34th International Symposium on Free Radicals Hayama, Japan, 27 August ‒ 1 September 2017 http://kuchem.kyoto-u.ac.jp/bukka/radical/index.html Table of Contents Mission ································································································· 1 History ·································································································· 2 Topics & SupportList of Invited / Sponsors Speakers ··································································· 3 SupportGeneral Information/ Sponsors ··············································································· 4 GeneralList of Invited Information Speakers ··········································································· 75 Symposium ProgramProgram ·············································································· 98 Abstracts Invited && HotHot TopicsTopics TalksTalks ·························································· 1517 Special SessionSession onon NONO33 ······························································· 4749 Poster Session AA ········································································ 5557 Poster Session BB ········································································ 9395 International AdvisoryAdvisory CommitteeCommittee ···························································· 130136 Local Organizers ···················································································· 131137 ParticipantsINDEX ···································································································’ Contact Information 132138 Mission MissionMissionMissionMissionMission The International Free Radicals Symposium Committee is a non-profit organization TheTheTheThe authorizingTheInternational International International InternationalInternational and Free Free Freepromoting Free Free Radicals Radicals Radicals RadicalsRadicals theSymposium Symposium Symposium SymposiumholdingSymposium Committeeof Committee Committee CommitteescientificCommittee is andis is a is a is anoneducational anon anon non-nonprofit-profit-profit-profit-profit organization organizationmeetings organization organizationorganization on a authorizingauthorizingauthorizingauthorizingbiannualauthorizing and andbasisand and and promoting promoting promoting onpromoting promoting the subject the thethe the holdingthe holding holdingofholding holding free of of of radicals, scientificof scientificofscientific scientific scientific which and andand and andeducationalare educationaleducational educational educationalimportant meetings meetingsmeetings meetings intermediatesmeetings on onon on aon a a ain a biannualbiannualbiannualbiannualcomplexbiannual basis basisbasis basischemicalbasis on onon on theon thethe the reactions subjectthe subjectsubject subject subject .of of of freeof freeoffree free free radicals, radicals,radicals, radicals, radicals, which whichwhich which which are areare are importantare importantimportant important important intermediates intermediatesintermediates intermediatesintermediates in in in in in complexcomplexcomplexcomplexcomplex chemical chemical chemical chemical chemical reactions reactions reactions reactions reactions. Free radicals play a vital role as intermediates in many chemical reactions including those FreeFreeFreeFree involvedFreeradicals radicals radicals radicals radicals play inplay play combustionplay playa a vital a vital a vital avital rolevital role role role andasrole as asintermediates as intermediates chemical asintermediates intermediates intermediates synthesis, in in inmany inmany inmany many asmany chemical wellchemical chemical chemical chemical as ones reactions reactions reactions reactions inreactions the including includingatmosphere including including including those those those thoseand those in involvedinvolvedinvolvedinvolvedinterstellarinvolved in in incombustion incombustion incombustion combustion space.combustion The and and and Internationaland chemicaland chemical chemical chemical chemical synthesis, synthesis, synthesis,Free synthesis, synthesis, Radicals as as aswell aswell aswell Symposiumwell aswell as asones asones asones ones onesin in inthe wasinthe inthe theatmosphere theestablishedatmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere andnearly and and and inand in infifty in in interstellarinterstellarinterstellarinterstellaryearsinterstellar agospace. space. space. space. tospace. Thebring The The The International The International togetherInternational International International workers Free Free Free Free FreeRadicals Radicalsat Radicals Radicalsthe Radicals frontier Symposium Symposium Symposium Symposium Symposium of research was was was was establishedwas established inestablished established aestablished