Index Page numbers in italics refer to tables Aboriginal tourism 8, 13. 17 San Bushmen (Botswana, Namibia) 4,19,20, see also Indigenous tourism 170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177, ACTUAR see Costa Rica 178,182,187,188,189,190,192,204, adventure tourism 93 284 SOS Sahel (NGO) 154 Africa 1,2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,16,18,19,23, Southern Africa 4, 18, 23, 169-215,283 117-231,278,283,287,290 bantustans (black homelands, South Africa) Africa Foundation 144,199,283 8, 192 African Conservation Centre (Kenya) 118, 119, Regional Tourism Association of Southern 124,283,289 Africa (RETOSA) 176 African Development Bank 146,281 Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources African Development Fund 177 (SAFIRE) 181,289 Tuareg people 4 African fund for Endangered Wildlife 120 West Africa 4,23, 216-231,279.280 African Pro-Poor Tourism Development Centre West African Bird Study Association 222 (Kenya) 289 Wilderness Safaris 177, 178, 189, 190, 194, African Safari Club 128 200-201,202 African Travel Association 117 see also bird watching tourism, chimpanzee African Wildlife Foundation 119,123, 124, 129, tourism, gorilla tourism, monkey tourism; 175,176,283,289 Botswana, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Africa Resources Trust 182 Gambia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, South Africa, Bantu people 4,227 Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe Central Africa 6.216,228 alternative tourism 2, 21 Conservation Corporation Africa 131, 140, 144, Amazon 1,4,6,21,67,68,69,70,71,75,76,81, 195,199-200 83-84,88-91,101,104, lOS East Africa 1, 2, 12, 19,23, 117-168,283,288 Accion Amazonia Foundation (Ecuador) 74 East African Wildlife Society 135 Amazonian Ecotourism Exchange 91 Em-Resorts 289 Centre for the Development of the Amazoni<Jn Fulani people 4 Indian (CEDlA) 78, 90 Confederation of Amazon Indian Groups Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating (CONAIE) 68 Committee 4,4,282 Coordinating Body for Indigenous Organisations Maasai people (KenyafTanzania) 2,4, 12, 17, of the Amazon Basin (COICA) 6 117,118,119,135,155,157,279,288 EI Program Regional de Apoyo a los Pueblos Pygmies 4, 2]6,226 Indigenas de al Cuenca del Amazonas Samburu people (Kenya) 117 (PRAIA) (NGO) 82, 90 295 296 Index Amazon continued Australia 2,4, 7,8, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19,36,37, see also Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, 42,44,50,57,60 French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Aboriginal people 2, 4, 8, 13 Venezuela Ngarrlndjeri 13 Americos 6, 10, 16 Pitjantjatjora 13 Americon Indion people 286 Arnhem Land 7, 10 Amerindian people 4,67,84,85,86,87,88 AusAlD 38,57,241,281 Central America 3, 67, 91~104, 105 Camp Coorong 13,19 see also Belize, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Cape York Peninsula 17 Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama Desert Tracks 13 Indian people 2,4,8, 11,21, 67,81,83,86,88, Didgeridoo (yidaki) 7 93,104,105,279 Intrepid Travel 21,235,237,265,266 [nter~American Development Bank 82, 105, 281 One World Travel, Community Aid Abroad 42 Inter-American Foundation 101 Torres Strait Islands 8 International Indian Treaty Counell 10 Yothu Yindi 10 Latin America 67-68,78,104, 105,278,279, 280,283,288,290 Bali 16 lndigenas 4, 67, 93, 94 Belize 17, 18, 19,67,68,91-93, 105,287 Network of Communitarian Tourism of Latin Belize Enterprise for Sustained Technology America (Redturs) 297,289 (BEST) (NGO) 92 Mesoamerican Ecotourism Alliance 93,98 Cockscomb Basin Wildllfe Sanctuary 17 Native American people (USA) 4, 8 Mayan people 91-93 North America 2, 4, 7 see also Canada, USA Toledo Ecotourism Association 91-93, 105, 287, South America 3,4, 7, 67, 68-91, 278, 282, 289 287 biodiversity 2,6-7,8, 18,21,22,24,36,38,39, Amazon 1,4,6,21,67,68,69, 70, 71, 75, 67,83,87,89,97,103,117,122,143, 76,81,83-84,88-91,101,104,105 278,279,280,282,284,287,288 Andean Development Corporation 83 Biodiversity Conservation Program (EU) 134 Andean School for Mountain Studies 80 Biosphere Reserve 79-80,82,99-101. 