1894. ( ECO::\D SE ION.) NEW SOUTII WALES. AUSTRALIAN MUSEUl\i. (REPORT OF TRUSTEES FOlt TilE YEAlt 18!>3.) lJrc~cnte'b t>J ~Jnrtiament ,pnrsmmt to &\d 17 '"die. J lo. 2, sm. 9. To IIrs Excr.r.LEXCr Tm: GoYERNOn J.:xn ExECt:TIYE Cot:xcrL,- The Trustee11 of the Australian )luseum have the honor to submit tn Your Excellency their Fortieth .\nnunl Report. 1. The )Iuseum has bePn opened to the public. daily, except on 1\Iondap; when iL was closed for cleaning. In former years the hours of admission of vi:<itorl$ were from 10 :un. to 5 p.m. in winter and 6 p.m. in summer, but the attendance by the public after;) p.m. wa ~ so small that it wns decided to close nt 5 p.m. all the year r ound. On ordinary week-days the number of vi~ilor:~ was 81,551, being an average of 311 per dny, and the largest attendance was on 1\!ouday, 2nd October (public holiclay) when 1, 02 person~ cnlor<'d the building. On Sundays, when Lhe hours of opening were from 2 to 5 p.m. there were 30,'776 visitor:1, an average of 581, while the largest numbel' on any one Sunday wns SuG on 2nd July. 'l'ho total number of persons who visited the Institution during the year shows a Jcercaso of 18,37<1! on the previous year. On Mondn.y afternoons tl1e 1\!l:useum although closed to the public hns been accessible io ailulonts and schools for teaching purposes, but a limited number only l11wc nvailrd themselves of the privilege. 2. On account of the diminution of the income of the MuBcum the acquisition of specimens has been curtailed. 1'hc most imporbtut purchases were:\ Collection of Aboriginal J rnplement!! from Northern Australia, the Rev. ,\rchdeacon King's Co11ection comprit!iog typical specirnon11 of Colvoptorn. and other ''alunble ~perirnens. By exchnuga :;ome fossils nnu caStli \\ere rCl'l'ivcu from tho )I u~co de la Pinta, and a. collrcliou illustrati,•o of the Ethnology of the l:)audwich Islands from the Bcrnicl' llauahi llishop Museum, Honolulu. 'J'ho most. valuable presentations were two Baclrian Camd>~ ]lrC~t·nlt•d by .\bdul "Wade. 3. The work of fitting up the :Xcw Geological Hall and Unllcric>( ha.• been steadily carried on. The cases erected in po11ition are now awaiting the nece.-::;ary t<hehin~ for the reception of 11pecimcns. The CO!;t of the additions and alterations to the building duriu~ the yt•ar \\a~ .Cl:?,OOO and of the cases £3,000, but. the SUIII or ClOO is btill required for the completion of tlw work . .l. .\t !he conlmenceruenL of the y<'ar there were thil'ly-thn•t• ufliccr~ nntl worlwwn on the staff, but owing to the ncceaMity for retrencltment twei\'C of those W('l'<' di~char:,:cd, :uul tlw ~alari<'s of most of tlw others were redut•ed by nmountt~ varying from .CS to .£;i0. Tho nmuuut \oteol l'nr the ordinary scnice of th<' 1\IUto~cum in l !12 wn.; .Ci,150, \\hile in 1 '0:3 it \\:Ill rculii.'Cd to C:J,S6:!. IL \\tll be clillicul r to cnny on the luKtit.ution cllicicntly out of the reduced vote. 5. On account. of ~OJ·ious illness an extend<'d ICiwc of nuscncc wnH granted tu the Curntor,l)r. E. P. JlnmHay, nnd the 'l'ru:~ lcel!, h!LVing U11·ough the courle~>y of thl' Jfnn. thl· :_\liui ~tt•t· fut· .Mim·:<, h<·en able to availthem~c lv <·~ of the ~crvit'Cil or Ur. Jt. J!:thel'idge, .I Ulll'., th:Lt ~l'll( lt•mau Wl\1< :1ppointcd .\ c!ing-Curntor, nml oUicieully tlidl'h:trgcd the duties of hi01 onice during l)r. l~am H ay'ti ab~once. G. 6-.\ :.!,U l.'i copit~-Appmxirn:ua Co)St nf Printiu:,: (hhour uml lllt\lcliul), C11 17,, Ucl. 2 6. The following publications have been issued :- Catalogue of ~i'U'ine Shells, by J. Bra~ier, Pnrt 3, Gasteropoda (Murex) . Australian Lopicloptcra and t.heir 'f ransformations, by the late A. W. Scott; edited and revised by 1\h. A. S. Ollifif ancl M rs. F orde, Yol. TI, part 4. Records of the Australian Museum, Vol. IT, Nos. 4 and 5. Catalogue of Pamphlets in the L ibrary. 7. Professor T. P. A11derson Sluar t baYing resigned his T1·usteesnip in the beginning of the year Jall. R. IIill, Esq., was elected in his place, and Professor J. T . \ Vilson "'as elected in place of the Jat~ R obert Hunt, Esq. 8. Full in formation with respect to the Museum will be found in the Appendices attached to this Report, Yi~ . :- I .