Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88270-5 - Missiles for the Fatherland: Peenemunde, National Socialism, and the V-2 Missile Michael B. Petersen Index More information Index A.G. fur¨ Industriegasverwertung, 37. See Peenemunde¨ relocation, and, 166 also Heylandt Works Armed Forces High Command, German A-10 missile, 91 (OKW), 178, 221 A-2 rocket, 52, 58 foreign labor, and, 145 A-3 rocket, 52, 77, 120, 227 Army Acceptance Office, German, 198, 203 A-4 missile, 7, 59, 63, 64, 91, 97, 98, 168, Army Counterintelligence, German 190, 213, 242. See also Dornberger, (Abwehr), 68, 82–83 Walter; Hermann, Rudolf; Huzel, Army High Command, German (OKH), Dieter; Rees, Eberhard; Rudolph, 166, 221 Arthur; Riedel, Walter J.H.; Thiel, Army Ordnance, German, 59, 131, 214, Walter; von Braun, Wernher 227. See also Becker, Karl deployment of with Me-323, 232 Ballistic and Munitions Section of, 38 development aspects of, 98, 220–221, concept for missile base, 58–59 224–230 cooperation with the Air Force, 57, 60 development delays of, 115–117, 118 foreign competition, and, 40, 53–54, 58 development pressure, and, 115–119, 127, rhetoric about rockets, 40 138–139, 151 secrecy, and, 42, 54, 57–58 euphemisms for, 74 suppression of rocket groups, 44, 47 first successful flight of, 1–2, 132 Army Ordnance, United States, 254 initial design of, 61 Army, German, 8, 146, 173, 203, 213, 215, launch failures of, 117 226, 248 military potential of, 103–104 Auschwitz Concentration Camp, 243 military purpose of, 2 Auschwitz-Birkenau (extermination camp), operations, 223–224, 236–237 168, 171 priority of, 116 Axster, Herbert, 112–113 production of, 173, 187, 224, 243, 244 Axster, Ilse, 112–113 production planning for, 139, 159 submarine-launched ballistic missile, as, Baader, Paul, 156 232–234 Baer, Richard, 244 A-4 Special Committee, 78, 136–137, 148, Ball, Erich, 183, 185 150, 173, 214, 215 Bannasch, Hannelore, 202 A-4b missile, 230 Battle of Britain, 116 Anti-Semitism, 13, 29, 112 Baugruppe Schlempp, 83, 145 Apollo program, 255 foreign and forced labor, and, 154–156 Ardelt Werke (subsidiary production firm), Becker, Karl, 38–40, 41, 43, 44, 49, 59, 62. 147 See also Army Ordnance, German Armaments Ministry, 11, 78, 83, 134, 135, Beier, Anton, 109–110 146, 147, 153, 166, 174, 178, 179, 213, Beon,´ Yves, 169, 192 214 Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp, 171 A-4 production, and, 137, 168 Berger, Gottlob, 141 269 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88270-5 - Missiles for the Fatherland: Peenemunde, National Socialism, and the V-2 Missile Michael B. Petersen Index More information 270 Index Bersch, Otto, 174 BzbV Heer, as, 213 Bischoff, Helmut, 179 collaboration with the Luftwaffe, and, 61 Bleicherode, 241–244 concept for missile facility, 58–59 Bliszna, 165, 166, 203 conditions at Peenemunde,¨ and, 102 Blitzkrieg, 145 cooperation of with German Navy, 233 Bok, Sissela, 65 cooperation with the Armaments Ministry, Brahne,¨ Werner, 79, 205 and, 140–141, 213 Broszat (fnu), 186 demands for secrecy, and, 79, 86 Buchenwald Concentration Camp, 61, 158, evacuation to Bavaria, and, 244 169, 171, 218 first successful A-4 flight, and, 132 labor supplier