REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2012 7:00 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS CALL TO ORDER _____Rossing ______ Buckheit _____ Ganey ____Imm ____Nakasian _____ Pownell _____Zweifel APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES PRESENTATIONS Green Team Presentation to Project Friendship REPORTS FROM THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBERS CONSENT AGENDA Public Comments: Persons commenting on consent agenda items only may use this opportunity to speak. Speakers must identify themselves by providing their name and address and completing a comment card. Comments are limited to two (2) minutes. Agenda items below are approved by one motion unless a Council member requests separate action. All items approved by majority vote unless noted. 1. Motion – Review of City Disbursements 2. Motion - Approve 2012 taxi licenses 3. Motion - Approve 2012 refuse licenses 4. Motion – Approve purchase of 800 MHz radio equipment for Public Safety and Public Works from Whitewater Wireless- - REMOVED FROM AGENDA 5. Motion – Approve purchase of four squad cars from Dokmo Ford 6. Motion – Approve Recreation Funding Agreement with Northfield Hospital 7. Motion – Approve community event in-kind grant awards for 2012 8. Motion – Approve Appointments to Boards and Commissions 9. Resolution 2012-018 - Accept 2011 Gifts 10. Motion - Approve Agreement with Northfield Downtown Development Corporation 11. Motion – Authorize Park & Recreation Board to Develop Scope for a River Study 12. Motion - Authorize Further Study of Downtown Parking Options 13. Motion – Approve Letter Sent in Support of Arts Grants OPEN PUBLIC COMMENTS Persons may take one opportunity to address the council for three (3) minutes on a topic not on the agenda. No notification of the mayor is required. However, speakers are asked to complete a comment card. Persons wanting a response to a question must submit the question in writing to the recording secretary. Questions must include name, address and phone number. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED ACTION The public will have the opportunity to speak for or against the issue for a maximum of two (2) minutes per item. The Chair will recognize speaker at podium and conversation will be between Chair and speaker. Persons must give their name, address, and if representing a business, must give the name of the business or corporation. If an attorney or consultant is representing a client, the client must be identified for the record. Citizens who have material to be handed out shall provide a minimum of 12 copies of the material to the City Administrator. The City Administrator will then pass the information to the appropriate people. REGULAR AGENDA Please submit name and address to the recording secretary before the meeting or prior to the start of the regular agenda. The Mayor will ask you to speak after the staff report on the item. Please be respectful of the public’s and the council’s time. Members of the public wishing to speak may be asked to: Speak only once for no more than two (2) minutes on the topic unless the speaker is addressed by the council; To identify your relationship to the topic (interested citizens included); To have a spokesperson or two for your group to present your comments. 