Republicof the Philippines Departmentof Education RegionVll, CentralVisayas DIVISIONOF BOHOL Cityof Tagbilaran Julv12. 2011 DIVISIONMEMORANDUM No. 9?- , s.201I THE CLASH OF TALENTS TO: EducationSupervisorsiSubject Area Coordinators SchoolsDistrict Supervisors/Coordinating Principals SecondarySchool Heads 1. Pursuantto the letter receivedfrom Engr.Dionisio Niel A. Balite,Ph.D. Chairman BuhingInambitay ug TinabangayFoundation Inc., through the RegionalDirector RecaredoG. Borgoniare: invitingour seniorhigh school students to join the competition on THECTASH OF TALENTS. 2. All concernedare encouragedto participate in the said competition. However, participation is purely voluntary and no classesshall be left unattended. t Pleasesee attached documents on programsobjectives, contest mechanics, guidelines, scheduleof elimination,contest and prizes. 4. The expensesincurred during the competitionshall be chargedto MOOE, local funds, subjectto its availabilityand the usualaccounting and auditing rules and regulations. 5. Immediateand wide disseminationof this Memorandumis desired. ,/* z\P.t' LORNAE. RANCES,Ph. D. CASOV Schools Division Superintendentn THECLASH OF TALENTS (SEARCHFORTHE MOST TALENTED SEfV'OB HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS) ProgramObjectives: 1. Developthe full potential of seniorhigh schoolstudents in the field of cultureand the arts. 2. Enhancethe social welf-being among highschool graduating students. 3. Ptotote camaraderiethrough the spiritof free and friendly competitions. 4. Educatethe youth on the values of sportsmanship and self-confidence. Scopeof the Program Thlsprogram shall cover the SeniorHigh School Students ln the provincesof Bohol, Siquijorand Agusandel Norte. ProgramMechanlcs: 1. Thisprogram is intendedonly to all highschool graduating students in bothpublic andprivate schools of schoolyear 2011-2012. 2. Thereshall be onlyone entry lcontestant per school. 3. Noage limlt. Contestant may be maleor female. 4. A contestantmay particlpate in anotherevent. 5. Therewill be three(3) sets of contests. a. EliminationRound - schoolsare grouped into clusters b. Semi'finalRound - winnersfrom clusteredschools (3 congressionaldistricts of Bohol,SiquiJor, and Agusan del Norte) c. FinalRound -urinners in the semi'finalround 5. Theareas to be contestedare Vocal Solo, Vocal Duet, Oratlon and Declamation. 7. Duringthe eliminationround, clustering of schoolswill be determinedby the organizingcommittee. 8. Thewinner in the eliminationround will competefor the semi-finalround whlch will be heldIn everycongressional district of Bohol,one in Siquiiorand one in Butuan City.Wild card holder rnay be appliedto be decidedby the organizingcommittee. g. Thesequence of the contestant'spresentation shall be determinedthrough the drawingof lotsten (10)minutes before the contests. 10.All pointsearned in the eliminationand semi-final round will not be consideredin the computationsof resultsin the grandfinals. 11.Sponsoring schools are disqualified from joining the contest. 12.The transportation expenses of the grandfinalists and one chaperon per schoolshall be reimbursedby the organizingcommlttee. 13.Schedule of Contests: EliminationRound: July 1, 2011-August 15, 2011 Seml-Final:August 16, 2011 - August28,z0lt Siqujor : August18, 2011, BIT lC-Slquijor Grounds Provinceof Bohol FirstDistrict : August30, 2011, BIT lC Maln Square,4:00 pm SecondDistrict: August 28,20LL, BIT lC-Talibon,4:00 pm ThirdDistrict : August22,20t1 , BITlC-Jagna,4:00 pm Agusandef Norte: August , BITlC-Butuon? GrandFinals: September 2, 2011 14.Composltlon of the Judges Onefrom DepEd Onefrom BITlC OnePrlvate Individual 15.The Prizes are the following: ForEllmination Round FirstPlace 500.00 SecondPlace 300.00 ThirdPlace 200.00 ConsolationPrize 100.00 ForSemi-Final Round FirstPlace 1,000.00+ plaque SecondPlace 700.00+ plaque ThirdPlace 500.00+ plaque ConsolationPrize 300.00+ certificate Forthe GrandFinals FirstPlace 5,000.00+100 % tuitionfee discountin anycourse for oneyear and Plaque SecondPlace 3,000.00+75 %tultion fee discountin anycourse for oneyear and Plaque ThirdPlace 2,000.00+50 % tuition fee dlscountIn anycourse foroneyearandPlaque ConsolationPrize 1,000.00+ plaque For.Eqjngf EliminationRound: Certlficate Semi-FlnalRound: Plaque GrandFinals: Plaque + Token+ Certificateof Scholarshipfor oneyear (transferrable) ForVocalSolo and Duet Thetop fivefinalists must become members of the BITlC Performing Arts to availofthe scholarshipgrant. Guidellnesfor VocalSolo 1. Thesong may be Filipino,English or Visayanmusic. 2. Theaccompaniment must be cd minus one with only one song recorded. Multiplex, videokeand karaoke-recorded songs are not allowed. 3. Medleyis not allowed.There must be onepiece allthroughout. However, revival and ownedversion of the pieceis accepted. 