o R T Karl Malden Re-elected Academy President On August 2, Karl Malden was Well, they're going selected by the Board of Gover­ to let me do this for nors to serve a second term as another year. I en­ Academy president. joyed the first time around, although The Board also returned to office I'll admit Lwouldn 't four other incumbents. Public I ,_ " .. mind it if the pace relations branch governor slowed down just a Charles M. Powell was elected to bit this year. his second term as first vice president. Executives branch If we can get both governor Robert Rehme was re- l..L---,__ -",,""---","---,-,,-, buildings open and elected to one of the remaining Academy Officers: (sitting I. to r.) Robert Rehme, Karl Malden, CharlesM. Powell; (standing I. to r.) Donn Cambern, Fay Kanin, Karl Malden functioning before vice president spots, as was film December, win the editor Donn Cambern. john A . Bonner. appeal on our Oscar copyright case, pre­ Incumbents returned to the Board were pare the first volume of "Oscar's Greatest Sound branch governor John A. Bonner Academy President Karl Malden, actors Moments" for launching, line up the was the only newcomer to take office, as branch; Gilbert Cates, directors; Robert middle $5 million in pledges for the En­ he was elected to his first term as treasurer. Rehme, executives; Charles M. Powell, dowment Campaign and maybe put on Writer and former Academy President public relations; Saul Bass, short films; another rip-roaring Oscar show, that'll Fay Kanin will serve as secretary for the and Kay Rose for the sound branch. second year in a row. be enough for me. I won't be looking for Governors continuing on the Board are any new projects. All officers serve one-year terms. Richard Dreyfuss and Jack Lemmon, ac­ The question I hear most often these days Three First-Time Governors tors branch; Robert F. Boyle and Jerry from our Los Angeles -area members is Wunderlich, art directors; Linwood G. when we'll have our Samuel Goldwyn Added to Board Dunn and Harry Wolf, cinematographers; and Little Theaters open again. The sec­ The Branch elections conducted last Arthur Hiller and Norman Jewison, direc­ ond most - asked question is why the month placed three first-time governors tors; Robert A. Daly and Frank Mancuso, Goldwyn needed any work at all when it on the 36-member Board. Newly elected executives; Donn Cambern and Tom Rolf, was clearly one of the better theaters in to the Board were Albert Brenner, repre­ film editors; Alan Bergman and Arthur sentin the art directors bran~h' Peter E. HamiltQn, usic- ..samuel Berger, ftlm editors branch; and Bruce and Saul Zaentz, producers; Robert The short answer is that the Board didn't Broughton, music branch. Dingilian and Cheryl Boone Isaacs, pub­ think that better was good enough. Call lic relations; June Foray and William C. Also elected and returning after an inter­ it organizational egotism ifyou like, but Littlejohn, short films; John A. Bonner val off the Board were Charles F. Wheeler, the feeling in the Board Room is that our and Donald C. Rogers, sound; and Fay representing the cinematographers theater should, in its technical condi­ Kanin and Hal Kanter, writers. tions, set a world standard for the quality branch, Howard W. Koch for the produc­ of the motion picture experience. Acous­ ers branch and Daniel Taradash, writers All governors serve three-year terms. tical theory and the technology of sound branch. Both Koch and Taradash are past Voting was conducted by Price and projection have all moved on in the presidents of the Academy. Waterhouse. fifteen years since the Goldwyn opened, 1 and it was time for the Academy to set the bar higher again. Academy Foundation Elects .Officers and Trustees Film industry executive Robert Rehme elections held during the August 2 Board And while we were at it we improved the was elected to his third term as president meeting-vice presidents Samuel climate controls, safetyfeatures , seats and of the Academy Foundation, the cultural Goldwyn, Jr. and Karl Malden, treasurer live peiformance capabilities. When we and preservational arm of the Academy Fay Kanin and secretary Alan Bergman. move back in some time in November, I of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. promise you'll agree it was worth the wait. Cheryl Boone Isaacs, Bruce Broughton Four other incumbents were also re- and Daniel Taradash were elected to the 1 turned to office for the 1990-91 year in (continued on page 4) I' \(.1 .! \( \ 1>1 '" IU POlO DeMille, Hope Gifts to Endowment Fund The drive to create a $15 million endow­ bestowed life membership on him for his DeMille's name has become virtually syn­ ment for the Academy Center for Motion "many services to the Academy." onymous with epic-style filmmaking, and Picture Study received a