I iVtexaforrh IT Yh TifiTTTr r": p for diarrhoea! a "nrn ir ffactions ii of avary kind mi ic Available In pharmacies , A product of CI D A 'Price? AiJ 3 Vol, V, No. 121. '. KABUL, MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1966 (ASAD 24, 1345. S.H.) Pushto Poet's Anniversary Begins' Today; Meshrano Jirgah Westmoreland Confers With KABUL, Aug. 15, (Bakhtar). The Minister of Information and Culture, On Viet Situation Week Long Commemoration Seminar Set Mohammad Osmaa Sidky accompanied Johnson discussions at the ranch Saturday night, KABUL, August 15, (Bakhtar). by Abdul Haniid Mobaru President of JUrtNaON UiV, icxas, Aug. 15, announced a list or topics mat were The 286th , anniversary of the the Bakhtar News Agency, appeared (Af), President Johnson completed a " covered, ranging from troops morale death of the famous Pushto poet before the Meshrano Jlrgah's commit- comcrence wun his Vieuiamese wat and logistics to the general strategy in Khushhal Khan Khatak will be tee for financial and budgetary affairs commander general William C. West- the monsoon season. observed today In Kabul. and answered questions. ' ' ' moreland, and said a communist take- Commemoration ceremonies The Chief of Administration in the over of South Vietnam now is impossi- Iran Prince In Badakhshan will be held In the form of a Ministry was also present ble.'. week long: seminar which will TALOQAN. August 15. (Bakhtar). Later, Abdul Samad Bakbshi, Presi- As long as the United States and Raza beg-I- in the Auditorium of Radio Prince Shahpoor AUduJ dent of the Rural Development De- allied forces are in the field, Johnson Afghanistan with a message from Pahlavie accompanied by Sardar partment appeared before the same said, a communist takeover "is no Shah arrived here Satur-- Ills , Majesty King. Taimour the is impossi-- . Prime Minister Mohammad committee and answered the questions longer improbable...it day afternoon. ' After having lunch Hashim Maiwandwal and the of the senators. ble." he left for Keshm Woleswali of Bada- President told a news conference ' ' Minister of Education, Moham- The khshan. mad Osman Anwari, will also on the front lawn of the LBJ ranch that he and Westmoreland ranged over address the . opening session of And KU Rector Returns ' the seminar. Departures more than three dozen subjects in dis- KABUL, August 15, (Bakhtar).' Kabul Times is carrying cussions that went into the early front- .The V Arrivals Toryalai Etemadi,' rector of a feature on Khushhal Khutak ing beurs. -- University who had gone on Page 3 of " today's Issue ;&.' - . ' As to when the fighting will end or Kabul 15, (Bakhtar). The to Federal Republic of Germany The seminar which will last KABUL, 'Aug. the Viet Cong will seek a peaceful set- Afghanistan to to sign the affiliation agreement for one week will have the fol- new Ambassador of tlement, Johnson said: v Kabul yes- between the Universities of lowing programme: Iraq, Sayed Tajuddin, left No one can .say when this will be or i ' Kabul with Bonn and Cologne MkJ&Mv bis .JT Jf terday to post j t Mila fssume bow many men will be needed.' The. the Col- returned to Kabul yesterday. Dr. Abdul Ahmad Javaid of American people must know there will Participants lege for Tehran yes- of Literature left be no quick victory, but the world must He ; is accompanying repre- - terday. a know we will - mat not quit Geogra phy Centre Mr. Abdul Hal Hablbl ; , senUtive Asia Foundation to ofvthe For his part, Westmoreland said ad- Mr. Gul Pacha Ulfat scientific books for help purchase some ditional troops will be needed for the Set For Charikar Mr. Qiamuddin Khadim the univeriitir of Kabul. war in Vietnam before the end of the KABUL, August 15, (Bakhtar). Mr. Abdul Rauf( Benawa . Mohammad Hashim Fahitn, an offi- Khoglani year but there is ' no way saying at The College of Letters of Kabul Uni . Mr. Mohammad Amin ."Afghan Bureau, left cial of the Tourist extent U.S. strength thh point to what versity plans to open a centre for , Mt. Abdul Shukur Rashad for Londoq? yesterday under the Ayub is destined to increase. : the study of geography in Charikar. Mr. Mohammad Colombo Plan for further studies in Mr. Mohammad Arsalan Salimi ' At the present time, there are about Students of the College specialis- tourism. v i ; troops in action. He . Mrs. Masuma Esmati Wardak J 280,000 Viet Cong ing in geography and history will Dr. Mobarhmad Sarwar Abawi, who Mr. Mohammad Sarwar Goya said of the main forces of North Viet- continue ,in the Sarai Khwaja area the Federal Republic of Mr. Sldiqullah Reshtin had gone to namese regulars, 112,000 are guerrilas, of Charikar to research further the tarjw years ago under a West Mr. Anwarulhaq Geran Germany 40,000 are political cadre and 20,000 physical, economic, human and in- German scholarship 'scheme, returned ,. , Mr. Abdullah Bakhtanl , support troops. dustrial