LA-3871-MS LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY of the University of California LOS ALAMOS ● NEW MEXICO A Bibliography on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Inorganic Fluorides 1.. .— t“ l-- — r! UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION CONTRACT W-7405 -ENG. 36 LEGAL NOTICE This reportwas preparedas an accountof Governmentsponsoredwork. Neitherthe United States,nor theCommission,nor any personactingon behalfoftheCommission: A. Makes any warrantyorrepresentation,expressedor implied,withrespecttoiheaccu- racy,completeness,or usefulnessoftheinformationcontainedinthisreport,or thattheuse of any information,apparatus,meihcd,or processdisclosedin thisreportmay not infringe privatelyowned rights;or B. Assumes any liabilitieswithrespecttotheuse of,or fordamages resultingfrom the use ofany information,apparatus,method,or processdisclosedinthisreport. AE used in theabove,“personactingon behalfof the Commission” includesany em- ployeeor contractorof theCommission,or employeeof such contractor,tothe extentthat such empioyeeor contractorof theCommission,or employeeof such contractorprepares, disseminates,or providesaccessto,any informationpursuanitohisemploymentor contract withtheCommission,or hiaemploymentwithsuchcontractor. This report expresses the opinions of the author or authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of the Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory. Printed in the United States of America. Available from Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information * National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Commerce Springfield, Virginia 22151 Price: Printed Copy $ 3.00; Microfiche $0.65 , LA-3871-MS UC-4, CHEMISTRY TID-4500 LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY of the University of California LOS AI.AMOS c NEW MEXICO Report written: December 1967 Report distributed: February 19, 1968 A Bibliography on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Inorganic Fluorides Compiled by ..——— Jean Furnish . -1 . ● A BIBLIOGRAPHYON ● NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF INORGANIC FLUORIDES INTRODUCTION For this bibliography only volumes 51 (1957) through NUCLSAR NAGNETIC RESONANCE IN COF2 AND FeF2 65 (1966) of Chemical Abstracts were consulted. In- J. M. Baker and W. Hayea organic fluorides alone, in solvents of any sort, Phys. Rev. ~, 603-4 (1~~) and in complexes with organic and inorganicmole- 51:17432d cules have been included. All referenceswere in- dexed under “nuclear magnetic resonance” in Chemi- FLUORINE-19 NUCLEAR-MAGNSTIC-RESONANCELINS SHAPES ical Abstracts. IN CALCIUM FLUORIDE C. R. Bruce Most of the references included in this bibliography Phys;5~+5& 43-5 (1957) were published in the period 197-1966. However, : since the search was confined to specific volumes of Chemical Abstracts, and all references therefrom NUCLEAR MGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES OF THE ALUMINUM were included, it will be noted that there are some FLUORIDE COMPLEKES citations earlier than 1957. It may also be pointed Robert E. Cormick and Richard E. Poulson out that in order to obtain a somewhat more complete J. h52ChlnndSOCO ~, 5153-’7(1957) list of references for 1966 it would be necessary : to go beyond the cut-off point of volume 65 of Chemical Abstracts. It was not possible to do this NUCLEAR NAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES OF BF3 CCMPLEX in the present case. FORMATION P. Diehl and R. A. Ogg Entries in this bibliography are arranged by year Nat.r~2@&114 (1957) with the earliest given first, then alphabetically : by author’a name. For each item the location