GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Created on: 6 December 2012 20:34:57 Last database update: 19 July 2012 20:00:00 Application version: 3.1.1 Report of GeneMANIA search Network image TFAP2D DLX3 TP53 LHX2 HNRNPAB FMOD DLX2 RB1 NRIP1 KDM5B VASN TGFBR1 HTRA1 1.84 Functions legend Networks legend embryonic morphogenesis Co-expression query genes Physical interactions Predicted Shared protein domains 第1页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Search parameters Organism: H. sapiens (human) Genes: TP63; GLI2; TGFB2; PVRL1; IRF6; TGFB3; RARA; AP-2; MSX1; JAG2; PAX9 Networks: Attributes: Co-expression: Arijs-Rutgeerts-2009 Berchtold-Cotman-2008 Bild-Nevins-2006 B Burczynski-Dorner-2006 Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 Gobble-Singer-2011 Hummel-Siebert-2006 Jones-Libermann-2005 Kang-Willman-2010 Nakayama-Hasegawa-2007 Noble-Diehl-2008 Peng-Katze-2009 Perou-Botstein-1999 Radtke-Downing-2009 Ramaswamy-Golub-2001 Raue-Trappe-2012 Rieger-Chu-2004 Toedter-Baribaud-2011 Wang-Maris-2006 Wu-Garvey-2007 Co-localization: Johnson-Shoemaker-2003 Schadt-Shoemaker-2004 Genetic interactions: BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES IREF-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES Lin-Smith-2010 Pathway: PATHWAYCOMMONS-CELL_MAP PATHWAYCOMMONS-HUMANCYC PATHWAYCOMMONS-IMID PATHWAYCOMMONS-NCI_NATURE PATHWAYCOMMONS-REACTOME Wu-Stein-2010 Physical interactions: Albers-Koegl-2005 Arbuckle-Grant-2010 BIOGRID-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES Bandyopadhyay-Ideker-2010 Barr-Knapp-2009 Barrios-Rodiles-Wrana-2005 Behrends-Harper-2010 Behzadnia-Lührmann-2007 Benzinger-Hermeking-2005 Bouwmeester-Superti-Furga-2004 Camargo-Brandon-2007 Cannavo-Jiricny-2007 Colland-Gauthier-2004 Ewing-Figeys-2007 A Ewing-Figeys-2007 B Fenner-Prehn-2010 Glatter-Gstaiger-2009 Goehler-Wanker-2004 Goudreault-Gingras-2009 Hutchins-Peters-2010 IREF-BIND IREF-BIND-TRANSLATION IREF-CORUM IREF-DIP IREF-GRID IREF-HPRD IREF-INTACT IREF-MINT IREF-MPPI IREF-OPHID IREF-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES Jeronimo-Coulombe-2007 Jin-Pawson-2004 Jones-MacBeath-2006 Kneissl-Grummt-2003 Lehner-Sanderson-2004 A Lehner-Sanderson-2004 B Lim-Zoghbi-2006 Markson-Sanderson-2009 McFarland-Nussbaum-2008 Meek-Piwnica-Worms-2004 Miyamoto-Sato-Yanagawa-2010 Nakayama-Ohara-2002 Newman-Keating-2003 Ramachandran-LaBaer-2004 Ravasi-Hayashizaki-2010 Rual-Vidal-2005 A Rual-Vidal-2005 B Sato-Conaway-2004 Sowa-Harper-2009 A Sowa-Harper-2009 B Stelzl-Wanker-2005 A Stelzl-Wanker-2005 B Svendsen-Harper-2009 Thalappilly-Dusetti-2008 Venkatesan-Vidal-2009 Wang-He-2008 Weinmann-Meister-2009 Wu-Li-2007 de Hoog-Mann-2004 van Wijk-Timmers-2009 Predicted: I2D-BIND-Fly2Human I2D-BIND-Mouse2Human I2D-BIND-Rat2Human I2D-BIND-Worm2Human I2D-BIND-Yeast2Human I2D-BioGRID-Fly2Human I2D-BioGRID-Mouse2Human I2D-BioGRID-Rat2Human I2D-BioGRID-Worm2Human I2D-BioGRID-Yeast2Human I2D-Chen-Pawson-2009-PiwiScreen-Mouse2Human I2D-Formstecher-Daviet-2005-Embryo-Fly2Human I2D-Formstecher-Daviet-2005-Head-Fly2Human I2D-Giot-Rothbert-2003-High-Fly2Human I2D-Giot-Rothbert-2003-Low-Fly2Human I2D-INNATEDB-Mouse2Human I2D-IntAct-Fly2Human I2D-IntAct-Mouse2Human I2D-IntAct-Rat2Human I2D-IntAct-Worm2Human I2D-IntAct-Yeast2Human I2D-Krogan-Greenblatt-2006-Core-Yeast2Human