f / ' • • t I i-V./ > //'/■'( '( I 1 /'?/') c / /' V / >'/. / ( ' ' / .» ' ' jl /• t- ! . 1^1 / /' ' ' ' ; , /i 0^ Children by second wife: iv. Hannah, b. abt. 1686; d. 3 Aug. 1723; m. 10 May 1709, Ebbnbzbb terton,bom 17 Sept. 1678, daughter of William and Mary (Clark).' Feck. She married secondly Abraham Dickerman. V. Pm8CiLLA^^b.^30^Dec. 1688; m. John SpsnitY of TVoodbridge, b. 3 Children: 15. vi. Aobauam, b. abt. 1691. 1. Thankkul,* b. 15 June 1701; m.(1) 10 June 1725 James Gilbert, vil. Abiqau., b. 12 Oct. 1696; d. 30 Aug. 1736; m. 7 Jan. 1722, Daniel ^h. 18 Sept. 1700, d. 1728; m.(2) 30 Dec. 1731, Caleb Bradley. Winston, b. 18 Aug. 1680, d. 17 Jan. 1780. 26. ii. Caleb, b. 27 July 1703. Till. Dbshib, b. abt. 1698; d. Oct. 1702. 27. iil. Joshua, b. 22 Dec. 1707. 16. is. Isaac, b. June 1701. iv. Ruth. b. 16 Mar. 1712; d. 30 Mar. 1773; m. Thomas Gilbert, b. 17. z. Jacob, b. Feb. 1701. 14 Feb. 1709, d. 19 Oct. 1775. 5. Thomas* Hotchkiss (^Samuel^), called Sergeant, appears to have 9. Joseph* Hotchkiss (John,^ Samuel"), founder of the Guilford branch owned lands in Hamden and Woodbridge. He was bom 31 Aug. of the family, was bom 8 June 1678. He married, Apr. 1699, 1654, and died 27 Dec. 1711. He married, 27 Nov. 1677, Sarah Hannah Cruttenden. WiLMOT, who was bom 8 Mar. 1668, and died in 1731, having Children: married secondly, about 1713, Lieut. Daniel Sperry. 28. i. Joseph,< b. 3 Sept. 1700. Children: a. Isaac, b. 25 Dec. 1702; d. 17 Sept. 1762; m. 8 July 1724, Elizabbth Avrrbd. The male line became cstluct in the next generation 18. 1. Samuel,* b. 7 Sept. 1680. (see Register, vol. 58, p. 284). 11. Sarah, b. 13 Feb. 1683; m. 3 Feb. 1709, Joseph Turner, b. 13 Nov. la. Wait, b. 18 Jan. 1704; m. 2 Nov. 1731, Sarah Bishop. He was 1672, d. 11 Oct. 1759. founder of the Wolcott branch of the family (see Register, vol. 111. Anna, b. 12 Dec. 1684; m. 13 Dec. 1705, Samuel Johnson (see New 68. p. 284). Haven County Court Records, vol. 11, p. 246), b. 3 Sept. 1678, d. iv. Hannah, b. 13 Sept. 1707; d. 20 July 1793; m. 7 Jan. 1730, Joseph 1756. Stone. Iv. William, d. unm. 1731. V. Deborah, b. 18 Jan. 1710; d. young, 19. v. Abraham. vl. Miles, b. 28 July 1712; d. young. vl. Doroab, d. 17 Mar. 1744; m. John Youngs of Southold. vil. Mark, b. 1 July 1714; d. 19 Nov. 1775; ra. (1) 25 Dec. 1739, Mar vil. Lydia, m.(1) Ebbnbzbr Johnson of Wallingford, b. is Apr. 1686, garet Crawford; m.(2) 8 Jan. 1761, Miriam Lee (see Register, d. 18 Apr. 1732; m.(2) 16 Sept. 1736, Nathaniel Hall. vol. 58, p. 284). 6. Daotel* Hotchkiss (SamueP^), called Sergeant, bora 8 June 1667, 10. Josiah* Hotchkiss (John,'" Samuel"), founder of the second Cheshire died 10 Mar. 1712. He married, 21 June 1683, Esther Sperry, branch of the family, bom 24 Jan. 1680, died May 1732. He mar bom Sept. 1654. She married secondly Stephen Fierson. ried, 8 Dec. 1715, Abigail Parker, who, with her husband and Childmn: child, died in the Wallingford epidemic of May 1732. i. Elizabeth,* b. 30 Aug. 1684; m. 13 Jan. 1702, Caleb Matthews. Children: 20. ii. Daniel, b. Aug. 1687. 21. 