruins (Vergara), 484 Age of the Hydrogen Bomb, the, 217 Americans, the, 109, 152, 375 aging,417-419 American taste, 189,337,351,375 "Aging Gracelessly," 417-418 American War of Independence, 375 Agora of Corinth, Greece, 152 Americas, the, civilizations in, 150, Ahmet, Sultan, 129 478 Akrotiri, Santorini, Greece, 385 Ammann, O. H., 152 Aksha, EI-, Mosque, Jerusalem, 144 amphitheaters, as ruins, see Carnun- Alain (Emile-Auguste Chartier), 363, tum, Colosseum, Nimes, Pula 449 Amsterdam, 485 Alamo, the, San Antonio, Texas, USA, anachronism, in artworks, 167 108-109,457 Analects (Confucius), 274-275 Ala recherche de la Rome antique Analytic School of Philosophy, 284 (Moatti), 473 anarchism, 402 Ala recherche de l'Egypte oubliee Anasazi ruins, 476, see also Albu­ (Vercoutter), 473 querque, Casa Grande Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, ru- Anasazi Ruins ofthe Southwest in Col- ins near, 97,98,99 or (Ferguson and Rohn), 476 Alesia, France, 321,323 Anatolia, Turkey, 129, 458 Alexandria, Virginia, USA, 301 Anaxagoras, 269 Allah (God), 144,398,404 Anaximander, 263-264, 268, 269 "All and Nothing," 213 Anaximenes, 264, 268 Allen, Hervey, 451 Ancient Ruins and Vanished Civilisa­ Allende, Isabel, 478 tions ofSouthern Africa (Sum­ Allies, the, in World War II, 109, 193 mers),475 Allott, Kenneth, 449 Ancient Walls: Indian Ruins ofthe Allott, Miriam, 449 Southwest (photos by Place), 484 Altar of Peace, Rome, 305 "And Death Shall Have No Domin- altarpieces, as ruin, 234 ion" (Thomas), 452 altars, as ruins, see Altar of Peace, Andrews, Wayne, 452 Sparta, Troy Anesthetics ofRuins, 385 Altun Ha, Belize, 308, 311,312 Anglo-American philosophy, 284 "Alturas de Macchu Picchu" (Neruda), animals and ruins, birds, 38; bulls, 459,478 364,365, 366; cranes, 64; Robert Ginsberg - 9789004495937 Downloaded from Brill.com10/11/2021 09:14:28AM via free access Index 497 animals and ruins (continued) aerial a., 375; in Classical view, elephants, 155, 205,206; insects, 324; in Israel, 134; a. mocked, 205; Loch Ness Monster, 84,85; 480-481, 492; and nationalism, millipedes, 315, 317; ruinocer­ 121-122,132-133,477-478; ous, 386; vultures, 205, 413; see nautical a., 492; and Psychoanal­ also seashells ysis, 362; virtual a., 474 Ankara, Turkey, 131; ruins in, 319, archaeology fiction, 362, 489 320 Archaeology ofGardens, The (Taylor), "Annabel Lee" (Poe), 408 487 Anna-Maryke, 482 Archiiologie des Traums: Versuch Annointed One (Messiah, Christos) , iiber Giovanni Battista Piranesi 144,400 (N. Miller), 469 Anonymous, statue of, 300 architecture, 8; and ruin, 485; and sub- Antarctica, ruins in, 379 lime, 341 Antigone (Sophocles), 387-388, 452 Arch of Titus, Rome, 142 Antigua, Guatemala, ruins in, 20 Arch of Triumph, Paris, 481 Antiquites de Rome, Les (Du Bellay), Ardrossan Castle, Scotland, 36, 169 454,480 "Argument of Longinus' On the Sub- Antonine Wall, the, Scotland, 146 lime, The" (Olson), 451 apartments, after earthquake, Mexico Aristotle, 165, 219, 263, 275, 276, City, 410, 411 278,426 aphorisms, xix; in Nietzsche, 270 Arizona, USA, 383; ghost towns in, Aphrodite, 224, 232, 457 482; ruins in, see Casa Grande Apology for