of the Chemical Abstracts entry is given following the bib- NucLsAR WGNETIC RESONANCE IN PARAMAGN5TIC IRON liographic citation. ‘l%is includes volume and COl- GROUP FLUORIDES umn location number only, i.e., 63:7866f indicates V. Jaccarino, R. G. Shulman, and J. W. Stout the item is from volume 63 of Chemical Abstracts, phys.5~+4* 602-3 (1957) and the location is at 7866f within that volume. : NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (n.m.r.) IN ANTIFERRO- MAGNETIc NnF49 NUCLEAR RESONANCE SPECTRA AND THE STRUCTURESOF THE V. Jaccarino and R. G. Schulman MONO- AND DIHYDRATE OF EJ3RONTRIFLUORIDE Phys.5fij4v 1196-7 (1957) P. T. Ford and R. E. Richarda : J. Chem. Sot. 387o-4 (1956) 51:1669d NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN SINGLE-CRYSTALLITHI- UM FLUORIDE EOWN TO 1.5°K NITRYL FLUORIDE: A NEW METHOD OF PREPARATION, Frank J. Law and C. F. Squire NUCLEAR MAGNETIC SPECTRUM, AND STRUCTURE Bull. Am. Phya. Sot. (2); g, 103 (1957) Richard A. Ogg, Jr., and James D. Ray 52:12546d J. Chq.T~&;. Q, 797-8 (1956) : FREE-INDucTIoNDEcAw IN SOLIDS I. J. Lowe and R. E. Norberg NUCLBAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES OF SOME INOR- Phys.5~;5~ 46-61 (1957) GANIC ~LECULES AND IONS : . Richard Edwin Poulson UCRL-~~6:h:~PP. (1956) LEwIs CHARACTER oF TELLURIUM HEKAFLuoRIDE : E. L. Muetterties and W. D. Phillips J. &lh1ch~WlU40Co ~, 2075 (1957) . NUCLEAR RELAXATION IN ANTIFERROMAGNETICCRYSTALS : J. van Kranendonk and M. Bloom Physica 22, 545-6o (1956) 52:9775e 1 STRUCTURE OF CIF AND EXCHANGE STUDIES ON SOME hfAGN5TIcwsowcE LINE SHAPES AT THE ONSET OF HALOGEN FLUORIDE2 BY NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SATURATION (n.m.r.) D. F. Holcomb E. L. Muetterties and W. D. Phillips Phys. Rev. ~ 1599-1603 (l@) J. Am;2chh6dsoc. Q 322-6 (197) 53:19572i : NUCLEAR RESONANCE SIGNALS OBTAINED BY DYNAMIC NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPLITTINGS IN VERY WBAK POLARIZATION FIELDS (35-15 GAUSSES) Andre Landesman Dominique P. Roux and George J. Bene timPtj2r&&~ 1538-4o (1958) J. Chem. Phys. ~, 968-9 (1957) : 51:12646i PROTON RESONANCE SPECTRA OF SOKS CRYSTALS CONTAIN- NUCLEAR MAGNETIC KESONANCE IN PARAMAGNETICMANGA- ING NITROGEN AND FLUORINE NOUS FLUORIDE J. B. Leane and R. E. Richards R. G. Shulman and V. Jaccarino Spectrochim.Acta~, 154-60 (IY8) Phys.5~k* 1219-31 (1957) 52:$1755d ELECTKDN-NUCLZARDOUBLE RESONANCE OF F CENTERS ME!! IN LITHIUM FLUORIDE Norman W. I.ard CHEMICAL SHIFT AND THE FINE STRUCTURE OF THE SIG- Phys. Rev. Lettera ~, 170-1 (1958) NALS OF NUCLEAR NAGNETIC RESONANCE. I. EXPERI- 52:17g64h MENTAL METHOD AND THE INVESTIGATIONOF THE SYSTEM HF-H20 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN LITHIUM FLWRIDE P. M. Borodin and F. I. Skripor F. J. Low and C. F. Squire Izvest. Vysshikh Ucheb. Zavedneii, Radiofiz, No. 3, Phys.5mi&rn. Solids ~, 85-8 (1958) 37-49 (1958) : 53:12000b CHEMISTRY OF SOME SULFUR OXYFLUORIDES EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT ON THE FLUORINE MAGNETIC E. L. Muetterties and D. D. Coffman RESONANCE IN SOLUTIONS OF POTASSIUM FLUORIDE J. Am;3Che;gSOC. ~ 5914-18 (1958) Alan Barrington and Theodore Hines J. Chem. Phys. 28, 727-8 (1958) 52:12561a INDIRECT COUPLING OF NUCLEAR SPINS IN AN ANTI- FERkOMAGNETWITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO MnF2 AT TETRAFLUOROHYDRAZINE VERY LOW TEMPERATURES Charlea B. tilburn and Al Kennedy Tautao Nakamura J. Am#emiSOC. &J, 5004 (1958) progr. Theoret. Phys. (Kyoto)~, 5@-52 (1958) : 53:10970b ELECTROLYTE EFFECTS ON NUCLSAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE (N.M.R.) STUDIES OF GO- FREQUENCIES OF FLUORINE IN AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS ORDINATE COMPLEX FORMATION BY BORON TRIFLUORIDE Robert E. Connick and Richard E. Poulson Richard A. Ogg, Jr., and Peter Diehl J. Phys. Chem. ~, 1oo2-4 (1958) Chem. Co-Oral.Compds., Symp., Rome 1957, 468-75 53:865i (Pub. 1958) 58 :2041c NUCLEAR RSEONANCE SPECTRUM AND STRUCTURE OF SULFUR TETKAFLUORIDE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES OF COORDINATE F. A. Cotton, J. W. George, and J. S. Waugh COMPLEX FORNATION BY BORON TRIFLUORIDE J. Chem. Phys. 28, 994-5 (1958) Richard A. Ogg, Jr., and Peter Diehl ~2:15252c J. Inc.