For 'All Department* Call RED BANK REGISTER SHadyside 1-0010 Iijued Weekly, entered M Second Clau Matter at the Port VOLUME LXXX, NO. 10 , OUe* <4 R»d Bank, N. J., aider tie Act of March 3, 1870. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29,1957 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Riverside Group's New Wallace St. Lot Opened to the Public 'Bring Back the Sweeps' Protest Answered MIDDLETOWN—Mayor Frank other taxpayers, familiarize them- F. Blalsdell yesterday took excep- selves with the fine-Job that the Is Plea of Mayor Gray tion to statements in a recent as- members of this board are doing,", sessment policy protest by the The mayor, said a more extended Riverside Drive association, but statement would be made by the A move Is under way to brim promised a review of levies in the committee after a review of the the National Sweepstakes Regal area, _ - • ' points covered in the letter. ta back to Red Bank. In a letter to the committee re- The association's letter, signed Fort Monmouth Jobs Giving the project a shove fot leased to the preu last week, the by R. M, Hurd, president, said the ward was Mayor George A. Gray association charged that assess- trustees were prepared to recom- who yesterday placed himsel ments on properties along the mend to the members that the "100 per cent for it—all the way.' Naveslnk river were high and dis- area withdraw from the township Expressing delight at the ide. criminatory. A lower evaluation if action were not taken on its Now Reported Safe was Freeholder Director Josepl ratio on new housing, it con- requests. C. Irwln, former regatta commc tended, is, in effect, subsidization. Shorecrest Problem dore, who said "most certainlj The mayor said yesterday he In other matters, the committee FORT MONMOUTH — Army and training center, Fort Mon- I would be very much In favor c did not think it a correct state- discussed Shorecrest problems spokesmen here said yesterday mouth Is charged with the re- a return of the races." ment that new housing in gen- again with Mrs. Gregory Hlllman "there Is no reason at this time sponsibility of constantly improv- The job of beating the drum eral has borne far less than its and Fred K, Rowe, representing for civilian employees associated ing military communications to promote the program went t fair share of the tax burden. In the Fatrvlew Civic association. with Fort Monmouth to worry equipment and, what Is equally Frederick E. Glersh, Jr., Hlllto all municipalities, over a period Lawrence A. Carton, township at- about losing their positions." improtant, training the technic- ter., chairman of Mayor Gray' of time, however, inequities ap- torney, told Mrs. Hlllman that, he ThlB was In response to a Reg- ians to maintain and operate this committee on river improvemen pear, he added. had prepared a nuisance code to later inquiry Into tho current complex electronics equipment, and development. Mr. Glersc staff situation, in view of Wash- Will Adjust supplement state public - health "Other military posts may have told of the plan in letters to th nuisance statutes, He said it was ington announcements that, the just training responsibilities, and Red Bank Community Chambe "If It appears that any partic- designed to cover certain local Army Is trimming Its strength. still others, research and develop- of Commerce, Greater Red Ban! ular development area does not problems. The committee post- Maj. Gen. W. Preston Corder- ment responsibilities, Fort Mon- Junior Chamber of Commerci carry Its proportion of the tax poned action pn the code until its man'a office had this to say: mouth is unique in that it has Monmouth Boat club and the R< burden, I am sure that the tax next meeting pending study. "The command feels confident training, research and develop- tary, Lions and Kiwanls clubs. assessor will make the necessary that in the forseeable future any adjustments," the mayor declared, Mr. Carton told Mr. Ames the ment. "We want in every way w board of education may take tem- reduced employment ceilings or "To maintain this country's can to again make this the rei Be alBO attacked the letter's Entity M.-White, retired Red Bank borough'administrator, puts first nickel in park- any limitations on the total num- River Sports Center of the East, contention that tha township has porary action on its own to create edge in the field of military com a rear approach to the Falrview ing meter in new Wallace ft. parking lor which was opened for public use Saturday ber of employees can be met by muntcatlons, Fort Monmouth said Mayor Gray, and once th been responsible for increased restricted hiring and attrition. Naveslnk Is conditioned for thi building through "artificially low school. A more elaborate per- must be constantly striving to manent approach Is being-sought morning. The lot, newest addition to Red Bank's metered parking lot system, provides "At present, there are approxi- place the best In communications we can realize that accompllst and discriminatory assessments." mately 7,304 employees (as of ment. It can be done, It the cour He said the officials will do every- of Sommer Brothers, developers 81 metered stalls.