111. Obadiah, b. 20 Mar. 1690. I. JosiAH,* b. 13 Oct. 1716; d. young. It. Esther, b. 26 Nov. 1693. II. Elizabeth,b. 25 Jan. 1718. Probably she m. 11 Aug. 1742, Ebenezer V. Rbbbcesa, b. 14 Feb. 1697; m. (1) 16 Nov. 1720, Thomas Ives of Bishop of Woodbridge, b, 29 July 1710, d. 1778. WalUngford; m.(2) 1 Dec.»1748, Ens. Edward Parker. 29. 111. Josiah, b. 3 Apr. 1720. vl. J^mMA, b. 26 Nov. 1702; in. 11 Apr. 1727, Jonathan Andrews of iv. Ludwick, b. 13 Jan. 1723; d. 1808; m. three times. He founded the Wallingford. New Britain branch of the family (see Jlistori/ of Sew Britain, p. 413). 7. John* Hotchkiss (John,^ Samuel"), born 11 Oct. 1673, died 17 Apr. 30. V. Lent, b. 2 June 1726. 1732. He was called (Daptain, and founded the first Cheshire branch vl. Tryal, b. 20 Mar. 1728; d. 1732. of the family. He married Mart Chatterton, born 29 Nov. 11. Caleb* Hotchkiss (John,'" Samuel"), born 18 Oct. 1684, resided at 1673, died 26 July 1744, daughter of William and Mary (Clark). New Haven, and died 4 Apr. 1763. He married first, 14 Feb. Children; ' 1706, Mehitabel Cruttenden, who died 30 Nov. 1750,aged 68; 22. 1. JotiN,^ b. 27 June 1694. and secondly , who died 23 Aug. 1759. a. Lvdia, b. 31 Aug. 1697; m. 12 Sept. 1716, Stephen Clark. Children by first wife: ai. Mary, b. 1 Apr. 1701; d. 13 Nov. 1787; m. 26 Aug. 1732, Joshua Hotchkiss. 1. Mehitabel,'* b. 20 Nov. 1708; d. 2 Nov. 1725. 23. Iv. Amos, b. 27 June 1704. ii. Rachel, b. 26 Oct. 1709; m.(1) Euknkzku Woiajott, who d. 1729; 24. V. Jamks, b. 24 Nov. 1706. m.(2) 28 Oct. 1731, Thomas Humphrkville, b. 8 Feb. 1705, d. 16 vl. Robert, b. 12 May 1709; d. 23 Apr. 1732. Sept. 1738; m.(3) 7 Nov. 1746, Samuel Pardbe. vil. Mirum, b. 20 Feb. 1712; m. 4 June 1730, Abel Sperry. 31. ill. Caleb, b. 6 June 1712. 26. via. Henry, b. 1 Apr. 1715. iv. Euphalbt, b. 28 June 1714; d. 31 Mar. 1726. iz. Benjamin, b. 10 May 1718; d. young. 32. v. Joel, b. 18 Mar. 1716. 33. vi. Nehbmuh, b. 20 Apr. 1719. 8. Joshua* Hotchkiss (John,'" Samuel"), born about 1675, resided at 12. Sabiuel* Hotchkiss (Samuel,'" Samuel"), bom 6 Mar. 1683, resided New Haven,and died 14 Aug. 1741. He married Susannah Chat- at East Haven, and died 22 Dec. 1740. He did not, as most pub- 184 185 THE GRISWOLD PUBLICATIONS OF THE GRISWOLD FAMILY ASSOCIATION FAMILY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA, INC. Volume 1.* The Griswold Famify The First Five Generations in America. Compiled and edited by Estlier Griswold French and Robert Lewis French 1990. 2. The Griswold Family: Engla?id—A.merica. Compiled by Glenn E. Griswold. 1943; reprinted 1976. 3. SOLD OUT 4. The Griswold Family. Compiled by Charles D. and Edna W. WOUXL CFTSVOU) ino Townsend. 1962. 5. The Griswold Family. Compiled by Mr. and Mrs. Townsend 1970. Headquarters 6. The Griswold Family. Compiled The Michael Griswold House (1730) by Mr. and Mis. Townsend. 116 Garden Street 1978. [Data 1800 on] 7. The Griswold Family of England & Wethersfield, CT 06109 America. Compiled by Mr. and Mrs. Townsend. 198i [Data An organization foimd^d to collect, mostly 1800 on] preserve, and disseminate genealogical and ?