for Peenemunde,¨ as, Gerhard Degenkolb, and, 137, 139 159 Nazi sympathies of, 79, 101–102, 103 Busselt (fnu), 185 prisoner of the United States, as, 106 Busta, Erwin, 197–198 professional collaboration, and, 125, 213 relationship with Wernher von Braun, 43 Central Construction Development relocation of Peenemunde¨ production, Cooperative (Entwicklungsgemeinschaft and, 166, 168 Mittelbau), 241 slave labor, and, 149–150, 152, 158 concentration camp labor. See slave labor speech of before Peenemunders,¨ 78–79, 101–103, 180 Dachau Concentration Camp, 61, 147 surrender of Peenemunders,¨ and, 245 Dahm, Werner, 90, 230 the Armaments Ministry, and, 63–64 Dannenberg, Konrad, 96, 228–229, the SS, and, 141–142, 143, 212–217 236 use of foreign and forced labor, and, A-4 development pressure, and, 118 145 Debus, Kurt, 108, 234 Durre,¨ Friedrich Wilhelm, 228, 236 director of Kennedy Space Center, as, Dutzmann, Ernst, 198 255 Degenkolb, Gerhard, 153, 166, 168, 185, Ebensee Concentration Camp, 172 217 Elektromechanische Werk GmbH, 214–215, head of the A-4 Special Committee, as, 216, 234, 242 136–139 Enzian missile, 231 Mittelwerk GmbH, and, 173–174, Erdmann, Gerda, 93 180–182 Esnault-Pelterie, Robert, 20 personality and politics of, 136, 137 DEMAG Fahrzeugwerke, 150, 176 Feier, Willibald, 196, 203 Doenitz, Karl, 233 Figge, Paul, 220 Dora Concentration Camp; See Final Solution, 6 Mittelbau-Dora Firnrohr (fnu), 185 Dora war crimes trial, 176, 191 Fliecx, Michel, 158 Dornberger, Walter, 31, 38, 41, 49, 62, 64, foreign labor; See slave labor; Peenemunde¨ , 71, 78, 94, 107, 112, 185, 197, 226, foreign and forced labor at 242 Forschner,¨ Otto, 174, 177, 191, 195, 199, A-4 development, and, 61 201 A-4 development pressure, and, 115–118 Four-Year Plan Institute for Transportation A-4 operations, and, 224 (Vierjahrsplaninstitut fur¨ accusations against Zanssen, and; See Kraftfahrzeuge), 85 Zanssen, Leo Frau im Mond, 21, 23, 31 American captivity, in, 245, 248 Army support for, 39 arrest of W. von Braun, and, 212 Frei, Norbert, 11, 113 award of Knight’s Cross to, 130, 188 Freikorps, 168 background and training of, 43 Friede, Auguste-Elfriede, 237 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88270-5 - Missiles for the Fatherland: Peenemunde, National Socialism, and the V-2 Missile Michael B. Petersen Index More information Index 271 Friederichs and Company (subsidiary Hitler, Adolf, 44, 60, 63, 109, 110, 113, production firm), 147 116, 129, 213, 225, 231, 252, 253 Fromm, Friederich, 64, 117, 142, 166, 214, A-4 program, and the, 151, 165 215 assassination attempt on, effect of, 214 German rearmament, and, 48–49 Garmisch, 106 involvement of in the A-4 program, 136 Gema Blucherwerk, 240 Hobert, Gerhard, 191 General Government, 165, 171 Hoelzer, Helmut, 129 German Academy for Aeronautical Research Hohmann, Walter, 17 (Deutsch Akademie fur¨ Holz, Inge, 162 Luftfahrtforschung), 86 Horbiger,¨ Hans, 17 Gestapo, 68, 143, 175, 212 Hufer, Gerhard, 131 presence of at Peenemunde,¨ 82–84 Huntsville, 254 presence of in Mittelwerk, 179–180, Huter,¨ Hans, 234 206 Huzel, Dieter, 80, 96, 105, 119, 161, 237, role of in von Braun arrest, 211–212 242, 243, 245 Goddard, Robert, 14, 53 A-4 development