4, Thecontestant must be at the venue30 minutesbefore the contestproper. Non- conformance means default 5. Thecontestant is regulredto wearhis/her school uniform during the eliminationand semi-finalrounds. The grand finalists, however, must come in a decentand elegant attlreduring the performancenight. 5. Thefollowing are the criteria: Qualityof Voice 50% Projection 20% Diction 30% 7. Thedecision of the boardof judgesls final and irrevocable. Guldcllncsfor VocalDuct 1. Thesong may be Filipino,English or Visayanlove song' 2. Thecontestants must be maleand female. 3. Theaccompaniment must be cd minusone with onlyone song recorded. Multiplex, videokeand karaoke-recorded songs are not allowed. 4, Medleyis not allowed.There must be onepiece allthroughout. However, revival andowned version of the pieceis accepted. 5. Thecontestants must be at the venue30 minutesbefore the contestproper. Non' conformancemeans default. 5. Thecontestants are required to weartheir school uniform during the elimination andseml-final rounds. The grand finalists, however, must come in a decentand elegantattire durfng the performancenight. 7. Thefollowing are the criteria: Blending 30% Qualityof Voice 30% Projection 20% Diction 20% 8. Thedecision of the boardof judgesls flnal and lrrevocable. Guidelinesfor OratoricalContest "Prolonq 1. The oratoricalpiece must be originaland must focuson the theme: Yo,arlife. PLotectthe Mother Earth" 2. Orationpiece must not exceed1,500 words. Delivery must not be more than seven(7) minutes.A bell will be rung oncethe contestanthas consumedsix (6) minutesof the allottedtime. This means that he/shehas one (1) minute to finishthe piece.At the endof the seven(7) minutes, the bellwill be rungtwice. 3. Themedium shall be English. 4. Thecontestant must be at the venue30 minutesbefore the contestproper. Non- conformancemeans default 5. Thecontestants are required to weartheir schooluniform during the eliminationand semi-finalrounds. The grand finalists, however, must come in a decentand elegant attire duringthe performancenight. 6. Thefollowing are the criteria: Delivery 50% Content 40% Persuasion 10% Total t@% DEIwERY- Thisrefers to the outwardmanifestations of the speakeras follows: posture,gestures, movements, eye contact, facial expression, correct pronunciation and abllltyto Interpretemotions reflected in the oratoricalpiece by changingthe rate,pitch andvolume of his/hervoice. CONTENT-Thlsembraces both originallty and tlmellness of the speech. Tlmellnessmeans an awarenessof the forceswhich helpsprotect our mother earth.This criterionshall likewiseinclude clarity of thought, logicof arguments,and the use of languagethe audience(mostly hlgh schoolstudentsf canunderstand. pERSltASrOttt-This refers to the total impactof the entire speechas delivered by the speaker- whetherit hasmoved the audience9r not regardlessof whateverreaction it mayhave evoked in the judges. 7. Thedecision of the boardof judgesis final and irrevocable. i :riiiF{+i C '''i . I ii ifir*i!'li',.,\, 'Ji" ;, Li l|jii$tiiiljtr,;riiiJf--"j,:'ji \\;"i' ; Cluster4 Venue:Catigbian Gym ClusterL Date:August 25, 2011, 8:00 am Venue:Baclayon Hall CongressmanPablo Malasarte NHS I Date:August 23, 20LL,8:00 am HanopolHigh _ School lBalilihan SanRoque National High School J Alburquerque ;San RoqueHigh School I r BaclayonNational High School I CarmelAcademy -) PamilacanNational High School I Baclayon CatigbianNational High School lmmaculataHigh School ) HagbuayaHigh School I SikatunaNational High School Sikatuna lmmaculateMary Academy lCatigbian BikingTechnical-Vocational School Holylnfant Academy I DauisNational High School I Dauis HaguilananHigh School I TabalongNational High School I MantacidaNational High School ) LourdesHigh School I Panglao SaintAgustin Academy ) Cluster5 Venue:Loon Gym Cluster2 Date:Augu st 26,2Qt1, 8:00 am Venue:IHMS Auditorium Christthe KingAcademy I Date:August 24,201.1,, 8:00 am BantolinaoHigh School lAntequera Universityof Bohol CanlaasNational High School ) HolyName University CabilaoNational High School ) HolySpirit School Gov.Jacinto Borja Memorial NHS I TagbilaranCity Science HS SandinganHigh School I MansasaHigh School SacredHeart Academy I toon MangaHigh School St.Theresa Academy I lsidroHigh Tagbilaran Loon San School SouthHigh School I HolyInfant School LoonInstitute ) BoholWisdom School St.Therese School Cluster6 TagbilaranCity Acc School Venue:Calape Gym Dr.Cecilio Putong National HS Date:August26,20tt, 1.:00 pm CogonNight High School CalapeNational High School ) GraceChristian School FerminTayabas National HS I BISUMain Campus MayorA.R. Tuazon National HS I Catape PanganganNational High School I Cluster3 BoholProvince Institute I Venue:Infant King Academy-Cortes BISUCalaps ) Date:August 23, 2011, 1-:00 pm CawayananNational
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