2890 Land Tax llfonagernent Bill. [ASSEMBLY.] Appropriation Bill. factories in country towns, and by doing so iG.egtslntiu.e <!!nunril. relieve the housing shortage. Those houses are owned by the companies themselves, Wednesday, 10 October, ·1956. which deserve praise from this or any other government for their action in these days Appropriation Bill-Stamp Duties (Further Amendment) Bill. of shortage of homes; yet by this· bill th~y are being penalised. The unimproved capital value of the land on which the The ACTING PRESIDENT took the chair at homes are built will be aggregated under 4.30 p.m. this bill, added to the unimproved rapital The opening Prayer was read. value of factory sites, stores, or. any other land on which business is conducted, and APPROPRIATION BILL. will require those companies to pay a Bill received from the Legislative higher rate of tax in consequence of their Assembly and read a first time. having provided homes for their employees. Motion for suspension of certain standing Mr. LAJXDA: The hon. member need not orders agreed to. worry about those companies. He knows SEC01''1> READING. that they are few. The Hon. R. R. DOWNING (Attorney­ General, Minister of Justice and Vice­ Mr. McCAW: I do not eare if there .is Presiden t of the Executive Council) [4.35] : only one. I propose to worry about it, and I move: the Minister's interjection typifies the 'That this bill be now read a second time. attitude of members of this Government. The purpose of the bill is to obtain parliamentary authority for the expendi­ Mr. MURPHY: The hon. member for Lane tures that are proposed during 1956-57 from Cove is worried. about the £6,000,000. the several funds which comprise the ·state Mr. McCAW: Hon. members on this side Budget and from various other funds from which appropriations are also required. The are worried about the housing shortage, bill provides also for the appropriation of and the hon. member for Concord will not expenditures of an urgent and unforeseen deflect me from that interest. His col­ nature which were made during the :finan­ league, the Minister for Housing, said that cial year 1955-56 and which are now sub­ we are not worried about it. Is the hoJJ.. mitted for parliamentary sanction. Further member for Concord proud of him~ Does details of the estimated expenditures from the several funds referred to in the bill he join with him~ are contained in the Budget papers and Mr. MURPHY: Yes. the Financial Statement delivered by the Colonial Treasurer, which have been made Mr. McCAW: I dare say the remaining available to hon. members. I shall not ho_n. members ou the Government side join· traverse the detail in these documents, but with the hon.· member for Concord and the shall restrict my remarks to a broad outline Minister for Housing in not worrying _about of· the provisions of the bill. The various appropriations sought for 1956-57 are. as these companies on the ground that there follows: are not many of them. I am worried, even £ if there is only one, and I say that such a Consolidated Reve1fue Fund · 100,662,553 Government Railways Fund .... 74;597,000. company deserves the highest praise. Road Transport and .Traffic Fund 2,810,600 Metropolitan Transport Trust Mr. SPEAKER: Order! As it is now 10.20 · General Fund ....... ·· .... 13,189,840 o'clock, p.m., the debate stands adjourned Newcastle and District Transport Trust General Fund ...... 1,520,640 in accordance with the sessional order Sydney Harbour Trust Fund ... 2,258,124 adopted on 19th June, 1956. Sydney Harbour Trust Renewals Fund ................... 700,000 House adjourned at 10.20 p.m. Closer Settlement Fund ....... 71,000 Appropriation Bill. [10 OCT., 1956.] Appropriation Bill. 2891 The State's Budget comprises the Con­ An appropriation of £74,597,000 is pro­ solidated Revenue Fund and the funds of posed this year from the Government Rail­ the three major business undertakings, and ways Fund. This expenditure, together the estimated aggregate Budget result for with the estimated capital debt charges, is the year is a surplus of £36,935. The pro­ higher than that incurred last year, and posed appropriation of £100,662,553 from in the absence of action to secure additional Consolidated Revenue Fund which I have revenue, the loss on the operations of the mentioned relates only to votes requiring railways in the current year would have annual appropriation. There is, in addi­ been even greater than the deficiency for tion, expenditure especially appropriated 1955-56. As such a loss could not be sus­ under various Acts which is expected to tained, steps to obtain additional income aggregate £23,221,277 this :financial year. were unavoidable, and