THE CARLSBERG FOUNDATION’S OCEANOGRAPHICAL EXPEDITION ROUND THE WORLD 1928—30 AND PREVIOUS “DANA”-EXPEDITIONS UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF THE LATE PROFESSOR JOHANNES SCHMIDT DANA-REPORT No. 72. THE HYDROMEDUSAE OF THE PACIFIC AND INDIAN OCEANS SECTIONS II AND III. BY P. L. KRAMP Zoological Museum, Copenhagen. WITH 367 FIGURES IN THE TEXT PUBLISHED BY THE CARLSBERG FOUNDATION THIS PAPER MAY BE REFERRED TO AS “DANA-REPORT No. 72,1968” COPENHAGEN ANDR. FRED. H0ST & S0N PRINTED BY BIANCO LUNO A/S 1968 PRICE 70 Danish kr. Purchase orders of DANA-REPORTS to be placed with ANDR. FR. H0ST & S0N BREDGADE 35 K0BENHAVN K, DANMARK either directly or through a bookseller. Subscription price is 20 °/0 below ordinary price. The discount is allowed only for numbers published after subscription order has been received by H o s t & Son. 20 Danish kr. = 1 English pound (approximately). Proposals for exchange of publications and requests for copies of papers listed on pages 2 and 3 of the cover should be addressed to CARLSBERGFONDETS DANA-EKSPED1TIONER CHARLOTTENLUND SLOT CHARLOTTENLUND, DANMARK PAPERS FROM THE “DANA” OCEANOGRAPHICAL COLLECTIONS Papers resulting in whole or in part from the “Dana” expeditions although not published in the regular “Dana” series. Asterisks (*) indicate that copies are available on request. 1 . * B e r t i n , L é o n : Mise au point de la systéma­ 12. “B e r t i n , L é o n : Un nouveau genre de poissons 24. B e r t i n , L é o n : Ostéologie du genre Avocettinops tique des Poissons abyssaux appartenant apodes caractérisé par l’absence de mâchoire (Apode abyssal) et révision du sous-ordre des aux genres Saccopharynx et Eurypharynx. supérieure. Bull. Soc. Zool. France. 61. 8 pp. Nemichthyiformes dont il fait partie. Bull. Bull. Mus. N at. d ’H ist. N at. 2e s., 6, 1. 6 pp. 1936. Paris. Soc. Zool. France. 67. 11 pp. 1942. Paris. 1934. Paris. 13. *-Sur une série de leptocépliales appartenant 25. “E i n a r s s o n , H e r m a n n : Notes on Euphausia­ 2. “B r u u n , A. F r .: Notes on the Linnean type- au genre Saccopharynx M i t c ii il l . Com pt. cea I—III. On the systematic value of the specimens of flying-flshes (Exocoetidae). rend. séan. Acad. Sc. 203. 2 pp. 1936. Paris. spermatheca, on sexual dimorphism in Ne­ Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool). 39, 263. matoscelis, an d on th e m ale of Bentheuphausia. 3 pp. 1934. London. 14. “N i e l s e n , E. S t e e m a n n : Über die vertikale Verbreitung der Phytoplanktonten im Meere. Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 106. 24 pp. 1942. Copenhagen. 3. * B e r t i n , L é o n : Une nouvelle espèce de pois­ Intern. Revue Hydrobiol. Hydrographie. 38. sons abyssaux: Saccopharynx Schmidti. 20 pp. 1939. Leipzig. Compt. rend. séan. Acad. Sc. 198. 2 pp. 1934. 26. B e r t i n , L é o n : Déscription anatomique du Paris. 15. “B r u u n , A. F r .: Monolene danse, a new flat­ genre Stemonidium, type peu connu de fish from Panama, caught bathypelagically. Serrivoméridés. Bull. Mus. Paris. Sér. 2, 4 . * J a c o b s e n , I. P. & T h o m s e n , H e l g e : Perio­ Ann. Magazine Nat. Hist., Ser. 10. 19. 2 pp. 13. 8 pp. 1942. Paris. dical variations in temperature and salinity 1937. London. in the Straits of Gibraltar. “J a m e s J o h n ­ 27. “B e r t e l s e n , E. : Notes on the deep-sea angler­ s t o n e Memorial Volume”. 19 pp. 1934. 16. “B r u u n , A. F r .: Chascanopsetta in the Atlan­ fish Ceratias holbolli K r . based on specimens Liverpool. tic, a hathypelagic occurrence of a flat-fish, in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. with remarks on distribution and develop­ Vid. Medd. Dansk naturh. Foren. 107. 22 pp. 5 . “ B e r t i n , L é o n : Oxystomus de R a f i n e s q u e est ment of certain other forms. Vid. Medd. 1943. Copenhagen. une forme bien distincte parmi les larves Dansk naturh. Foren. 101. 11 pp. 1937. leptocéphaliennes. Compt. rend. séan. Acad. Copenhagen. 28. “P a r r , A l b . E i d e : A new genus of deepsea Sc. 200. 3 pp. 1935. Paris. fish from the Gulf of Panama. (Mirorictus, 17. *F a g e , L o u i s : A propos d’un Mysidacé ba- new genus). “Copeia” 1947, no. 1. 3 pp. Mi­ 6 . * F a g e , L o u i s : Sur la localisation dans les eaux thypélagique peu connu: Chalaraspis alata chigan. moyennes du Pacifique d’un Mysidacé peu G. O. S a r s ( W il l e m o e s -S u h m in lit.). Arch. connu, Ceratolepis hamata G. O. S a r s . Compt. Zool. Expériment. Générale. 80, Notes et 29. “-The classification of the fishes of the genera rend. Acad. Sc. 200. 3 pp. 1935. Paris. Revue, no. 2. 9 pp. 1939. Paris. Bathylaco and Macromastax, possible inter­ mediates between the Isospondyli and the 7. “T h o m s e n , H e l g e : Entstehung und Verbrei­ 18. ‘B u r k e n r o a d , M. D. : P relim inary descrip­ tung einiger charakteristischer Wassermassen tions of twenty-one new species of pelagic Iniomi. “Copeia” 1948, no. 1. 