the Christian Faith (Pas- Ark of the Covenant, 142, 144 cal),261-262 Arlington, Virginia, USA, 151 Appian Way, Italy, 152 Arnold, Matthew, 403,449 aqueducts, as ruins, see Merida art, works of (artworks), compared to Arab-African ruins, see Gedi ruins, xvii, 162-167; as healing, Arabia, 382,475 162 Arabs, the, 134, 137,475 Art Afterpieces (Kimball), 236, 451 Arafat, Yasser, President, 136, 144 Art as Experience (Dewey), 162, 449 Arbroath Abbey, Scotland, 30 art history, xvii-xviii, 236, 347-349, Arbus, Diane, 167 465-468 Arcady (Arcadia), 407 artificial ruins, 71, 369-370 "Archaeoinquiry," 321 artists, activity of, 165, 303; a. of archaeological black market, 382 ruin, 466-469, 489-490 Archaeological Crypt, Paris, 81 "Art poetique" (Verlaine), 351, 452 archaeological discovery, 97, 123, 280, artworks, see art, works of 307,474 Ascetics of Ruins, 385 Archaeological Eye, the, 358 ash box, Concentration Camp, Dach- Archaeological Museum of Copan, au, Germany, 422,423 Honduras, 300 Asia, 131, 230,356; ruins in, 6 "Archaeological Sight" (Nelson), 490 Asia Minor, 123, see also Anatolia archaeological sites, Norway, 280, "As I Walked Out One Evening" 361; Russia, 360 (Auden), 445, 449 archaeology, 358-359,473-476; Aspendos, Turkey, 131 Robert Ginsberg - 9789004495937 Downloaded from Brill.com10/11/2021 09:14:28AM via free access 498 THE AESTHETICS OF RUINS Assateague Island National Seashore, Mayor Virginia, USA, 208 Aztecs, the, 148 Assingham, Fanny, 381-382 Assisi, Italy, 172 Baalbek, Lebanon, 154 Assyrian ruins, 458 Babylon, 142,453,466 "Asthetik der Ruinen, Die" (Bohme), Bacon, Edward, 474 463 Bacon, Sir Francis, 34, 270, 277-278 Aswan High Dam, Egypt, 86, 379 Baghdad, Iraq, 453 Atattirk, Kemal (Mustapha), 131 Baha'is, the, 404 Athens, 123, 124,125, 126-129, 193, Bahariya Oasis, Egypt, ruins in, 476 298,453,454, 457; ruins in, 457, Bailey, Brian, 33, 481 467, see also Acropolis Bailey, Rita, 481, 484 "Athens of the New World" (Copan), Balfour Declaration, the, 132 308 Balkans, the, 26, 123, 131 "Athens of the North" (Edinburgh), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 151,420 147 Bantu, the, 475 "Athens of the South" (Nashville), 148 Barboursville, Virginia, USA, 330, Athletics of Ruins, the, 42 331 Atlantic Ocean, 36, 124 Barcelona, Spain, 300 Atlanti~385,453,466 Bareham, William L., 469 Atman, 429 Barker, Philip, 474 Atomic Age, the, 215-216 Barnard, George N., 488 atoms, 213-216 Barry, Colleen, 409, 449 "Attack on the Pieta, The: An Arche­ Bastille, The, Paris, 456, 473 typal Analysis" (Teunissen and baths, as ruins, see B. of Caracalla, Hinz),452 Roman B., Paris, Trier Auchard, John, 450 Baths of Caracalla, Rome, 489 Auden, W. H., 445, 449 battlefields, as ruins, 358 Augst, Switzerland, 81,82,83 Battle ofthe Bottle, The, 417 Augustine, St. (Aurelius Augustinus), Bauer, Richard, 489 389,395,399,449,454 Bavaria, Germany, 148 Augustus, Emperor (Caius Julius Cae- BBC World Services, 437 sar Octavianus), 305, 319, 366 beach, on the, 207,208, 209 Aurobindo, Sri, 269 Beatnikism, 355 Au~en,Jan~ 166,258,388,412 beauty, in Italy, 131; of ruins, xv,
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