8 8 A: B. c D D B D D G J< M M B c a ~ ~ BLUE RIBBON TITLES FOR YOUR BBC/ELECTRON £1 .99 RANGE Astra Plumber Nightmare Maze Bar Billiards Percy Penguin Castle Assault (Superior/Blue Ribbon) Darts Ravage Deathstar (Superior/ Return of R2 Blue Ribbon) Smash and Grab Diamond Mine (Superior/Blue Ribbon) Diamond Mine II Springamajig Golf Steve Davis Snooker Joey 3D Dotty Mango Trapper Mr.Wiz (Superior/ Video Card Arcade Blue Ribbon) £2.99 RANGE ALL T ITLES ARE SUPERIOR/ BLUE RIBBON TITLES Citadel Repton Codename Droid Repton 2 Crazee Rider Strykers Run Galaforce Syncron Karate Combat Thrust Ravenskull GAME CHARACTERS PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS Ravenskull Caslle consists of 4 levels. each 64 1tmes !he size ol the screen FOUR-GAME To complele the adventure, you WOl't( your way lhrough lhe 4 levels collec­ ting treasure and assembling the myshcal silver cruc1lu1 Each level holds k "~!l UJ I &~ t a COMPILATIONS FOR THE one part of the cruc1!1x , pick this up only atter you have tound au ot lhe •- -·H -- - - treasure on that level BBC MICRO AND ELECTRON You are able to f'K:k up various ob/ectS throughoui the cas11e Most are help lul to you. but some are a h1nderance and are 8\len deadly1Ah er pc:king up VARIETY WITH GREAT VALUE FOR MONEY an object. you may attempt to uhhse by following lh1 s procedure a) check the obJSCI IS po!.1h0ned 1n your hand by using AUN keys. b) press RETURN 10 use lhe Ob/SCI Some 11ems may only be used in certain 1oca11ons You mus! logically deduce where and when you should use each 11em Play It Again Sam !J CASTLE OBJECTS GAME CONTROLS Ravenbees - The deadly casUe guardians Main Controls COMMANDO (Elite). PALACE OF MAGIC Acid Pools, Spiked Disks, Man-Eating Plants - Contact w11h 1hese is fatal * Run Nouh ? Run Sou1n (Superior Software). KILLER GORILLA (Micro Spiked Gates, Cell Doors/Bars - Some ol 1hese can be opened w11h a key Z Run West X Run East Power). KILLER GORILLA 2 (Superior Software). Wooden casks - They may be pushed. bul only atler the player has read a P Pie~ up an ob1ec1 (YotJ canno1 carry more than 3 ob1ec1s a1 a 11rne) Strenglh ScrOfl RETURN Use ob1ec1 D Drop ObjeC1 Time Door - An enchanted door wnlCh opens and Closes by 1tsell regularly S Select S1a1us Screen (BBC onty) ESCAPE Restarl game Play It Again Sam Lf Time Shatt - A special area on the final level The last part ol lhe cruc1hx has COPV F1eeze on DELETE Freeze ott been carefully hidden by Baron Strieg 1n anolher dimenscn By pushU'lO 4 TAB (BBC Key) Kill yourself 1 (Electron key) FRAKI (Aardvark). SPELLBINDER (Superior wooden casks into Its 4 aleoves. the 11me shall can be opened, revealing lhe BBC Status Screen Controls ELECTRON last part ot the crucihx Other cas11e objeCts inelude cofhns, earth. slooP Softwore). COSMIC CAMOUFLAGE (New Z Mo11e hand lell {to select Ot>tect) pillars, and !he treasure Release). GRAND PRIX CONSTRUCTION SET (On X Move hand righl (lo setect object) QUEST OBJECTS the BBC Micro version - Superior Software). E Eicam1ne Obj8CI These objects may be ptCked up, used and dropped as explained earlier The GUARDIAN (On the Electron version - Alllgata). Jump teve 1 ques1 ob)8Cts tndude keys, pick·axes, dynamite. detonators scylhes, spades fonly available aher complellng the previous level w11hou1 losing a hie} 1 '"land·axes. bows and arrows bells. tood ond wine (8eware II may be W/O Sound on.on SIO po1sonous °' have strange side etfects). magical scrolls and potions Play It Again Sam 5 AJS Music oniott N A MAGICAL SCROLLS Shih screen up.down NIA 1 Strength Reading lhlS SCIOll allows the player to push wooden caSks SPACE Re1urn 10 game N A IMOGEN (Micro Power - Now also on the 2 rime Chime Synchronised with lhe time doof' 3 Lightning Strike . This scr011s la1al! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Electron). ELIXIR (Superior Software). II you have a Oosk F1hng System 4 Enchanted Door . Causes a door 10 open somewhere 1n the caslle BUG BLASTER (Alligata). FORTRESS (On the BBC lined type me touowuio Micro version - Pace/Amcom). MOONRAIDER 5 Tetepon - The player is instantly teleported 10 another 01herw1se (On the Electron version - Micro Power). 1naccess1ble area •TAPE ana press the RETURN key 6 Super Speed - An mtereshng scroll wnich allows lhe player 10 run about 5 II you have Econe1 lype 1ne to1tow1ng times las1er than l\Ofmal ?&22•·&A6 and Pf8SS RETIURN S8C M1Cf0 Cos.selte £9.95 Acorn Electron Cos.sane £9.95 7 Energy Drain - Another dangerous spell Now lype CHAIN'"' and ptess !he RETURN 11.ey BBC Micro sv, · Oise Ctt.95 B8CMostefCompactJV1" Disc '"'·" 8 Dlspell - This scroll simply dispells !he etfect ot me las1 scroll us9d Press PLAY on your casseue recorder ancl wa11 tor tne program to IOad MAGICAL POTIONS II you have loading problems r1 SUH1U011 1 Speed - OnnkJOO this enables 1ne player 10 run 1W1ce as las1 as normal Try ad1us11ng the volume 1evel on your cassette recmder II •t Mas 1one controls \CO Hi\ SIV ~ ~ t3C 2 Slow - Causes lhe player lO run 4 times slower than not"mal they should be set 10 output lhe ma.umum treble ~(=-- 3 Poison - This 15 a powerful poison which is fatal. instanlly In lhe unhkety event ol the easseue la111ng 10 load return 1110 us and we w 111 1mmed•ate1y send a replacemen1 ~~tnOl<•Oll 4 Strength - The player increases his health by dnnk1ng this pollOO Dept ~AS . Reoenl House, Slmner Lone. c~1DO'l'OO!el0 5 Loser - Causes the player to IOse all ol the oo,ects he his carrying Leeds l.57 lAX. TelephOne (0532) 459453 Su~oSonwot•lld Blue Ribbon Software ltd. 6 Dlspell - 01spells the eMects ol the lasl pollOO Nimrod House, Beckett Road. Oonca~ter DN2 4AD (03021321134 Your task is to save the village of Austburg from imminent devastation. You must enter Ravenskull Castle and retrieve the silver crucifix which the evil Baron Strieg has stolen. Your quest is not an easy one - only with time, experience and a little luck will you unravel all the mysteries within Ravenskull Castle. I 111 ~ s 012323 029298 f~IRRO H .
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