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Index accountability, 348 Arctic region, 189 achondrites, 20-21, 44, 46 Argand, E., 185 acmite, 104 Argentina, 294 acritarchs, 12, 297-298, 303,304, 306 argon-argon dating, 259, 261 actualism, 246 arid regions, 45, 244 Africa, 42, 106, 221,223, 233 Arizona, 22, 28, 29-30, 31,245 palynology, 281,285, 287, 290, 293, 298, 300, 302 Arkhangelsky, A. D., 242 Agelopoulos, J., 297 armalcolite, 35 Ager, D. V., 254, 255,258, 259, 261 Armstrong, G., 82 A~rali, B., 285 Arrhenius, G., 245 Agterberg, E P., 79, 80 artificial intelligence, 80 Ahlburg, J., 70 Artyushenkov, E. V., 194 Aitchison, J., 79 Asilomar Conference (1969), 201,202 Alabama, 290 Aslanyan, A. T., 194 Alaska, 206,207 Association of GCR Contributors, 335 Albertao, G. A., 266 asteroids, 18, 20, 21, 22-25, 245, 259, 261-262 Alberti, G., 295-296 Aston, F., 177 albite, 102, 106 astrogeology, 10, 31 Alfv6n, H., 25 astronomic analysis, and climatic variations, 245 algae, 281,284, 285,296, 301,304 Atlantic Ocean, 219-221,224-225, 242, 243 Algeria, 129 atlases, 64 algorithms, 77 atomic absorption spectrometry, 245 alkali-alumina silicate system, 106 Atwater, T., 201,202, 203 Alkins, W. E., 75 Aubry, M.-P., 258, 261,266 All6gre, C., 80 augite, 104 Allen, E. T., 109 aurora polaris, 229, 236 Allen, J. R. L., 243, 244 Australia, 42, 45, 50, 262, 341 Allen, P., 75 palynology, 287, 292, 294, 295,296, 299, 301,302 almandine, 133 Austria, 289 Alpern, B., 289 autofluorescence intensity, 293 Alps, 117-118, 135, 149, 186, 207,242 Althaus, E., 128 alumina-silica system, 103 Babbitt, B., 340 Alvarez, L., 41,246 B~ickstr6m, H., 100 Alvarez, W., 42, 246, 261,265,266 Backus, G. E., 236 American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, bacterial life, 48--49, 50 303-304, 305,306 baddeleyite, 34 American Geological Institute, 340 Bagnold, R. A., 243, 244 ammonites, 12, 254-255, 256, 265,266, 267 Bahamas, 243 Ampere, A-M., 235 Bailey, E., 206 amphibolite, 103, 127, 128, 129, 133, 154 Bailey, R. J., 266 anchimetamorphosis, 244 Bailly, L., 68 andalusite, 118, 128, 146, 150 Baker, H. A., 74 Andersen, O., 109 Baldwin, R. B., 26-28, 29, 31, 40 Anderson, R. Y., 80 Balme, B. E., 287 andesite, 103 Balte~, N., 289, 297 anellotubulates, 302 Baltic regions 283,284, 285,301, see also Scandinavia annealing, simulated, 86 Baltic Sea, 242 Anning, M., 335 Banks, R., 236 anorthite, 34, 48, 101, 102, 103 bar-chart, 68-70 anorthosites, 34, 35, 129 bar-code effect, 257 Antarctica, 22, 129, 187, 258 bar-graph, 64 meteorite recovery, 44-45, 46-48, 264 Baranov, B. V., 192 apatite, 34 Barbados, 284 apophyllite, 64 Barents Sea, 243 Arabian Gulf, 242, 243 Barghoorn, E. S., 302 Archaean Eon, 50, 190 Barnett, S. J., 235 archaeology, 80, 86, 258 Barr-Andlau granite, 116-117, 145-146 354 INDEX Barrande, J., 68-70 Boltwood, B. B., 169 Barrell, J., 172 Boneham, R. F., 301 Barringer, D. M., 30 Bonham-Carter, G. E, 77, 81, 85 Barrow, George, 118, 124, 127, 128, 129, 146-7, 159, Borda, J. C., 233 160 Borissyak, A., 185 Barss, M. S., 287 boron, 244 Bartels, J., 232, 233-234, 236-237 Borukayev, C., 190 Barth, T. E W., 124 Boswell, P. G. H., 4 Bartlett, H. H., 281 Bouch6, P. M., 