Fi,.st Showing Cast of 50 Tonight To Present of "The Fool" age PUU Modern Play . _ VOL. 3, NO. 19 THE COLLEGE OF PUGET SOUND, TACOMA, WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1931 WILBUR GOSS IS ELECTED PRESIDENT OF A.S.C.P.S ~ THU. SCIENCE HALL R lt CAMPUS PLAYERS ARE READY WILL SPONSOR eVO • • • I'LARGE MAJORITY OF STUDENTS· FOR PRESENTATION TONIGHT OPEN HousE In The Middle-West! TURN OUT TO PLACE OffiCERS · · 5 T · 1 · J H· 11 Friday, March 20 Is Date for I • • Curtain Wdl R1se at 8:1 ?n1g lt 1~ ones a, Dis)>lay at C. J>. S. :Position of Vice-President Won by Carol Hanson; For the First Production of Chanmng Pollock s March 3, 1931 1 Mary };'ranees J.J e P e n s k e Cbo~Sen Secretary; Play Open house for Science Hall will Garrett Bib1ical Institute Officers Will Be lnstalJed in April 'be held Friday, March 20, at which . ' Evanston, Ill. time the various departments will ' Wilh Lhc flurry of Jasl night's finaJ d rcs~, rc h ear~al. of Dear Bruce: 1 \ViJbur Goss was elected presidcnl of the Associalcd Slu-. "The Fool" over a t lasl, the "Camp•us Players arc enJoywg display their activities, it was an­ .denls of Lhe College of Pugct Sound yesterday. Other offi­ nounced by Pmfossor G. F . Henry ;~ brjcf resl (lhe firsl in w?eks) ~1 1 ~d a . ra l h~r nc.rvous breath­ Your sheet came today, and I want to express an a(>­ ~ ccn:> who secured majority voLes arc as follows: Carol llan­ ing-space lh is arLernoon- m an LJCJpa L1 on o~ tonJgh l .when the yesterday. There will be an aftrr­ preciation of your sketch OJl spinelessness. It was the ~ son, vice presiclen l; Mary Frances LePenske, secretary; Don­ fjrst performance of Channing Poll ock's nugh~y s<?ctal elrama noon display from 2:00 until 5:00 and real stuff. I feel just that way about it. For a minute .a1d 11. Cooper, Trail editor; Ed llouse, yell k ing; Bob Sun-).- the hall will be open from 7:30 will be formally presented at .Jones Hall aud1tonum on the I wished I was out there, for I felt a kindred spirit. 1mers and Seth Innis, yell d u k~s; Senior Class represenla ti ve campus. until 10:00 in the evening. We're coming to an UJ>heavaJ, and that soon. I want lo the Central Board, Charles Guilford; sophomore repre­ Beginning Monday long cues of Each scientific department will my church to be in the front rank, keeping ste1> with ~ scn t a li ve , Charles Thomas; Kennell! Fanning, music man­ ticket buyers waited in front of the have a separate. display. The depart­ Christ. It strikes me that your writing took fire, as I •agcr; .Jim Owens, debate manager. NEW VELOUR office to purchase seats, all of which ments to be represented are: biology, never saw it do before, when you came to grips with a , The following candidates ran for office unopposed: Del CYCLORAMA m e being reserved- for both tonight under Professor J. R. Slater; chem­ social message. God for God's sake or art for art's sal{e and tomorrow night. College stu­ Bowler, J unior Class representative to lhe Central Board; INTRODUCED istry, under Professor Henry; geo­ lack motivation pitifuJJy when we are faced with some­ 'Frank \Valbl'idge, Trail business manager; .Tack .R.obinson, dents are being admitted for 35 logy under Mr. Gordon Alcorn; , thing truly big. ;Tamanawas editor; Charles \Vrighl, Taman~was busines& cents. The general admission is 50 home economics under Miss Blanche Dramatic Department Buys cents. I rather hope you get some opposition-we fight better !manager; Morris Summers, dramati cs munager; )Vlary Gar, Stevens; and Dr. R. S. Seward will when our OJ>(>Onent is before us. We've had some here. 1ncll, women's athletic manager. New Curtains.; to Be I The two performances will be the have charge of the physics display. Let me tell you about it. ! For the May Day :fcslival th e roJiowing were Seen Tomght 'iast according to strict contract slud~ n ls The chemistry department will I'm sending some material put out by two organiza­ :chosen to officiate: LiJlian Boyd, May Queen; Bonita Reeder fwit~ the publishers and with War­ stress indus trial chemistry and wlll The formal display of the new tions with which I am affiliated. We have organized a and Alice Berry, a llcndants; Fred LePcnske, duke; .Tvlius ner Brothers, which has purchased probably have a display from vari­ grey velour cyclorama during chapel chapter of The Young People's Socialist League as the Copeland and 'Wilbur Goss, heralds. all righ ts and plans to make a movie ous industries of Tacoma. This part Wednesday