Bulletin The North American Paul Tillich Society Volume XL, Number 1 Winter 2014 Editor: Frederick J. Parrella, Secretary-Treasurer Religious Studies Department, Santa Clara University Kenna Hall, Suite 300, Room H, Santa Clara, California 95053 Associate Editor: Jonathan Rothchild, Loyola Marymount University Assistant to the Editor: Vicky Gonzalez, Santa Clara University Telephone: 408.554.4714/ 408.554.4547 FAX: 408.554.2387 Email: [email protected] Website: www.NAPTS.org/ Webmeister: Michael Burch, San Rafael, California ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In this issue: ❏ The Annual Meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society in Baltimore and the New Officers of the Society ❏ Call for Papers for the 2014 Meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society and the American Academy of Religion Group “Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, and Culture” in San Diego ❏ Call for Papers for a Conference on Paul Tillich in Oxford, 14–15 July 2014 ❏ Call for Papers for the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Paul-Tillichs Gesellschaft, 11 – 13 April 2014 ❏ New Publications ❏ Tribute to Professor Robert P. Scharlemann by Mary Ann Stenger ❏ Announcement: Publication Opportunity—God in Popular Culture by Stephen Butler Murray ❏ The Annual NAPTS Banquet Address by Marion Hausner Pauck: “Looking Back While Looking Forward” ❏ Beyond Kantian Criticism: Paul Tillich’s First Philosophy of Religion by Claude Perrottet, reviewed by Jean Richard ❏ “Inevitable, but not Necessary: Using Tillich’s Ontology to Formulate a 21st Century Interpretation of the Fall and Original Sin” by Annette Neblett Evans ❏ “Yes, But Only If God Does Not Exist: A Tillichian Answer to the Question of God’s Necessity for Morality” by Alexander T. Blondeau ❏ “Anxiety, Finite Freedom and the Fall of Humanity in Schelling, Kierkegaard, and Tillich” by Christian Danz Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol. 40, no. 1, Winter 2014 2 The 2013 Annual Meeting of the NAPTS Call for Papers North American Paul Tillich Society 2014 Meeting and the Election of New Officers San Diego, California he annual meeting of the North American Paul he North American Paul Tillich Society T Tillich Society was held in Baltimore, Maryland T (NAPTS) welcomes proposals for its Annual on Friday, November 22, and Saturday, November Meeting that will take place Friday and Saturday, 23, 2013, in conjunction with the meeting of the November 21–22, 2014, during the Annual Meeting American Academy of Religion. The AAR Group, of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in San “Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, and Culture” Diego, California, 22-25 November, 2014. We wel- also met on Sunday and Monday, November 24 and come proposals for individual papers to become part 25. The meeting on Monday was a joint meeting of panel discussions on the following issues: with the AAR’s Kierkegaard Society The annual banquet of the Society was held on 1. Open session exploring the relation of Tillich’s Friday night, November 22, 2013 at the Baltimore thought to the particular research interests of indi- Convention Center. The guest speaker at the banquet vidual Tillich scholars. was Marion Hausner Pauck. Her address is pub- 2. Critical discussion of Ron Stone’s recent book, lished in this Bulletin. At the banquet, it was read by “Politics and Faith: Niebuhr and Tillich at Union the Society’s president, Echol Nix, since Mrs. Pauck Seminary in New York” (Friday, early afternoon) was unable to be present in person. (three best papers submitted, with response by Unfortunately, the attendance at this year’s ban- Stone) quet was very low, and the Society suffered a serious 3. Tillich’s Systematic Theology fifty years later. We financial loss. If you have not paid your 2013 dues, invite papers on each volume of the Systematic, ex- or if you attended the banquet and did not pay the ploring the systematic connection of that volume secretary treasurer, please send a check made out to with the whole, and/ or on the system as a whole and the NAPTS at your earliest convenience. Thank you. the roots of Tillich’s notion of “system.” New officers were elected to serve the Society: 4. The Philosophical Roots of Tillich’s Thought. We President invite papers devoted to the influence on Tillich of Duane Olsen, McKendree University Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. Papers address- President Elect ing more than one of these figures will also be con- Charles Fox, SUNY/ Empire State College sidered. Emeritus Vice President Proposals should be sent to the President Elect and Bryan Wagoner, Davis and Elkins College Program Chair of this year’s meeting (electronic Secretary-Treasurer submissions preferred): Frederick Parrella, Santa Clara University Dr. Charles W. Fox Past President and Chair, Nominating Committee [email protected] Echol Nix, Furman University (Please put NAPTS Call in the subject line) Three new members of the Board of Directors 37 Belden St. were also appointed for a three-year term, expiring Williamstown, MA 01267 in 2016: 413-458-8571 (land) Christopher Rodkey 413-884-5333 (cell) Zachary Royal Deadline: 15 April 2014 M. Lon Weaver The Officers and the Board of the Society ex- tend their most sincere gratitude to those members of the Society who have served on the Board for a three-year term expiring in 2013: Please send your 2014 papers to the Nathaniel Holmes, Florida Memorial University editor ([email protected]) for Bryan Wagoner, Davis and Elkins College publication. Wesley Wildman, Boston University Congratulations to the new officers! Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol. 40, no. 1, Winter 2014 3 Call for Papers Method American Academy of Religion Group PAPERS: Please go to aarweb.org. There you will “Tillich: Issues in Theology, Religion, fine PAPERS, the AAR Call for Papers Submission and Culture” System that provides complete instructions about 2014 Meeting submitting a proposal. A 150 word abstract and a San Diego, California 1,000 word proposal are evaluated by the Program Unit Leadership and due by March 3, 2014. Statement of Purpose Process: This Group fosters scholarship and scholarly ex- Proposer names are visible to chairs but anonymous changes that analyze, criticize, and interpret the to steering committee members thought or impact of Paul Tillich (1886–1965) and Leadership: that use his thought — or use revisions of or reac- Chairs tions against his thought — to deal with contempo- 1 Sharon Peebles Burch, [email protected] rary issues in theology, religion, ethics, or the politi- 2 Stephen G. Ray, [email protected] cal, social, psychotherapeutic, scientific, or artistic Steering Committee spheres of human culture. We cooperate with the 1 Adam Pryor, [email protected] North American Paul Tillich Society (a Related 2 Courtney Wilder, [email protected] Scholarly Organization of the AAR), which is linked 3 Loye Ashton, [email protected] with the German, French, and other Tillich societies. 4 Stephen Butler Murray, Papers at our sessions are published in the Society’s [email protected] quarterly Bulletin without prejudice to their also ap- pearing elsewhere. Call for Papers Oxford Meeting Call for Papers Paul Tillich's theology contribution was distinc- Please find below the Call for Papers for a small tive in the twentieth century in the extent to which conference dedicated to the thought of Paul Tillich he recognized that theology must respond to its con- to be held in Oxford, 14-15 July 2014 temporary situation. In his Systematic Theology as The meeting will take place at Ertegun House, St well as his writings in theology of culture (and his Giles and is sponsored by Ertegun House, St Benet's sermons), Tillich sought to correlate the substance of Hall and the Oxford Centre for Theology and Mod- the Christian message to the questions of his context. ern European Thought. Keynote speakers include In 2014 the AAR Tillich Group invites propos- Marc Boss (Montpellier), Douglas Hedley (Cam- als for papers and/or panels that take up Tillich's bridge), Anne-Marie Reijnen (Paris) and Christoph legacy and reassess correlational theology for the Schwëbel (Tübingen). The conference is co- twenty-first century. As new situations pose new convened by Werner Jeanrond (St Benet’s Hall), questions, what are the theological resources avail- Russell Re Manning (Aberdeen) and Samuel Shearn able to a contemporary Tillichian? Is the method of (Ertegun House). correlation still viable at all, given the rise of libera- We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers on tion and contextual theologies? We welcome pro- any aspect of Tillich's thought and/or his legacy. posals that engage any aspect of Tillich's thought Paul Tillich features on anyone’s list of most and/or that address contemporary concerns. significant and influential 20th Century theologians. We also welcome proposals that explore how In an age where it is tempting to retreat into intra- Paul Tillich’s thought may be used in constructive theological discussion or dismiss the secular world, and creative ways to engage a theology of the arts Tillich’s vision for a theology which engages with that sees the arts not merely as a medium for theo- culture and connects religious language with phi- logical reflection but rather a generative source for losophical reflection continues to influence and pro- theological thinking about, and engagement with, the voke contemporary theological reflection. natural and cultural worlds. This conference aims to stimulate and provide a In addition, we seek papers addressing love, platform for current work on Paul Tillich in anticipa- eros, desire, sexuality and pornography in relation to tion of the commencement of the publication of the the work of Paul Tillich (for a cosponsored session Collected Works in English from 2015, as well as with the Queer Studies in Religion Group). providing space and time for scholars with an inter- Bulletin of the North American Paul Tillich Society, vol.
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