-0€ - wlvJFllaMurB o sqss otoqdI rPl)au Jopaal P tu!,tofua I laoo vlapoutals aoaaqlar!^at aqJ .?yaBrI uPuqro,lurf - olorld 'Funo^ rraql.rojarpl ol stJasutMaJ aql Jo I auosr ArMreaalpua, aq1:1r761taooqy I t4t'lvJFllaMlrr8 sqs8- oloqd 'ds d' I DuuollsoJalaaq lamat aq1 I a6odsnonatd I auo pue 'slapaaluoulpf, {lureur are sallaaqa^ou sta^oJ tur&paua oqslraql ol anp sallaaqueql sarrueaalrt alout '(apprull{qdEs {ool uPl qtrq^ ^lruil) sallaaqa^or puno] aq osleIIr^ apMpl dUaql Fuourelng paalpue ur a^rl ol sloa3?u^U loJ luauruolr^ualuallaJxa ue apr^ordsd?aq lsodtuoJ pala^olun 'pllorv\ pasutaql Jo stasodruo3ap aql roj slErqeqralJo ritlnu pu€sdpaq lsoduof, 'luauruorr^ua l?lnl?uaql ur palJ^lal a.rpralleu f,ru?Alopup lalllt JealsV dVSHJSOdWOC 3HJ 'punojaq upt sdnol? paUrssplJtot?u.I aWJo lsoru ;urluasardal 'ruaql ,pue spasur ulqlro\ pllo,{ Ietnlpu aql Jo rxsof,orlllxp luasaldalsuaplpa rno sleurueupup spllq ,qsq,salrldal 'sFurrup turpnl3ur Jo a8uelapu e loj sa^lasuaqlpooJ tulaq ol usrlrs?lpdpue uorleparduo{ 's.la,1oU uaa4aq uallodJo Uodsuprlaql ol aspasrpJo uorssrursupll aql uro{ 'a^rsualxaosle alp sruals{so)a s,lau€ldsrql ulrlll,rsllasurJo alor aqJ :tellaupue sa^Pal 'poo/r lupld ol poolqpu?.rrpq Ieurup uro{ ',ldn3ro[aq] splrqeqaql sepaue^ puPasra^rp se sr pooJtraqJ .s.ra^upup lsoruIaqI'?tlp4snvol a^rleualp sarf,ads ,,(Ure3aur^ uoruruot ,d€aq 'spuod'sueal}s aql lsoduoJ sa{el Josralp/vr qsarJ aq} s.pFo/{aqlJo arxos (eraldeurac lsaSPI eJoluauodruof, ? srlrnlJ Eur{map JI papeur a^€qpu?suasap lsaup aql ur a^rl rapro) sarir€a aql ar€{.req asool lo xan€urEuritplap pu? {aqJ sa^e,urqlr/v1, daap pue surEunou sauolsrapun ,3unp to .laupurJtu?alo tuqlol uoul€l uo tulpaa]pu? ur punoJ uo aurl/vrousaql a^oqepunoj ale ^aqJ Slplrqeq-olf,ruprunq ur dluoruruoJ 'uaarB 'a)l JO Furr?add? atespualslH JltlEaut lelod arll Jo aApaaql lp punoJal€ slf,asurpunoj ttluouruot alow 01)|f,elq r{urqs ulo4 tur{ge^,(sa4aurtl[u pu?sJldorl aql ul punoqpqtasul .upato 'alu?luaqul lusrueqJatu a^rJ Jo lnoqP)Ileus ^ll€nsnarp slJasur aql sr pasruolof,,{lln]ssaf,Jns lou a^eq paFelapslql {lolun 01 alqeuaaq asaql ^lrueJprralsrH aql srsa[aaq a^ol ^aqllElq€Ll dluo aql :a^rMnsot saurql a^pqqslluarf,s 'Dltl.ldosolQ 6pn$ aqt Illlr\\ ]o uopelJosseul punoJualo spasurJo Eul^llroj alqrssodsr lr la^araq&punoJ q3norqJ'VNO-aJrl Joapor pluauppunJ dnoraraqlouv ,,(poqsll ra^o uauopqe arp[aql uorlnlo^aur ,{lolsssaf,Jns aql puqsraPunol sn pslq?uaosle a^?q qr sFnf, sp p-sdnort ll aulualearqlalrnb l?addp lprulupaql IIp Jo luepunq€ daql'lrnrJ uoqrsodruotap 'paqrnlsrp ,peaq tudelapJo aql um uaq^ pup atuelo puPasra^rp lsou aql alpslJasul .paueu ul alor luErodu.rru€ deldl{luo saru pu€dpoq^urqsllelq qr pasruFotar lou ^q aq uaaqa^pq spllql-o.r1 ol Jlpq-auo^luo l?3aur^rsarulrn.U alrt qf,nurEur{oo'l ^lrseaupl allaaqsrqJ.aslnof, ulPru slr lo] ,salrads 'proqseBrours leql pal?urlsasr ]l pup pasur Fuquau alsrql uo qoF FurpaaJ euJo puoJtua^ st'(srym.Faonltfrra ufiou{ 000 9g lnoqp qlrm pal?druol salupup sallaaq ll?rus ]o p?rr^u aql snllqaoatc) asrorl r]r€o3 s,I^ap aql 'sal?rqalla^lalPr\ qsa4 pue lPulsaltalI- AuouepunoJ aq IIm (.ddsDlnldosot pallpf,dluou uo3 l€lnf,lupdur sarf,ads punoreare araql ,prlprlsnv 000 Z u II characteristicand conspicuous feature is I Rrgif The head-raisingand