·- District Hoshiarpur Disaster Management Plan Year 2021-22 l FOREWORD Hoshiarpur Disaster_ Management Plan is a part of multi-level planning advocated ~y ?ove~~nt o~ PunJab and ?ovemment of India. The plan is prepared to help the D1stnct admm1stratlon for effective response during the disaster. Hoshiarpur district is prone to na_tural well as ~an-made d_isasters. Earthquake, flood are the major Natural Hazard and mdustr1al, chemical, fire, rail/road accidents etc. are the main man- made disaster of the district. The District Disaster Management plan includes facts and figures those have been collected from various departments. District Disaster management Plan is first attempt of the district administration and is a comprehensive document which contains various chapters and each chapter has its own importance. The plan consist Hazard & Risk Assessment, Institutional Mechanism, Response Mechanism, Standard Operating Procedure, Inventory of Resources etc. It is expected that the District level officials of different department will carefully go through the plan and if have any suggestions & comments be free to convey the same so that we can include them in the next edition. It is hoped that the plan would provide concrete guidel~es to~~ds preparedness and quick response in case of an e?1ergency and_ help ~n ~ea!tzmg sustainable Disaster Risk Reduction & mitigate/minimizes the losses m the d1stnct m the long run. l II District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2021-22 Page 2 )T Ii Acknowledgement I take this OPIJOrtunity to thank Capi. Karnan Singh IAS Additional s t Department of Revenue Rehabilrtat,on. and Disaster. Management Government, , of Puni·abecre fary Revenue. : ' opportunity· to wnte. the District• . Disaster. Management Plan 2021 •for District Hoshiarpur. or g1ongihO I extend my thanks to Smt. Apneet R~at, I.A.s, Deputy Commis•oner Hoshiarpu,.,, her cooperation. I also extend my thanks to all Officials of Government departmen~ of Hoshiarpu district for providing valuable information required in the development of DDMP. 1 Preparing the District Disaster Management Plan requires tremendous efforts, time and dedication. Material, data, literature and resources are limited. Still the work has to be carried out from whatever material, resources and time available. Mistakes, errors, omissions and unne<essary andrepetitions advices etc,are welcomeare bound. to happen. Any suggesJions for addition, cancellation, criticisms, corrections District ~ cer, Hoshiarpur District Disaster Management Plan ' Hoshiarpur 2021-22 Page 3 Acronyms II Additional Deoutv Commissioner After action rennrt l'f'AQC 11 community Based Ornanizations Aviation Turbine Fuel ~Os [commissioner of Relief Central works commission CoR - Communication Unit f]Ei District Revenue Officer - (cu DM Disaster Mana2ement - -DC Deputy Commissioner -ooMC [pistrict Disaster Management Committee I DDMP ~ct Disaster Man,..ment Pi an -DDMA [District Disaster Management Authorit~ I DCG ict Crisis Group DSS 1sion Sunnort System [QEO] District Education Officer District Emernency Operation Centre DUL ·on Unit Leader !J?EOC] Risk Reduction @MT] Disaster Mana2ement terms · DRR ERC Emergencv Resoonse Centre !]SF ] EmenzencY Suooort Function [Eoc EmergencY Operation Centre FBD i~inance Branch Director J inancial Commissioner Revenue [FUL ] Food Unit Leader FCR Food Unit [FO ] Field Observer FU Finance Branch Director FUL , F:ood Unit Leader FBD Group SuPoort Unit Gol Government oflndia GSU Hospital Emergency Prcpnrcdness Proglllmme GoP Government of Punjab HEPP IRS Incident Response System IMO :t;•• Meteorolo•ical Deoartment rmation Centre IRT ident Response Teams IO ICP dent Command Post I IC I Incident Commander IDRN t!an Disaster Resource Network IAP I Incident Action Plan I rmation & Media Officer [ISS I Incident Status Summary IMO LSC istic Section Chief 110 I Liaison Officer Ministry Of Home Affairs MUL Medical Unit Leader MHA · Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Municipal Corporation MGSIPAP MC Public Administration Puniab \ ~i National Hie:hwav Authority oflndia NCC National Cadet Corps NDRF National Disaster Response Force NSS 'National Social Service I Nehru Yuva Kendra NG~mment Omanizations JNYK OS -0 eration Section I NEC I National Executive Committee 1 PS ection 1~C!EEtn Section Chief ayati Raj Institute PSC Plannirnz Section Chief PUL J~urement Unit Leader PWD Public works Department POL ol, Oil, Lubricants PSEB Puniab State Electricitv Board I Resoonse Branch Responsible Officer l RB •'-' I Resource Provisioning Unit Leader RBD Response Branch Director RPUL I Staginl? Area RUL Resource Unit Leader I SA Sta2ing Area Manager SBD Support Branch Director SAM Safety Officer SDRF I State Disaster Response Fund I so I Standard Operating Procedures I SEC I State Executive Committee SOP SSP I Senior·Suoerintendent of Police SUL i~tion Unit -Leader I sportation Branch Director I Transnortation Branch I TBD I TB Urbah Local Bodies · UC Unified Command ULB VDMC I Village Disaster Management Committee District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2021-22 Page4 Contents PageNoJ [].No I -;--- .. Chapter-I l• ,; Introduction ,,., . 