~j9~~ Nuclear Chem. ~, 468-75 (1958) NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDIES OF BORON TRI- FLUORIDE COMPLEX FORMATION LITHIUM-7 AND FLUORINE-19 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESO- P. Diehl NANCES IN NEUTRON-IRRADIATEDLITHIUM FLUORIDE Helv. Phys. Actajil, 685-712 (1958) P. J. Ring. J. G. O!Keefe. and P. J. Brav 53:17673b F’hys.5ev~$etters~, 453:4 (l$@3) “ : STUDY OF BORON TRIFLUORIDE COMPLEXES BY NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE DOUBLE NUCLEAR RESONANCE IN CRYSTALS OF LITHIUM P. Diehl and J. Gr~nacher FLUORIDE Helv~-Phya.Acta~ 43-4 (1958) E. E. Schneider and K. ThomDson 52:19656b J. Phya. Radium~, 834-6 (ig’j8) (in French) . 53:8814e THE STRUCTURE OF LIQUID ANTIMONY PENTAFLUORIDE Charlea J. Hoffman, Bert E. Holder, and William L. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF FLUORINS IN FLUORO- SILANES . Erhard Schnell and Eugene G. Rochow J. InOrg. Nucl. Chem.-~, 303-7 (1958) 52:17g63d 2 ORIGIN OF NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SHIFTS IN PARA- EFFECTS OF THE COBALT-59 HYPERFINE STRUCTURE ON MAGNETIC MANGANESE ‘TRIFLUORIDE THE FLUORINE-19 HIGH-FREQUENCYNUCLEAR MAGNETIC R. G. Schulman and V. Jaccarino RESONANCE IN ANTIFERROMAGNETICCOF2 Phys. Rev. l= 1084-5 (1958) V. Jaccarino >2:ll>78a J. Chem. Phys. ~, 1627-8 (1959) >3:19>7jd NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN ANTIFERROMAGNETIC THE FORM OF RESONANCE LINES IN RIGID SYSTEMS M*19 Anatole Abragam and Jacques Michel Winter V. $accarfno and L. R. Walker timPtj4r:n&j8~ 1633-4 (1959) J. Phys, Radium2Q, 341-3 (1959) : 53:21181h PRINCIPLES OF PHOSPHORUS CHEMISTRY. IV. THE sYs- DIFLUOROAMINE TEM OF FLUOROPHOSPHORICACIDS Al Kennedy and Charles B. Colburn Donald P. Ames, Shf.geruOhashi, Clayton F. Callis, J. Am. Chem. Sot. 81, 2906-7 (1959) and John R. Van Wazer 53:l>844b J. Am. Chem. Sot. & 635o-7 (1959) >k:l1792d FREE INDUCTION DECAY OF ROTATING SOLIDS I. J. Lowe NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE STUDY OF FLUORINE IN Phys.5fiG1~ters~ 285-7 (1959) SILVER FLUORIDE AND SILVER SUBFLUORIDE : Q. Won Choi Univ. Microfilms (Ann Arbor, Mich.), L.C. Card No. NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE FREQUENCY SHIFT OF C059 Mic 59-1611, 97 pp.; DissertationAbstr. 20, 111 IN COF2 (1959) Toru Noriya 53:18632a Phys.5hm.oolidsll, 175-6 (1959) F19 NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE OF VARIOUS METAL- FLUORIDE COMPLEXES IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION STRUCTURE OF EXCHANGE PROCESSES IN SOME INORGANIC Robert E. Connick and Richard E. Poulson FLUORIDES BY NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE J. Phys. Chem. ~, 568-9 (1959) E. L. Muetterties and W. D. Phillips 53:l>772e J. Am. Chem. Sot. 81, 1084-8 (1959) 53:10974b STRUCTURE SENSITIVI’lYOF THE HIGH-FREQUENCYNUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN POWDERED ANTIFERROMAGNETIC CRYSTALLINEFIELD SPLITTING IN FERROUS FLUOSILICATE W2 Taiichiro Ohtsuka J, L. Davis, G. E. Devlin, V. Jaccarino, and A. L. J. Ph~;.9~2i Japan~, 1245 (1959) Schawlow Phys.5~;o~~.
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