-Curator's Repor t. 11.-Statemcnt of Receipts and Expenditure-. I II.-.A.ttendance of Visitors. IV.-Atten<lance o£ the Tmslees. \".-Donations of Specimens to the 1\-Iuseum. "'VI.-Exchanges. \'H.- Additions to the Library. 'VIII.-Pub1ications of the Au stralian Museum. The Common Seal of the Museum \Vas hereunto affixed by order of the Board, this 5lh day 0 [ J une, 1804. (Signed) J AMES C. COX, 1\I.D., Chairman. (r•. s.) (Signed) S. SI NCLAIR , l:lccretary. 3 APPE~"'DTX J. CCRATOn's R~:ronr FOR 1893. To the 'l'ru ~te<'s of the 1:\ ustrnlinn Museum.­ Geutlcmen, Tho erection of the additions to the old wing. now kno" n a-. the Geologit•al Hall, and Gallcrie11 ha\'ing been t•omplctetl, as mentioned in 1:\st ycnr't~ ]lcport. tho work of erecting easel! has been puHhed fnrwnrd, nncl lltl!> <ICcupied the greater vnrt ·of the ycnr. The C/UIC>< nro now completed, but htwl! not yet bct>n lit tetl '' ith the necesgnry sbch·in~ and furniture for the T<'<'t>ption of specimens, tbo I'Ole h:\\'ing hE'en <'xhausted. The Go;ernment hns been uskt>d for further fund11. and when these are a1•1lilahlt• 1\ ~horl lime ''ill Aufficl.' to complete the internal fitting><, ''hen tho work of arranging the 8pecimt-ns for l.'xhibition will be commenced. The Go,•ernmcnt retrenchment scheme l1ns caus<'d lh<' l\[useum fo suffl.'r Reverely; there have been uo fundR to 1mrchaso specimen~ nor to publish the rc~ulls of invrMtig:Llion. l)n lll·count of the very large portion of the Ktaff, whose ser\'ices were necessarily diKpem;cd with, tho time of those remaining in the employment of tho 'l'ru!ltces hns been de,·otod to the ctno of the collect ions, rather than to purely ~l·ic• ntific work. Jn tho parts of the Museum open to the public, thoro aro not hands enough now to keep tho outllido of t.ho cascR free from dust, although the spe<·i mous in them at·o duly cared for, and are in good order; the windows h1wo not. been properly cleaned for mouthR, nnd the gt·ounds arc being over­ run with weedR. 'I'ha member;~ of Lhe stall' have .attended to their dutiel! faithfully. \Vc hnvo lost the ser1qces of Mr. J ohn Brnzit'r, ARI!istaut in Conchology, and of ~'lt·. 0. I r. Barrow, A rli~t. It hns been necessary also to di~pcnMC with tho Cndt'l!!, whose engagement was reported in my ln~t 1\nnunl l{(lport-. 1'he staff has, however, been t~lrcngthcncd by the arrival o£ Mr. Edgar R \\'aile, appointed J\ Hsi~tant in Zoology at the cud o£ I 92. 'J'ho following is n list of tl1c Uuseum stafi a.t l11e beginning and the end of the year :- No.~~~ No. at hcginning of end of }'Car Name ntul Office. year. I !l:l. 1 1 E. P. Ramsr.y, Curator. 2 2 I '. 'inclnir, 'ecrctar,·. 3 3 R. Ethcridge, Assistant in Pal:leontolo~y. ·1 .T. Brazier · ,. Concholog1 . 4 'L'. Whitele~ge ,. Marino lrlvt'rtcbrata (cxclut~i\'O of )follusca). (j I) li'. ~\.. A. Skuse , Entomology. 7 (j A . •T. North , Oroitholo~;y, &c. 8 7 T. Cook~ey )lincrt1logy. !) 8 E. n. W':\ite ,. \\•rtebr·ate ~oology (exclusive of Ornithology). 10 H C. Jl t>dlcy , Conchology. 11 G-. 11. Barrow,.\ rtittt and Drnfi ~IIHUL l:l 10 J I 1.'111')' lhrnes, AJ'Iicul:~t o r, )Toddler, and Photographer. 1a 11 .T. A. 'l'horpe, Taxidermist. u 12 RoberL B:trnes, Cru·pentcr. lG I!! B. I.ucas, Assistant Carpenter. lG 1f, Henry l3ames • .fulll'., Assistant ,\ rLiculniot·, &c. )7 15 W. Jl. ]Tjll. Clerk. 1H C'. H. Wickhnm, ,Junior Clerk. ]!) 16 }f. 0'(: rady, Attendant. 20 17 R. lTill ~dou , 21 .r. Willinms 22 \V. Cornick " 2:! F. Kippax 2~ 18 R. Grant ., 2;) {'. IIarris ., :w U) )[r;;. Dashwood , 27 20 Mr"'. Lo\'dl ., 2 .T. 1 [anbidge, Messenger. 2!) E. Roltde, Cadet. ao '1'. B. Air , :n .T. Sharkey , !32 B. Lucas, Labonrer. aa 21 S. Long, Xight Watchman. Durin~ tiH• ~rrcater part of lhl• year I wM absent <.>n account of ill-hPalt h, tmcl I thank the Trustees for the lt•avo of ah~<·nce and kind ronl:'irlcratiou extended tu nw. Mr. 1{. Etht•t·it!g1•, .) unr., was appointed \ et lll~t-Curat or, and he hn>~ mm~t (•fliciently performed thP dulil•s a ppcrt nininj:: to the nflice dur~n~ what must ha\C ht•t•n a \Cry t ,.,·ing time. On my rdurn to cluly I found the• ~ l u~t·um nnd it>< l'lllllcntK Ill ~ootl order.
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