News Volume 55 • Issue 8 • February 28, 2020 1 -“Delivering The Contact news and information. At home and around the world.” • “Transmettre des nouvelles et de l’information, d’ici et d’ailleurs.” February 28 , 2020 #1 TEAM* Helps De-stress The Selling Process 20 Years in the CF & 24 Years in Real Estate! DAVID WEIR* BA, CD Call/Text: 613-392-7777 www.davidweir.com Helping 238 S e r v i n g 8 W i n g / C F B T r e n t o n • 8 e E s c a d re / B F C T r e n t o n • h t t p : // t h e c o n t a c t n e w s p a p e r . c f b t r e n t o n . c o m Buyers and Sellers in 2019 INSIDE ‘Weir’ *Broker of Record SOLD Based on QDAR Stats CANADIANS IN QUARANTINE Next RETURN HOME generation of CHRISTINASELLSQUINTE Christina Charbonneau Sales Representative MasterCertified Certied ight surgeons NegotiationNegotiation Expert, ExpertMCNE (CNE1) Ranked#3 Ranked #2 Agent*Agent - EXIT RealtyEXIT Realty Group trained at 8 - 2017 to 2019, Group, 2019 Page 2 Trenton *Ranked in the Top 3 for 1st Quarter, 2019 Cell: 613-243-0037 8 WING HOSTS SPECIAL Address: 309 Dundas Street East, Wing Trenton Quinte West, K8V 1M1 OLYMPICS TEAM BRONZE AWARD WINNER, Regional & National EXIT Realty, 2017 & 2018 www.christinasellsquinte.com By Makala Chapman very year, only a handful of the ECanadian Armed Forces’ medi- cal of cers are chosen to be trained as ight surgeons. These are mem- bers who are used to working in a clinical setting, who are then taught to do the same job in one of the most unique environments – aboard an Page 3 aircraft. The four-week intensive course is run by Canadian Forces Environmental Medicine Establish- REMEMBERING HONORARY ment in Toronto and has 19 students from all across the country partici- COLONEL WILLIAMS pating. The rst and fourth week of the course takes place in Toronto and focuses on the theoretical as- pects of being a ight surgeon. The second week of the course, which runs from Feb. 17-21, was held at 8 Wing Trenton. The third week is a ight practicum, which splits the students up and sends them to vari- ous ying units across the country to assist and shadow as members of aircrew. Medical of cer and ight surgeon course director Major (Maj.) Stuart Photo courtesy of Major Stuart Whittaker and the students of Flight Surgeon Course 2020 Whittaker noted, while in Trenton, Page 7 Military medical students on the Flight Surgeon Course during week two of training at 8 Continued on page 2 Wing Trenton in February 2020. NumbersTalk! RealTrendsTop 200 Report Highlights“137 of the top 200 Brokerages in Canada are Re/Max Brokerages”.We are proud to be a part of this elite group.Whether moving across the street, across the country or across the world. RE/MAX, serving you in 100 countries and territories around the world! NO ONE IN THE WORLD SELLS MORE REAL ESTATE THAN RE/MAX! 447 Dundas St. W., Trenton www.trentvalleyrealty.comwww.remaxquinte.com 41 Main St., Brighton 613-392-6594 1-800-567-0776 613-475-6594 News 2 - The Contact February 28, 2020 Photos courtesy of Major Stuart Whittaker and the students of Flight Surgeon Course 2020 Left: Students got the chance to y aboard the CC-144 Challenger – a jet used for aeromedical evacuation in the Canadian Armed Forces. Right: Military medical students on the Flight Surgeon Course were given several hands-on lesson during week two of their course at 8 Wing Trenton in February 2020. Continued from page 1 Rescue Squadron. In addition, qualied as ight surgeons, with the medical ight here lowed us to get out onto the all the students were given they will be awarded wings to and the medical ofcers that ight line and into the aircraft the students were able to fo- the opportunity to y aboard wear on their uniform and can come in to support the stu- – which was amazing.” Com- cus on aeromedical evacuation several airframes. The rst then be employed to support dents, is absolutely critical to ing from an army background, training. Since 8 Wing Tren- being the CH-147F Chinook air operations, from a health giving them the best education he noted this had been one ton is home to the Canadian helicopter, where they were services perspective, across we can.” of his rst opportunities to Forces Aeromedical Evacua- given an in-ight demonstra- the Canadian Armed Forces Speaking to how much he’s en- get up and close with both tion Flight (CF AE) – a group tion on how to care for a criti- or in a deployed setting. Prior joyed the course was Captain the Chinook and Challenger. of highly-trained medical cally ill patient. They also ew to joining the course, each