300 basalts, 103, 104 Bout, A., 115, 144 basalt-andesite-rhyolite series, 103 Bowen, N. L., 7, 99-111,120, 128, 129, 132, 153, 160 basaltic cycles, 173 Bowie, W., 5,177 basaltic lunar rocks, 34, 35, 37 Boynton, W. V., 41 magmas, 104, 106, 107 Bozhko, N. A., 188, 190 meteorites, 20, 46 brachiopods, 254, 256 basin analysis and modelling 6, 81,245,246, see Bragg, W. L., 172, 242 also multiring basins Bratsheva, G. M., 289 Bauer, L. A., 231,233 Brauns, R., 148, 156, 158 Baur, E., 155, 156 Bravais, A., 59 Bayesian methods, 85-86 Brazil, 266, 280, 287, 293,299, 300, 341 Beals, C. S., 26 Breislak, S, 116 Becke, F., 118, 122, 147,148-149, 153,155, 158, 159, 160 Breithaupt, F., 147 Becker, G. F., 100, 103,160-161 Brett, R., 253-254 Becker, H., 70 Bretz, J. H., 4%50 Beju, D., 300 Briden, J., 345 Bekker, H., 301 Briggs, L. I., 81 belemnites, 264 Brinkmarm, R., 75 Belgium, 285, 297, 298 British Association for the Advancement of Science, Beloussov, V. V., 9, 186, 187, 188, 193, 195 170, 171-172, 177 Bemmelen, W. van, 231 British Geological Survey (BGS), 343-344, 345 Bennie, J., 279 British Institute for Geological Conservation Bentall, R., 281,284 (BIGC), 335 Benton, M. J., 336, 337 British Museum (Natural History) 342, see also bentonites, 259 Natural History Museum Bequerel, H., 168 BrOgger, W. C., 100, 101,109, 121,147, 162 Berann, H., 221 bronzite, 44 Bering Sea, 243 Brosius, M., 298 Bertrand, P., 281 Brower, J. C., 80 Berwerth, F., 149 Brown, A. C., 301 Bharadwaj, D. C., 287 Brzozowska, M., 289 Birmey, E. W., 278 Bucher, W. H., 223 biostratigraphy, 7-8,254-256, 259, 261,264, 266-267, Buckman, S. S., 252, 262, 264, 265, 267 306 Bulgaria, 297 use of mathematic methods, 70, 80, 86 Bull, A. J., 176 Biot, J. B., 66 Bullard, E. C., 201,229, 234, 235-236 biotite, 118, 120, 129, 146, 151 Bunsen, R., 100 Bird, J., 201,202, 203,206 Burbridge, P. P., 290 Bischof, C. G, 146, 162 Burchfiel, C., 201,206, 207 Bitterli, P., 298 Burger, D., 292 Bitzer, K., 81 Burma, B. H,, 75 Black, G. P., 334, 337 Burtman, V., 189 Black Sea, 242 Busk, G., 66 Blackburn, K., 285 Butler, R. F., 211 Blackett, P. M. S., 229, 234, 235 Butler, Sir C., 345 Blake, C., 201,206, 207 Butterworth, M. A., 285 Bloxham, J., 236 Bocharova, N. YU., 191 Boeke, H. E., 156, 161 Caby, R., 131 Bogatikov, O. A., 190, 192 Cagniard, L., 236 Bogdanov, N. A., 186, 191,194 calcite, 151 Bohemia, 62 calcium aluminium-rich inclusions (CAIs), 19 Boisse, A. A., 23, 37 California, 129, 201-202, 205-206, 210, 243 Bolivia, 280 Callomon, J. H., 255,264, 267 Bolkhovitina, N. A., 289 Camargo, Z. A., 41-42 INDEX 355 Cambrian, 255,256 chronostratigraphy, 80, 252, 254, 259-262 Camerarius, R. J., 274 Churchill, D. M., 296 Cameron, A. G. W., 43, 44 CIPW norm, 75, 108, 152-153 Campau, D. E., 300 Clarke, R. F. A., 288, 297 Canada, 244, 341 classifications palynology, 280, 281,287,298, 302 acritarehs, 297 plate tectonics, 204-205,206-207 metamorphic rocks, 149-150, 152-153 carbon isotopes, 258 oil and gas basins, 192 carbonaceous chondrites, 18-19, 44 clathrates, 246 carbonados, 20 clays, 62, 242, 244 carbonate formations, 242, 244, 245 Clayton, R. N., 37 Carboniferous, 255 cleavage, 149 carbonization measurement, 