I2D-Krogan-Greenblatt-2006-NonCore-Yeast2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-CE-DATA-Worm2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-CORE-1-Worm2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-CORE-2-Worm2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-interolog-Worm2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-literature-Worm2Human I2D-Li-Vidal-2004-non-core-Worm2Human I2D-MGI-Mouse2Human I2D-MINT-Fly2Human I2D-MINT-Mouse2Human I2D-MINT-Rat2Human I2D-MINT-Worm2Human I2D-MINT-Yeast2Human I2D-MIPS-Yeast2Human I2D-Manual-Mouse2Human I2D-Manual-Rat2Human I2D-Ptacek-Snyder-2005-Yeast2Human I2D-Stanyon-Finley-2004-CellCycle-Fly2Human I2D-Tarassov-PCA-Yeast2Human I2D-Tewari-Vidal-2004-TGFb-Worm2Human I2D-Wang-Orkin-2006-EScmplx-Mouse2Human I2D-Wang-Orkin-2006-EScmplxIP-Mouse2Human I2D-Wang-Orkin-2006-EScmplxlow-Mouse2Human I2D-Yu-Vidal-2008-GoldStd-Yeast2Human I2D-vonMering-Bork-2002-High-Yeast2Human I2D-vonMering-Bork-2002-Low-Yeast2Human I2D-vonMering-Bork-2002-Medium-Yeast2Human Stuart-Kim-2003 Shared protein domains: INTERPRO PFAM Network weighting: Automatically selected weighting method (Assigned based on query genes) Number oF gene results: 20 第2页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Networks Physical interactions 72.07 % IREF-CORUM 61.70 % Source: Direct interaction with 637 interactions From iReFIndex IREF-HPRD 6.58 % Source: Direct interaction with 36,755 interactions From iReFIndex IREF-SMALL-SCALE-STUDIES 3.79 % Source: Direct interaction with 41,955 interactions From iReFIndex Co-expression 12.09 % Burczynski-Dorner-2006 3.25 % Molecular classiFication oF Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis patients using transcriptional proFiles in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Burczynski et al. (2006). J Mol Diagn . Source: Pearson correlation with 419,356 interactions From GEO Burington-Shaughnessy-2008 3.17 % Tumor cell gene expression changes Following short-term in vivo exposure to single agent chemotherapeutics are related to survival in multiple myeloma. Burington et al. (2008). Clin Cancer Res . Source: Pearson correlation with 266,464 interactions From GEO Tags: transcription Factors; time series; cancer; chemotherapy Hummel-Siebert-2006 2.65 % A biologic deFinition oF Burkitt's lymphoma From transcriptional and genomic proFiling. Hummel et al. (2006). N Engl J Med . Source: Pearson correlation with 466,765 interactions From GEO Tags: cancer Wu-Garvey-2007 1.43 % The eFFect oF insulin on expression oF genes and biochemical pathways in human skeletal muscle. Wu et al. (2007). Endocrine . Source: Pearson correlation with 223,988 interactions From GEO Tags: transcription Factors; muscle; cultured cells Rieger-Chu-2004 0.82 % Toxicity From radiation therapy associated with abnormal transcriptional responses to DNA damage. Rieger et al. (2004). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A . Source: Pearson correlation with 220,846 interactions From GEO Tags: cultured cells; cell line Wang-Maris-2006 0.77 % Integrative genomics identiFies distinct molecular classes oF neuroblastoma and shows that multiple genes are targeted by regional alterations in DNA copy number. Wang et al. (2006). Cancer Res . Source: Pearson correlation with 231,830 interactions From GEO Tags: transcription Factors; cancer Shared protein domains 8.73 % INTERPRO 8.73 % Source: Pearson correlation with 488,822 interactions From InterPro Predicted 