GO TO HELL CAROLINA! Carolina in the morning Will probably be depressed after tbe game. See the predicted outcome of the game in THE CHRONICLE Sports on page 17. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1992 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 87, NO. 86 Questions raised by HIV disclosure By MICHAEL SAUL vulnerability. specific numbers or cost estimates Dr. Michael Cobo continued to Of those callers who are Cobo's have been compiled, said Duncan treat patients for six years after patients, the majority are very Yaggy, acting director of commu­ learning he was infected with supportive and admire Cobo for nications at the Medical Center. HIV, the virus which causes being an excellent surgeon. In the wake of the announce­ AIDS. The eye surgeon's decision Some callers have asked for the ment, health workers across the to withhold this information free counseling and testing offered state have begun to question raises anew many questions. by the Medical Center, but no The Medical Center hotline set See HIV on page 6 • up to field inquiries from Cobo's former patients has been ringing non-stop since Cobo's condition was made public Monday. Cobo sues psychiatrist Letters were sent to 1,481 of Cobo's patients on Jan. 31 before the media broke the story. The for negligent treatment letters told Cobo's patients there should be no risk that they have contracted the virus. By BRAD RUBIN risks that he would not have Operators at the Medical An eye surgeon at the Medi­ otherwise taken . and has Center's hotline have responded cal Center who was identified experienced physical injury to about 50 calls an hour on the as having the HIV virus for six and damage which could have two available phone lines since years filed suit against his been avoided." Monday, which indicates many former psychiatrist on Dec. 20, Cobo's attorney James Max­ more people are struggling with 1991. well said that the suit may a busy signal, according to the The civil suit accuses psy­ include the claim that the Office of Communications at the chiatrist Ernest Raba of sev­ psychiatrist's alleged negli­ eral counts of negligence dur­ gence left Cobo emotionally MARK WASMER/THE CHRONICLE Medical Center. About 70 percent ofthe callers ing his treatment ofthe plain­ vulnerable and led him to en­ Cameron crazy? are not Cobo's patients, but were tiff Dr. Michael Cobo from 1980 gage in the activities that ex­ seen by other doctors in the Eye to 1989. As a result of this neg­ posed him to the HIV virus. Trinityjunior Will Pappas is just as devoted to Duke Basket­ ligence, Cobo claims that he Maxwell refused to comment ball as the next person, but this is a little ridiculous. Center. A fraction of them have voiced angry complaints while suffered "severe emotional dis­ on how Cobo was exposed to most have just asked about their tress, was exposed to medical See LAWSUIT on page 6 • Winn Dixie, former employee settle discrimination suit By TINA KIM was fired from an Atlanta Winn pany backed the decision to ter­ pany, most of which he said he Georgia state law that outlaws An alleged victim of AIDS dis­ Dixie after he revealed he tested minate Hollis' employment. donated to AIDS research. He also discrimination against the handi­ crimination has resolved his suit positive for HIV, the virus re­ After about a month of legal expects to receive a letter of apol­ capped. Because of his HIV sta­ and ended a two month-long boy­ lated to AIDS. Hollis had worked wrangling, he signed an agree­ ogy according to the settlement, tus, Hollis can be considered cott against local Winn Dixie at the Atlanta store as a cashier ment with the corporation on Jan. he said. The settlement involved handicapped under the law, stores. for almost two months. 2, said Chip Rowan, Hollis' attor­ other non-monetary provisions Rowan said. Christopher Hollis, an Atlanta Winn Dixie headquarters re­ ney, who specializes in AIDS dis­ which Rowan said he and Hollis The settlement agrees with the resident, settled his anti-discrimi­ fused to comment to The crimination cases. were legally bound to keep confi­ precedent that AIDS discrimina­ nation suit against Winn Dixie Chronicle when the suit was filed Hollis received an undisclosed dential. tion is illegal, Rowan said, or Winn Stores, Inc. Hollis alleges that he other than to say that the com­ amount of money from the com­ Hollis' case was based on a See HOLLIS on page 6 • Explorer, dog braved Arctic alone Keith Nyitray tells of 10-month solo Arctic trek By ERIC LARSON McKenzie," Nyitray said. standing there for their first time Some know him as "The Man The freelance adventurer and is eternal ... a difference be­ Who Walks" or "The Walker" for naturalist has given over 200 lec­ tween a historical revelation and short. tures