E n g l i s h • F r e n c h • P o r t u g u e s e • S p a n i s h Science and design: A physicist’s perspective When science rejected God Ellen G. White and mental health God’s timing, God’s way An offering “without blemish” Vo3 l u m e 2 0 REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES EAST-CENTRAL AFRICA DIVISION P.O. Box 00503, Nairobi, KENYA CONTENTS Hudson E. Kibuuka [email protected] Mulumba Tshimanga [email protected] EURO-AFRICA DIVISION ESSAYS Schosshaldenstrasse 17, 3006 Bern, SWITZERLAND 5 Science and design: A physicist’s perspective Roberto Badenas [email protected] “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are Corrado Cozzi [email protected] revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the EURO-ASIA DIVISION words of this law” Deuteronomy 29:29, (ESV)* Krasnoyarskaya Street 3, 107589 Moscow, RUSSIAN FEDERATION by Gary Burdick Branislav Mirilov [email protected] Peter Sirotkin [email protected] 8 When science rejected God INTER-AMERICAN DIVISION As presently practiced, science is the odd combination of the study of P.O. Box 830518, Miami, FL 33283-0518, U.S.A. nature and a secular philosophy that excludes God! This is not an open Moisés Velázquez [email protected] Bernardo Rodríguez [email protected] search for truth. by Ariel A. Roth NORTH AMERICAN DIVISION 12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD Ellen G. White and mental health 20904-6600, U.S.A. 11 Larry Blackmer [email protected] In a postmodern world that questions the relevancy of truth, how does a James Black [email protected] Gary Councell [email protected] Christian affirm that truth indeed is? by Merlin D. Burt NORTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION P.O. Box 43, Goyang Ilsan 411-600, KOREA Chek Yat Phoon [email protected] Joshua Hee Shin [email protected] SOUTH AMERICAN DIVISION Caixa Postal 02600, 70279-970 Brasilia DF, BRAZIL Carlos Mesa [email protected] DEPARTMENTS Otimar Gonçalves [email protected] SOUTH PACIFIC DIVISION EDITORIAL FIRST PERSON Locked Bag 2014, Wahroonga, N.S.W. 2076, 3 Be a Daniel or Daniella! 23 God’s timing, God’s way AUSTRALIA by Lisa M. Beardsley by Patricia Jones Barry Hill [email protected] Gilbert Cangy [email protected] PROFILE LOGOS Fiaia Matainaho An offering “without blemish” SOUTHERN AFRICA-INDIAN 15 25 OCEAN DIVISION and Teatulohi Matainaho by Gerry D. Karst P.O. Box 4583 Rietvalleirand 0174, SOUTH by Lisa Beardsley AFRICA ACTION REPORT Ellah Kamwendo [email protected] 18 Silvia and Arturo Finis 27 In Britain: A conference for schol- Eugene Fransch [email protected] by Lorena Mayer ars seeking faith by Karen K. Abrahamson SOUTHERN ASIA DIVISION BOOKS Post Box 2, HCF, Hosur 653 110, Tamil Nadu, E. J. Waggoner: From the INDIA 20 Romanian College hosts EUD’s Nageshwara Rao gnageshwarrao@sud-adventist. Physician of Good News to the 28 Agent of Division Fourth International AMiCUS org congress Lionel Lyngdoh [email protected] by Woodrow Whidden by Cristina Neagu SOUTHERN ASIA-PACIFIC DIVISION Reviewed by Aecio E. Cairus INDEX P.O. Box 040, 4118 Silang Cavite, PHILIPPINES Science Discovers God: 32 Mike Lekic [email protected] 21 Volumes 16-20 Jobbie Yabut [email protected] Seven Convincing Lines of Evidence for His Existence TRANS-EUROPEAN DIVISION by Ariel A. Roth 119 St. Peter’s St., St. Albans, Herts, AL13EY, ENGLAND Reviewed by David Cowles Daniel Duda [email protected] 20 Questions God Wants to Ask Paul Tompkins [email protected] 22 You: Life-Changing Encounters WESTERN AFRICA DIVISION With the Divine 22 Boite Postale 1764, Abidjan 22, IVORY COAST By Troy Fitzgerald Chiemela Ikonne [email protected] Emanuel Nlo Nlo [email protected] Reviewed by Younis S. Masih 2 DIALOGUE 20•3 2008 EDITORIAL This international journal of faith, Be a Daniel or Daniella! thought, and action is published three times a year in four parallel editions (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish) by the In his book 70 Years of Miracles, Richard H. Harvey writes about a chemistry Committee on Adventist Ministry to College professor. Professor Lee was a deist who for many years attacked prayer. After lec- and University Students (AMiCUS) of turing about the power of the laws of nature and what he perceived as lack of evi- the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. dence for believing that God intervenes in human affairs, Dr. Lee would proceed Volume 20, Number 3 to tell the students that he was going to drop a test tube to the floor. He chal- Copyright © 2009 by the AMiCUS lenged any student to pray that the glass tube would not break. One day a student Committee. All rights reserved. stood up and offered to pray; the professor was caught off guard. No one had ever Dialogue affirms the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and dared him before! supports its mission. The views published in Our young people in secular schools and universities are daily exposed to situ- this journal, however, are the independent ations similar to Harvey’s story. Ridicule, unbelief, and open challenge to one’s thoughts of the authors. faith often constitute the scene believing students face in secular campuses. Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Lisa M. Beardsley But that is not unusual. We can go back to the time of Daniel. He and his Editor John M. Fowler friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were taken captive to Babylon. The first Associate Editor Gary R. Councell Managing Editor Susana Schulz challenge they had to face concerned their faith and lifestyle (Daniel 1:3-21). Copy Editor Beverly Rumble Their names were changed. They were to fall in line with Babylonian customs, International Editions Susana Schulz International Copy Editors eat the food of the king, and partake of the king’s lifestyle. But they chose not Monique Lemay (French) to. They were given the best education Babylon could offer. They learned in that Guilherme Silva (Portuguese) atmosphere, but when the best of Babylon was in conflict with their beliefs, they Susana Schulz (Spanish) refused it. They defied the empire, and they prevailed. Editorial Correspondence Dialogue Today we have many Daniels studying in secular institutions, and they face a 12501 Old Columbia Pike hostile world. My son chose to study law, and thousands of others seek a profes- Silver Spring, MD 20904-6600 U.S.A. Telephone 301-680-5073 sion of their choice and find those professions unavailable in Adventist institu- Fax 301-622-9627 tions. They find themselves in public universities and often confront a challenge E-mail [email protected] to their faith. Such challenges, instead of weakening their faith, can lead them to AMiCUS Committee Chair Ella S. Simmons stand up like Daniel and his friends and share their faith with their teachers and Vice Chairs Gary R. Councell, C. Garland fellow students. Dulan, Baraka G. Muganda Secretary Lisa M. Beardsley In this issue, you will read of courage and conviction, faith and mission that Members Lyndelle Chiomenti, Gary ought to characterize Adventist students in secular Councell, John M. Fowler, Clifford campuses. Read Ariel Roth’s analysis on science’s Goldstein, Linda Koh, Kathleen Kuntaraf, Dionne Parker, Gerhard Pfandl, Roy Ryan claim that religion is not to be trusted, and find out Circulation Inquiries should be how you can meet its attempt to “demonstrate its addressed to the regional representative superiority over religious beliefs.” Take a look at the located in the area where the reader resides. See names and addresses on page 2. fresh perspective physicist Gary Burdick provides Subscriptions US $13 per year (three about a believer standing tall in a world of science. issues, airmail). See order form on page 6 Don’t fail to read the heart-warming testimony of for details. Web site http://dialogue.adventist.org Pat Jones that however rough and uncertain the road may be, one is not alone when one walks with Dialogue has received correspondence from readers God. in 118 countries around the world. The world has always been there – from Babylon Continued on page 4 DIALOGUE 20•3 2008 3 LETTERS “There is much for all to learn, and there cannot be invented a bet- Shalom, dear brothers of the editorial team! ter use for brain, bone, and muscle than to accept the wisdom of God I am very happy to have discovered Dialogue. I have almost finished my studies and have just finished read- in doing good… Youth may be useful to others, making their labors ing a copy given to me by a friend. Congratulations to the editorial team lighter, soothing the sorrowing, lifting up the discouraged, speaking for their articles and in-depth studies on progress, health, prayer, spiritual words of comfort to the hopeless, turning the minds from fun and frol- development, and so much more…. They are an inexhaustible supply of ic which often carries them beyond dignity of manhood and woman- ideas that I use for my presentations on drug addiction, sexuality, whole- hood to shame and disgrace. The Lord would have the mind elevated, some nutrition, and other current top- ics. I’m really enthusiastic about shar- seeking higher, nobler channels of usefulness.” ing what I learn from reading Dialogue and passing on my experiences to – Ellen G. White, Selected Messages, Vol. 2, page 323, 324 everyone I meet. Gomge Lionel (Review & Herald Publ. Assn., 1958) Yaoundé, Cameroun [email protected] Thank you I would like to thank you for the care that you are showing.
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