;O;l-j}~Q •******* Environmental Policy and Technology Project For the New Independent States of the former SovIet UnIon Prepared for Bureau for Europe and the New Independent States U.S. Agency for International Development By A USAID Project Consortium Led by CH2M HILL EnVlronlnental POlIcy and Technology Project Contract No CCN-0003-Q-09-3165 UKRAINE Problems of System Measurement of LvlV Vodokallal August 1997 Delivery Order 9 - Tasl{ U2 Prepated for RegIOnal MIssion to Ukrame, Belarus & Moldova US Agency for International Development Plepared by Ukrame Belarus & Moldova RegIOnal Office Environmental Polley and Technology Project A USAID PIOJect ConsOl tlllm Led by CH2M HILL PREFACE Under the 1992 Freedom Support Act the Umted States Congress Imttated a program to provide varIOUS forms ofassistance to new mdependent states (NIS) ofthe former Soviet Umon Cooperative Agreements were signed betv>een representatives ofthe-U S gOvemment arId eaeh-eountry m which assistance was to be undertaken The US Agency for InternatIOnal Development (USAID) was given the responsibIlIty to coordmate all US government assIstance to the NIS under the Act Through competitIve blddmg, USAID awarded a multi-year contract to a team managed by CH2M HILL InternatIOnal ServIces, Inc (CH2M HILL) to support implementatIOn ofan environmental aSSIstance program to republIcs ofthe former SovIet Umon Under thIS contract, termed the EnVironmental PolIcy & Technology (EPT) Project CH2M HILL IS to aSSIst USAID's mISSIons m Moscow, KyIV, and Almaty undertake a program to promote environmental Improvements In the NIS The USAID mISSIOn In Kylv supports environmental, and other assistance programs to Ukrame Belarus, and Moldova CH2M HILL establIshed an office In KyIV from which to perform servIces m these countrIes under the EPT Project This report was prepared as a contractually reqUIred delIverable under a contract between USAID and CH2M HILL Although work on thIS report was conducted In cooperatIOn WIth the assisted governments and USAID, the findmgs and recommendatIOns are those ofthe CH2M HILL team They do not necessarily represent official POSitIons ofthe governments ofthe assIsted countrIes nor ofthe Umted States ofAmenca The CH2M HILL team mcludes the follOWIng orgamzatIOns Center for InternatIOnal EnVironmental Law Clark Atlanta Umverslty/HBCUMI EnVIronmental ConsortIum Consortium for InternatIOnal Development Ecojuns • EnVironmental ComplIance, Inc • Harvard InstItute for InternatIOnal Development • Hughes Techmcal ServIces Company • InternatIOnal Programs ConsortIum InternatIOnal Resources Group, Ltd Interfax Newsagency K&M Engmeenng Ogden EnVironmental and Energy SerVIces Company Pnce Waterhouse World WIldlIfe Fund (US) For addItIonal mformatIOn regardmg the EPT ProJect, contact the follOWIng In the Umted States ofAmenca EnVIronmental POllcy & TecnnolOgy ProjeCl rteao Office 1819 H Street NW SUIte 700 Washlllgton DC 20006 USA Telephone (202) 835-1450 FaCSimile (202) 835-1463 Contact Dr James Westfield In Ukrallle EnVironmental Pohcy & Technology Project EnVironmental PolIcy & Technology Project Ukrallle, Belarus & Moldova RegIOnal Office LVIV Vodokanal Project Office 4 BohomoltsIa Street, 3rd Floor 64 Zelena Street, 3rd Floor 252024 KYlv, Ukrame 