across North America since a personal one." Others simply refer to him as the expedition which lasted from "That's as long as we preserve "That Crazy White Man." March of 1989 to Jan. 1990, "from these areas in their pristine con­ But most know him as Keith the tail end of dead winter smack ditions. Oftentimes we love our Nyitray, a modern day Arctic ex­ into the middle ofthe next." parks to death." plorer who made a solitary 10- Nyitray made the corporate- T wanted to recapture a sense month journey across 1400 miles sponsored journey via dog team, of the frontier-pioneer spirit," of Canadian and Alaskan frozen canoe and his own two feet. It Nyitray said. "Not only a physi­ wilderness, and who two years was the first continuous traverse cal separation from the 20th cen­ later still lives to tell about it. along the entire Brooks Range tury, but a psychological one as Nyitray will give a lecture and from Fort McPherson in Canada's well." slide presentation on his "Trans- Northwest Territory to the Bering When contemplating the Brooks Arctic Expedition" tonight Sea coast in Alaska, taking him archetypal explorer, one often at 7 p.m. in the Griffith Film above the Arctic Circle and across pictures the unyielding model in Theater. Accompanying him will perilous peaks, expansive tun­ which man is pitted against na­ be Smoke, a wolf hybrid who was dra, alpine lakes and rivers. ture — Robert Peary in constant Nyitra/s only constant compan­ 'The era of standing on a peak battle with the elements that ion during the journey and "prob­ or in a valley for the first time is hinder his way to the North. ably the most photographed dog fairly over," Nyitray said. "But Nyitray, speaking from 15 years SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE this decade after Spuds the opportunity of an individual See ARCTIC on page 7 • Keith Nyitray and his dog Smoke WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1992 THE CHRONICLE PAGE3 World and National Newsfile Congress votes more unemployment aid Associated Press Law revoked: The New Orleans By DAVE MONTGOMERY workers who must dig themselves out of City Council committee voted Tues­ N.Y. Times News Service the rubble left by political events on the day to erase nearly all criminal pen­ WASHINGTON - With strong support other side of the world. alties from an anti-discrimination from the president, Congress gave near- "Others are victims of our struggling law that prompted two of New Or­ unanimous approval Tuesday to an eco­ economy," Geren said. "All of them are leans' exclusive Carnival groups to nomic relief measure to grant an addi­ shell-shocked by the lack of economic op­ cancel their lavish parades. tional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits portunity available to them." to thousands of jobless workers. In the Senate, Bentsen pointed out that Fed Says yes: Federal Reserve The $2.7 billion benefits package cleared an additional 290,000 Americans joined Chairman Alan Greenspan told Con­ both houses of Congress with scarcely a the jobless ranks in December which he gress Tuesday that the central bank whisper of dissent in sharp contrast to the said is the equivalent of 'wiping out all would consider further interest rate partisan skirmishing that characterized employment in a mid-sized American city. cuts to help the ailing economy. debate on the issue last year. "The reasons for acting now to pass this President Bush, who twice blocked ef­ legislation are clear," Bentsen declared. Bush falls in poll: Three out of forts to extend benefits in 1991, has em­ "The unemployed need it, the state of the four Americans believe President braced the latest measure as a plank in his economy demands it, the Congress strongly Bush's tax proposals would not make week-old economic recovery program and supports it, and the president will sign it." a significant change in their per­ is poised to sign it into law. The non-contentious mood differed strik­ The bipartisan legislation, originally ingly from last year's partisan battles that sonal finances and just 38 percent UPI PHOTO say he deserves re-election, accord­ proposed by Democratic Sen. Lloyd Democrats threatened to elevate into a ing to an Associated Press poll. Bentsen of Texas, would grant 13 weeks of major political issue against Bush. Lloyd Bentsen additional benefits on top of an extension Japan misunderstood: Japa­ that Congress authorized last fall. Unem­ nese media and government officials, ployed workers in Texas would thus be Feds baffled by the latest wave of U.S. assured of assistance until late October. Marijuana users want outrage directed at Japan, sought The bill sailed through the House on a Tuesday to lay the blame on vote of 404-8 after Rep.
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