7 pp. Michigan. in dem Indischen und südlichen Pacifischen Penæidea (Crustacea decapoda) from the Ozean. Ann. Hydrogr. Marit. Meteorol. 13 pp. Danish Oceanographical Expeditions. Ann. 30. “P i c k f o r d , G r a c e E.: The distribution of the 1935. Magazine. Nat. Hist., Ser. 11. 6. 20 pp. 1940. eggs of Vampyroteuthis infernalis C h u n . London. Journ. Marine Research. 8, 1. 9 pp. 1949. 8. ‘ v o n H a g e n , F.: Die wichtigsten Endokrinen des Flußaals. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Anatomie, 19. “T à n in g , Â. V e d e l : Island-Færa-Omrâdets 31. “S e a r s , M a r y : Notes on siphonophores. 2. Ontogenie. 61. 72 pp. 1936. Jena. Kutlinger (Gobiidae). Vid. Medd. Dansk na­ A revision of the Abylinae. Bull. Mus. Comp. turh. P'oren. 104. 16 pp. 1940. Copenhagen. Zool. 109, 1. 119 pp. 1953. Cambridge, Mass. 9. *B r u u n , A. F r .: Sur la distribution de quel­ ques poissons océaniques d’après les expédi­ 20. ‘B r u u n , A. F r . : Observations on North At­ tions danoises. Bull. l’Inst. Océanograph. lantic fishes. 1. Acanthocottus lilljeborgi. 2. The 32. “R a m p i , L e o p o l d o : Péridiniens rares ou nou­ Monaco. No. 700. 16 pp. 1936. Ammodytes lancea group. Vid. Medd. Dansk veaux pour le Pacifique Sud-Équatorial. naturh. Foren. 104. 18 pp. 1941. Copenhagen. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. no. 974. 12 pp. 1950. 10. “ F a g e , L o u i s : Sur un Ellobiopsidé nouveau, Monaco. Amallocystis fasciatus gen. et sp. nov. Para­ 22. ‘F a o e , L o u i s : Sur le déterminisme des carac­ site des Mysidacés bathypélagiques. Arch. tères sexuels secondaires des Lophogastrides 33. “B e r t e l s e n , E.: A new type of light organ Zool. Expériment. Générale. 78, Notes et (Crustacés-Mysidacés). Compt. rend. Acad. in the deep-sea fish Opisthoproctus. N ature. Revue, no. 3. 10 pp. 1936. Paris. Sc. 211. 3 pp. 1940. Paris. 181. 2 pp. March 22, 1958. London. 11. “ B e r t i n , L é o n : Un type primitif de nageoire 23. “-Diagnoses préliminaires de quelques espèces 35. “R a m p i , L e o p o l d o : Su di una rara Diatomea caudale chez les poissons du genre Cyema nouvelles du genre Lophogaster (Crust. My­ Planctonica il Coscinodiscus bipartitus R a t t ­ G ü n t h e r . Bull. Soc. Zool. France. 61. 7 pp. sidacés). Bull. Mus. Nat. d’Hist. Nat. 2e s., r a y 1889. Bull. Inst. Océanogr. no. 981. 1936. Paris. 13, 6. 6 pp. 1940. Paris. 8 pp. 1950. M onaco. (continued on page 3 of cover) THE CARLSBERG FOUNDATION S OCEANOGRAPHICAL EXPEDITION ROUND THE WORLD 1928^30 AND PREVIOUS “DANA”-EXPEDITIONS UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF THE LATE PROFESSOR JOHANNES SCHMIDT DANA-UEPOIIT So. 72 THE HYDROMEDUSAE OF THE PACIFIC AND INDIAN OCEANS SECTIONS II AND III BY P. L. KRAMP ZOOLOGICAL MUSEUM, COPENHAGEN WITH 367 FIGURES IN THE TEXT PUBLISHED BY TUI-: CARLSBERG FOUNDATION THIS PAPER MAY BE REFERRED TO AS: »DANA-REPORT No. 72, 1968« COPENHAGEN ANDR. FRED. HOST & SON PRINTED BY BIANCO LUNO A/S 1968 CONTENTS (Section I. Systematic account of the collected species, Dana-Report no. 63 1965). page Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Section II. A survey of the Hydromedusae occurring in the Pacific and Indian Oceans .................................................... 4 Key to the orders of Hydromedusae ......................................................................................................................................... 4 I. Order A nthom edusae ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 II. Order Leptomedusae ..................................................................................................................................................................... 62 III. Order Limnomedusae ................................................................................................................................................................... 102 IV. Order T rachym edusae................................................................................................................................................................... 110 V. Order Narcomedusae ..................................................................................................................................................................... 123 Section III. Zoogeography ...................................................................................................................................................................... 132 Neritic species ........................................................................................................................................................................................
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