.~\Or1aJ.-B."DI!I. Offlc~ : !SS E. 1st St., Los An.:elea Publlsbed weekly. Bn~rHl as !Bd dan matter til post otflee at lA, AlICe1ee. ca& b Vol. 26 No. 17 Los Angeles, Calif. Published Every Week - lOc Friday, April 25, 1951 PRESIDENT'S CORNER: Nationar Director's NOMINA liONS visit of Southland OPEN FOR NAT'l Sansei slain, innocent victim During this past week and the next, national JACL OFFICES JACL director Mas Satow of teenage gang skirmish SAN FRANCISCO. - Nominations will visit most of the for seven national JACL of1ices by BY HARRY HONDA was identified by Officers R. G. shot into the crowd of battling chapters of the Pacific the eight district councils compris­ Little sores of juvenile delin­ McFeveney and R. T. Payan a. teenagers, hitting Sumii who was Southwest District Coun· ing the national organization must quency that have pocked the rec· the youth who admitted shooting watching the melee. • be submitted by June 21, Yasuo ord of Japanese Americans in Los the .38-ca libre pistol. Complaints of riot and gang ac­ cil. Although Mas is a Abiko, national chairman of the Angeles in the past several years Police indicated that Sumii. who tivity are to be filed again. t other familiar and welcome fig· nominating committee, ]'eminded festered to an ugly tragedy last died almost instantly, was not a juveniles im'olved in the affair, tb'! ure at most of the PSW this week. Friday night when one Sansei shot member of either gangs, one bail­ police stated. The J ACL constitution stipulates and killed another Sansei. ing from the eastside and the otbel -Trial as Adult district meetings, it has from the westside. His mother told tbat nominations must be made The metropolitan afternoon press Under Callfornia law. a minot' tbe Rafu Shim po that her son, been almost a decade "00 less than 60 days beIOl'e the had pictures or Richard Sum ii, 16. over the age of 16 can be tried Richard. did not even know Yama· next national council meeting". son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sumii as an adult in superior court if since he last made local The national council convenes in shiro. chapter visits in the of 3106-9th Ave., an innocent vic· the minor's previous police record Salt Lake City, Aug. 22-25. tim of a teenage gang war at the Young Sumii, an honOI' student and type of crime is of a nahUT Southland. As recommended by previous na­ Kow IS:ong Youth Center, locale oJ at Dorsey High School. had biE that juvenile court would serve 01 As the top staff man, tional nominating committees, dis­ a Nisei girl's dance party in New books open, his mother related, little or no value. trict councils are expected to pro­ Chinatown. when three Nisei companions called The recommendation that a mi­ Mas has the responsibil­ vide background material of their It made Nisei parents most con· on him to join them and proceeded nor be tried in superior cow·t. h)Yi­ ity of coordinating all of nominees on specially prepared scious of the problem of raising to the dance. "He seldom. if ever, ever, is made by juvenile court forms to be distributed by National the efforts of the various their teenage cbildren. went out more than once a week," after petitions from police and PI'Oo Headquarters within the next few (Read Henry Mod's column this she__ added, "and this is what hal')' regional offices, the local weeks. bation officers. week.-Ed. ) pens . .. " Several inquiries were received chapters and national Nominations are open for the Sgt. R. P . Doran of Uomicide According to Sgt. Doran, the at the J ACL Regional Office. won­ headquarters. His duties office of president, three vice- revealed that a petition to juvenile' gun was first handled by Dale dering if the problem of juvenile presidents, tL'easurer, secretary to court was filed Tuesday to have Shoohoo, 17, that night and handed delinquency might be squarely and responsibilities reach the board, and 1000 Club chair- one Louis Yamasbiro, 17, of 912 it to Takeshi Masukawa, 16. Ya· dealt thi'ough its office. into almost evry facet of m a n. Valencia St., tried for murder. Ya· mashiro then allegedly took ([Ie The Japanese American commu­ JACL activity. His work 1000 Club Chairman mashiro, under custody of police, gun from the latter and fired one nity was buzzing over the weekend load is so great that the Although bJ~ the constitution the at the tragedy of this single-shot . 