spitting of the large pair of pincerJike appendages I sawflies is a defenceagainst bird at the rearof the body.Despite the size lpredation. Photo- JanetFarr of these organs their function has still not been determined.Earwigs are f SelorarThe greenleaf hopper bug looks generallyvegetarian or omnivorous,and I like a leal ! - the native Photo WadeHughes/Lochman speciesare not usually Transparencies consideredsignificant economic pests. However,the imported European earwig \Forftcula auricularia) , found,in cooler regions,can be a seriousgarden s and vegetablepest if presentin large t enough numbers. Unlike most insects, s the femaleearwig exhibits maternalcare. I Eggsare laid in a short burrow and the t femaleremains with the eggsand young t nymphsup to the first or secondmoult. During the eggstage, the femaleactively caresfor her progenyby licking the eggs to removefungal spores and gathering the eggsshould they becomescattered. With flies, cockroachesmust be amongthe most malignedof the insecr world. Some pest speciesare known to carry diseasessuch as poliomyelitisand salmonella.But of the 3 500 species known throughout the world, lessthan one per cent are pests.In Western Austnlia, the two pestspecies most likely to beencountered in gardensand houses arethe American cockroach lPeriplaneta americana)and the Cerman cockroach (Periplanetagermaru'ca). It is ihought thattheseh,\,o species originated inAfrrca andwere dispersed dudng the time ofthe and alsoas an important foodsource for Leaf-feedinginsects are generally leaf slavetrade. a wide rangeof animalswhich we might chewersor sapsuckers, or maybe found Veryfew of the 450 or so Australian considerfar more desirablespecies. within the plant as leaf miners or gall native cockroach specieswill be formers. Many will confine therr consistentlyfound AMONGTHE LEA\ES insidehouses. One of munching or sucking to one padicular the exceptionsis the winglesswhite- Leaf-dwellinginsects often appear far speciesor a number of speciesin a margined cockroaches of Perrn more interesting and exciting than the padicuiar genusor plant family. A few (Drgmaplanetosp.). Our nativespecies ground-dwellers,which are usually seen insects,however, will feed on a wide aremainly found under stones,bark or when a rock or piece of debris rs rangeofplant species.Many leaf chewers logsand in rotting wood, and a few live disturbed.Leafdwellers are mostly active havedifferent patterns offeeding, so the in foliage. during daylight, while ground-dweliers damagepattern on a leafcanhelp identi$r A large number of parasitic insects areusually nocturnal. Also they are often the insectresponsible. help populations. controlcockroach Tiny more flamboyantin their colouring and Ifyou havea eucalyptin yourgaroen, chalcidwasps parasitise egg casesand eventheir behaviourpatterns. Sitting you may be familiar\^,ith the native emergethrough minute holes.Ground- quietly in your garden on a mild caterpillarscalled spitfires, which are dwellingcockroaches parasitised are oy summer's day, preferably near a local really in the immature sawfly stageof severalspecies of a curious beetle native flowering plant, you may be development,and are not true flies, Dut belonging to the family