7.11 % I2D-BIND-Mouse2Human 7.11 % BIND--a data speciFication For storing and describing biomolecular interactions, molecular complexes and pathways. Bader et al. (2000). Bioinformatics . Note: I2D predictions oF protein protein interactions using BIND Mus musculus data 第3页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Source: Direct interaction with 1,198 interactions From I2D 第4页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Attributes Attribute Gene 第5页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print Genes IRF6 interferon regulatory factor 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6121] Functions: 1 5 91 Synonyms: ENSG00000117595; ENSP00000355988; ENSP00000403855; ENSP00000440532; 3664; IRF6; NP_001193625; NP_006138; NM_001206696; NM_006147; LPS; OFC6; PIT; VWS; IRF6_HUMAN; O14896; More at Entrez GLI2 GLI family zinc finger 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:4318] Functions: 1 5 7 8 18 20 22 36 38 41 44 49 51 60 67 76 82 86 91 100 104 111 112 114 119 129 132 134 137 139 140 141 142 156 161 166 175 176 177 179 183 185 196 203 210 213 223 Synonyms: ENSG00000074047; ENSP00000312694; ENSP00000344473; ENSP00000354586; ENSP00000390436; ENSP00000395688; ENSP00000397488; ENSP00000398992; ENSP00000400593; ENSP00000402383; ENSP00000403715; ENSP00000415773; ENSP00000441454; 2736; GLI2; NP_005261; NM_005270; NM_030379; NM_030380; NM_030381; HPE9; THP1; THP2; GLI2_HUMAN; P10070; More at Entrez PVRL1 poliovirus receptor-related 1 (herpesvirus entry mediator C) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:9706] Functions: 1 24 52 Synonyms: ENSG00000110400; ENSP00000264025; ENSP00000344974; ENSP00000345289; 5818; PVRL1; NP_002846; NP_976030; NP_976031; NM_002855; NM_032767; NM_203285; NM_203286; CD111; CLPED1; ED4; HIgR; HVEC; nectin-1; OFC7; PRR1; PVRR; PVRR1; SK-12; PVRL1_HUMAN; Q15223; More at Entrez PAX9 paired box 9 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:8623] Functions: 1 Synonyms: ENSG00000198807; ENSP00000355245; ENSP00000384817; ENSP00000438524; ENSP00000450434; 5083; PAX9; NP_006185; NM_006194; STHAG3; P55771; PAX9_HUMAN; 第6页 共20页 2012/12/7 9:35 GeneMANIA http://www.genemania.org/print More at Entrez TGFB2 transforming growth factor, beta 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:11768] Functions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 31 34 35 40 41 42 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 55 56 59 61 62 63 69 71 72 73 74 79 80 85 89 90 98 99 101 103 106 107 109 113 118 120 121 128 130 131 137 154 155 158 159 164 165 167 170 178 180 183 184 192 195 197 202 205 211 217 220 221 227 Synonyms: ENSG00000092969; ENSP00000355896; ENSP00000355897; 7042; TGFB2; NP_001129071; NP_003229; NM_001135599; NM_003238; TGF-beta2; P61812; TGFB2_HUMAN; More at Entrez JAG2 jagged 2 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6189] Functions: 1 18 22 44 51 60 86 95 111 113 116 139 175 176 178 180 210 221 Synonyms: ENSG00000184916; ENSP00000328169; ENSP00000328566; 3714; JAG2; NP_002217; NP_660142; NM_002226; NM_145159; HJ2; SER2; JAG2_HUMAN; Q9Y219; More at Entrez MSX1 msh homeobox 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:7391] Functions: 1 7 15 20 21 23 34 40 46 92 123 133 145 146 166 173 209 214 224 Synonyms: ENSG00000163132; ENSP00000372170; ENSP00000446928; 4487; MSX1; NP_002439;
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