Want to see who makes The Breeze} Go to thebreeze.org and click on our The Breeze Editor's page. James Madison University's Student Newspaper Vol. 84, Issue 3 liH'Silmi, beulcnwcr 5, 200b Opinion, page 7 ' *£*' A&E,pagel1 Sports, page 15 An analysis of the non- Everything you wanted to know The JMU football team holiday Labor Day holiday. about Taylor Down Under. squeaks past D-II Bloomsburg. Students love their rock'n'roll Ernesto in the tunnel Kl l l ll NOWUN "History of Rock' JMU's most The tun- popular class nel under Interstate 81 floods during m Ki in Cuwin the rainy week iontributin$ writer brought on by the remnants Over H)0 students crowd into of Hurricane ihe largest lecture h.ill in Health Ernesto. and Human Services Building, fighting for setts, eventuall) set- tling for the aisle — it's the first day i»i dasa for Histor) ol Rock. Offered as an eiei five in the music program, the daaa has he- come an undeniable sensation al IML, as atudenta clamor for overrides so thai the) can learn everything from the Beatles to i liris. I he daaa is buoyed b) the enthusiasm ol professoi Ku k DIGiallonardo, and has become one ol tli** must popular expert" m campufl "I had always heard about hem much fun it was," said senior Hart Kaup. "So when I needed an elective, 1 looked it up right awaj Histor) ol Rock is taught In DIGiallonardo, a professor in the music department and co- ordinator ol the muak industry firogram DIGiallonardo comes rom ■' professional background in music, touring as ,1 ke\ board isi lor notable acts such as Sam- my Hagai and Elton |ohn and signed as an artist to t leffen and Polygram Records. I used to tour n months out of the year, .ill tn er the world," said I >i< .i.illonardo " I lien fam- ily stepped in and I decided to take .1 different route and I ^i^- ed up teaching 'History of Rock* Tracks — 300 siudcnls — JMU's roost popular class — The Aral time it Mrasol bred, mOIC than 700 students tried to sign up — rVotaorRJcfc IMiialkmardo loured «ith Samim Hagai and Elton John Deck gets a facelift Gas prices falling m Asinn ttorkiss l Ins trend is uncharacteristic ol past years, Downtown contrii during which prices tended to increat the I abor Day weekend parking deck i ..is prices have dropped about 20cents in Typicall) we see prices rise a b the last week, averaging about SJ 4t per gal- the honda) weekend," said VanCuren. under construction lon in Harrisonburg, defying typical trends ol "It is the last hiy, hurrah tor families to take the season and relieving man) [Mt students \ acations, so demand in< reases. In addition, it Wind\ Vancuren of AAA Mid-Atlantic is summer driving season so demand goes up, n Bi< tn MARTSMB said oil prms have started to decline due in resulting in slight!) highei prices staff writer ^^^_^^^__ p.irt to .1 peace agreement reached between is Another reason gaa prices go up during rael and Hezbollah, a terrorist organization in imti.ii constnictlon on lha i ebarton with known ties to Iran and Syria '- ts page4 parking deck on West Water Street caught downtown businesses ofl guard « ontinued projects on Wa- ter Street have caused stgnirkarM setbacks tor businesses on < ourt SIDEWALK Square Now, businesses are deal ing with the continued construe1 rion the best the) can West Water Street has been CLOSED under construction tor several months with numerous parts ol I \N III Ml I Mtiffphi u*rophtt the sit.- frequentl) blocking car A sidewalk by Finnegan's Cove is blocked due to the work and pedestrian traftu the Harrisonburg I lectrii being on done on the West Water Street parking deck. I ommisston has hem laying power and maintenance lines un- on West Water Street and the Now the Department ol der Watei Street Although traffic dostng ot the alley that con- I'uhhi Works ins contracted has been impeded due to these nects Water Street to ( ourt the I j nchburg-based Graziano projects, these projects have not Square, which is soon to be re- ( orp for a project to "reinforce interfered with one another, ac- opened without construction, the structural integrit) ol the cording i" |amaa Baker, dm-, tor have closed the most direct Water Street I lei k horn mid- of the Harrisonburg I tepailmenl routrs to this section ol tow ii, August to mid-hiovembec ol Pubfa Works, according to Rand) 5hank, i otisirui tion on .i free i Unit owner ol Shank's h.ik.rv I-.III.II lenessa Kildall Editor Micia Stetzei Ml S8-674 Tuesday. September 5.2006 I 2 Page IIwwwJhebreeze/)r% The Breeze is published Mon- POLICE LOG day and Thursday mornings and The Breeze Drunk in public distributed throughout James to |I\ISS\ KMDAIi senio) writer \ |Ml student was charged with drunk in public at the Madison University and the local ■ hfattfcm si-" Harnsonburg community. Com- < Jit. IWnl, Frederikaon Sen Icel >rne Aug. 29 at 1:39 a.m. ments and complaints should Kjthjnj DUI Alcohol violation be addressed to Matthew Stoss. -. 