Bar e " Facts PIRE DRILL The alarm yesterday evenlng was a prearranged fire practice to see how the new stewarding system worked. No further drills will be operated this term, but I am sure you appreciate that we had to DHIVKRSITy BaCKS OHIOB IH HMK« FARW DISPOTB do one on this occasion in anticipation of tonlghts disco. A special meeting of the University pacilltiés Committee has defeated the attempts by the Sports The last Free Disco cost £400 in lost glasees, so Director, Brian Naysmith, to prevent the formation in future please leave your glasses behind if you of a Manor Farm club. have to evacuate. Anyone who interferes in an évacuation of Union House will be dealt with by The Club is needed to allow 4.30 p.m. opening of Club Committee and they are likely to be suspended the Sports pavilion Bar, but some of the Sports from Union Membership for several months. Safety Hall staff believe that the arrangement would take is the paramount considération in the way the Union the running of the bar cut of their hands. is operated. The Sports Director felt that the issues If you have no picked up one of the orange leaflets surrounding Manor Parm had not been fully on fire and safety they will be distributed tonight discussed, so the Facilities Committee met last as you come into the disco. week to discuss Kr. Nayemith's motion to withdraw support for a Club licence. MEW STAFF Welcome of Joyce Benson, working at the Trading The case fot the Union was put by myself, Andy Bunn Desk and Peter Askey the new trainee bar manager. and the PGö Rep, Rie Jordan. After 1^/2 houce of intense discussion the committee went to the vote, resultlng in the motion being defeated. ana odMr siili gtbfitS ttf g The Oniversity Assistant Secretary, Brian Barnard, is now drafting the constitution fot the Club which 1Q|W|E|R|T |Y|U| np]^ TT will in due course be submitted to the Clerk to the I^SIDIFIGIHIJIKÌL XlCIVlBlNlMr Justices. The Onion hopee that the Sports Hall H staff will now accept the Committee's décision and give their full support to the Manor Farm Club. Well,the end of last term certainly gave a whole new meanlng to "Ed.*s not well".Struck down ANHDAL OWICW SDBVBMTKM» - This Ì8 the money I was,lQcapacitated,kaput.A sorry state of affaira granted to us each year by the University from rectified by the assorted Sisters in Sick Bay,so Government funds. In the summet term a submission before anything else,many thanks to theo all. is made to a group of oniversity officers, who then make recomnendations to the Finance and General Glandular Fever now receding into the dlm purposes committee. Last year we recelved and distant (fingere crossed) past.back to the £195,200. I will be presenting a paper to the business of surviving another term.After the Finance committee next Kednesday containing rlotous end to last term (Free Disco and all that), proposais for next year's Grant. I hope everyone is back to a home-induced state of faealthfhappiness,Joie de vive,and especially wealth. BATCH 1% CAMPAI GW - Por Third World aid continues Rlght,next point is what the 'kin 'eil are with a talk by Steve Morgan from War on Want. This all these ducks dolng on campus,eh ? on every will include information on the work being done in corner ther seems to be a couple of mallards ready Nicaragua. This meeting is today (Priday), 1.00 to either straff us with quacks.or send us flying p.m. in Room 103. Next wednesday is a talk by an by tripping us up.In my opinion every duck found organiser from Voluntary Service overseas. vaddllng in convoy,or for that matter tracked down to any part of campus,sbould be immedlatly clamped GKHBRAL MEETIHG - next Tuesday will be discussing by securlty,péndlng a heavy fine.Yes,if security our policy towards Onion staff in the light of the can clamp the Ed.,then why not these obviously disasttous Rag stunt at the GH in the last week of demented ducks.Your views on this worrying problem term. There will also be détails on the to the BF box,please. continuation of the Fowler campaign and other events for this term. Of course all your letters,personáis and assorted pleces of tissue paper should now be thrust straight Into the affermentioned CLDB AMP SOCIETY PHOTOCOPYIHG - thiS will now be receptical as soon as a burning issue arises,so, done using the new card system. The cards are with plenty going on in the world,on campus,and available from the Trading Desk. in the duck pond,we are Just walting to hear from YOU. PHOtreCARD TELKPHOllE - We have been let down by British Telecom, who should have installed the Have a good term, phonecard and large dénomination coin téléphonés by Go on,write to us, Pretty please, this week. We hope to have them installed outside —Andy XXXXX the Bare Facts office within a fortnlght. In the meantime overseas calis can be made 9.