Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2019, 38 109 Species of Aquila and Haliaeetus in the Breeding Fauna of the Central Black Earth Region: Current Status and Prospects for Existence ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛИ РОДОВ AQUILA И HALIAEETUS В ГНЕЗДОВОЙ ФАУНЕ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОГО ЧЕРНОЗЕМЬЯ: СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ И ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ СУЩЕСТВОВАНИЯ Sokolov A.Yu. (Belogorye State Nature Reserve, Belgorod region, Russia) Sarychev V.S. (Galichya Gora State Nature Reserve, Lipetsk region, Russia) Vlasov A.A. (Central Black Earth State Nature Reserve named after professor V.V. Alekhin, Kursk region, Russia) Соколов А.Ю. (Заповедник «Белогорье», Белгородская обл., Россия) Сарычев В.С. (Заповедник «Галичья Гора», Липецкая обл., Россия) Власов А.А. (Центрально-Черноземный заповедник им. проф. В.В. Алехина, Курская обл., Россия) Контакт: Ðåзюìå Александр Соколов  1980-å è ïåрâую ïîлîâèну 1990-õ гг. на территорèè Цåнòральнîгî Чåрнîçåмья гнåçдèлèñь бîльшîé ïîдîр- Заповедник «Белогорье», лèê (Aquila [Clanga] clanga), îрёл-мîгèльнèê (A. heliaca) è îрлан-бåлохвост (Haliaeetus albicilla). Äâа ïåрâûõ 309340, Россия, âèда èмåлè стаòуñ рåдêèõ, ïîñлåднèé бûл очень рåдêèм. К концу 1990-õ гг. ÷èñлåнность îрлана-бåлохвоста Белгородская обл., на÷ала расти.  2006 г. â Цåнòральнîм Чåрнîçåмьå âïåрâûå бûлî çарåгистрèрîâанî раçмнîжåнèå малîгî пгт. Борисовка, ïîдîрлèêа (A. [Clanga] pomarina). К на÷алу 2000-õ гг. â рåгèîнå ïîâñåместнî ñнèçèлаñь ÷èñлåнность бîльшîгî пер. Монастырский, д. 3 ïîдîрлèêа; ïîñлå 2009 г. ïåрестал гнåçдèòьñя îрёл-мîгèльнèê. Чèñлåнность îрлана-бåлохвоста ïрîдîлжает [email protected] расти è на даннûé мîмåнò ñèòуацèя ñ эòèм âèдîм îïаñåнèé нå âûçûâает. Ключевые слова: ïåрнаòûå õèùнèêè, õèùнûå ïòèцû, бîльшîé ïîдîрлèê, Aquila [Clanga] clanga, малûé ïî- Владимир Сарычев дîрлèê, Aquila [Clanga] pomarina, îрёл-мîгèльнèê, Aquila heliaca, îрлан-бåлохвост, Haliaeetus albicilla. Поступила в редакцию: 24.01.2019 г. Принята к публикации: 22.02.2019 г. Заповедник «Галичья Гора» Abstract 399240, Россия, In the 1980s and the first half of the 1990s, the Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila [Clanga] clanga), the Imperial Липецкая обл., Eagle (A. heliaca) and the White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) nested on the territory of the Central Black Задонский район, Earth Region. The first two species were listed as rare species, the latter one was listed as very rare. By the end с. Донское of the 1990s, the number of White-Tailed Eagles began to grow. In 2006 in the Central Black Earth Region the [email protected] breeding of the Lesser Spotted Eagle (A. [Clanga] pomarina) was recorded for the first time. By the early 2000s, the number of Greater Spotted Eagles has declined everywhere in the region; after 2009 the Imperial Eagle Андрей Власов ceased to breed. The number of White-Tailed Eagle continues to grow and today the situation with this species Центрально- does not cause concern. Черноземный Keywords: birds of prey, raptors, Greater Spotted Eagle, Aquila [Clanga] clanga, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Aquila заповедник им. проф. [Clanga] pomarina, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Aquila heliaca, White-Tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla. В.