18th International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology (ICCE18) held jointly with 4th Biennial Conference of the North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) and 9th International Symposium on Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology (ISAREN) Chateau Lake Louise Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada June 4-9, 2017 1 List of Sponsors The International Federation of Comparative Endocrinological Societies (IFCES) North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) University of Calgary University of Calgary Dept. Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine Alberta Children’s Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI) University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) Western College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences, WCVM Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation ISAREN International Society of Amphibian and Reptilian Endocrinology and Neurobiology Elsevier (General and Comparative Endocrinology) 2 2 Canadian Society of Zoologists / Société Canadienne de Zoologie FACETS, a new open access, multidisciplinary science journal University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. 3 Local Organizing Committee Hamid Habibi (Chair) University of Calgary, Canada John Chang University of Alberta, Canada Stephen Harvey University of Alberta, Canada Alice Hontela University of Lethbridge, Canada Matt (Mathilakath) Vijayan University of Calgary, Canada Suraj Unniappan University of Saskatchewan, Canada Robert Dores University of Denver, USA Caren Helbing University of Victoria, Canada 4 International Program Committee (IPC) Robert Denver (Chairman of the IPC) (USA) Hamid Habibi (Vice-chairmain of the IPC) (Canada) Carlos Arámburo (Mexico) Nicholas Bernier (Canada) Oliana Carnevali (Italy) John Chang (Canada) Chandra Mohini Chaturvedi (India) Bon-chu Chung (Taiwan) Charlotte Cornil (Belgium) Robert Dores (USA) Joaquim Gutiérrez (Spain) Taisen Iguchi (Japan) Olivier Kah (France) Kyungin Kim (Korea) Horst-Werner Korf (Germany) Angela Lange (Canada) Suchinda Malaivijitnond (Thailand) Mary Mendonça (USA) Deborah Power (Portugal) Samantha Richardson (Australia) L. Michael Romero (USA) Eric Roubos (The Netherlands) Liliane Schoofs (Belgium) Rüdiger Schulz (The Netherlands) Mark Sheridan (USA) Akiyoshi Takahashi (Japan) Yoshiro Takei (Japan) Vance Trudeau (Canada) Pei-San Tsai (USA) Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (Japan) Working Program Committee (WPC) for ICCE18 Bob Denver (Chair, USA) Hamid Habibi (Vice-Chair, Canada) Robert Dores (NASCE President, USA) Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (Japan) Liliane Schoofs (Europe) Samantha Richardson (Australia) 5 List of Symposia Organizers John P Chang (Canada) Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (Japan) Takayoshi Ubuka (Japan) Daniel J. MacPhee (Canada) Prasanth Chelikani (Canada) Jason P. Breves (USA) Steve Perry (Canada) Pei-San Tsai (USA) Bon-chu Chung (Taiwan) Chun Peng (Canada) Nicholas Bernier (Canada) Oliana Carnevali (Italy) Encarnacion Capilla (Spain) Angela Lange (Canada) Cunming Duan (USA) Robert M. Dores (USA) Akiyoshi Takahashi (Japan) Caren Helbing (Canada) Aurea Orozco (Mexico) Deborah Powers (Portugal) Vance Trudeau (Canada) Glen Van Der Kraak (Canada) Christen Mirth (Australia) Dan Larhammar (Sweden) Stephen Harvey (Canada) Carlos Arámburo de la Hoz (Mexico) Deborah Kurrasch (Canada) Yong Zhu (USA) Peter Thomas (USA) Charles R. Tyler (UK) Edward Orlando (USA) Berta Levavi-Sivan (Israel) Akiyoshi Takahashi (Japan) Takashi Yoshimura (Japan) Horst-Werner Korf (Germany) Student presentation awards Four awards sponsored by The International Federation of Comparative Endocrinological Societies (IFCES), North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology (NASCE) and ICCE18 will be presented to students for best oral and poster presentations. Student presentations will be evaluated by a student presentation evaluation subcommittee, chaired by Professor Matt (Mathilakath) Vijayan. 