290017 LVIV, Ukrallle Telephone +380 (44) 247-5633/5634/5635 Telephone +380 (322) 76-73-89/84-13/94-78 FaCSimIle +380 (44) 247-5637/5638 FaCSImile +380 (322) 27-11-52 Contact Mr Ties van Kempen ept IVlvl756/uh reports\probl_sm\R9MSRMTO WPD 20Aug97 NOTIFICATIONS NOTE ON TRANSLITERATION Ukramian personal, mstItutIOnal, and place names used m EPT documents are transhterated Into EnglIsh from-8kramian (not RussIan), accordmg to the modIfied US LIbrary of Congress standard for Ukramian-to-EnglIsh translIteratIOn that has been adopted by many Western orgamzatIOns and publIcatIOns, mcludmg the Encyclopedza ofUkrazne (UmversIty of Toronto Press, 5 vols, 1984-1993) and 0 Subtelny's authontatIve Ukrazne A Hzstory (Umversity ofToronto Press, 1988, 2nd edItIOn 1994), as well as by the UkrainIan CommISSIon on Legal Termmology (ResolutIOn No 9 dated 19 Apnl, 1996) NOTE ON COST ESTIMATES The opmIOns ofcost shown, and any resultmg conclUSIOns on project finanCial or economIC feaSIbIlIty or fundmg reqUIrements, have been prepared for gUIdance m project evaluatIOn and ImplementatIOn from the mformatIOn avaIlable at the tIme the opmIOn was prepared The final costs ofthe project and resultmg feaSIbIlIty WIll depend on actual labor and matenal costs, competItIve market condItIOns, actual SIte condItIOns, final project scope, ImplementatIOn schedule, contmUIty ofpersonnel and engmeenng, and other vanable factors As a result, the final project costs may vary from the opmIOns ofcost presented herem ept IVlvl7;,6/uh reports\probl_sm\R9msrmtO wpd 11 20Aug97 TABLE OF CONTENTS SectIon ExecutIve Summary S-l 1 IntroductIOn 1-1 2 EXlstmg System 2-1 2 1 General RevIew ofSystem 2-1 2 2 Problems ofSystem Measurement 2-1 2 3 Importance of System Data 2-2 24 Norms 2-2 2 5 Termmology 2-3 3 System Measurement - ConsumptIOn 3-1 3 1 Industnal Enterpnses 3-1 32 Communal ServIces 3-3 3 3 Budget InstItutIOns 3-3 3 4 ReSIdentIal 3-3 3 5 VIllage Water Supply 3-8 3 6 Water Meters 3-9 4 System Measurement - ProductIOn 4-1 4 1 Well FIelds 4-1 42 TranSmISSIOn 4-5 43 DIstnbutIOn 4-7 5 ConclUSIOns and RecommendatIons 5-1 5 1 ConclUSIOns 5-1 5 2 RecommendatIOns 5-2 AppendIX A Tables ept IVlvf756/uh reports\probl_sm\R9MSRMTO WPD 111 20Aug97 LIST OF TABLES Number 3-1 Meters Installed and EstImated ConsumptIOn by Consumer Groups -1995 3-1 3-2 Water Supply Schedule and Source ofHot Water 3-4 3-3 ReSIdentIal Water Usage - Measured Versus PredIcted 3-5 3-4 PredIcted Wastage m ResIdential FIxtures 3-6 3-5 Water Usage 1n Selected ResIdential BUIldmgs 3-7 3-6 Components ofWater Usage m Selected ReSIdentIal BUIldmgs 3-7 3-7 Companson ofActual and PredIcted Water Usage m ResIdential BUIldmgs WIth a SIx-Hour Water Supply 3-8 3-8 Water Usage ofVdlages 3-9 3-9 Survey ofServIce ConnectIOns 3-10 4-1 SpecIficatIOns ofStryl Well FIeld Pump EqUipment 4-3 4-2 EstImated Water Flow at Prmcipal Pump StatIOns - June to September 1996 4-6 5-1 Recommended Measunng DevIces for the LVK Water System 5-4 A-I Data on Selected Industnal Enterpnses A-2 A-2 Industnal Water Usage - Measured versus PredIcted A-3 A-3 Communal Water Usage - Measured versus PredIcted A-4 A-4 Budget Water Usage - Measured versus PredIcted A-4 A-5 Data on Selected ResIdentIal BUIldmgs - 1996 A-5 A-6 Measured Water Usage m