Aisyah, Ethical Valuesin Kahlil Gibran’s Broken Wings 177 ETHICAL VALUESIN KAHLIL GIBRAN’S BROKEN WINGS Rasyidah Nur Aisyah Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Pasuruan [email protected] Abstract: In the novel of “The Broken Wings” there are moral teachings which included in the ethical values involving human’s attitude towards God, nature, themeselves or even other human being. Also, there are some important messages for us. The researcher applies contentanalysis to research design. The researcher uses objective approach to analyze novel. The procedures of data collection are: reading the story intensively to understand of the story, finding the sentences, phrases, or even words that are research topic, and choos- ing the collected data that are suitable to the research topic. The result of this study divided into four kinds. First, two kinds of ethic to God; values on believing God’s existence and values Thankful to God. Second, two kinds of ethics to people, namely: saying greetings, appreciating guest and giving reward. Third, in ethics to ourselves divided into three categories. They are values of love, values of self-protection, and values of vigilance and the fourth, there is one kind in ethic to nature, namely: values of love to nature. Keywords: literature, ethical values, moral message Literature is an interesting topic to discuss because nature. Ethicsto God is an ethics that arranges rela- it has some potential values. As we know literature tionship between human and God. As the religious is one of the great creative and universal means of creatures, human believes in the existence of power communicating the emotional, spiritual or intellectual and highest substance, that is God, the human and potentials.Like fine music and art, literature is char- nature’s creator. By their consciousness human tries acterized by imagination, meaning fullness of expres- to bring themselves closer to God, keep them away sions and techniques.Therefore, there are some sup- from God’s prohibition and pray to God (Amir in portive ideas that support the writer to analyze a novel Mustofa, 1997:154). Then, it is important for human as there are some characters of human being exist to face, defend and expand their life with function in the story. every God’s creature in this world. In the novel of “The Broken Wings” there are Ethics to ourselves is ethics about human rela- moral teachings which included in the ethical values tionship with their live and way of living, human’s involving human’s attitude towards God, nature, way in defending themselves. The ethics provide a themeselves or even other human being. The re- basis and human’s life guiding that show the way searcher is very interested in analyzing the Khalil and rule should be done in their live. This ethics can Gibran’s novel because of The Broken Wings is a be used in interpreting life for each individual (Alwy virtous and beautiful story which offers insightful in Mustofa, 1997:174). The other words of ethic to ideas, opinion and thinking. The purpose of thisstudy ourselves are normative ethic. Normative ethic is are to describe the kinds of ethical values found in concerned with how we ought to live and act. Nor- “The Broken Wings” By Kahlil. The scope of the mative theory includes: Right action is an attempt to study is ethical values only which are found in “The say what it is for an action to be morally permissible, Broken Wings” by Kahlil Gibran. Basically, there are obligatory or wrong. Good life attempt to say what it four kinds of values in literary work, they are reli- is for a human to live well. And social justice in how gious values, philosophical values, ethical values and a society should be structured and how goods, liber- aesthetical values. In the novel analyzed, however, ties, and power should be allocated in a society. the central value is ethical values. Human’s ethics to people couldn’t be separated Therefore, the researcher seriously focuses on from their ethics to God. As individual and social analyzing ethical values in “The Broken Wings” by creature, human need norms or rules that arrange Kahlil Gibran. The ethical values cover: ethics to God, costumes and manner of their life in society and ge- ethics to people, ethics to ourselves and ethics to neral guide in living together (Amirin Mustofa, 177 178 Jurnal Ilmiah Edukasi & Sosial, Volume 7, Nomor 2, September 2016, hlm 177–186 1997:194). We must do something carefully in our The data of the study are paragraphs, events, activity if we want to get good respond from our and dialogues that exist in the sample of the study. society. Of course, we as social creature must have The data have been selected on the basis of the pro- good attitude towards other people. cess of the study. The steps of collecting data of this Ethics to nature is basically correlated to hu- study are as follows: (1) Reading and understanding man ethics to God that it involves in right, live, moral the novel and translating it in