1'i'H'nin Demand editor. ■ Maq < unt) INK students were charged with an alcohol violation Property damage MaaGoedma Main Telephone: Kdl. Rahei on South Main Street Aug. 2^ at - a.m. A IML employee reported $f>00 iliim.ii:.' tn .1 rear bum- (540)568-6127 i lUIYmwsU per nl .i vehicle parked In the parking deck Aug. 2" .a an MaaHaMea Advertising Department: MnGaUa Possession of a controlled substance unknown tune. Ainu SMM (540)568-6127 leaxmaKlMaU A non-studenl was charged with possession ot a con- i raa Dyeaa Editor: Matthew Stoss trolled substance al Porl Republic Road and Bradley Dangerous practices, vandalism, tamper- i Jim-ii p*ck (540) 568-6749 t.r*hjm Neal Drive al Aug 2" al 2 SO a.m ing with fire detection device Ink l'(t/,i [email protected] Uaa Ntctwjwtti I\IL students were charged with dangerous practices, stossmr Rugrr SoaalukM Property damage vandalism and tampering with .1 fire detection device .ii News Desk: A l\ll officer reported a post was leaned over .ii an Chappelear Hall Aug. 30 at 11:17 p.m. (540) 568-8041 ADVERTISING STAFF angle exposing a concrete footer in L-Lol Aug 2* .ii an [email protected] Ads Manager: unknown hnir. Number ol drunk in publica since Aug. 28:2 Arts and Entertainment Meghan O Donnell Desk: Assistant Ads Manager Bryan Pope (540)568-3151 Specialty Advertising Executive: breezearts@hotmail. com Lola Sizemore CLASSIFIEDS MAILING ADDRESS MISSION Ads Design Lead: Sports Desk: ■ How to place a classified: Go Tyler Adams The Breeze The Breeze, the student- (540) 568-6709 Ad Executives: lo wwiv.tAiebreeze.ofg and click on [email protected] the classified link or come into the run newspaper ol James Dana Fiore G1 Anthony-Seeger Hall Madison University, serves Alexandra McNair office weekdays between 8 a.m. Opinion Desk: and 5 p.m MSC 6805 student and faculty read- Gil Harnson (540) 568-3846 Phil Finch ■ Cost S5 00 tor the first 10 words. ership by reporting news Ad Designers: $3 for each additional 10 words; James Madison University involving the campus and breezeopimon@t lotmail. com Lara Egbert boxed classified. S10 per column local community. The Breeze Chris Swecker inch Harnsonburg, Virginia strives to be impartial and Photo/Graphics: (540) 568-8041 Eric Trott ■ Deadlines: noon Friday for 22807 fair in its reporting and Nazia Mitha Monday issue, noon Tuesday for firmly believes in its First breezephoto@hotmail. com Brian Sosta* Thursday issue Phone:(540)568-6127 Amendment rights. breezegraphics@hotmail. com DUKE DAYS Virginia Again si Events Calendar Humanitas Lecture Scries Drunk Driving As part of the Humanitas Lecture Series, [Ml religion as- sociate professor lain Maclean will present "Reconciling Conflicts1 lessons from Truth and Reconciliation Commis- sions" tonight from 4 to 5:30 p.m. in Taylor Hall, room 302. Rush Alpha Kappa l\i Alpha Kappa Psi, the first and largest coed business frater- nity in the world, is holding an information night tonight at 7 p.m. in Festival Conference room 6 at 7 p.m. Students tan team more about the benefits ol |otnJng AKPsi. an orga- nization open to all majors, lor more information, contact Ashley Beard al Ivim/nii'or check out orgl.jmujdu/akpfl. Rush Pi Sigma Kpsilon I'i Sigma Fpsilon, a coed business Iraternity open to all majors* will hold an information session tonight in Taylor Hall, room 3116 from 4 to 11 p.m. PSI strives to develop the practical sales and marketing skills of its members through active involvement in sales and marketing projects, market- ing research, professional programs community sen ice. ~c> dal events, general chapter operation and more. I or more Information, e-mail Stephen I ackey at lachyv or visit orgs, jmuMlu/pst (>ang Awareness and Prevention I oca] law enforcement will present information for stu- dents about ways local gang activity is affecting the Harri- sonburg/JMU area. The event will be held Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Highlands Room ot the Festival tenter, lor more in- ph.*ulliwr-u.-i I . \IIMH w\ S"IH formation on gang awareness, visit euharriunburg.va.us/lrh The state of Virginia recently announced a Si million campaign to fight drunken driving. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine iex.php?id 660. said new strategies must be created to educate drivers about the consequences of drunken driving, some of which include sobriety checkpoints and a major advertising campaign.
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