November 29 Page 01_Layout 2 17-11-28 1:46 PM Page 1 This Christmas... /LVH%XPD ShSh 6DOHV5HSUHVHQWDWLYH Locally 7 King Street t P.O. Box 368 t Chesterville, Ontario t K0C 1H0 'LUHFW Phone: 613-448-2321 t Fax: 613-448-3260 OLVH#OLVHEXPDFRP Toll Free: 1-866-307-3541 ZZZOLVHEXPDFRP www.chestervillerecord.com ADVERTISING DEADLINES CLASSIFIED ADS - FRIDAY @ 4 P.M. DISPLAY ADS (BOX) - THURSDAY @ 4 P.M. E-mail: l`]j][gj\[dYkkaÚ]\k8_eYad&[ge Ph.: 613-448-2321 Fax: 613-448-3260 Brie y e Holiday cheer Villager CHESTERVILLE – The annual Chesterville & NEWS INSIDE District Rotary Club’s Breakfast with Santa is on PM40050631R8905 Volume 125, Number 20 Chesterville, Ontario Wednesday, November 29, 2017 Single Copy $1.00 (HST included) Dec. 2, from 8 to 11 a.m., at the Chesterville Legion Hall. Santa visits from 9 to Lauzon rallies for 10:30 a.m. and Christ Church United returns with a national British the ever-popular craft table for the children. For more information, see page 2. Home Child Day WINCHESTER – The Carolyn Thompson Goddard 21st annual North Dundas Record Correspondent Parade of Lights begins at OTTAWA – A small but 7 p.m. at the North Dundas dedicated group of people sat in the Municipal Centre and House of Commons gallery on winds through Winchester Wed., Nov. 22 to hear Stormont, streets for all to enjoy on Dundas and South Glengarry MP Saturday evening, Dec. 2. Merchants will be open all Guy Lauzon open the first hour of day for “shopping locally” debate on M-133 which, if passed, and community meals will the Canadian Parliament will see be offered at various Sept. 28 recognized as British locations. See pages 8 and Home Child Day in Canada. 9, as well as for Continued on page 5 information on toy and Food Bank donations. Dundas County 4-H MOOSE CREEK – See page 14 for details on the celebrates 2017 Parade of Lights, Sat., Dec. 2, at 6 p.m. Santa award winners will be at the Recreational Centre at 7 p.m. Kalynn Sawyer Helmer MORRISBURG – The Record Staff CHESTERVILLE – Dundas On track for the Christmas season 24th annual Santa Claus The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train rolled into Finch on Mon., Nov. 27, for the 3rd year of its 19- Parade, Sat., Dec. 2, starts County 4-Hers, volunteers and year history. Performing for the spectators were Blues artist Colin James and pop singer Emma-Lee. at 11 a.m. The Morrisburg parents gathered together on Sat., The artists performed for 30 minutes before the train departed for their next stop. During the visit, Public School will be Nov. 25, for the Dundas County 4- donations were collected from the community for the Community Food Share and the CP Holiday collecting food and H awards night held at The Train matched their 2016 donation of $4,000. donations for the Food Gathering House in Chesterville. Sawyer Helmer photo Bank along the route. See 4-Hers were celebrated and page 18 for details. recognized for all of their hard work RUSSELL – The Russell Police Village throughout the year and the many CP Holiday Train rolls into Finch presents the 2nd annual accomplishments made through Kalynn Sawyer Helmer raised in the community, stay in that community to help Light Up the Tree event, their 4-H programs. Member Record Staff local people throughout