Indonesian if neces- message and cooperation values. Thus, every hu- sary; (2) Choosing data dealing with the problem man has an ethic to nature; it means he or she keeps which are going to be investigated; (3) Selecting the his or her own ethic to God (Amir in Mustofa, data as references, and (4) Conducting the re- 1997:166). In fact, nowadays many disasters happen searcher to obtain the data. in our country such as flood, earthquake and twister. In analyzing the data, the researcher selected It is caused by human acts that they cannot keep sentences, phrases, even words which contain ethi- their nature carefully. It is the human’s right as the cal values, analyzed the classified data, underlined creature of God to save the environment well. and coded the sentences, phrases, or even words, The researcher analyzed the literary work of and drawing a conclusion related to the research Kahlil Gibran, is one of the great literary. His literary topic. famous with it beauty language, mysticism, oriental style and his work has translated in twenty languages FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS around the world. Kahlil Gibran is not a good writer Ethics comes from Greek word ethos-moral only but he is also poet, philosopher, painter and art- character or custom. Ethic is the study of standards ist. He is genius popular, and famous man in the world of conduct and moral judgment; moral philosophy because his work. It is the reason why researcher (Wiersma, 1991:466). The term “morality” is used chooses Kahlil Gibran’s work to analyze. Many his as a general name for formal judgments, standards, great works are Nudzah Fi Fann Al Musiqoh (About and rules of conduct. Moral judgments are made not Music Art), Al-Arwah, Al-Mutamaridah (The reli- only about people’s actions but also their motives or gious Soul), Al-Ajniha Al-Mutakastira (The Broken reasons for doing them and about their more general Wings), The Prophet, The Earth God, Jesus Son of character traits.In this research, the researcher found Man, The Mad man, Between Night and Morn, Tears four kinds ethical values in the novel “The Broken and laugh, Wave and sand, The Garden of Man, etc. Wings”, they are: 1) ethics to God, 2) ethics to people, Kahlil Gibran was born in Beshari, Lebanon on 3) ethics ourselves, and 4) ethics to nature. January 6, 1883. He started to write in magazine from incidental experience. He was a reformer, a Ethics to God new creation from social innovation in modern Ara- Ethicsto God is ethics of human relation with bic literary. Kahlil Gibran reflected his painful life their God or relation between human with nature become a great literary. He has produced many works creator. As religious creature, human believes in the and the most wanted are his novel or his poetry. existence of the highest power substances, that is God. With prayer, human try to bring himself closer METHOD to God and keep him away from God’s prohibition In doing this research, the researcher applied (Amir in Mustofa, 1997:154). descriptive qualitative content analysisresearch. Ary The researcher divides ethics to God into two (2010) explains that content analysis is a research parts: 1) values on believing God’s existence, and 2) method applied to written or visual materials for the values on thankful to God. These values will be dis- purpose of identifying specific characteristic of the cussed in the following explanations. materials. Values on believing God existences means that The study used novel The Broken Wings by as a servant of God, humans live in the world by Kahlil Gibran published on 1999 year’s by Castle enjoying God’s blessing with all of his greatness, it Jogjakarta, as the main source of the data. The re- means there is a power that rules it. The greater searcher focuses on words, phrases, and sentences power makes human think that they are powerless to obtain ethical values that are related with the re- creature in the universe. Human as one of God’s sult of the study.The data which the researcher uses creatures must realize that their existences come in this study taken from the internet web-site on from God, however, humans have to confess on God’s August, 20 th 2016, namely; http://gutenberg.net.au/ existence through their existence and universe itself. ebooks05/0500551h.html. It can be seen from the data below: Aisyah, Ethical Valuesin Kahlil Gibran’s Broken Wings 179 Why, my Lord, hast Thou flung me upon the And I remained there lost in a deep sea of cold earth? Thou art powerful, and I am helpless; thoughts, absorbed in the world of revelation where why art Thou fighting me? Thou art considerate, and God sits on the throne and the angels write down the I am prudent; why art Thou destroying me? Thou acts of human beings, and the souls recite the trag- hast created woman with love, and why, with love, edy of life, and the brides of Heaven sing the hymns dost Thou ruin her? (Page: 20) of love, sorrow and immortality.
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