stu- (Capt) Amit Shah. The expe- Having worked in a clinical personnel – he said the group aboard the CC-144 Challenger dent had to complete a basic rienced medical professional setting most of his career, he served as excellent hosts. CF – a small passenger jet that is aviation medicine course. This works as a civilian contracted added he had grown a whole AE’s primary role is to de- commonly used by CF AE for gave them an introduction physician at 32 Health Servic- new appreciation for the job. ploy anywhere in the world aeromedical evacuations. to aerospace medicine, while es and as a part-time military “As we move into this role of where they are needed. This As for how the students were the ight surgeon course sets medical ofcer with 25 Field ight surgeon,” he explained, could be bringing an injured handling the course, Maj. its focus on support to opera- Ambulance – a reserve unit in “it’s important for us to really soldier home from overseas Whittaker noted he was ex- tions, response to ight safe- Toronto. Capt. Shah noted his understand the challenges and or supporting domestic mis- ceptionally pleased by their ty incidents and conducting favourite part of the course positive aspects of each frame, sions with their medical ex- progress and eagerness to aeromedical evacuations. “Ul- was having instructors who as it relates to the job we’re try- pertise. Focusing on an im- learn. “They’re a very engaged timately, our goal is for each are also experts in their profes- ing to do.” As for why he chose mersive learning experience, and enthusiastic group,” he of these students to go back sion. “It really made the lec- to get into the medical profes- the students were given a said. “This group, like every to their clinics and their units tures more enjoyable and gave sion, similar to his colleagues, tour of the Join Rescue Co- other, has taken every oppor- and feel condent working as us the opportunity to learn he said it came from a place of ordination Centre, the Cana- tunity to learn, ask questions a ight surgeon,” said Maj. what it’s really like out in the wanting to help people – a role dian Forces Aircrew Selection and take full advantage of Whittaker. “Being able to come eld,” he said. “The eld por- he will soon be able to perform Centre and 424 Transport and what we are providing.” Once here to Trenton, to collaborate tion was great because it al- at a whole new height. Quarantine period ends for all Canadians staying at CFB Trenton By Makala Chapman he remainder of the Cana- Tdians quarantined at Cana- dian Forces Base (CFB) Tren- Left: Governor General Julie ton have now returned home. Payette met with volunteers On Feb. 25, the last group to with the Canadian Red Cross be repatriated from Wuhan, and thanked them for their China – the epicentre of the hard work in Trenton on Feb. novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 21. – successfully completed their Below: Governor General Julie two-week quarantine. Hav- Payette meets with ofcials ing shown no symptoms of with the Public Health Agency the highly contagious disease, of Canada, the Canadian Red the visitors were cleared by the Cross and 8 Wing Commander Public Health Agency of Cana- Colonel Ryan Deming at CFB da. This was just mere days af- Trenton on Feb. 21. ter the rst group of Canadians, who arrived in Trenton on Feb. 7, were greenlit to return home. Canada’s Governor General Julie Payette and 8 Wing Com- Photos courtesy of Governor General Julie Payette mander Colonel Ryan Deming were some of the rst to bid commodation buildings (Yukon Yokohama, Japan aboard the farewell to the rst group of Lodge, Hercules Lodge, Canso, Diamond Princess cruise ship, Canadians to depart from CFB and Hastings Hall) to properly were set to return home within Trenton on Feb. 21. During her clean the facilities in order to en- the week. However, she noted visit, Payette also took the time sure the safety of future tenants. they would not be housed at to thank all of the government At the height of the quarantine, CFB Trenton, but, instead, at the partners and non-prot organi- approximately 400 Canadians NAV Centre in Cornwall, Ont. zations that rapidly put together were lodged at CFB Trenton. On Feb. 21, approximately 150 the quarantine, in order to help During a visit to the region on Canadians began their two- their fellow Canadians. “Those Feb. 18, Federal Health Minister week quarantine at the Nav who have been in quarantine at Patty Hajdu had noted that no Centre.
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