Û0 a.m-S.OO p.m. via the Trading Desk. CLUB NEWS qppBR BAR SEATS - They have been removed for There will be another Cocktail Evening in the re-cover Ing as the foam coming out of them Lower Bar this Thursday at 7.30pm.As usual,smart constituted a fire hazard. They will bs refitted dress please (no Jeans).A new cocktail menu after the Free Disco. will be on offer,and entrance Is only 40p. PRINTED BY UNIVERSITY OF SURREY STUDENTS' UNION ENTER TAIN MENTS COLENSO PARADE M© HO Wtaat wlth ail that bard work students are expected Taklng tbe name from a Belfast Street, thls young to do In tbis the tbird tem.you're ail golsg to need Irish flve-piece have made a name for themselves out- some distractions In the form of good cl' EHTS slde their homeland with remarkable speed. Convinced 8o bere's tbe story so far. of thelr ability and musical depth, they seem to have After sene successful post-grad Eats duriz^ the convinced a lot of other people too, provoklng such boliday, especially the Free Disco on the Ilth(vith articúlate press quotes as "full of searlng light and knocklng on for 1000 people tbere)tbe first Iten on brooding shade" and " a sound that can only be describ- thls term's agenda tak<:-9 place thls Sunday.Promislng ed as wonderfully epic". and energetic Irlsb band COLEKSO PARADE will be playing With ex-members from auch touted band Ruefrex and live In your Union this Sunday, taklng tbe stage nodding thelr Influences in the direction of the Buzz- between 9.00 and 9.30. For more info on thls acclaimed cocks, Wire and Tbe Bunnymen, Colenso Parade seem det- bunch, see the 'in-depth' article on thls very page. ermined to stamp out ali that is weak and bland in mu- On the subject of Sunday bands, there's a very sic. Tbey would admit to playlng pop, but their's Is healthy line-up comlng your way after Colenso Parade. no throwaway pop. It is a mature blend of accompllshed Next Sunday it's the turn of Outbar, then it's The and dMlnafit gu.ltar, subtle keyboards and a distlnct- Queer Boys (wbo were orlginally booked to play last ive, powerful vocal. Emphasising tbe Importance of term)and then it's Sane Gang stablemates The Dalntees. rythyn (they cali thelr music "dance music for people More extensive information will appear In tbese very who can't dance"), they won't deny aiming for a grand- pages In tbe comlng weeks ,so keep readln'. iose overall sound. The music does come aerose as pas- sionate and even heart-rending, and occaslonally you Thls takes us up to the weekend beglnnlng 23rd May, do recognlse a hlnt of Edge-influenced gultar, but whlch,as you ali know,is tbe start of tbe mammoth, one thing they don't want to be is another aspirlng unbellev.'tble, bit-you-rlght-between-the-eyes ,four Stadium rock-band, Tbeir debut single "standing up" day extavaganza knora as NOT THE FREE FEST..]! wbich was played to deatb on nigbtime Radio (and sta- Définîtes so far for thls legendary event are rted them off on the right foot down south) and their excellent satirlcal band SKINT VIDEO (seen recently current single "Down By Tbe Border" successfully ach- on the Red Wedge comedy tour). Then there's a «eli leve on vinyl the feeling they try to convey on stage. respected hypnotlst by the nane of EDWIN HEATH, and the classy and originai JAZAVAKI,who'll be performing Determined, and armed wlth the musical punch, thelr extensive of Jazz-wlth-a-difference.Fun band thelr invitation to impress is open to you thls Sunday The PIRHANAS will be addlng a bit of splce to the evenlng in the Union Lounge. Student band compétition,witb ANDY KERSHAW sittlng on M.J. the panel of judges.An exact programme detailing tbese and the nany otber events of the weekend will be available nearer the time, when everythlng has been HYDRON confirmedibut as you can see,you'Id be a right gizard SOFT < to miss the fest. DAILYWEAR Still on the same subJect....there's this little matter of a LOGO.Yes, we stili requlre an imaginative Free NHS CONTACT tiogo for the T-shirts.The compétition announced last LENSES term is still on, and tbe pri>te vili be the only ezisting Free Fest Sweat8hirt(with logo, of course).
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