H I G H WAY TAT I S TIC PUBLIC ROADS ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON: 1948 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. - . Price 45 centb PREFACE 745 This the dtof an annual series, presents the W'I statis- tical and analytical tables of general interest on the subjects of motor fuel, .motor vehicles, highway-user taxation, financing of State highways, and high- way mileage. The brief text is\fot intended to provide a full explanation of all the data, since in most cases they are self-explanatory; nor is any attempt made to pre- , sent a complete exposition of the methods of analysis. It ibintended only to I' < call attention to information of particular interest or significance, to supply i . definitions of the terms used in the tables, and to point out the limitations of i,, the data presented, -\ Many of the tables in this pamphlet issued separately -4ew-a so that the information on each particular subject can be made available at the earliest possible date. However, the favorable public reception of previous HIGHWAY STATISTICS publications indicates that the issuance of the tables in assembled, permanent form makes the data much more convenient and serviceable to their users. ?,A>'4 eJ& f r' ,&jLl '3~t.;~~~c-- ~LJ-/~sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, tr t Washington 25, D. C., cents and 50 cents a copy, respectively, I l r.l*_ - .- .. "- 6""-.-~ P"$--".j '"G".: In addition to ZEiii3a'f"~dKj&itets,-iind' iGpplementing them, the Public - : doads Administration has published HIGHWAY STATISTICS, SUMMARY TO \ 5 :.: "Kc /1945 in which are presented selected historical summaries of highway data \ / carried from the earliest years that available information warrants. This publi- cation is also for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, at 40 cents a copy. COVER: The K Street Viaduct connection with Key Bridge, Washington, D. C. CONTENTS Table Page MdorFuel ................................................. 1 p-2 Motor-fuelconsumption ............................................. 2 v G-21 Analysis of motor -fuel usage .......................................... 3 v G-22 Total motor-fuel consumption by months .................................. 4 I 4 G-23 Highway use of motor fuel by months ..................................... 5 Nonhighway use of motor fuel ......................................... 6 Motor fuel exempted or refunded ....................................... 7 Gasoline tax rates by years ........................................... 8 State motor-fuel tax receipts .......................................... 9 Vehicles .............................................. 11 J MV-1 State motor-vehicle registrations ....................................... 12 r/ MV-7 Publicly owned vehicles in the United States ................................ 13 MV-9 Truck and tractor-truck registrations .................................... 14 u MV-10 Bus registrations ................................................. 15 @ 4 MV-12 Motor-vehicle operators9 and chauffeurs' licenses ........................... 16 .h lfw4bL Number of trucks and tractor-trucks registered. by weight or capacity .2: ............ 17 .A FA &jC-- m-f *-- ...................................... ;jll%ibr J VM-1 Classified estimate of motor-vehicle travel ................................. 19 -&?Lm4 u'd.wl/lIOperation of trucks and combinations on main rural roads ...................... 20 ul MV-2 State motor-vehicle receipts .......................................... 21 / MC-1 State motor-carrier tax receipts ....................................... 22 7 HighwayTaxation ............................................. 23 V G-3 Disposition of State motor-fuel tax receipts ................................ 24 v/ MV-3 Disposition of State motor-vehicle receipts ................................ 25 V MC-2 Disposition of State motor-carrier tax receipts ............................. 26 Disposition of receipts from State imposts on highway users .................... 27 ................ 28 .................. a* ................ 4% #' E-4 Federal excise taxes relating to motor vehicles ............................. 47 State Highway Finance .......................................... 49 d' SF-1 Receipts from highway-user imposts and other income-summk ................ 50 /"SF-2 ~isbursementsfrom highway-user imposts and other income-summary ............ 51 /' SF-3 Receipts for state-administered highways ................................. 52 v. SF-4 Disbursements for state-administered highways ............................. 53 Table Page State Highway Finance (continued) J SF-5 State receipts applicable to local roads and streets ........................... 54 d SF-6 State expenditures and fund transfers for local roads and streets ................. 55 J SF-9 Funds used for collection and administration of highway-user revenues ............. 56 s for collection and administration of highway-user revenues ........... 57 struction contracts awarded by State highway departments .............. 58 epf&& 4 or assumed ..................................... 60 J SBL~ Change in debt status ............................................... 62 / SB-2A Amount of debt outstanding ........................................... 66 SB-3 Receipts and disbursements for debt service ............................... 67 Future debt service requirements ...................................... 70 price trends. highway construction ..................................... 74 cost trends. highway maintenance and operation ............................. 75 Average man-months of Federal and State highway employment .................. 76 wage rates on Federal-aid projects .......................... 77 < Mileage of Public Roads and Streets ................................ 79 SMB-1 Summary of mileage built by State highway departments ....................... 80 SMB-2 Mileage built on State primary systems ................................... 81 SMB-3 Mileage built on secondary roads under State control .......................... 82 SMB-4 Mileage built on urban extensions of State systems ........................... 83 SMB-5 Special construction by State highway departments ........................... 84 SM-101 Mileage changes on State highway systems ................................ 85 SM-1 Summary of existing mileage of roads and streets under State control ............... 87 SM-2 Mileage by type of surface-primary system ............................... 88 SM-3 Mileage by type of surfaceLsecondary roads .............................. 89 SM-4 Mileage by type of surface-urban extensions .............................. 90 . SM-5 Mileage by width-primary @stem ..................................... 91 SM-6 Mileage by width-secondary roads ..................................... 92 SM-7 Mileage by width-urban extensions ..................................... 93 67 Surfaced mileage by type and width-primary system ......................... 94 /c"-8SM-9 Surfaced mileage by type and width-secondary roads ......................... 95 SM-IO/ Surfaced mileage by type and width-- urban extensions ........................ 96 4--_1 ..A SM-11 Mileage of divided highways-primary system .............................. 97 SM-12 Mileage of divided highways-secondary roads .............................. 98 SM -1 3 Mileage of divided highways -urban extensions ............................. 99 ~RM-I All rural road qlileage. by States. classified by system ........................ 100 ri RM-2 All rural road mileage. classified by system. and type of surface .................. 101 dqP-3 All rural road mileage. by States. classified by type of surface ................... 102 V' OSM Rural road mileage iearks. forests. reservations. etc ........................ 103 V' LM-0 County and other local rural road mileage ................................. 104 1 ....d+." ... YM-3 Existing mileage of streets and alleys in the United States. by type of surface ......... 105 \r +/ M-2 ~xiktin~rural and urban mileage in the United States. by system and type of surface .... 106 MOTOR FUEL Motor-fuel consumption in 1947 exceeded that from the continental United States. The figures for 1946 by more than 9 percent to establish a new differ in some cases from those in table G-2, pri- all-time high for the second year in succession. marily because of adjustments made to obtain uni- Although consumption in terms of gallons per vehi- formity among States and to report gallonage as cle decreased slightly, the larger numbers of auto- nearly as possible for the period in which it was mobiles, busses, and trucks on the highways during consumed rather than the period in which the tax 1947, together with the continuing upward trend in was paid. Other adjustments have been made to al- the mechanization of agriculture, brought total motor- low for losses from evaporation, spillage, etc., and fuel consumption to over 32 billion gallons, and to correct errors. highway consumption alone to more than 28 bil- Most of the States refund the tax paid on lion gallons. motor fuel used for nonhighway purposes. Two The term "motor fuel" applies to all gaso- States-Kansas and Oklahoma-permit tax exemp- line coming under the purview of the State motor - tions for motor fuel used for most nonhighway pur- fuel taxing laws. It also includes liquids other than poses. North Dakota also permitted exemptions gasoline when they areused to propel motor vehicles
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