ResIdential BUIldmgs m 1995 and 1st half of 1996 A-6 A-7 Leakage m Faulty Plumbmg FIxtures A-7 A-8 Companson ofPredIcted (Norm) Water ConsumptIOn WIth Leakage A-7 A-9 Metered Usage m ResIdentIal BUIldmgs WIth a SIx-Hour Water Supply - 1996 A-8 A-10 AnalysIs ofFlow Meters' ServIce LIfe A-9 A-ll Results ofMeasurements at Mahenv Well FIeld - September 1996 A-10 A-12 Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 1 after Cleanmg - November 1996 A-ll A-13 Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 2 before Cleanmg - September 1996 A-ll A-14 Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 2 after Cleanmg - October 1996 A-ll A-IS Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 3 - October 1996 A-12 A-16 Power ConsumptIOn at Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 1 - November 1996 A-13 A-17 Power ConsumptIOn at Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 2 - October 1996 A-13 A-IS Power ConsumptIOn at Stryl Well FIeld, Well Group 3 - October 1996 A-14 A-19 Power ConsumptIon at Stryl Well FIeld - October to November 1996 A-14 A-20 Measurements at Pump StatIOns Total Water Flow A-15 A-21 Measurements at Pump StatIOns Results ofHourly Measurements ­ June to October 1996 A-16 ept lV1V1756/uh reports\probl_sm\R9msrmtO wpd IV 20Aug97 LIST OF FIGURES Number 2-1 SchematIc Layout ofthe LVIV Water System 2-4 3-1 Daily Flow Curve In ResIdential BUIldIngs wIth 24-hour Water Supply 3-11 4-1 Measurements In LVIV Water Supply System - 1996 4-9 4-2 Major Pump StatIOns - Flow and Storage Measurements 4-10 4-3 Major Pump StatIons - Pressure and Motor CapaCIty Measurements 4-11 4-4 Pressure Measurements In DIstnbutIOn System - RegIOn 1 4-12 4-5 Pressure Measurements In DIstnbutlOn System - RegIOn 2 4-13 4-6 Pressure Measurements In DIstnbutlOn System - RegIOn 3 4-14 4-7 Pressure Measurements In DIstnbutlOn System - RegIOn 4 4-15 ept IVlvl756/uh reports\probl_sm\r9msrmtO wpd v 20Aug97 ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS & GLOSSARY A Ampere atm atmosphere BAH Booz, Allen and HamIlton CH2MHILL CH2M HILL InternatIOnal ServIces, Inc A US-based mternatIOnal envIronmental engmeermg consultmg firm under contract to USAID to Implement a large component ofthe EPT Project COWl COWl Consultants (Denmark) DEPA DanIsh EnvIronmental ProtectIOn Agency DHF Dlstnct Heatmg FacIhty DO Dehvery Order EPANET Computenzed sImulatIOn model EPT EnVIronmental Pohcy & Technology (Project) A USAID-funded program to provIde envIronmental aSSIstance to New Independent States ofthe former SOVIet Umon hid hours a day hrs hours kbv karbovanets konto Vodokanal customer account based on a water supply connectIOn kW kIlowatt kWh kIlowatt hour kWh/m3 kIlowatt hour per CUbIC meter led lIters per capIta per day leh lIters per capIta per hour lid lIters per day lis lIters per second LVK LVlV Vodokanal (muruclpal publIc water utIlIty) mls meters per second m2/d square meters per day m2/s square meters per second m3/d CUbIC meters per day m3/h CUbIC meters per hour m3/y CUbIC meters per year mg/l mIllIgram per lIter mm mmute N/D no data NIS New Independent States (ofthe former SOVIet UnIon) No number Nos numbers oblast A government terntonal-adminIstratIve umt m the
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