В. Алехина Received: 24/01/2019. Accepted: 22/02/2019. 305528, Россия, Курская обл., DOI: 10.19074/1814-8654-2019-38-109-126 Курский район, п/о Заповедное [email protected] Ñîâрåмåнная гнåçдîâая фауна Цåнòраль- The modern breeding fauna of the Central нîгî Чåрнîçåмья âêлю÷аåò ïрåдñòаâèòåлåé Black Earth Region includes representatives Contact: 3-õ âèдîâ рîда Aquila – îрла-мîгèльнèêа of 3 species of the geni Aquila – the Im- Alexander Sokolov (A. heliaca), бîльшîгî (A. [Clanga] clanga) perial Eagle (A. heliaca), the Greater Spot- Belogorye State Nature è малîгî (A. [Clanga] pomarina) ïîдîрлè- ted Eagle (Aquila [Clanga] clanga) and the Reserve Monastyrskiy alley, 3 êîâ, а òаêжå îднîгî âèда рîда Haliaeetus Lesser Spotted Eagle (A. [Clanga] pomari- Borisovka vill., Bel- – îрлана-бåлîõâîñòа (H. albicilla). Бåрêуò na), and also 1 species of the geni Haliaee- gorod region, Russia, (Aquila chrysaetos) â êа÷åñòâå рåдêîгî tus – the White-Tailed Eagle (H. albicilla). 309340 гнåçдяùåгîñя âèда уêаçûâалñя для Âî- The Golden Eagle (A. chrysaetos) as a rare [email protected] рîнåжñêîé губåрнèè дî ñåрåдèнû ХIХ â. breeding species was recorded in the Vo- Vladimir Sarychev (Ñåâåрцîâ, 1855) è для Тамбîâñêîé гу- ronezh province until the middle of the XIX Galichya Gora State бåрнèè – дî на÷ала ХХ â. (Рåçцîâ, 1910; century, and in the Tambov province – until Nature Reserve Ïрåдòå÷åнñêèé, 1928). Ïîçжå эòîò îрёл the beginning of the XX century. Later, this Donskoe vill., Zadon- skiy district, Lipetsk âñòрå÷алñя â гранèцаõ Чåрнîçåмья òîль- eagle was met within the boundaries of the region, Russia, 399240 êî âî âрåмя çèмîâîê èлè êî÷ёâîê. Нèжå Black Earth Region only during wintering or [email protected] ïрèâîдяòñя бîлåå ïîдрîбнûå сведåнèя по nomadic migrations. The following is the 110 Ïåðíàòûå õèùíèêè è èõ îõðàíà 2019, 38 Материалû конфåðåíцèй Andrey Vlasov раñïрîñòранåнèю, ÷èñлåннîñòè è ïåрñïåê- more detailed information on the distribu- Central Black Earth State òèâам ñуùåñòâîâанèя на раññмаòрèâаåмîé tion, number and prospects for existence of Nature Reserve named after professor òåррèòîрèè уêаçаннûõ âèдîâ, ÷åé гнåçдî- these representatives in the territory under V.V. Alekhin âîé ñòаòуñ â раçнîé ñòåïåнè бûл дîêаçан â consideration, the breeding status of which P.B. Zapovednoe, Kursk êîнцå ХХ è на÷алå ХХI ââ., а òаêжå раññма- was proved to different degrees at the end district, Kurds region, òрèâаюòñя нåêîòîрûå ÷åрòû èõ бèîлîгèè è of the XX century and early XXI century. Russia, 305528 [email protected] эêîлîгèè â уñлîâèяõ рåгèîна. Тåррèòîрèя Цåнòральнî-Чåрнîçёмнîгî раéîна â ñî- The Greater Spotted Eagle âрåмåннûõ адмèнèñòраòèâнûõ гранèцаõ (Aquila [Clanga] clanga) бûла у÷рåждåна â 1954 г., ñ îбраçîâанè- In the ХIХ and first half of the ХХ centuries åм Бåлгîрîдñêîé è Лèïåцêîé îблаñòåé. Äî this eagle was regularly met in floodplain for- 1934 г. на бîльшåé ÷аñòè даннîé òåррèòî- ests on the territory of modern Lipetsk, Tam- рèè раñïîлагалèñь Курñêая, Тамбîâñêая è bov and Voronezh regions. It seemed to be Âîрîнåжñêая губåрнèè. Однаêî â òåêñòå met quite rare on the territory of the Kursk and ïублèêацèè âñå èñòîрè÷åñêèå ñâåдåнèя ïî Belgorod regions. The marked decrease in the раñïрîñòранåнèю è ÷èñлåннîñòè îïèñû- number of the Greater Spotted Eagle in tra- âаåмûõ âèдîâ раññмаòрèâаюòñя аâòîрамè ditional habitats in the territory of the Central ïрèмåнèòåльнî ê ñîâрåмåннûм гранèцам Black Earth Region was observed at the end of адмèнèñòраòèâнûõ îблаñòåé. the ХХ century, although until the mid-1980s the situation with its distribution remained Бîëьшîé пîäîðëèê relatively stable. Herewith, the population in (Aquila [Clanga] clanga) the Voronezh region was the highest.  