103, Andes Mountains 3,68,76,79,80,81,83, 104, 225,253, 279,282 278 Indigenous Peoples Biodiversity Network Aymara people 67 6,282 UN Convention on Biodiversity Aztec people 67 6-7 Cofan Indians (Ecuador) 18 bird watching tourism 37,38,52,53,59,77,82, Huaorani Indians (Ecuador) 18,68 86,99,102,103.137,138,149,171, Kuna Indians (panama) 8 197,198,218,222-223,228,282,283 Mayan people 17, 18,67, 287 Birders Exchange 86 Napo Runa lndians (Ecuador) 18 Birdfinders (UK) 222 Quechua Indians 18,67,69,70-71,76, BirdUfe International 138, 197,218 79-83 Bird Ufe South Africa 198 see also Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Birds of Paradise (PNG) 53, 55 Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, bird watching ecotourism (Gambia) 222-223 Suriname, Venezuela Dlinza forest (South Africa) 197 anthropological tourism 8, 9 Exmoor Falconry Centre (UK) 222 Arctic 10, 16 Foster Parrots (USA) 86, 283 Asia 4,6, 11,18 Gambia Birding Group (UK) 222,289 Asian Development Bank 242,281 harpy eagle 77-78,86, 102 Borneo 232,233,254-255,258-267 macaw 77, 78, 82,86, 282 ethnic minorities 4, 241, 243, 248 Macaw Landing Foundation (USA) 283 hjlJtribes 4,8, 232, 233~243, 267 Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society (NZ) 52 see also Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam Wekso ecolodge, Panama 102 Mekong region 232,267 see also Cook Islands, Gambia, Guyana, Papua see also South-east Asia, China, India, Nepal, New Guinea, Peru, South Africa, Taiwan Tanzania, Uganda, Vanuatu Asia-Pacific 3, 18, 278, 283, 286 Body Shop Foundation (UK) 88, 89, 90 Asia-Pacific Ecotourism Conference 233 Bolivia 4,11,67,68, 78,81-82,90,91, 104, 105 ASSETT see Gambia Agua Blanca Lodge and Lagunillas Lodge 83 AusAID see Australia Chalalan Ecolodge 81-82,90,91 Index 297 Che Guevara Trail 82-83 Xwiskurusa Trust 174 COBIMI (NGO) 83 Brazil 67,68,82,88-91, 105 Mapajo Ecolodge 11,82 Amazon 88-89 National Academy of Science of Bolivia 82 Kayapo Indigenous Territories 88, 89 Borneo 1,2,232,233,254-255,258-267 Mamiraua Reserve 89, 105 lban longhouses 2, 262-267 Tataquara Lodge, Xingu River 89, 105 Kalimantan (Indonesia) 254-255 Indian Affairs Agency (FUNAI) 88 Sabah (Malaysia) 258-262 British Airways 'Tourism for Tomorrow Award' 47, Sarawak (Malaysia) 262-267 122,251 Bot~ana 19,20,169,170-178,182,200,204, Brown Foundation 143 285,287 Business for Social Responsibility 5 Botswana Tourism 171, 172 Rights of Indigenous People 282 Central Kalahari Game Reserve 170, 174 butterfly tourism (PNG) 54 Chobe National Park 170, 171 Community Based Natural Resources Cambodia 232,240-241,243,289 Management (CBNRM) 170, 171, 172, Cambodia Community-based Ecotourism 175,183,184,191 Network (CCBEN) 240-241,289 community-based tourism 170-172,289 Ratanakiri Province 232, 233,241 commu nity trust 171, 175 Tonie Sap Lake 240 Controlled Hunting Areas 170,171, 172-173, Yeak Laom ecotourism project 233,240,241 175,176,177 Cameroon 216,225-227 Oqae Qare Game Farm 172, 173 Campo Ma'an National Park 226-227 O'kar Community Trust 173 Dja Wildlife Reserve 227 Kuru Development Trust 173 Ebodje ecotourism project 225-226 Ghanzi Trail Blazers 172, 174 lowland gorilla ecotourism 227 hunting 170, 171, 172, 174, 176 marine turtle tourism (Ebodje) 226 Kalahari Desert 170, 173, Mt Cameroon ecotourism organisation 225-226 KD1 (southern Kalahari) 172, 174 Camps International (UK} 135 Nqwaa Khobee Xeya Trust 174 Canada 2,4,7.8,9,10,11,13,16,17,18,82 Kgalagdai Land Board 174 British Columbia 11 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park 174 Canada Fund 76, 236. 237 Makgadikgadi Pans 170, 175 Canadian International Development Agency Moremi Game Reserve 175, 176, 177 (CIDA) 85,264,281 Nata Sanctuary 170, 171, 174 Canadian International Development Research Okavango Delta 19,20, 170, 175-178,200, Centre (lDRC) 83 205 First Nations people 4, 8, 18, 83 Bukakhwe Cultural Conservation Trust 177 Inuit people 2, 17 Gudigwa Camp 177, 178, 285 Nunavut 8,10, 17 Khwai Community Trust 171, 176, 177 TI'axt'en Nation (BC) 11 Khwai village 176 CARE International 82, 139, 141 Modumo Lodge 178 Care for the Wild 126 Okavango Community Trust 178, 200 Caribbean 67, 68 Okavango Kopano Mokora Trust 171, 177 Central African Republic 227 Okavango Polers Trust 171, 177 Dzangha-Sangha 227 People and Nature Trust 176 Central Africa see Africa Sankuyo Tshwaragano Management Trust Central America see Americas 171,176 Chile 67,68,81 Sankuyo village 171, 176 Chilean Association for Rural Tourism 81 Santawani Lodge 176 Mapuche ethnic tourism 81 San Bushmen (Basalwa) 170, 171, 172, 173, chimpanzee tourism (Cameroon, Uganda) 149, 174,175,176,177,178,182-188,190, 153-154,216,225,228 192 China 4,8,19,241,243-248,283,289 Thusano Lefalsheng (NGO) 174 Centre for Biodiversity and Indigenous Tsodilo Hills 170 Knowledge (CBIK) 246, 289 Wilderness Safaris 177,178,189,190 ethnic minorities 243, 245 Xai Xai village 172 Baima people 243,247-248 Cgaecgae Tlhabolo!o Trust 171, 173 Naxi people 243, 244, 245 29B Index China continued Crilical Ecosystem Partnership Fund 91, 102, ethnic minorities continued 136 Tibetan people 243,245,246,247 Cook Islands 16,35,36,37,39,59 Yi people 243, 244 Takitumu Conservation Area 37, 38,59 Giant Panda 243. 247-248 Costa Rica 67,68, 103-104.105, 287 Sichuan Province 232,243,247-248 Community-based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica Laishihai ecotourism company 244 (ACTUAR) 287,289 Wanglang Nature Reserve 243.
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