лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, вратоврска пеперутка, flutur... the literary journal of students in Balkan studies Vol. 9/No. 1 Spring 2012 1 лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, вратоврска лептир машна, leptir mašna, папионка, вратоврска пеперутка, flutur... пеперутка, flutur... the literary journal of students in Balkan studies Editor Nada Petković Editorial Assistant Erin Franklin Managing Editor Andrew Boshardy Cover Art Dale Pesmen Cartoon Dušan Petričić Contributing Photographers Erin Franklin Lana Jovanović Dragoljub Zamurović* Published with support from The Center for East European Russian/Eurasian Studies and the Department of Slavic Languages & Literatures We dedicate this volume to Motoki Nomachi, professor of Slavic Linguistics at at the University of Chicago Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Volume 9, Number 1 Spring 2012 Contact Address: 1130 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 773-702-0035, 773-702-8033 Facsimile: 773-702-7030 2 3 EditOR’S NOTE COntents macedOnian Studies in THE US ................................................................................................................7 Victor A. Friedman PROSOdic Shift in THE Kajkavian subdialects .............................................................................13 You are holding an exciting issue of Leptir mašna in your hands—one that reflects some thrilling personal OF CROatian AND their impact upON ZAGreb šTOkavian stories about our university, its faculty and students. The story with which we decided to open this volume Andrew Boshardy is an inspiration to all students interested in Slavic studies—those who are already in the field and those who are still contemplating their future profession. From the pen of Victor Friedman, Andrew W. Mellon IF I knew what I KNOW TOdaY ..................................................................................................................15 Professor in Linguistics and Slavic Studies, and Director of the Center for East European and Russian/ Veronika Hanko Eurasian Studies (CEERES), comes a nostalgic story from the time when he, as a young graduate student in the University of Chicago Slavic Department, embarked on his life-long and brilliant career path as a THE impOrtance OF THE screen: ............................................................................................................ 18 Slavic linguist and anthropologist. A LOOK at THE develOpment OF KARAGÖZ shadOW theater Emma Harper We are also thrilled to be able to include a short paper on the possessive perfect in Serbian from Professor Motoki Nomachi, a visiting scholar from the Slavic Research Center at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Interview ............................................................................................................................................................21 Japan. We dedicate this issue to him as a token of appreciation for graciously sharing with us his current Kaitlyn Tucker & Seyma Dachowitz research and expertise. THE Trauma OF PenetratiON in NORMAN Manea’S ......................................................................24 This issue is flooded with stimulating stories and essays written by our students who are working on the A WINDOW ON the WORKING CLass languages, literatures and linguistics of the Balkans. I encourage you to read some of them and explore the Gwen Muren world that they describe for you. Share the experiences of well-known scholars and your fellow students as they write of their Balkan journeys through recent history and present times. These stories are born of DEATH IN LITERATURE ........................................................................................................................................27 extensive reading, academic studies, fieldwork and travel throughout the region. Lana Jovanović Join us by signing up for courses that are offered through the Slavic Department and the College. You won’t THE LIFE AND TIME OF THE GOAT GIRL ..........................................................................................................28 Erin Franklin regret it! IN THE FOG: ............................................................................................................................................................29 Enjoy, SOURCES OF INTRASTATE CONFLICT FROM YUGOSLAVIA THROUGH THE PRESENT DAY [AN EXCERPT] Nada Petković Stefan Mitrović Editor THERE WAS ONCE A COUNTRY .......................................................................................................................... 35 Kaitlyn Tucker RELIGION ................................................................................................................................................................37 Andrew Boshardy A HOTDOG IN A WARM BUN ..............................................................................................................................38 Polly Faust FAMILY CHRONICLE .............................................................................................................................................. 41 CHAPTER ONE Alec Mitrovich FANTASTICAL STORY ............................................................................................................................................43 Andrew Boshardy 4 5 IDENTITY AND TRANSLATION IN ORHAN PAMUK’S THE WHITE CASTLE ................................................43 МАКЕДОНИСТИКАТА ВО САД MacdeOnian Studies in THE US Tala Radejko Виктор А. Фридман Victor A. Friedman GYPSY MUSIC ..........................................................................................................................................................47 Kaitlyn Tucker Kога дипломирав на колеџот Рид во 1970 год. When I graduated from Reed College in 1970 with WAR AND PEACE ....................................................................................................................................................48 со специјализација по руски јазик, планирав a major in Russian language, I was planning on Andrew Boshardy да студирам словенска лингвистика (особено studying Slavic Linguistics (especially Northern јужнословенска лингвистика) на моите Slavic Linguistics) in my graduate studies. At that VIETNAM, ULSTER, MACEDONIA: ......................................................................................................................49 постдипломски студии. Тогаш најмногу сакав time I was eager to learn Bulgarian and Georgian. DE-LOCALIZING CONFLICT IN MILCHO MANCHEVSKI’S BEFORE THE RAIN да учам бугарски и грузиски. Добив стипендии I received scholarships from Harvard Univer- Alexandra Israel од Универзитетот Харвард и од Универзитетот sity and the University of Chicago. It was hard Чикаго. Тешко ми беше да решам каде да for me to decide where to go, since Harvard has GOD ..........................................................................................................................................................................53 Andrew Boshardy одам, затоа што Харвард е најславното the most prestigious name of any university in универзитетско име во Северна Америка, но North America, but I knew that Chicago was the WRITING ON THE MARGIN: ...............................................................................................................................54 знаев дека само во Чикаго би било возможно only place where it would be possible for me to THE BREAKDOWN OF MASCULINITY AND THE FAMILY истовремено да учам и бугарски и грузиски кај study both Bulgarian and Georgian with Howard IN POST-SOCIALIST URBAN BULGARIA IN GEORGI GOSPODINOV’S NATURAL NOVEL Хауард Аронсон (кој исто така беше учесник Aronson (who also was a participant in the First [AN EXCERPT] на Првиот семинар за македонски јазик, Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature Saba Sulaiman литература и култура во 1968 год., иако не and Culture in 1968, although I did not know it at го знаев тоа во она време). И така, се решив the time). And so I chose Chicago and began my FINDING A VOICE THROUGH MAGIC ................................................................................................................57 за Чикаго и ги започнав моите студии кај studies with Prof. Aronson, Edward Stankiewicz Elysia Liang професорот Аронсон, кај Едвард Станкиевич and Zbignjev Golomb. и кај 3бигњев Голомб. “AN EYE FOR AN EYE”: ...........................................................................................................................................62 The Slavic department of the University of Chi- THE SEMIOTICS OF THE GAZE IN MANCHEVSKI’S BEFORE THE RAIN Славистичката катедра на Универзитетот cago is located on the fourth floor of an old build- Charlyn Magnus Чикаго се наоѓа на четвртиот кат на една стара ing that used to be a dormitory and has a small зграда која порано била студентски дом, и elevator. One day, which I remember quite well, VIGNETE ..................................................................................................................................................................64 има мал лифт. Еден ден, на кој многу добро се I was on the elevator with Prof. Golomb, and he Seyma Dachowitz сеќавам, бев во лифтот со професорот Голомб, asked me: “Mr. Friedman, would you like to go to и тој ме запраша: “Господине Фридман, дали Macedonia this summer?” I was amazed, because WHAT’S ROMANTIC ABOUT ROMANTIC NATIONALISM?: ......................................................................... 66 сакате да одите во
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