Rhipiphoridae. surprisedby the number of different a form ofwasp.Spitfires are usuallyfound Thesebeetles breed in the cockroach insects that can be seen;green leaf in tight clusterson the stemsand trunks body,eventually immobilising rt. hopperbugs, which look remarkablylike of youngeucalypt trees. In the evenin6l. Cockroachesare preyedupon by frogs, leaves;stick insectstrying to look like they migrate to the leaveswhere th€y reptilesand insectivorous birds and twigs;a lacewingmunching on an aphid; munchdown to the midrib.Ifdisturbed, mammals,These play insectstherefore the occasionalwasp, butterfly or hover theseinsects can appear quite formidable an importantrole in the environment, fly;or maybeeven abeautifuljewel beeue and will react in unison, raising and byhelpingto break downorganic matter, visiting flowersfor nectar flickingtheir tails. rearing back the head r","yoscoro37 t.tt))\t/\\I 7,L a3 | l :- .r rLl ;! ,\ n i . i Ll iLlt.lnI Llo l l Ptnl :Stirq ,iLLlB;i.ltol ,\olli,i uaplor,. | .r;1,\ouotll]llolin ,\.ql 'pi.r lUir.l.d Iq 1)+ Pil \-]ultl(1iLtrits.lll Lto p,)nl \^lllrfv LLro_ll.\.t!.\ \^]ll-tlit iq.l, .:-looq 'si-lrllld\^,))lrl .iur1alrl on fuI l.]tallr sr (11,1\(r.rB.{liq} ;r.1.)t;rq qtltLLt !(llto.l3 L qlLl,\\'li.I piqol r);rill lool \^nol.{nt;r.\|qnur Lrorllll().1.flLt:l] _l:)rl ca ol tllt.rllt.l.lrl .rll,\.1lll,rLll iLtIrltlltq .l.lJ\, \-lultlrlpl)ol silliliq P.{lq.\flll0l .ltJrLllt:-}lOoJ slt.r\-Ltl LIl]rsJultld ,'(r'r ,.Jr.t j.\, .. h-oli.s.tpIi)ll).t\-LlulLuiLlt l1) . || .-1..,r:. iLuLLr.lltLJra.-iqJ .( 'slurld I (j-il{j(j I riLuLLrnS .r:-11iLll llloqll,l\ Lu)Lll tr) iUts-od5-tfi ls-orl.ll.rrll lo stui,l\- s-looq:^ ':hI())s^0.\l1 lrlll nLlu .s-L]|I!.rlsny st.ro r_rili-.il{ :rrl,\_rPllo l:rl:-r1l):tll iql Llno.ll) r)qLrr.\oLLli.t.itl tLt;)(ll f :_llLrrqiurLLt.loI sLIno.l!)a iql-s-illiafl ]i:-) Jri-1. :-ir11i;q 10.{luolol ,\slti :-1ll JlqrtJ \-l.lot.lltoq.roar. ur llltl .\lli]ltslt a_lltpLllt 5-Llnt.tij alt_r lri L lrlaLLlos,i.rqJ:rl].l.t sld,i l]].r n i ;1,\rtLl.\.tJl ;rtLrrs .:^i;rilijLnto .rll)lolip ilrl rl.)n(l lnq i looL siij-:l \-lnolot ttllltl,)LLl llo:^.lapiliJ UO Lu LLt 0t :] . Jui I .r Lll l ) .\ I a-l ;r,\ il 5_ LIu t :_;r _t I I I I J \^ n ) stt SI lLl.r:-ipt_t I I I I I l) lLIo*t.rq.Jltl)r sis|) iLrr.\\ .-lr .sit)i(ls IiLliIu.t.lLll .iilLll lIrJl )!alt\-5-;rL(r)Lll Ll)t.\ \-f_...r .{r itll Llo :_Ll.l,)llILlilLll .iL tLtl UI s| a t0liq ||,\1.\_lt1:^ noLliri \^nonLltluoi) .\.1()lltf.r.ld tililD ()l lllnaltolllsi lnr)t.\ltq;rLl sltlJ .rqtnol juLl .s)t f lt s:-ilLLr \-rrlLlr lrlLLtI ;rLullLlilll :-JlrUJlr{sulIl li't\ J/ sll.)1\I.rifl \ :-qrll otoq(l i't qlnoLtI.rql (10_rtlltd\- uIurrPi't/uosl.){l (,li)rl(l llrlt 'siii \-11 lou srptnhrl 5-tLl.l_ tllnoLu :ql ru0rt .lir.\\ollrtl_lilqqtrl l] uo o-Llrdril:-s.ryr?r)_r&/ frnltrl lllh\ inq pl.rltlsut.r,rt(lrur.rq \. r.).?ogi ilLrrIIiLLr:_dLr().1Is tt o.uIl-rII\i .)yarsralo,)\' riq .r.\rllruiq.l. r,r(r,r.(/ lIIqI ILrrl rrrr.ll,rrrrrr r)li)q( | .lltil I iso.l I L(r ri)q rrlln) llt.)lI Jo lnolDr iq.l, ..rLt{)gl t\ W The feedingpattern left by these beetlesis a distinctivescalloping of me leaf edges,but to date in Western Australia,leaf beetles are not regarded asa seriousproblem.
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