it was necessary to Interest and other charges· associated with increase fares and some freights as from the State's loan liability to the Common­ 1st July, 1956. It is estimated that earn­ wealth account for £17,589,385, and other ings of the railways will increase by an statutory appropriations for the remain­ amount of almost £6,000,000 as a result of ing £5,631,892. The estimated total expen­ the .action taken, and the anticipated de­ diture from Consolidated Revenue Fund ficiency on the railway services is £3,850,000. during 1956-57 is therefore £123,883,830, This is approximately one-half of the lo:>s · or £1,360,050 more than last year. This sustained last year. increase is the combined effect of increased Amounts of £13,189,840 and £1,520,640 payments aggregating £5,869,038 for depart- are to be a.ppropriated to meet the operation . mental expenditures and special appropria­ and maintenance costs of the metropolitan tions other than those related to charges and Newcastle transport services respec­ on the State's loan liability, and a decrease tively. A substantial reduction in the losses of £4,508,988 in the net amount of debt incurred on these services this year is ex­ charges borne by Consolidated Revenue pected to result from the increase in fares Fund. which took effect from 1st July la.st. It is The e..'i:planation for this decrease is that estimated that earnings will improve by it is expected that the Department of Rail­ £2,460,035 and working e-,,:penses are ex­ ways will be able this year to reimburse pected to be only £117,697 higher than last Consolidated Revenue Fund to a consider­ vear because of the introduction of further ably greater extent for debt charges in­ ~conomies in operation, including the use curred on its behalf. The difficult :financial of one-man buses. The deficiency being position left little scope for expansion of budgeted for on the services is therefore departmental services and the main in­ £1,835,000, compared with last year's de­ creases provided are for the Department f..ciency of £4,138,103. of Education and the Department of Public Health. The preparation of the State's Payments from the Sydney Harbour Budget for 1956-57 presented many diffi­ Trust Fund for administrative and general culties and it was necessary to provide for e-;:penses a.re estimated at £2,258,124. additional revenues to bridge the gap Revenue paid into this fund depends la,rgely between income and unavoidable outgoings. on the volume of trade passing through the There was a deficiency of just over port of Sydney and it has been anticipatec £6,800,000 in 1955-56 which had to be over­ that there will be some reduction this year taken and provision had also to be made as a result of action regarding import con­ for unavoidable increa.ses in expenditure trol which has been taken by the Common­ this financial year. The problem has been wealth Government. To meet this situa­ met, however, and the Budget for the tion, and to cover unavoidable increases in current financial year embodies the steps costs. certain charges were raised some time which were taken to overcome the serious ag-o, but only to an extent sufficient to meet fin~ncial situation which confronted the outgoings. The expected result on opera­ Government. tions is a small surplus of £2,226. 2892 Appropriation Bill. LCOUNCIL.] Appropriation Bill. The remaining funds from which appro­ of the Auditor-General. It is indeed com­ priations are sought in the bill do not form prehensive, and full of matter of intense part of the aggregate Budget result. They interest to every hon. member. We are are the Road Transport and Traffic Fund, most fortunate to have as Auditor-General which is financed from motor registration an officer of such calibre, possessed of out­ fees and drivers' licence fees, the Sydney standing talents, completely courageous in Harbour Trust Renewals Fund and the the task that falls to his lot, and quite Closer Settlement Fund. The major a;ppro­ frank with his explanation of the many priation is that of £2,810,6-00 from the Road matters that come before him. Transport and Traffic Fund and a con­ So it is that, before I give attention to siderable portion of this sum is payable to the Appropriation Bill, it is desirable, and Consolidated Revenue Fund as a reimburse­ in fact necessary, to refer to certain por­ ment of the cost of police services a:>so­ tions of the report of the Auditor-General ciated with the supervision and control of and in particular to the colossal deficit traffic. experienced in governmental operations The appropriation of £700,000 from the during the past financial year.
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