double-barreled his work has been duly honored by the boost in recent weeks when Bob Hope In 1952, Hope was presented with an Academy membership. In 1949, he won and the Cecil B. DeMille Trust made Oscar "for his contribution to the laughter a special Oscar "for 37 years of distin­ pledges to the campaign of $l-rnillion of the world, his services to the motion guished showmanship," and in 1952 he each. The gifts are the largest to date. picture industry and his devotion to the was awarded the Irving Thalberg Memorial American premise," and in 1959 he re­ Award. That same year, DeMille pro­ Two major components of the new Cen­ ceived the third Jean Hersholt Humani­ duced TIlE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTIl, ter will be named in honor of Hope and tarian Award ever given. He was also which won Best Picture honors, and for DeMille. When the Center opens later honored with a special gold medal from which he was a Best Director nominee. this year, visitors will enter the building the Academy in 1965. He also directed and produced Best Pic­ through the Bob Hope Grand Lobby; The DeMille gift is the largest single ture nominee THE TEN COMMANDMENTS then, if the Margaret Herrick Library is in 1965. their destination, the Cecil B. DeMille contribution ever given by the Cecil B. Reading Room will be their first stop. DeMille Trust. The three trustees, Cecilia The Hope and DeMille gifts bring the DeMille Presley, Peter DeMille Calvin campaign's total monies raised to almost Hope and the Academy have enjoyed a and Joseph W. Harper, Jr., are grandchil­ 40 percent of the $15-million goal. long association, one that begins with the dren of the legendary filmmaker. 1 comedian's record 26 appearances on the Oscar telecast. He was awarded a special silver plaque by the organization in 1940, Academy Library To Close and in 1944, the Board of Governors If you're one of the thousands each year the last day to place photo orders, which who visits or calls the Academy's Mar­ must be picked up by August 31. That garet Herrick Library - whether to con­ Friday also marks the last day when the duct weeks of research for a book or have library will be open for the use of all other a simple question answered - you'd holdings, including books, files, scripts better take note: the library is closing. and periodicals. After 15 years of service at 8949 Wilshire Boulevard, the Library will soon close in The Center for Motion Picture Study, set preparation for its move to the Academy's to open in December, will house the Center for Motion Picture Study. Herrick Library and the Academy Film Archive. The 63-year-old structure, lo­ During July and August, library services cated at La Cienega and Olympic boule­ have been interrupted in stages. Special vards in La Cienega Park, is currently in Collections materials were removed from the final stages of renovation. 1 service at the end of July. August 17 was On May 30, Robert Rehme, Academy Foundation president, greeted Tom Pollack of MCA/Universal and Raymond Dutfield of Technicolor, Ltd., at a Comden & Green, Mankiewicz Programs in NYC reception hosted by the Century Plaza Hotel and After a summer hiatus, the Academy TO THREE WIVES, THE BAREFOOT Tower. The occasion allowed the Academy to celebrate the fourteen inaugural corporate donors returns to New York with a pair of special CONTESSA, GUYS AND DOLLS and SUD­ to the endowment fund campaign now underway programs. A tribute to writers Betty DENL Y, LAST SUMMER. Director-writer­ for the Academy's Center for Motion Picture Study. Com den and Adolph Green featuring producer Mankiewicz will be present, highlights from their along with several films ON TIlE TOWN, of his celebrated ACADEMY SINGIN' I TIlE RAIN, colleagues, to dis­ REP 0 R T TIlE BAND WAGON cuss his long and and BELLS ARE RING­ Published Quarterly in February, May, August distinguished career. and November by the ING will be staged Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences on Thursday, Octo­ Both New York pro­ 8949 Wilshire Boulevard, ber 18. Musical per­ grams will be held Beverly Hills, California 90211-1972 formances and a in the Titus Theater I (213) 278-8990 President .. .. .. Karl Malden conversation with at the Museum of First Vice President .. Charles M. Powell Miss Comden and Modern Art and are Vice President . Robert Rehme Mr. Green will round presented in col­ Vice President . Donn Cambern out this gala event. joseph Mankiewicz's ALL ABOUT EVE, with (/. to r.) laboration with Treasurer ..... .. John A. Bonner Anne Baxter, Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe and MoMA. Both the Secretary . Fay Kanin On Thursday, No­ George Sanders; was nominated for 14 Academy Comden and Green Executive Director .....
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