1000 Club chairman has been elect- teenage gang figbt that claimed NatIOnal Board 1S cur" ed by lOOOers at their convention an innocent life. "The case has rently exploring the pos· whing-ding, at the past two con­ certainly made Nisei p'arents mOt'e sibility of hiring addition- ventions he was elected .at the aware of this problem." on(' prom­ regular natlOnal board electlOns for inent JACLer told the Pacific Citi­ al help. the practical reason that this office I zen. Despite his rugged has a bearing on the other offices. "We havE' had some ontimistIc schedule Mas n eve r .' 'We a.r: suggesting a constit~l- reports on Nisei-Sansei crime rato , tion reVISion to confOJ'm to thiS recently, but this shooting make;; seems to get tired. Inde- practice," Abiko said. "This means you wwder:' he continued. "What fatigable seems to be the I that the 1000 Club chairman will happened to Sumii can hal)pcn t') word that describes him be elec.ted . with the other officers I any kid." . so nommatlons should be submltted He was not able to provide all best. TravelIng as he for this office." answel·. but did comment tbat does, he might be called Wben the list of nominees from what has happened is "a reflection the "John Foster Dulles" district ~ouncils has been received of our materialistic civiliz1l:on·'. at Nat Ion a I Headquarters, the Editor's Note of JACL. nominating committee sends the "Vhether the publication by the We feel that the local complete slate to the distriCts. A press, mctropolitan and J apanest! chapters should take ad- breakfast meeting of the national vernacular. may have some "face­ nominating committee to deter­ saving" effect and help minimize vantage of Mas' visits by mine the final slate has been Three memoel's of the Salt Lake JACL Auxiliary, (from left), delinquency is still a moot que,,· exchanging as much in- scheduled for the first day of the Mrs. Josie Hachiya, Mrs. Miki Yano and Mrs. Rae Fujimoto, are tion. However. the Pacific Citizen formation as they can convention, Aug. 22, 7:30 a.m .. at busy making decorations for the tables at the National JACL Con­ this week felt this incident was ot Hotel Utah. vention delegates luncheon and banquet, at the Hotel Utah. Since major importance as continued ig­ about JACL - whether Fur the r nominations may be the project involves 50 papier-mache beehives, sego lilies and milk­ norance of such foul play may they are local, regional added by (1) a petition bearing carton \'ases swathed in Utah copper foil. the Auxiliary has been give credence to the old line tha o r national problems. signatures of presidents of not less meeting everv week to have them ready for the Aug. 22-25 con­ "it's O.K, so long as you don't than three supporting chapters, vention. - - Terashima Photo. ca\lght! " Any special problems and (21 nominations from the floor This incident sullies the remark· that the local chapters when the national council is duly able low-crime record and may have can benefit greatly convened for tlie election. which embarrass innocent parties. But, will be Monday morning. Aug. 25. Teenager, nearly blind, keeps occupied the Pacific Citizen feels that un­ from the vast experience The usual custom has been to less the youth. delinquent or other· and background of our elect by individual offices separate­ by tending to own bydroponic garden wise, is made aware of this, even very capable national di· ly in order, starting Witil the office greater tragedies may come. of national president. HONOLULU. - Alfred P . Maneki the art of raising plants by using rector. Serving the 1957-58 biennium are' was born here 15 years ago with only chemical solution-without the SIMPLE RULES OF PROPER One of the advantages Dr. Roy NishIkawa (Southwest L.A) defective eyesight, but he has not lISC of soil." nal'l pres.; Shig Wakamatsu (Chicago). allowed this ha lldicap to discollraae He has invented his own method -BEHAVIOR FOR LADY TOLD of having our national 1st ¥p.; Jack Noda (Cortez). :and v.p.; . '" Harry Takagi (Washington. D.C.). 31'.1 I hUTl. of pouring the solution into a box MONTREAL. _ Sachiko Nishiya- director visit local chap­ v.p.; Akira Hayashi INew YOI·k, . " I can see only enough to dis- of ulack sand he has made for his rna. 22, who came to Canada two treas.; J\1rs. Lily Okura (Omaha), sec h h d .. Ali days "] strin!! beans and cucumber l»)ants ters is that appreciation to nat'l bd.; Kenji Tashiro (Tulare I'tlOgws . s a ows. re s, - years ago from Japan. hall some that they gain on the na­ County)' 1000 Club chmn can't read except by Braille. Al uses an eight-gallon galva· simple rules of proper behavior for "And television? I understand nized can with a hole near the a lady. tional nature of our or­ attach~ ~hD $1 f~OO Japanese sword o nlY b y h eann.
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