6 Victoria Sessions Ballroom (reception and poster session) 7 Program ICCE18 8 MonDay June 5 Tuesday June 6 WeDnesday June 7 Thursday June 8 FriDay June 9 8:00 – 8:30 8:00 – 8:45 8:00 – 8:45 8:00 – 8:45 8:00 – 8:45 SunDay June 4 Opening Ceremony PL2 Grace Pickford PL4 Gorbman-Bern Lecture PL5 Gorbman-Bern New Invest. PL7 ISAREN Plenary Lec Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:50-9:20 8:30 – 9:15 SOA7 SOA8 SOA9 SOA13 SOA14 SOA15 SOA22 SOA23 SOA24 SOA28 SOA29 SOA30 Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ PL1 Bargmann-Scharrer Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Temple A &B 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 9:20:10:20 S1 S2 S3 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback 10:20-10:50 10:20-10:50 10:20-10:50 10:20-10:50 10:20-10:50 Coffee Break (Heritage Hall) Coffee Break (Heritage Hall) Coffee Break (Heritage Hall) Coffee Break (Heritage Hall) Coffee Break (Heritage Hall) 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 10:50-11:50 S1 S2 S3 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 11:50-12:20 12:00-12:30 SOA1 SOA2 SOA3 SOA10 SOA11 SOA12 SOA16 SOA17 SOA18 SOA25 SOA26 SOA27 Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Presentation of Awards Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Temple A &B Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Closing Ceremony Temple A &B 12:20-14:0 12:20-14:0 Lunch Lunch Lago / Fairview 12:20-14:40 Lago / Fairview 12:20-14:40 13:30-14:00 14:00-14:30 14:00-14:30 14:00-14:30 14:00-14:30 14:00-14:30 14:00-14:30 SOA4 SOA5 SOA6 Lunch anD SOA19 SOA20 SOA21 Lunch anD Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Temple A &B Temple A &B Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Poster Session 1 Poster Session 2 14:30-15:30 14:30-15:30 14:30-15:30 14:30-15:30 14:30-15:30 14:30-15:30 S4 S5 S6 Victoria Ballroom/Terrace/ S13 S14 S15 Victoria Ballroom/Terrace Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Registration Temple A &B Red Room Temple A &B /Red Room Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback 15:30-15:50 15:30-15:50 Coffee Break 14:40-15:25 Coffee Break 14:40-15:25 PL3 ICCE Plenary Lec PL6 ICCE Plenary Lec 15:50-16:50 15:50-16:50 15:50-16:50 15:50-16:50 15:50-16:50 15:50-16:50 Temple A &B Temple A &B S4 S5 S6 S13 S14 S15 Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Lakeshore/ Plains6/ Temple A &B 15:40 Temple C 15:40 15:40-17:30 Beehive SaDDleback Beehive SaDDleback Victoria Ballroom GCE Editorial Board meeting IFCES anD Workshop Red Room MT Temple C High resolution 17:00 PM NASCE Expression Quantification Business Plains6/ IFCES meeting SaDDleback MT Temple C Business meeting MT Temple C 19:30 - 21:00 19:30 – 23:30 Opening Reception Banquet Victoria Ballroom/Terrace Victoria Ballroom/ReD Room / Terrace /Red Room 9 Monday June 5, 2017 - Morning Session 8:00-8:30 Opening Ceremony (MT Temple A &B) Plenary Intoduction: Kazuyoshi Tsutsui (IFCES Chair of the awards Committee) Lecture PL1- Stacia Sower (USA) - ICCE18 Bargmann-Scharrer Lecture (MT Temple A &B) 8:30-9:15 THE ORIGINS OF THE VERTEBRATE HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY AXIS: INSIGHTS FROM LAMPREYS Chair: Richardson, Samantha Temple A &B Lakeshore/ Beehive Plains6/ Saddleback S3 - Neurochemical Regulation of Session S1 - Signaling and Neuroendocrine S2 - Insulin and insulin-like peptides, Instinctive Behavior Control vertebrate and invertebrate Kazuyoshi Tsutsui and Takayoshi Chair John Chang and Anderson Wong Angela Lange and Cunming Duan Ubuka 9:20-9:40 S1-1) Wong, Anderson (Hong Kong) S2-1) Brown, Mark (USA) S3-1) Ubuka, Takayoshi (Malaysia) INSULIN AS A FUNCTIONAL LINK OF THE INSULIN-LIKE PEPTIDES IN GNIH GENE KNOCKOUT REDUCES PAIN, BETWEEN FOOD INTAKE AND SPEXIN MOSQUITOES: ILP3 PREVAILS ANXIETY, AND ENABLES INTENSIVE EXPRESSION: RECENT PROGRESS ON Brown MR, Strand MS EXERCISE IN MICE SPEXIN AS A SATIETY FACTOR IN FISH Ubuka T, Okada S, Yamazaki D, Narihiro M, MODEL Taguchi R, Kiyohara M, Parhar I, Tsutsui K Ma A, He M, Bai J, Wong MKH, Ko WKW, Wong AOL 9:40-10:00 S1-2) Son, You Lee (Japan) S2-2) Defferrari, Marina (Canada) S3-2) Ando, Hironori (Japan) MOLECULAR MECHANISM OF INSULIN-LIKE PEPTIDES IN RHODNIUS PERIODIC CONTROL OF KISSPEPTIN AND GONADOTROPIN-INHIBITORY PROLIXUS, THE VECTOR OF CHAGAS DISEASE ITS RECEPTOR GENE EXPRESSION BY HORMONE ACTION ON REPRODICTION Defferrari MS, Orchard I, Lange AB PHOTIC AND NON-PHOTIC Son YL, Tsutsui K ENVIRONMENTAL CUES IN THE GRASS PUFFER, A SEMILUNAR SPAWNER Ando H, Shahjahan MD, Kitahashi T 10:00-10-20 S1-3) Orchard, Ian (Canada) S2-3) Kamei, Hiroyasu (Japan) S3-3) Soga,
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