pressure, and, 119 Goebbels, Josef, 107, 224, 248 A-4 operations, and, 236 Goring,¨ Hermann, 86, 117 British air raid, and, 164 Greifswald, 157 Versuchskommando Nord (VkN), and the, Greifswalder Oie, 93 123 Groner,¨ Wilhelm, 38 Gross-Rosen Concentration Camp, 243 I.G. Farben, 168 Grottrup,¨ Helmut, 211 Ilfeld, 179, 187 Groves, Leslie, 250 Gusterson, Hugh, 104 Jakob (fnu), 191 Jessel, Walter, 106–108 Haberer,¨ Georg, 112 Junkers Aircraft Company, 22, 54, 57 Halle, 205 Jupiter missile, 254 Hauesserman, Walter, 121 Juttner,¨ Hans, 215 Haukohl, Gunther,¨ 184, 185 Heidelager, 225 Kahr, Karl, 192 Heimburg, Karl, 119, 236 Kaiser Wilhelm Gesellschaft, 37 Hein, Wincenty, 170, 195 Kammler, Hans, 177, 179, 214, 220, 226, Heinkel Aircraft Company, 57, 165, 223 238, 240 slave labor, and, 148–149 background and politics of, 167–168 Helm, Bruno, 129, 236 control of the A-4 program, and, 213, Hermann, Rudolf, 93, 95, 98, 119 214, 215–217 academic career of, 120 evacuation to Thuringia and Bavaria, and, Nazi Party membership of, 108 241, 244 on use of A-4 in war, 105 slave labor, and, 173 Heylandt Works, 44, 128. See also A.G. fur¨ Karlshagen, 70, 90, 95 Industriegasverwertung Keitel, Wilhelm, 212 Heylandt, Paul, 22, 29, 35, 36. See also Kennedy Space Center, 255 A.G. fur¨ Industriegasverwertung Kettler, Kurt, 174, 202 Himmler, Heinrich, 134, 141, 151, 157, King, L.D.P., 250 165, 168, 214 Klein, Schanzlin, and Becker (subsidiary A-4 missile, and the, 141–142 production firm), 147 A-4 program, and the, 212–213, 214 Klein-Bodungen, 200 role of in von Braun arrest, 211 Kraft, Ruth, 93 Hirschler, Otto, 79 Kruger,¨ Karl, 156 Hitler Youth, 108 Kruger,¨ Reinhold, 90 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88270-5 - Missiles for the Fatherland: Peenemunde, National Socialism, and the V-2 Missile Michael B. Petersen Index More information 272 Index Kuhlmann (fnu), 186 security measures at, 179 Kummersdorf Proving Ground, 41, 58, 60, Mittelwerk factory, 10, 168, 176, 178, 182, 68 197, 199, 200, 216, 217, 221, 222, 223, conditions at, 44, 50 228, 240, 243 development work at, 52, 98 civilian motivation in, 204–208 expansion of, 53 influence of National Socialist ideology in, secrecy at, 50–51 207 Kunze, Heinz, 78, 138, 174, 188, 235 Labor Operations division in, 185–186, Kurzweg, Hermann, 126 200, 202–203 Kutbach,¨ Ernst, 126 Peenemunde¨ personnel in, 177–178, 185–187 Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Laboratory, prisoner executions in, 244 104 Production Quality Control division in, Lehesten, 172 186–187 slave labor at, 217 sabotage in, 200–204 Levi, Primo, 195 secrecy and security measures in, 179–180, Ley, Willy, 20, 24, 31, 33, 45, 57 204–205 Lindenberg, Hans, 108, 187 slave labor in, 178–179, 187, 191–193, Lochman, Richard, 236 194, 217–218 Los Alamos National Laboratory, 250–251 Mittelwerk GmbH, 173–175, 177, 179, Lubke,¨ Heinrich, 82 214 foreign and forced labor, and, 145 employee salaries and benefits, 182–185 Lucht, Herbert, 79, 126 Mittweida Technical College, 109 Luckmann, Kiddy, 96 Moscow, 145 Lucks, Walter, 112 Mrosek, Johannes, 206 Ludtke,¨ Alf, 5 Mrugowsky, Joachim, 194 Ludwig,
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