293 Clemens, J., 133 carborundum, 20 Clements, R. G., 342 Carey, S. W., 223 Clendening, J. A., 290 Caribbean, 223 climate change, 346 Carle, S. F., 86 climatic variations, and astronomic analysis, 245 Carnegie Institution Department of International clinopyroxenite, 20, 131 Research into Terrestrial Magnetism (DTM), coalification, 244 230, 231,233, 234, 236 coals, and palynology, 278, 280, 281,285, 305 Carpathians, 186 coastal environments, 244 carpholite, 131 coesite, 127, 131,246 Carruthers, W., 278 cold seeps, 246 Carson, R., 331 collecting, 12-13, 333-342 cartography, oceanographic 215-226, see also Collinson, C., 300-301 mapping Colombia, 293 Castaing, R., 125 Colorado, 79, 298 catastrophism, 7 compaction of sediments, 244 Catell, R. B., 77 computational mineralogy, 86 Cayeux, L., 241,242, 302 computers, 76--80 Cenozoic, base of, 265 computer-generated images, 84--85 cephalopods, 254, 264 programs for mineral equilibration, 130-131 Chalk, 62 simulation 79, 81-82, 86, see also models Chalmers, N., 343 Computers & Geosciences, 79, 83 Chamberlin, T. C., 5, 74, 76, 79, 170 Coney, P. J., 201,207, 212 Channel Tunnel, 62 conservation, 12-13,327-346 Channeled Scablands, Washington State, 48-50 contact metamorphism, 115-118, 122-123, 144-146, Chao, E. T., 31 148, 150, 159 chaotic processes, 83-84 contaminant transport, computer-based models, Chaperon, G., 100 81--82, 86 Chapman, S., 231-232, 233-234, 236-237 continental drift, 4-5, 171-176, 180, 181,185-187, Charmouth, Dorset, 336, 340 199-200, 203,223, 224, 226 chassignites, 20-21 continental environments, 244 Chayes, F., 79 continental geology, and terrane theory, 199-212 chemical equilibrium see mineral equilibrium continuous reflection seismics, 245 chemo-stratigraphy, 258, 261 convection currents, 175-176, 187, 191-192, 223 cherts, 50, 205, 206, 207, 208, 244, 284 Conway Morris, S., 261 Chesnokov, B. V., 131 Cookson, I. C., 292, 295 chi-squared test, 75 Cooley, J. W., 77 chiastolite, 146 Coombs, D. S., 128 Chicxulub Crater, Mexico, 7, 8, 20, 41-42, 246, 261, Cooper, C. L., 285 262 Cordier, L., 115 Childress, S., 236 cordierite, 118, 146, 150 China, 76, 189, 261,331,343 Cordillera, North America, 204-205, 206-207, 208 palynology, 289, 301,302 correlation 252, see also stratigraphy chitinozoans, 285,300, 306 Correns, C. W., 124, 242 chlorite, 118, 120, 127, 129, 151 Cotta, B. von, 146 chondrites, 18-20 Couper, R. A., 294 chondrules, 18 Courtillot, V., 211,266 Chopin, C., 131 Cowling, T., 235 Chree, C., 231 Cox, A., 207, 229 Christakos, G., 86 Cox, B. M., 254 Christiansen, T., 299 Craig, J. H., 300 Chronic, J., 302 Cramer, F. H., 298 356 INDEX Crawford, S. L., 86 Delesse, A., 116, 133 Creager, J. S., 77 deltaic environments, 244 Creer, K., 234 Den Tex, E., 129, 133-134 Cressie, N. A. C., 83, 85 Denmark, 262, 264, 265 Cretaceous, 255,256, 258, 260 density plot, 76 Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary see K/T boundary depth-zones see zonography cristobalite, 34, 105 desert facies, 244 Croatia, 278 Dettman, M., 294 Croll, J., 245,257 Deunff, J., 298 Croneis, C., 284 deuterium, 27 Cropp, E W., 290 Deutsch, C.

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