wide nearlyvariety nearly nearly nearly nearly fifty offifty fifty areasfifty fifty yearsyearsyearsyearsofyears ago ago freeago ago toago to radicalto bring tobring tobring bring bring together chemistrytogether together together together workers workers workerswith workers workers particularat at atthe atthe atthe thefrontier thefrontier frontier emphasisfrontier frontier of of ofresearch ofresearch ofresearch onresearch research the in in spectroscopicina ina widein a wide a wide awide widevariety variety variety variety variety identification,of of ofareas ofareas ofareas areas areas ofof of freeoffree characterizationoffree free free radicalradical radical radical radical chemistrychemistry chemistry chemistry chemistry and withwith dynamicswith with with particularparticular particular particular particular of emphasisradicals.emphasis emphasis emphasis emphasis The on onon on theonthe compositionthe the spectroscopicthespectroscopic spectroscopic spectroscopic spectroscopic of identification,theidentification, identification, identification, identification,International characterizationcharacterizationcharacterizationcharacterizationCommitteecharacterization below, and and and and and dynamics guaranteesdynamics dynamics dynamicsdynamics of ofthe of ofradicals. ofradicals.high radicals. radicals.radicals. scientific The The The The The composition levelcomposition composition compositioncomposition of these of meetings.of of ofthe ofthe the the theInternational International International InternationalInternational CommitteeCommitteeCommitteeCommitteeCommittee below, below, below, below, below, guarantees guarantees guarantees guarantees guarantees the the the the high thehigh high high highscientific scientific scientific scientific scientific level level level level levelof of ofthese ofthese ofthese these these meetings. meetings. meetings. meetings. meetings. While the theme of present meetings remains the same as for the first Free Radicals WhileWhileWhileWhileWhileSymposium, the the the the theme thetheme theme theme theme theof of of experimentalpresent of present ofpresent present present meetings meetings meetings meetings andmeetings theoretical remain remain remain remain remains sthe s approaches,the sthe s the same thesame same same same as as as asfor as for as forwell for the forthe the as the first the first thefirst first firstFree applications,Free Free Free FreeRadicals Radicals Radicals Radicals Radicals have Symposium,Symposium,Symposium,Symposium,Symposium,advanced the the tremendously.the theexperimental theexperimental experimental experimental experimental Whereasand and and and theoreticaland theoretical theoretical theoretical attheoretical that approaches,time, approaches, approaches, approaches, approaches, the presence as as aswell aswell aswell well or aswell as asimportancethe asthe asthe theapplications, theapplications, applications, applications, applications, of free have have radicalshave have have advancedadvancedadvancedadvancedadvancedin a particular tremendously. tremendously. tremendously. tremendously. tremendously. process Whereas Whereas Whereas wasWhereas Whereas typically at at atthat atthat atthat that time,that onlytime, time, time, time, theinferred the the thepresence thepresence presence presence presenceor hypo or or orimportance orimportancethesized, orimportance importance importance today of of offree offree offreeusing free radicalsfree radicals radicals radicals modernradicals inin ina ina particularspectroscopicin a particular a particular aparticular particular process process process process meansprocess was was was ofwas typicallywas typicallydetection typically typically typically only only onlytheir only onlyinferred inferred inferredpresence inferred inferred or or or hypo orcannot hypo orhypo hypo hypothesized,thesized,thesized, onlythesized,thesized, be today today proventoday today today using using using butusing using modern themodern modern modern modernradicals spectroscopicspectroscopicspectroscopicspectroscopicspectroscopicthemselves means means characterizedmeans means means of of of detection ofdetection ofdetection detection detection in great their their their their detail. theirpresence presence presence presence presence Indeed cannot cannot cannot cannotwhat cannot only only onceonly only onlybe be bewas provenbe provenbe proven seenproven proven but butas but but "throughthe butthe the the radicals theradicals radicals radicals radicalsa glass themselvesthemselvesthemselvesthemselvesdarkly,"themselves characterized hascharacterized characterized characterized characterizednow been in in illuminatedingreat ingreat ingreat great great detail. detail. detail. detail. detail.brightly Indeed Indeed Indeed Indeed
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