aspects of. their subject yes&r4ay. his stu- Mr. Abdul Qadir Fahlm home He continued On the question of alleged mistreat- Professor Ghulam Hassan Moja-di- di ' Mr. Abdul Latif Jalall dies, in tltef field of TB. ment of prisoners, Westmoreland said Dean of the College of Letters Mohamniail official Kabir Sayar, an this is not happening in the south, said that the expansion of studies development project who From Peshawar I of the rural "those taken by U.S. anjl free world will help set up a regular scientific studies, had gone, to India for further torces," ne said, "are turned over to research programme in Afghanistan. in veterinary science , returned home students active, Mr. Mohammad Ajmal Khatak &outn Vietnamese authorities alter they It will also keep the yesterday., v ... ac- he added. i Mr. Preshan Khatak are questioned ana are bandied in Maulana mtyaz Ah, director of the Mr. Amir Hamza Shinwari r f cordance with toe Ueneva convention Mr. Sayed Rasoul Rasa. Rampur library of India, arrived here for prisoners of war." Up yesterday to participate in the Khuihal While he is a military man rather Police Break anniversary. He was re- From Tehran Khushhal Khatak whose 286th anniversary of death falls today Khatak death than a politician, he said that "wo do Demonstration ceived by Sidqullah Rishtin at the not feel the election has high prospects Prof. Dr. Khatibl Khushhal's Idea of work airport. .',V '" of being successful" in South Vietnam. ' Shinwari, famous In Kuala Lumpur Prof. Dr. Manoochehri Mr. Abdul Hal Habibi ... toil, by A. R. Benewa . Amir Hamza . a He said there is every indication the " KUALA LUMPUR, August 15, v. ' Mr. Qiamuddin Khadim Khushhal's.' Humanism, by R. Pushto poet' ' of Khybcr, arrived here military will do all it can to'get voters ''- v' ' (Reuter).- - Riot Police laid down Moscow Mr. Abdul Rauf Benawa Osmanov yesterday to participate in the Khushhal to the polls and that the Viet Cong will From a tear-ga- s barrage- - here today to .J- Mr. Sidlqullah Reshtin istfsJtjnafysfsi. 5 "do all possible to disrupt this demo- Sabahuddin Kushkakl " Visit to Khushhal High' break up two groups of demons- I My.' Aref Osmanov Mr. moot cratic procedure." Mr. Mohammad Din Zhwak, 5 p.m. - ' "' :V. Ahmad Zya Marshadi, director of trators trying to stage protests programmes in the Ministry of Agri- The commander of U.S. forces in S. against the Vietnam war at the . ; Visit to Government Printing Secretary Statur-da- y From Paris House, (Tea) culture and Irrigation, and Mirza Ali, Vietnam flew in from Honolulu American Embassy and the ; confer- ' 7 p.m. jin official of the foresty department in night and he and Johnson offices of the U.S. Information Mr. Charles Kieffer ' Programme Dinner by Culture and Infor- the Ministry, returned to Kabul yester- red until after midnight. Service. mation Minister at Press Club day after participating in the seminar Word that the general was flying to Each group, between 200 and . in- Form ithe United States On 'agricpitural development and plan- the continental United1 States to talk 300 strong carried hamers and stminar, with Johnson was a carefully guarded tended to demonstrate In front of Monday, August 15 ning held ,in j West Berlin. The - Friday, August 19 a Mr. William Spengler- held between July 18 and August 13, secret. each of the buildings, about' ': V .J ....'v.'' ..v"r.. representatives from The White House press secretary mile (1.6 km) apart tear gas 4 5.30 - :' was attended by pjn. 2 ajn. .. .... , ,., :,, .;;. .: the broke UP the groups. Committee the Afro-ia- n countries. , Bill D. Moyers, who sat in' on Prepratory Recitations from the Holy A Poem by A. Hamza, Shinwari, Quran recited by Selab An Introduction His Majesty's Message to Khushhal, by A. Gran ' Prime Minister's Speech (in English Pushto) , and Jets Attack Death Penalty Education Minister's Speech Common Attributions of Khush- US 196th Briffade In Vietnam; Message From Kabul Univer- hal and Iqbal, by A. Bakhtanl sity, Lost Sought For ; A Poem by Salarzai. yjo Oil Barges Near Haiphon g; Two Planes Messages from Orientalists c ' 1 pjn. ;' 'ii f :. r : t ri I Participants 1 Senator from New York said Killing Introduction of , SAIGON, August 15, (AP). Police Luncheon by Tribal Affairs Sunday President Johnson ap- and Guests j Sunday landed another infantry brigade in Dept in Paghman The United States parently feels the enemy must LONDON, Aug. 15, (DPA). The Introduction of Khushhal by 6 pan. '"' immediately astride the communist VietrtanVand deployed it be "beaten to the ground" before nation-wid- e hunt ior the authors of Pushto Academy to 292,000 Visit, Radio Afghanistan Infiltrated border along Cambodia. The arrival raised to "you make them come to the shooting here of three plain- (Tea) Friday's the number of U.S.
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