www.ukrweekly.com imJUNIAN IBS English supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans of Ukrainian descent No. 12 JERSEQ CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, MARCH 23,1940 VOL. VLU CHICAGO TO BE SITE OF FOUR FRATERNAL SOCIETIES UYLlNA CONVENTION AGREE ON CONGRESS - Chicago will be the scene of the coming eighth annual conven- Will Jointly Convoke Ukrainian tion of the Ukrainian Youth's Congress at Washington League of North America, to be A marked advance in both membership and assets of held this coming Labor Day week- the Ukrainian National Association during the,past year, The four Ukrainian fraternal so- end, it was announced today by was the keynote of the reports given at the annual meeting cieties.in the United States agreed Michael Piznak, president of the last Saturday to jointly Convoke league. of the U.N,A. Supreme Executive Committee, held-this week an All-American - Ukrainian - Con- The last convention of -the at the association's home office.. gress, to -be held in Washington, Friday,'May 24, 1940. League had scheduled the coming All the twenty members of the Supreme Executive Com- convention to be held in Toronto, This decision, coming after with the.provision that if war con- mittee stressed that the marked increase in members is . months of protracted negotiations, ditions there interfered, then the mainly due to the awakened interest among the younger was,announced,last Wednesdaj^^w; league executive board was to Ukrainian-American generation in the organization. More representatives of the "Big Four," select a different site. Dr. Anthony namely, the Ukrainian National Wachna of Windsor, Ontario, who and more of our young people are beginning to appreciate Association (Home Office—Jersey at the last convention extended the the great worth of the U.N.A. to Ukrainian-American life City), the Ukrainian Workingmen's league an invitation to bring the Assoctetion^, (Scranton), the JS^EK coming convention to Toronto, re- and to them personally as welL This.is best illustrated by vidence Association , of Ukrainian cently notified the League that on the number of U.N.A. youth branches that have arisen dur- Catholics of America (PWladei- account of the war'Toronto would ing the past year and by the unprecedented activity of-the phia) and tliesUkrainiau. National be unable to act as host to the Aid Associationv(Pittsburgh). convention - this year. Consequent' youth in U.N.A. ranks. The purpose of the JPl-Ameri- ly, the league executive board had I can-Ukrainian Congress will be to to pick another.site for the con- manifest the inalienable right of vention. After deliberating on this Such unceasing growth in membership and assets fur- the Ukrainian nation to . freedom question at several meetings, it ther strengthened during the past year the position of ;the and independence and to. organize filially decided upon. Chicago. U.N.A. as the leading Ukrainian organization on this side Ukrainian-^merican support for In selecting Chicago, the league of the Atlantic. And as always, it has exercised, this. lead- the creation of an independent and democratic Ukrainian State, the officers were motivated by the. con- ership not only to promote the welfare of Ukrainians in sideration that the league is a na- : announcement of the ^our organ- tional organization, and therefore America but also of their oppressed kinsmen in enslaved izatlons declared. some of its conventions should' be and war-torn Ukraine. Its support of the .movement to es- In convoking and sponsoring-the congress, 'the four fraternal so- held in the Middle West as well, tablish a free and independent state of Ukraine, it.was . particularly in Chicago, the birth- cieties will invite fthe cooperation place of 1 the league, which is cen- pointed-out by President Nicholas Muraszko in his opening of all other Ukrainian-American trally located in that section of the report, is only a manifestation of its abhorrence of all-forms national; organizations which agree to: indorse the.potiticalplatform of country and is easy to reach by of despotism and oppression, whether they be "tsarist, dic- train, bus or plane, even from the the,congress as drawn .up by re- East, mm . tatorial, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Rumanian or German." presentaUvesr/ntthe "Big Fear." The U.N.A. has always stood for freedom and democracy, he These representatives at pres- - said, and has demonstrated.its support of these principles ent comprise tb^ijgongress SHANGHAI WOMAN URGES mittee. In time -they :will YOUTH TO STUDY in innumerable ways. tbe core of -the Congress Cour UKRAINIAN Turning next in his report to the business affairs of the which vwijl include two : represer. tatives ^apiece from the others "Tell your young Ukrainian- organization, Mr. "Muraszko pointed-out that although the tional organizations that will jc