ХIХ è ïåрâîé ïîлîâèнå ХХ ââ. яâлялñя From 1988 to 2008 the breeding popu- ñраâнèòåльнî îбû÷нûм îбèòаòåлåм ïîé- lation in the Voronezh region declined by мåннûõ лåñнûõ маññèâîâ на òåррèòîрèè 1.5–1.7 times; and it has declined more by ñîâрåмåннûõ Лèïåцêîé, Тамбîâñêîé è now (Sokolov, 1999a; 2016a). In the late XX Âîрîнåжñêîé îблаñòåé (Ñåâåрцîâ, 1855; and early XXI centuries the main breeding Рåçцîâ, 1910; Огнåâ, Âîрîбьåâ, 1923; grounds of the Greater Spotted Eagle in this Ïрåдòå÷åнñêèé, 1928; Барабаш-Нèêèфî- region were floodplain forests along the Voro- рîâ, Ñåмагî, 1963). На òåррèòîрèè ïраê- nezh, Khoper, and Bityug rivers located within òè÷åñêè лèшённûõ êруïнûõ ïîéмåннûõ or near the Khrenovsky forest, the Voronezh лåñîâ Курñêîé è Бåлгîрîдñêîé îблаñòåé, and Khopersky Nature Reserves. At the end дажå на эòîм èñòîрè÷åñêîм эòаïå, ïî- of the first decade of this century, the number âèдèмîму, бûл дîâîльнî рåдîê. Мåжду of birds nesting in the region was estimated at òåм, Н.À. Ñåâåрцîâ (1855) â ñâîё âрåмя 7–12 pairs (Sapelnikov et al., 2008). уêаçûâал на нåîднîêраòнûå ñлу÷аè гнåç- In the Lipetsk region, the main habitats of дîâанèя эòîгî îрла â нåбîльшèõ ñòåïнûõ the Greater Spotted Eagle are recorded in îñèнîâûõ êîлêаõ â цåнòральнîé ÷аñòè Âî- large floodplain forests of the valley of the рîнåжñêîé губåрнèè. r. Voronezh. During the observations from Âûражåннîå ñнèжåнèå ÷èñлåннîñòè 1984 to date, 12 grounds of assumed or бîльшîгî ïîдîрлèêа â òрадèцèîннûõ мå- proven nesting of this eagle were found on ñòаõ îбèòанèя на òåррèòîрèè Цåнòраль- the floodplain lands within the boundaries нîгî Чåрнîçåмья наблюдалîñь â êîнцå of 4 administrative districts (Dobrovsky, ХХ â., õîòя дî ñåрåдèнû 1980-õ гг. ñèòуацèя ñ åгî раñïрîñòранåнèåм îñòаâа- лаñь ñраâнèòåльнî ñòабèль- нîé. Ïрè эòîм, наèбîлåå âûñîêая ÷èñлåннîñòь бûла õараêòåрна для Âîрîнåж- ñêîé îблаñòè, гдå мåñòамè Гнездо большого подорлика (Aquila clanga) в Хреновском бору, Воронежская обл., 2012 г. Фото А.Ю. Соколова. The nest of the Greater Spotted Eagle (Aquila clanga) in the Khrenovsky forest, Voronezh region, 2012. Photo by A.Yu. Sokolov. Proceedings of Conferences Raptors Conservation 2019, 38 111 Гнездо большого подорлика, впоследствии занятое и достроенное орланом-белохвостом. Хреновской бор, Воронежская обл. Фото А.Ю. Соколова. The nest of the Greater Spotted Eagle, later occupied and build up by the White-Tailed Eagle. Khrenovsky forest, Voronezh region, photo by A.Yu. Sokolov. маêñèмальнîé êîнцåнòрацèè яâлялèñь Хрå- нîâñêîé è Уñманñêèé бîрû. На òåррèòîрèè ïîñлåднåгî òîльêî â гранèцаõ Âîрîнåжñêî- гî çаïîâåднèêа (îбùая ïлîùадь – 30210 га) дî 1960 г. гнåçдèлîñь 6 ïар (Ñаïåльнèêîâ, 2005). О÷åâèднî, ñîïîñòаâèмûå маñшòабû гнåçдîâанèå ïрåдñòаâèòåлåé даннîгî âèда èмåлî è â Хрåнîâñêîм
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