- Twelve stalls along the east curb have been equipped with fcur-hour gear in the hands of the soldier. of the area. The entrance Is Aug. 1). Of this total, 103 are on Economy Move ty will give us a hand, We mui thing In their power to eliminate meters. All others are for two hours. Also pictured above are Police Chief Frank W. duty at Fort Hancock. exploit our advantages. any such inequities. It is unreal- sought to make it unnecessary for "The proposed cutbacks are the istic he added, to attribute to a children to walk on heavily trav- Rei/ther, left, and Capt. Leroy McKnight, who is in charge of the parking lots. Another 'Restrictions' Noted result of the (Elsenhower) Ad Ho referred here to the upri\ er dredging proposal he has bee specialized taxing problem the eled roads in the school area, The new parking lot on the north side of Wallace st. is expected to be put into use in the "Naturally, restrictions on hir- ministration's program to trim vast population Increases shown board also Is interested for eco- ing and use of overtime will be federal spending because of the anxious to see carried out an by many Monmouth county towns, nomic reasons because It will per- near future. observed. Hiring commitments al- government's legal debt ceilings other Naveslnk Improvemenl especially those near the Garden mit elimination of some bus serv- ready made will be honored. and over-all fiscal position." considered necessary If the bl State Parkway. •- ice, Mr, Carton said. "Where justification exists, bas- The statement answered other power boats are to be returne The association had asked that Commltteemen told Mrs. Hill Schools to Open, ed on priority of the projects, the published reports hinting that here. assessments be set at 100 per cent man that It would advise the Toll Reduction Cool Month Army Signal engineering labora- there might be a broad rollback Now 'All for If of true value Immediately. The building Inspectors to Investigate Use Caution: Chief tories may add scientific person- of civilian jobs at the fort. The mayor declined to discut courts have ordered all towns to the Shorecrest area sewage prob- Red Bank schools open next nel necessary to meet require- In an earlier study, First Army financial aspects of renewing th assess at true value by 1959, lem in considering any new ap- Issue Revived week—Red Bank Catholic and Cuts Beach ments. headquarters at Governors Island regatta, stating that "these wt Mayor Blaisdell pointed out. To plications for building there. Mrs. St James grammar school "For a number of years, the N. Y., said there had been no have to be worked out as stud do so before other municipalities Hlllman said the area's disposal EATONTOWN—The dormant Wednesday and the public laboratories and the civilian staff plans made to trim civilian Jobs progresses." But, recalling thi comply would be inequitable to all plant already is taxed to capacity. Issue of a toll reduction at the schools Thursday—and Police Revenue have co-operated In a recruiting at Fort Monmouth and that any he once favored discontinuing th residents here, Including those Residents of the area have asked Eatontown-Long Branch exit of Chief Frank ,W. Reuther has effort to. hire scarce and needed cut made In military strength sports series, he said now he ! along Naveslnk River rd., he said. that Westfleld Housing Associates the .Garden State Parkway was issued an appeal to motorists But High Season scientific categories. This will be would not be apt to exceed five "all for It. The sweepstakes coul not be permitted to develop fur- revived at last night's meeting continued. per cent. be made most desirable." Revaluation Set ther there until current drainage, of the mayor and council. to drive with caution particular- As soon as it is practical, the sewer and road problems are Karl Wihtol, president of the ly in school zones. Average Makes "As the Army Signal Corps Elsewhere In the nation, how- In his letters to the seven mayor pointed out, a' complete, solved. - v local Chamber of Commerce and Chief Reuther pointed out principal research, development ever, cuts are being made. groups, Mr. Giersch said: independent revaluation of the owner of Wihtol industries, told that there will be safety patrol Record Hold "Mayor George Gray has bet Asks Sidewalks members and special police of- contacted by the American Fo? properties in the township Is to be the governing body the whole- SKA BRIGHT — Early Au- made to eliminate any inequities, Mrs.
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