was the consumation of skeleton of a group of folks who aren't afraid to think Jle:~vy Vote Cast of tho dramatic story in the near of the display will also demonstrate a dream held by the drama depart­ ahead. We don't demand uniform assent to any par­ tDebaters Leave An unusual amount of interest future. Two-night production pri­ the recovery of used crankcase oil, ment for a year, according to Mor- ticular program, but we do demand a spirit of revolt. vilege "on the campus" was obtained hydration of cotton seed oil, by­ was shown in the election by the rls Summers, manager. Karl Borders expressed our creed for us at one of our For Convention, ;number of students who voted. A through the efforts of influencial products recovery from coal tar, meetings. He was being heclded on his views, and he The new omtains were purchased ,total of 391 ballots were cast dur­ eastern friends of Miss Martha Pearl manufacture of Karo syrup from said ''I don't think we have a perfect social order, and Southern Tour by the dramatic department !or :1 Jones, h ead of the dramat1c depart­ corn and other corn products, and I work and pray devoutedly that it may be changed." ing the Lime the polls were open in consideration of $250. They are ment, who is directing the play. tho manufactw·e of soap and vari­ ,the Trail office. Two voting machin-. made of fine, h eavy-weight velour We're connected with the L. I. D. and the Civil Liberties C. P. S. Men and Women to 'es were used and the voting was Some Changes ous toilet articles. This branch will Union. Attend Meeting of of the same weight as the curtain There was a flurry of last minute also have two model sulphuric acid barefully checked in every way. The bought last season. The six pieces Incidentally, it all started through Borders. He was Pi I\appa Delta polls were open from 8 to 5 o'cl0ck scenery construction and electrical plants, a model nitrogen fixation announced to speak on Russia but the American Legion composing the set are of a silver work on the stage yesterday and in­ plant, and a sodium bicarbonate yesterday. grey which will take on the color of objected and his date was cancelled. We invited him up To climax a successful forensic · Since all of the officers received tensive rehearsal, with the smell of plant. There will also be a demon­ to 'Garrett at once, and President Eiselen gave us the 1 any light turned upon them, making grease paint, final changes were stration of electro-chemical pro- season, four College of Puget Sound 111ajority votes, no reelections will be for an endless combination of beau­ auditorium free and "gladly." There was quite a stir made in scenery and lighting which cesses. created, and much palpitation on the part of the D. A. debaters, accompanied by Miss Mar- ~eedcd today as was expected. tiful effects. The cyclorama is two 1 will do much in improving the whole Biology DeptwtJncnt Lha Pearl Jones as coach, will leave On tho fil·st Thut·sda y after Easter feet higher than the old set which R. Soon thereafter we organized our group. The Legion play, giving it a particula r touch of Tile biology department will dis­ ;vacation, which will be during the was a flimsy temporary affair. The kicked to Eisden, but he said that we were of age so Sunday morning on a tour that will tl1 e "little theatre" movement and play live and preserved amphibians fil·st part of April, the new candi­ pieces may be used as an auxiliary far as he knew, and that he hoped that we' d go right take them to Southern California. lnodorn!ty, which has h eretofore of the state of Washington, studies dates will be installed at a student curtain, of tho butterfly pattern-­ ahead. He's a< good scout. Now the Legion has a "Pro­ This Is the longest tour ever planned assembly. been lacking. in insects, histology and hlr-tologicnl tecti.re" contntitt€! c or something which regularly re­ parting in the center. by tho college debate departmenL I More use is to be made of the new methods, osteology, a display of full minds us of tle ti·aditions of our forefathers, etc, etc. Goss to Replace Grant Tho al-college play, "The Fool" velour cyclorama which has be1m I skeletons, homology, demonstration (Turn to Last Page) and is the first tin1e that the wo ­ 1 Replacing Lou Grant; who has which Is being presented tonight universally admired by all who have of models, embryology, living pro­ men's team has travelled into Calif­ ~eaded the A.
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