14. Resolution 2012-019 - Approve Plans and order advertisement for bids – 2012 Street Reconstruction Project 15. Discussion/Motion – Transit Mid-Year Transfer 16. Ordinance No. 931 – First Reading of an ordinance amending the Land Development Code 17. Motion – Related to the Downtown Post Office 18. Motion – Policy Direction on the new Public Safety Center 19. Motion – Receive comments on redistricting scenarios and provide direction to staff regarding preparation of the proposed ordinance 20. Motion – Approve Proposed Community Development Department Organization 21. Motion – Approve Video Conferencing ADMINISTRATORS UPDATE ADJOURN NOTE: ALL REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS END AT 10:00 PM UNLESS A 5/7 MAJORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL VOTE TO EXTEND THE TIME SPECIAL NEEDS: If you require special services to attend or participate in a public meeting, please call the City's Administration Office at (507) 645-3001 or e-mail Deb Little, City Clerk, at [email protected]. TDD users can call (507) 645-3030. Please call 24 hours before the meeting, if possible. CONSENT Item #1 Date of City Council Meeting: March 6, 2012 To: Mayor and City Council City Administrator From: Kathleen McBride, Finance Director Subject: Disbursements Action Requested: The Northfield City Council approves disbursements totaling $831, 721. 12. Summary Report: Disbursement Description Date Amount 2/ 6/ 12 Credit card, other fees 2/ 6/ 12 136. 14 2/ 9/ 12 Payroll Transfer 2/ 9/ 12 138, 400.27 2/ 10/ 12 Payroll Liabilities 2/ 10/ 12 94, 538. 63 2/ 17/ 12 A/P Checks & EFTs 2/ 17/ 12 323, 143. 18 2/ 23/ 12 Sales Tax 2/ 23/ 12 2, 603. 46 2/ 23/ 12 Payroll Transfer 2/ 23/ 12 131, 035. 54 2/ 24/ 12 Payroll Liabilities (inc. PEIP March premium) 2/ 24/ 12 126, 085. 98 02/ 24/ 12 A/P Checks 02/24/ 12 13, 777.92 02/ 27/ 12 Postage 02/ 27/ 12 2, 000.00 Total 831, 721. 12 They are within the limitations of the approved budget and resources available. Attachments: 1. Disbursement List 02 - 29 - 2012 08: 38 AM COUNCIL REPORT - 03/ 06/ 2012 CHECKS / EFTS PAGE: 1 DEPARTMENT FUND NON- DEPARTMENTAL GENERAL FUND CITY OF NORTHFIELD SALES TAX 9.9. 1919 SALES TAX 22. 4B- SALES TAX 1. 10 SALES TAX 5. 20 SALES TAX 2. 18 SALES TAX 5. 59 AED BATTERIES SALES TAX 27. 84 PLANNING SYSTEM - PD 40. 56 SALES TAX 40. 56 NFLD CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU LESS 5% ADMIN FEE 234. 84 TOTAL: 389. 54- Mayor & City Council GENERAL FUND RHONDA POWNELL 1/ 27 - 28/ 12 MILAGE REIMB - LM 57. 41 AUG 2011 - JAN 2012 INTERNET 112. 20 TOTAL: 169. 61 Administration GENERAL FUND CITY OF NORTHFIELD COOKIES - INTERGOV MIS 1/ 2 10. 50 CAMPBELL KNUTSON GEN LEGAL SERVICES - CRIMI 10, 006. 05 GEN LEGAL SERVICES IC6. 00 LODGING TAX 414. 00 ENGAGE PRINT, INC. JANUARY CITY COMMONS 978. 81 GOLD COUNTRY ENGRAVERS COUNCIL NAME PLATE - STAFF 23. 51 PLAQUE - GUNDERSON 37. 41 INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC ADMIN OFFICE SUPPLIES 42. 45 LAMPE, SWANSON, MORISETTE & HEISLER & A DATA REQUEST 25. 50 HUCKLE MED =A, LLC JAN AT 4592869 LIQ LICENSE 24. 13 JAN AD # 592883 FLOODPL HAG 42. 63 JAN AD # 593319 1 - 17 AGENDA 166. 50 ON TARGET A & M, INC. PROCESSING FEE 32. 00 APT NEWSLETTER MAILING -JAN 235. 14 FLAHERTY & HOOD, P. A. GENERAL LEGAL - CIVIL 831. 26 GENERAL LEGAL 814. 61 TIM MADIGAN LUNCH REIMBURSE 7/ 29/ 11 SM 10. 49 VALLEY TEMPORARY STAFFING ADMTN - ROBERGE - WK END 1 321. 75 ADMIN - ROBERGE - WK END 1 390. 00 ADMIN - ROBERGE - W / E 2/ 4/ 12 390. 00 TOTAL: 14, 902. 74 City Clerk GENERAL FUND VERIZON WIRELESS 11/ 8/ 11- 12/ 7/ 11 VERIZON CE 34. 09 12/ 8/ 11- 1/ 7/ 12 VERIZON TEL 34. 13 1/ 8/ 12 -- 2/ 7/ 12 VERIZON CEL 34. 36 2/ 8/ 12 -- 3/ 7/ 12 VERIZON CEL 34. 38 TOTAL: 136. 96 Finance GENERAL FUND CITY OF NORTHFIEID AD HOC MEETING SUPPLIES 66. 15 LUNCHEON FOR HELPERS 32. 51 TOTAL: 38. 66 Information Technology GENERAL FUND CITY OF NORTHFIELD UPS REPAIR 142. 87 PC IMAGING 349. 48 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES 17. 14 REPLACEMENT BATTERY 80. 90 COMPUTER ACCESSORIES - MOUSE 33. 88 PROSAFE PLUS SWITCH 8 PORT 86. 85 ST OLAF TELCO FEB FIBER OPTIC / INTERNET A 614. C1 P'EB 12 DARK FIBER RENTAL 62. 25 02 - 29 - 2012 08: 38 AM COUNCIL REPORT - 03/ 06/ 2012 CHECKS / EFTS PAGE: 2 DEPARTMENT FUND FEB 2012 RENTAL / FIBER 306. 88 SHT INTERNATIONAL CORP SOFTWARE FOR PROJECT 2010 363. 38 VERIZON WIRELESS 11/ 8/ 11 - 12/ 7/ 11 VERIZON CE 143. 44 12/ 8/ 11 - 1/ 7/ 12 VERIZON CET, 143. 44 1/ 8/ 12 -- 2/ 7/ 12 VERIZON CET, 144. 35 2/ 8/ 12 -- 3/ 7/ 12 VERIZON CEL 144. 08 LOREN J LOVHAUG IT CONSULTING FEES - MARCH 1, 850. 00 NORTHFIELD WIFI NORTHFIELD WTFI FEB 2012 49. 99 FEBRUARY 2012 CHARGES FOR 54. 99 TIM VALLEY MILAGE FOR 1 / 1 / I1 - 12/ 31/ 283. 16 TOTAL: 4, 871. 09 Human Resources / Risk M GENERAL FUND CITY OF NORTHFIELD CREDIT CHARGES - OFFICE SU 70. 11 MEDTOX LABORATORIES, INC. DRUG SCREEN 123. 28 SHRED - IT USA INC HR STORAGE CLEANOUT 202. 53 MED COMPASS ANNUAL HEAR / PULM / FIT TESTI 1, 664. 00 MNJIS - CRIMINAL HISTORY ACCESS REIMBURSE ACCT 50. 00 TOTAL: 2, 109. 92 Planning GENERAL FUND INNOVATIVE OFFICE SOLUTIONS, LLC SUPPLIES 35. 23 HUCKLE MEDIA, LLC JAN AD # 592881 1016 LINDEN 42. 63 FLAHERTY & HOOD, P. A. PLANNING - LDC 4, 488. 75 TOTAL: 4, 566. 61 City Hall Operations GENERAL FUND ARROW ACE HARDWARE CITY HALL 57. 69 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES FEB CONTRACT CHG 295. 67 DALCO PAPER PRODUCTS 95. 75 INTERSTATE BATTERY SYSTEMS OF MINNEAPO BATTERIES 207. 23 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY BOILER CITY HALL 20. 00 ST OLAF TELCO FEB 2012 BASE SERVICE 718. 57 FEB 2012 - TOLL CALLS JAN' 12 62. 61 TRI STATE BUSINESS MACHINE INC FEB CONTRACT CHGS 135. 51 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI / MN JAN 497 - 0000970- 0491 - 5 242. 55 XCEL ENERGY ELECTRICITY JAN' ll USAGE 740. 43 GAS CHARGES JAN' 11 USAGE 1, 509. 30 WEDDE TECH LLC TAX ON INVOICE 389 17. 60 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS JAN BASE RATE E5540 281. 34 FEB BASE RATE 35540 281. 34 JAN B &W E5540 131. 19 JAN COLOR E5540 657. 84 LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENTS LLC SNOW REMOVAL 210. 10 TOTAL: 5, 664. 72 Police Administration GENERAL, FUND. ARROW ACE HARDWARE SNOW SHOVEL 33. 12 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING SOFTENER SAL- 130.
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