the winter. The train made four Sun., Dec. 3, 4:30 p.m. representatives from each of the FINCH – The Canadian Pacific Holiday Train made stops in the local area on Monday alone including (corner of Craig and Mill clubs spoke on behalf of their group its 3rd annual stop in Finch on Mon., Nov. 27. The 19- Merrickville, Smiths Falls and Perth. The train will Sreets, near Russell Public and offered parents and volunteers year tradition of the Holiday Train has raised over $13- finish off its route across Canada in Brooks, B.C. on School). Enjoy a Christmas their thanks for all of the hard work million for local food banks and four million pounds of Dec. 17. Meanwhile a second United States-routed program by the Russell that goes into 4-H. food. Despite the Monday schedule, crowds of people train travels through the northeast and midwest States Children’s Choir and hot Volunteer Coordinator Cam gathered to give and celebrate, making 2017 another before returning back to Canada. The train has 14 rail chocolate. Bring a food Crogie also thanked the many successful Holiday Train year. This year’s event raised cars, including the Spirit of Tomorrow car featured as donation for the Food Bank. $1,431 in cash donations and 1,072 pounds of food, part of the Canada 150 Train from the summer. volunteers and said, “Without our plus $102.50 extra donated by the North Stormont Performing in Finch was Canadian singer-songwriter volunteers there wouldn’t be a 4-H Arena canteen from funds raised during the Holiday and Blues icon Colin James, with singer-songwriter and program. They are the backbone of Train event. The arena opened specifically for the pop artist Emma-Lee kicking things off with a few our organization.” duration of the show. “The cash will help buy fresh rocking Christmas tunes. The pair performed from 2:45 After the awards had been produce, milk and meat,” said Ian McKelvie, until 3:15 before departing for the next stop on the presented, guests were treated to Community Food Share Administrator. “The crowd Holiday Train itinerary. Spectators kept the cold at bay pizza, drinks and a silent auction. was good and I was quite happy with the whole event.” by bopping and dancing along to each song. Continued on page 10 Every year the Holiday Train’s donations and those Continued on page 6 5IF0MEGPSE5FBN5IF5SVTUFE/BNFUP%PJU3JHIU G $249,900 $367,400 $199,900 Emily Blanchard Clayton Oldford Nathan Lang Sales Representative Broker Sales Representative CHESTERVILLE – Quick possession available! VERNON – Amazing value with 2,200+ sq. ft. HANESVILLE – Your own riverfront on 2.75 This 3 bed 3 bath Cape Cod home o ers a 3 bed 3 bath home in the woods on 1.4 acres! acres of quiet, country paradise! Built 1999, Call today for a FREE consulation refreshed interior, nished basement, and large Surrounded by privacy in a great neighborhood! this 1 bedroom (with potential for 2nd) keeps attached garage! Plus a new gas furnace to be Huge master suite, nished basement, and life easy with metal roo ng, a 2016 furnace, t8880-%'03%$" installed! MLS #1085770 attached/detached garages! MLS #1084377 and cozy woodstove! MLS #1082506 November 29 Page 02_Layout 2 17-11-28 12:10 PM Page 1 Page 2 The Chesterville Record Wednesday, November 29, 2017 ;OL*OLZ[LY]PSSL +PZ[YPJ[9V[HY`*S\IWYLZLU[Z 6bJ,O, 0 ,8, :H[\YKH`+LJLTILYUK HT!HT *OLZ[LY]PSSL3LNPVU/HSS $GXOWV $JHV XQGHU)UHH H#ABAHS !!HT 7DNHWLPHWRYLVLWZLWKQHLJKERXUVZKLOH\RXUFKLOGUHQDUHPDNLQJDFUDIWSURMHFWWKDQNV WR&KULVW&KXUFK8QLWHG3DVV\RXU:LVK/LVWGLUHFWO\WR6DQWDDQGWKHQHQMR\DFXSRI KRWFKRFRODWHFRXUWHV\RI/HVOLH-RKQVRQDQGWKH0LON0DUNHWLQJ%RDUG 'RQ¶WIRUJHWWKH/LRQ¶V&KULVWPDV&DNHVDQGWKHEDNHVDOHWDEOHIURP&KULVW&KXUFK8QLWHG 7KHFRPPXQLW\LVLQYLWHGWRMRLQWKH &KHVWHUYLOOH 'LVWULFW &KHVWHUYLOOH 'LVWULFW/LRQV&OXE 0DLQ6WUHHW1&KHVWHUYLOOH 5RWDU\&OXE -RUGDQ+RGJH3UHVLGHQW 0RQ)UL±DPSP6DW±DPSP FKHVWHUYLOOHOLRQV#JPDLOFRP 3KRQH)D[ IRU%UHDNIDVWZLWK6DQWD +=::)6.477:16/+-6<:- 1VL][\ZQIT,Z+PM[\MZ^QTTMd NI` 3)1:--6+7<6)5 0IZL_WWL4IUQVI\M+MZIUQK &RXQW\5RDG&KHVWHUYLOOH2QWDULR 7_VMZ +IZXM\<QTM4]`]Za>QVaT<QTM 3URS/RUQH1HYLOOH K]ZZIVÆWWZQVOKMV\ZM(PW\UIQTKWU )ZMI:]O[:]VVMZ[*416,; &RXQW\5RDG55&KHVWHUYLOOH21.&+ 021,48(021$67 7HO)D[ :HSLZ9LWYLZLU[H[P]L (PDLOHOHYDWRU#YEIDUPVFD PRQLTXHPRQDVW#DUPWHFFRP /RFDOSHRSOHVHUYLQJ\RX +YHPUHNL:VS\[PVUZ*LU[YHS*HUHKH :HZLOO3XUFKDVHRU6WRUH6R\EHDQV%DUOH\&RUQ ¶ ¶ 'LHVHO)XHO*DVROLQH+HDWLQJ2LO(WKDQRO :H2IIHU%DVLV&RQWUDFWV)RUZDUG&RQWUDFWV&RPSHWLWLYH'U\LQJ5DWHV *LU[LUUPHS9VHK ;LS &+(67(59,//( 0$;9,//( /LFHQVHG(OHYDWRU&RUQ'HDOHU6R\EHDQ'HDOHU 6YHUNL]PSSL65 *,33 3 >9*HUHKH 6RXWK6W $GHODLGH6W /LFHQVHGXQGHUWKH*UDLQ)LQDQFLDO3URWHFWLRQ$FW HYT[LJJVT -H_ 2SHQLQJ+RXUV 3+,/*$66(5 0RQGD\WR7KXUVGD\DPSP )ULGD\DPSP &RXQW\5G 6DWXUGD\DPSP 55 &KHVWHUYLOOH21 6SUD\LQJ7UXFNLQJ*36 .&+ ZZZÀDLUZLWKIDEULFVFRP 2XU³¿HOG´LV\RXUFURS 7(/ .LQJ6WUHHW 5XWK/LVFXPE &(// &KHVWHUYLOOH21 2ZQHU /LFHQVHG$JULFXOWXUDO([WHUPLQDWRU )$; 7HOHSKRQH (PDLOUOLVFXPE#JPDLOFRP $XWKRUL]HG$J/HDGHU'HDOHU (0$,/SKLO#JDVVHUDJFRP SHUFHQWFRWWRQTXLOWLQJIDEULFÀDQQHOLQFKFRWWRQEDFNLQJ\DUQVNQLWWLQJ +RPH$XWR/LIH,QYHVWPHQW*URXS%XVLQHVV)DUP7UDYHO VXSSOLHVJLIWVDFFHVVRULHVQRWLRQVDQGPRUH 68//,9$1%526&216758&7,21 :MAD<<A>>=J=FL:MAD<:=LL=J 6LQFH &+(67(59,//( /,0,7(' 6$1' *5$9(/ ;gf[j]l]>gjek>gjMk]afJ]ka\]flaYdYf\;gee]j[aYdKljm[lmj]k 217$5,21(: +20(:$55$17< 352*5$0 5RE :mad\]jkg^A;>AfkmdYl]\;gf[j]l] /RXLV·5HVWDXUDQW :dg[cOYddk>gmf\Ylagfk %2; )LQH'LQLQJDW$IIRUGDEOH3ULFHV 55&+(67(59,//(21.2&+ &+(67(59,//(21 6HUYLQJ&DQDGLDQ ,WDOLDQ J]ka\]flaYd;gee]j[aYd;mklge:madl@ge]k9\\alagfk J]fgnYlagfkG^Ú[]J]fgnYlagfkKmkh]f\]\;]adaf_k .&+ &KHVWHUYLOOH L]d2.)+%,,0%+*,1$>Yp2.)+%,,0%+)++$;]dd2.)+%/1,%,./1 5RDVWLQJVLQFH 7ROO)UHH L@=<=EGFK<=F;9FL==F 2IÀFH <285',5(&76285&()25 Hpg^]Zg]Hi^kZm^][r;beeC^g )D[ 5RDVWHG6R\EHDQV 6R\0HDO 2XUQHZVWDWHRIWKHDUWIDFLOLW\ KlghZq^gjYZmj_]j LVQRZIXOO\RSHUDWLRQDO 'HOLYHU\$YDLODEOH Yf\]fbgqgmj^j]k`[ml^ja]k )5$1.+((5.(16 &XVWRP5RDVWLQJ Yf\em[`egj]&&& +Z\&KHVWHUYLOOH21 )XOO\/LFHQVHG(OHYDWRU ZZZ'HUNV(OHYDWRUFRP Dg[Yl]\Yll`];`]kl]jnadd]9j]fY ZZZGXQGDVSRZHUOLQHFRP_LQIR#GXQGDVSRZHUOLQHFRP )RUZDUG5G6&KHVWHUYLOOH &DOOIRUDTXRWHWRGD\ November 29 Page 03_Layout 2 17-11-28 1:27 PM Page 1 Wednesday, November 29, 2017 The Chesterville Record Page 3 Ag Specialist High Skills Program students visit MacDonald College STE. ANNE DE BELLEVUE, QC – On Nov. 21, 11 students from the Agriculture Specialist High Skills Major Program (AG SHSM) at North Dundas District High School, Chesterville, Ont., travelled to McGill University’s MacDonald College, in Ste.
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