^'^The|iubiicatlon of Volume 1 was delayed ^ historic facts relating to the ori^'ii and m^ny years awaiting research on the English spread of the Griswold family in America. ancestors of Edward, Matthew, Francis, artd Michael who migrated to the New World in :'doiie and is included Much of in the this research book. is now ' ■■ ■V' -i . SEPTEMBER 1993 i' OFFICEns & DIRECTORS 1902-93 DONALD W. GIIISWOLO Ptmidem 9051 Ocean Pinet 24 Momino Mist Dr Berlin. MD 21811 THE GRISWOLD FAMILY—ENGLAND/AMERICA JOHN 0. GRISWOLD. M.D Executive Vice President 6804 Ridgefield Rd. Bethesda. MD 30810 Copies of our genealogy books, "The Griswold PRISCILLA GRISWOLD Fanily-England/Amerlea" are available at the following ReoionsI Vice President prices. 11882 Bladunir St. Garden Grove. CA 92645 Volume II § $25.00 Volume VI Q $35.00 WILUAM & MARGE BROWN Volume III SOLD OUT Volume VII @ $35.00 Secretary Volume IV § $25.00 6 Perry lene Weston. MA 02193 Volume V- @ $25.00 RUIH W. GRISWOLD Correspondence ^creiary 9051 Ocean Pines The Griswold Family: The first Five Generations 24 Mornino Mist Or. In America @ $50.00 Berlin. MD 21811 PRISCILLA GRISWOLD Regional Secretary PLEASE make checks payable to Griswold Family Association, 11882 Blaclcmlr St. Garden Grove. CA 92645 for any of the genealogy books and forward your order to Esther and Robert French. RD Box 139, Chatham, MY 12037 BARBARA T. MICHIE BARBARA RYAN Tel. 518 392-2276 Treasurers 10 Senece Trail Somerville. NJ 08878-6453 ANDREW C. PIKOSKV Registrar P.O. Box 868 GRISWOLD FAMILY ASSOCIATION STATIONARY 25 Meadovv St. Lilctrfield. CT 00759 Coat-of-arras stationary, 20 note cards & envelopes $A,75 ROBERT & ESTHER FRENCH Geneslosists Coat-of-arms seals for envelopes 250 $6.00 RD Box 139 Chotliom. NY 12037 500 $11.50 VIRGINIA LAKE Liason to Geneologist 221 Wordsworth Dr. Wilmington, DE 19808 Publication—"Our Griswold Family In England Before 1639" by Bonnie Day and James W, Griswold RICHARD M. GRISWOLD. JR. $5.75 Bulletin Editor 116 Gordon St. Wetherslield. CT 06109 The above prices include postage. Please make checks payable to Griswold Family Association and send orders to MARQUE TTA BROWN Assistant Bulletin Editor the Griswold Family Association. 116 Garden St. 1S2B Autumn Rd. Ponra City. OK 74604 Wethersfleld, CT. 06109 SUSAN GRISWOLD Bulletin Rrporter 245 Old MsrItMrough Tpk. Portland. CT O6480 REV. JOHN GRISWOLD Chnplnln 128 Villege Si. Mitlis. MA 02054 JOAN C. GRISWOLD President Emorilss Chairperson-Scholarship Committee Box 16 Granlry. CT 06035 IHSna 9SB0|d ^|BU01BUJ PBJBQ 60190 13'PPUSJaqiaM 8661 ON •IS uapJBO 911 13 'PJOJJJBH CI'TOA^SIMO W (IHVII3I1! a I V d aovisod s n 31VH Mina umjtjpoiTDV AcnvmEs i he Griswold Family Association of America was founded in 1930. Since 1. Reunion Meetings then it has expanded, so that now tliere Once a year, usually the first weekend in October, the Association meets in an historic place related are both East Coast and West Coast to the Griswold family, to leam and exchange chapters, with approximately 400 information.
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