THE SENATE OF PAKISTAN DEBATES OFFICIAL REPORT Thursday, July 29, 2010 (63rd Session) Volume VII No.04 (Nos. 01 - 09 ) CONTENTS Pages 1. Recitation from the Holy Quran……………………………… 1 2. Questions and Answers……………………………………… 1-84 3. Leave of Absence 85-86 4. Legislative Business: The Benazir Income Support 87-101 Programme Bill, 2010……………..… 5. Points of Order: (i) Relief Activities in Flood Striken Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa……………… 102 (ii) Statement of British Prime Minister Appeared in Press………………….. 103-104 (iii) Overall Alarming situation Emerging in Pakistan…………………….. 105-108 (iv) Provision of facilities to the families of the Victims of plane crashed in Islamabad………………………….. 109-110 (v) Fake Educational Degrees of the Legislators……………………………. 111 (vi) Appeal for Donation/Relief Activities in Flood Striken Areas………..……… 112 (vii) Demand for Inquiry of the Plane Crashed in Islamabad……………… 113-114 Printed and Published by the Senate Secretariat, Islamabad. Volume VII SP. VII (04)/2010 No.04 130 SENATE OF PAKISTAN SENATE DEBATES Thursday, July 29, 2010 The Senate of Pakistan met in the Senate Hall (Parliament House) Islamabad at five in the evening with Mr. Chairman (Mr. Farooq Hamid Naek) in the Chair. --------------- Recitation from the Holy Quran ! 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Q9 ;\?LQ •@ : [ BLI ;oFB Ž ) Questions and Answers WO 7 ’ 6I H K We may now take up questions ;•‘L 4N @;YK “ } 4 N @;ˆ@;‘ ;:YK L`c v•hL gO ;\?6 h6O K K K hO K 7 `b ` z M W9 – N •D?6O j ;˜L G_ h † ;E;6 Anyone on his behalf?;•YLLa ;Y ;oG;•D6O ?j ;EL ƒ?;_6 Q 5 | ;ZG 81. *Senator Mir Wali Muhammad Badini: Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state whether there is any 1 proposal under consideration of the Government to establish a hospital in Gwadar? Makhdoom Shahabuddin: There is no such proposal under consideration of the Federal Government to establish a Hospital in Gwadar. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary question? K K • K 8 `c K `c H gO K O K K K WO `hr ;^?hg`ŸaJ ;E @;<r ;D6 O ? j ;4FG;YL9 L ! YL v•hL ;\?6 h6O ;:˜Lh G_h† ;>?;‘s L 4@_NL6 h œ ;v •hL K H H K e ¡ ` ¡K 7 ;Z ;<I 4e ; medical college setup ;Z B;YeL c ;Z=@FB;FG@;F@_ N¢O ;3P ;?;>Bp VIg B;3;<g L Q r ;< N @B O ;< e K 8 ˚<CJ ;4L9 B 6¤M K H K •D6 O ?j ;4FG;E;L9 67 : YK L`c v•hL gO ;\?6 h6O H H K K 8 8 ¨ K f K ;YL`c ;Z¡ =@FB;FG@;;F@_N ¢O ;k;>?Q z67 :( D¤ ;<I @4;4FG;E?G69L 9 © ª )Y_@;\?K L9 ¦6 z ;¥G_ § – 8 sir, we have already incorporated in the ;<CJ ;«¬ŒI ;?;q medical colleges 8 K K l f K H ¤– Š •?p ;BaJ ;˜5 ;;4g9 ;]@;ˆ@;¸? Ÿ I @;•YL` ba ;<S9 ‡ ƒ;4 e ;¯ S ;<wI GF;YK L`•6Q ;Gƒ;< ISe ;‘a ;<‡N ;< ;]@;FG@;PSDP We have already done that. • H O WO 7 K `c •h gO K •D?6 j ;3u g ;E;6 : YL vL K ;\?6 h6O K K 8 K K e K • K • K ` O WXI • ` r ;<CJ ;;\FGv° ;xƒ?Lh`6Q ;3LLQ ;Z ;>? ŸI @;FG@;<C J ;^@BŽ ;? u g 7 @;@469 ;3 Q ;!\?6 h6O ;:3uWgO ;YL Ÿ ;‘L ;v •hL Lh K K HH K f K • K N ;? u¶GF;FG@;;kŸO ;@4;<69 I ;D6 O ? j;±B²† B;4FG;YL9K³Lh ;<³… ;B;va J ´ L`c ;;ovL •µ G;Z@Gƒ;ZB;4;< ¡ ¡ eJg 9 I B;F? a 5 LW69 ;< e ;]@;3 P K K H 8 K H 8 |¸ `c ` zM ¡K M ’e e M 8 ` c ;>B;;?aJhbshV6 ;YL ;•?F;?;?a 6 L e ;Y L ;FB;ZB;;4;4B œe¤g9L 9 6 ;E ;Z;<I 4;‘?;^? e ·hg ` ŸaJ ;Y L ;Fