English November 2013.Eps

English November 2013.Eps

Editorial ‘Fortnightly’ cvw¶K m¤úv`K m¤úv`Kxq W. mvBdzj Bmjvg w`j`vi ‘Manabadhikar’ gvbevwaKvi 22Zg el© 515Zg msL¨v 30 b‡f¤^i 2013Bs EDITOR Dr. Saiful I. Dildar gvbwmK nvmcvZvj Ges gvbeZv rAvB.wU. g¨v‡bRvi †gvt i“ûj Avwgb wek¦¯^v¯’¨ ms¯’vi wnmve Abyhvqx c…w_ex‡Z 35 †KvwUiI †ewk gvbyl Mfxifv‡e welYœ n‡q Av‡Q| Avi RvZxq gvbwmK BÝwUwUD‡Ui GK Rwic Abyhvqx evsjv‡`‡k I.T. Manager gvbwmK †ivMxi msL¨v cÖvq 70 jvL| Z‡e kix‡ii Amy¯’Zv Avgv‡`i Kv‡Q ¸i“Z¡ Md. Ruhul Amin †c‡jI gvbwmK Amy¯’Zv we‡kl g‡bv‡hvM cvq bv| g‡bv‡ivM ev gvbwmK †iv‡Mi cÖwZ Avgv‡`i mvaviY cÖwZwµqv nq `yBfv‡e- gvbwmK †ivM I †ivMvµvš— gvbylwUi cÖwZ †bwZevPK `…wófw½ Ges gvbwmK †iv‡Mi wel‡q D`vmxbZv| cwiev‡ii †Kv‡bv mn-m¤úv`K m`m¨ gvbwmK †iv‡M Avµvš— n‡j Avgiv Zv ¸i“Z¡ bv w`‡q GKcÖKvi avgvPvcv Zv‡iK †PŠayix †`Iqvi †Póv Kwi mvgvwRK `…wó Govevi Rb¨| Avevi KviI GB †iv‡M Avµvš— SUB-EDITOR nIqvi Lei cÖKvwkZ n‡q co‡j gvbyl Zv‡K mg_©b †`Iqvi I mngwg©Zv cÖ`k©‡bi Tarek Chowdhury cwie‡Z© Dcnvm Ki‡ZB †ewk cQ›` K‡i| gvbwmK †ivMx n‡q c‡o A‡b¨i nvmvn- vwmi cvÎ| cwiev‡ii m`m¨ n‡Z ïi“ K‡i Avkcv‡ki A‡b‡Ki wbKU n‡Z GBiƒc cÖwZwµqv †c‡q gvbwmK †ivMxiv AwaK †ivMvµvš— n‡q c‡o| GUv †h kvixwiK Ab¨vb¨ †iv‡Mi g‡ZvB GKwU †ivM Ges ZviI †h wPwKrmv i‡q‡Q, wVKVvKg‡Zv mn‡hvMxZvqt wPwKrmv Kiv‡Z cvi‡j GUvI †h †m‡i †h‡Z cv‡i, G aviYvI Avgv‡`i †hb w` Bbw÷wUDU Ae i“ivj †_‡KI bvB| hv †nvK, cwiw¯’wZ w`b w`b e`jv‡”Q| Av‡Mi †P‡q gvby‡li †W‡fjc‡g›U-AvBAviwW m‡PZbZv †e‡o‡Q| g‡bv‡iv‡Mi wewfbœ ch©vq i‡q‡Q| welYœZv n‡Z ïi“ K‡i Db¥v`MÖ¯—Zv ch©š— bvbvb †ivMxB, GLb g‡bv‡ivM wPwKrm‡Ki wbKU hv‡”Q| Assistance by : cwiev‡ii m`m¨‡`i mg_©bI c~‡e©i Zyjbvq †e‡o‡Q| †ivMxi msL¨v Ges †ivMwUi The Institute of Rural cÖwZ gvby‡li m‡PZbZvi Zyjbvq gvbwmK †iv‡Mi wPwKrmv myweav evo‡Q bv| Le‡i Develoment-IRD cÖKvk, gvbwmK †iv‡Mi †`‡ki GKgvÎ we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj cvebv gvbwmK nvmcvZvj bvbvb mgm¨vq Avµvš—| gvÎ 9 Rb wPwKrmK w`‡q Pj‡Q GB nvmcvZv‡ji Kvh©µg| wPwKrmK, Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvix msKU, hš¿cvwZi Afvemn m¤úv`K KZ©„K bvbvb Kvi‡Y nvmcvZv‡ji wPwKrmv †mev e¨vnZ n‡”Q gvivZ¥Kfv‡e| 1957 m‡b †ewmK wd‡ivRv Mv‡W©b, 222/L cÖwZwôZ GB cÖwZôvbwU‡Z i‡q‡Q 500wU †eW| gvbwmK †iv‡Mi wPwKrmvq †`‡ki d¬¨vU # wm-2(2q Zjv), gvwjevM cÖ_g Ges GKgvÎ GB nvmcvZv‡j cÖwZ ermi M‡o 30 nvRvi †ivMxi wPwKrmv XvKv-1217 †_‡K gyw`ªZ Ges cÖKvwkZ †`qv n‡q _v‡K| cÖwZôvi ci nvmcvZvjwU Zvi †mevi wewbg‡q mybvg Kywo‡qwQj| wKš‘ B`vbxs GB nvmcvZvjwUi †mevi gvb c‡o †M‡Q| nvmcvZvj m~‡Î Rvbv †M‡Q, EDITORIAL OFFICE: ewnwe©fv‡M †hme †ivMx wPwKrmv‡mev wb‡Z Av‡m Zv‡`i AwaKvskB fwZ©‡hvM¨| Bangladesh Human Rights wKš‘ †eW ¯^íZvi Kvi‡Y Zv‡`i fwZ© Kiv m¤¢e nq bv| nvmcvZv‡ji wPwKrmK- Commission(BHRC) Kg©KZ©v-Kg©Pvixmn gÄywiK…Z 504wU c‡`i wecix‡Z eZ©gv‡b Kg©iZ i‡q‡Q gvÎ 222/Kha, Malibag (1st floor) 323 Rb| GB mxwgZ gvbem¤ú` wb‡q nvmcvZvjwU Zvi m‡e©v”P †mev †ivMx‡`i Fat # C-2, Dhaka-1217 Rb¨ w`‡Z cvi‡Q bv| †`‡ki wewfbœ †gwWK¨vj K‡jR nvmcvZv‡j gvbwmK †iv‡Mi G.P.O. Box- 3725, Bangladesh. Rb¨ c…_K wefvM _vK‡jI g‡bv‡iv‡Mi Rb¨ e…nËi we‡klvwqZ nvmcvZvj GB Tel: 88-02-9361353, GKwUB| †emiKvwi ch©v‡q wKQy wK¬wbK M‡o DV‡jI, ¯^íe¨‡q me©mvavi‡Yi Rb¨ 01714098355 wPwKrmv‡mev cÖ`v‡bi D‡Ï‡k¨ MwVZ GB miKvwi nvmcvZvjwUi f~wgKv Ab¯^xKvh©| Fax: 88-02-9343501, 8321085 wKš‘ g‡bv‡iv‡Mi wPwKrmvi GB nvmcvZvjwUi Ki“Y nv‡ji Lei Avgv‡`i E-mail: [email protected] g‡bv‡e`bvi KviY n‡q‡Q| GB nvmcvZvjwUi w`‡K mswk-ó KZ©…c‡¶i AwP‡iB `…wó Website: www.bhrc-bd.org †`Iqv cÖ‡qvRb| AeKvVv‡gvMZ my‡hvM-myweav e…w×i cvkvcvwk Rbej cwic~Y© K‡i Zvi wPwKrmv‡mev e…w× Kiv cÖ‡qvRb| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e g‡bv‡ivMxiv bvRyK ai‡bi †ivMx| Zv‡`i mwVK cwiPh©v I wPwKrmv †hgb Zv‡`i my¯’ K‡i Zyj‡Z cv‡i, †Zgwb Price: Taka 20.00 Zv‡`i cÖwZ Ae‡njv I Dcnvm Zv‡`i AwaK Amy¯’ K‡i Zyj‡Z cv‡i| Nisha discusses election with Hasina, Khaleda PM assures free polls, Khaleda stresses dialogue to resolve crisis Human Rights Report: of the country. the present government's US Assistant Secretary of Briefing reporters after the tenure a total of 5,828 various State for South and Central meeting, PM's deputy press types of elections were held in Asian Affairs Nisha Desai secretary Bijan Lal Dev said the country where 64,060 pub- Biswal Sunday discussed with that Prime Minister Sheikh lic representatives have been Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and US assistance sec- elected. Hasina, opposition leader retary of state for South and "Each of these elections were Khaleda Zia and civil-society Central Asian Affairs Nisha free, fair, peaceful and neutral, members ways of resolving Desai Biswal discussed vari- and the government did not the political interfere with crisis in any activities Bangladesh. of the Election During her Commission," meeting with she said, Prime Minister adding that it Sheikh Hasina was possible to on Sunday hold free, fair reaffirmed that and neutral the next elec- elections under tion will be this govern- free, fair and ment. credible, and The Prime hoped that the Minister said opposition will that the gov- take part in the election where ous issues of bilateral interest ernment is working tirelessly the people will freely exercise and common concern. to strengthen the democracy their franchise. The Prime The Prime Minister told the and democratic institutions of Minister came up with the US official that at present, the the country. reassurance when visiting US Election Commission, Human Stressing the need for main- assistant secretary of state for Rights Commission, taining democratic process in South and Central Asian Information Commission and the country, she said develop- Affairs Nisha Desai Biswal media of the country are very ment will not be sustainable called on her at her official strong, active and fully inde- without democracy. residence Ganobhaban in the pendent. Mentioning that the voter list afternoon. Biswal also hoped "The country now has a voter prepared during the previous that the 10th general election list with photographs. So, BNP-Jamaat alliance govern- of Bangladesh will be free, there is no scope for vote rig- ment with over 1.23 crore spu- fair and a credible one to con- ging," she said. rious voters, Hasina said the tinue the democratic process Hasina mentioned that during Election Commission has gvbevwaKvi-4 introduced voter ID cards with photo putting a stop to any fraud voting. Describing vari- ous steps of the government to strengthen the EC, she said the Commission is capable of holding free, fair and peaceful national election in the coun- try. About the suspension of GSP facilities on some prod- ucts, the Prime Minister said the US decision has affected the poor workers for whom father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman fought all his life and she also has been working with right earnest. Global Social Business Summit She said the minimum wage for the garment workers has 2013 opens in Malaysia been increased from Tk 1,600 to Tk 5,300 in less than last Human Rights Report: Muhammad to conduct the five years. In this regard, she The Global Social Business first the session. In his open- urged the US government to Summit 2013 opened 7 ing speech, Professor Yunus pursue with the buyers to November 2013 at the Kuala expressed his happiness in increase the price of garment Lumpur Convention Centre seeing the concept of social products to help further in KL, Malaysia. business develop and flour- increase the wages of labours. This is first time that the ish globally. She said the aim of her politics Summit has been organised The Founder of Grameen is to improve the living stan- in Asia, and is being attended Bank said the capitalist sys- dard of the poor people. by 600 delegates from all tem came up with a lot of Emphasizing regional cooper- over the world. promises and the whole ation, Hasina said that her The program began with an world had rallied merrily government has been trying to electrifying performance by around it. "It was thought strengthen regional relations the musical troupe Malaysia that it would solve all prob- to ensure welfare of the peo- Percussion which set a high lems. Instead it created new ples in the region. note to the opening ceremo- problems. And we see no In this context, she mentioned ny. Hans Reitz, the Director light at the end of the tunnel, that her government has been of Global Social Business and we are trapped" He said able to reduce poverty signifi- Summit and Nurfarini Daing, social business.

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