1-8 - " ' Index - 1.0 9 I.I Introduction 9-10 Concepts about Disaster Management 1.2 10 Components of Disaster Management I.3 10-11 Disaster Management Cycle 1.4 . ,, 12 1.5 Need for planning 12 J.6 Vision . , 12-13 1.7 .. Objectives of Planning 13 MethodoJo gv of olan development - ., J.8 · 13-15 Stakeholders and their Responsibilities 1.9 15-18 1.10 Conceot of Operation 18 Who Formulates and Carries .Out the Plan ., 1.11. Chapter~z·' •• i," , " ; District Profile • " ,Jt'.' 19 2.1 District Profile 19 Location 20 2.2 ' 2.3 Pooulation 21 2.4 Administrative Setuo 22 2.5 Tooograoh Y 23 2.6 Climate and Rainfall 24 2.7 Land Use Pattern 24-25 2:8 Education 25-26 Medical Institutions/ Disoensaries/ Animal Husbandry/ Livestock 2.9 27-28 2.10 · Industries 29 2.11 Roads Chaptcr-3 ' ' Hazard, Vulncrabilitv and Risk Assessment - 30 3.1 Hazard Analysis 30-31 3.2 Types of Hazards District is prone to 32-33 3.2.l Earthquakes 33-36 3.2.2 Floods 36-37 3.2.3 Drought 37 Heatwave 3.2.4 38 3.2.5 Cold wave 38 3.2.6 Epidemics 3.2.7 Biological Disaster 38-41 3.2.8 Guidelines for prepai:ation _o f Action Plan-Prevention and Management of 42-81 Thund~rstrom & L1ghtemng/Squall/Dust Hailstorm and Strong wind regard mg. District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2021-22 PageS S. No Contents Page No. Chapter-4 Institutional Arrangements for DM 4.1 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) 82-86 4.2 District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) 87-91 4.3 District Crisis Group 91 4.4 Emergency Operation Centre 92-94 Chapter-5 Prevention and Mitigation Measures 5.1 Types of Mitigation Measures 95 5.2 Non-Structural Mitigation Measures 95 5.2.1 Preparedness Methodology 96 5.2.2 Sensitization Awareness Campaigns 96 5.2.3 Training and Capacity Building 97 5.2.4 Disaster Resource Inventory 97 5.2.5 Land use Planning 97-98 5.2.6 Enforcing Existing Codes and Laws 98 5.3 Structural Mitigation Measures 98 5.3.1 Retrofitting 98 5.3.2 Resistant Construction 98-99 5.4 Disaster wise mitigation measures 99 Floods 99-100 Earthquake 100-102 Road Accidents 102 Fire 102-103 Chapter-6 Preparedness Measures 6.1 Incident Response System (IRS) organization for District 104-105 6.2 Command Staff 105 6.2.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Deputy Commissioner as RO 105-106 6.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities of ADC as Incident Commander 106-108 6.2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of DPRO as Information and Media 108 Officer (IMO) 6.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of City Magistrate as a Liaison Officer 108-109 (LO) 6.2.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Fire Officer as Safety Officer 109 6.3 General Staff 110 6.3.1 Operational Section 110-117 6.3.2 Planning Section 118-121 6.3.3 Logistic Section 122-127 6.4 District Emergency Operation Centre 127-128 6.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Armed Forces 128-129 Chapter-7 Capacity Building and Training Measures 7.1 Institutional capacity building 130 7.1.1 Level 1 Capacity building 130-134 7.1.2 Level 2 Capacity building 134-135 7.2 Strengthening of District (EOC) 135 7.3 Capacity Building at community level 135-136 District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2021-22 Page 6 7.4 Development of IEC Material 136 7.5 Sensitization/Awareness Campaign 136-137 Chapter-8 Response and Relief Measures 8.1 Plan Activation 138 8.2 The Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) for Hoshiarpur 138-143 Chapter-9 Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery Measures 9.1 Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation 144 9.2 Administrative Relief 145 9.3 Reconstruction of Houses Damaged / Destroyed 145 9.4 Military Assistance 145 9.5 Medical Care 145 9.6 Epidemics 145 9.7 Corpse Disposal 145 9.8 Salvage 145 9.9 Outside Assistance 146 9.10 Special Relief 146 9.11 Information 146 9.12 Social Rehabilitation 146 Chapter-10 147 Financial Resources for Implementation of DDMP Chapter-11 148 Procedures and Methodology for Monitoring, Evaluation, Updation and Maintenance of DDMP Chapter-12 149 Coordination mechanism for Implementation of DDMP Chapter-13 150 Standard Operating Procedure 13.1 SOP for Deputy Commissioner 150-152 13.2 SOP for Police Department 152-153 13.3 SOP for Health Department 153-154 13.4 SOP for Water supply Department 154-155 13.5 SOP for Irrigation Department 155-156 13.6 SOP for P.W.D (B&R) 156-157 13.7 SOP for Power supply Department 157-158 13.8 SOP for Communication Department 158-159 13.9 SOP for Agriculture Department 159-161 13.10 SOP for Animal Husbandry Department
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