Americans that by all means they past year was in many respects a trying one for business, the "Big Four" in sponsoring the should study the Ukrainian lan- the U.N.A. emerged from it stronger than ever. At the close congress. The proposed Council guage, for without it they will be i will meet in the near future ifer deprived of some of the richest of 1939, he revealed, the U.N.A. had ^160,000 invested ih the purpose of drawing up plans elements of their Ukrainian cul- U.S. Government bonds, $115,000 in U.S. Possessions (Philli- for the congress. tural and national heritage," was pines) bonds, $35,000 in Dominion of Canada bonds, $40,000. The platform .for the coming the earnest message the Ukrainian congress, Redrawn up by.the.re- Weekly was. asked to convey to in state bonds, $16,000 in county bonds, $597,326:57 in presentatives of tbe "Big Four?', young Americans of Ukrainian municipal bonds, $601,000 in public utilities bonds, and. $20,- and published last Thursday Jn descent by Mrs. Melnyk, a Ukrainv 000 in railroad bonds. "Svoboda" and otherffUkramian ian from Shanghai, China, who language press, is constructed on together' with her husband and 4- In 1939, he further revealed, the U:N.A.invested^$205,- the ba8ic-premise-that of^I'peo- year-old son visited the Svoboda 406.14 in 37 mortgages, of which 27, totalling $132;131.'34 ple of Ukrainian nationality, only - and the Ukrainian National As- were F. H. A. guaranteed, while the remaining 10 amounted those living here in America rare sociation offices last Tuesday. able today to freely and openly. ad- The are now returning home- to $73,275.00. Altogether at the dose of 1939 the U.N.A. vocate and champion the. cause of ward from a brief tour of America. had 119 F.H.A. mortgages totalling $601,622.14, and ,118 Ukrainian national freedom for, Mr. Melnyk is employed in Shan- other mortgage loans amounting to $938,617:46. freedom is non-existent in. Ukraine ghai in the custom service. Both under Soviet, Nazi, Rumanian and he and his wife are residents of fflllReal estate holdings ("Society's property"),of the as- Hungarian misrule, and throughout China since the. World War. Ori- sociation amount to $1,110,702.51. During the past year war-torn Europe in general. ginally they lived in the "Zeleny they brought a rental income of 14.5^?. One of the chief planks oft this Klyn" (Greenjj Wedge) region in platform; is that bolshevism, ?fas- ' Manchukuo, which contains about Real estate held by the U.N.A. under assignment of oism, and nazism are alien-totthe 750,000 Ukrainians. rents brought in 1939 a rental amounting to 17.33cfo. j Ukrainian people and their demo- Mr. Melnyk revealed that there Altogether the U.N.A. collected in rents during the .cratiCi traditions, and - pernicious in is quite a number of Ukrainians respect to.the further progress of living in Shanghai and that they past year $204,000. Sg the. Ukrainian, people. are organized in the "Ukrainska Mr. Muraszko next recounted the part.played by the; . As a result of the agreement Hromada." Under.auspices of this U.N.A. in the negotiations among the four "Ukrainian among the ^gag Fovnr^^yuy'3OU1^^ organization, they conduct various sponsor the congress, all previous Ukrainian activities, including ex- fraternal societies for the purpose of establishing among actioror particularly that of 'the. ercises commemorating - Ukrain- them some manner of cooperation whose aim would be to "Obyednanye," which convoked'the ian historical dates. - advance Ukrainian interests both here in America and congress originally, automatically ' The couple speak Ukrainian, comes to.an ej^MjflllffwMer-- English and Chinese. abroad, especially to aid the movement for the establish- preparations for the congress .-wJS(i . ment of a free Ukraine. He announced that last. Saturday now rest upon the four ^fraternal the 'lpSg Four" had finally come to an agreement in respect societies and the. other natwnajLor- RECOUNTS EXPERIENCES ganizations that Join them in this to sponsoring the coming All-American-Ukrainian Congress. undertaking. "This is strictly in,. DURING NAZI INVASION N Frank Makar, aged 26, Ukrain- accordance with the explicit wishef Next to give his report was Gregory Herman, of Wilkes the '''Obyednauyfc" itself and of ian, of 344"Randolph St, Youngs- those national organizations that town, Ohio, recently returned from -Barre,-Pa., Vice-President and Athletic Director of the U. associated themseives with .rt in Western Ukraine and was reported N. A. He reported steady progress in the -!U;N.A. sport by a local paper of having been the original action leading' toward activities. Commenting on the problems connected with the the congress, as expressed in form trapped in a house for three days of a resolution passed at their con- during the /German "blitzkrieg" oh U.N.A.
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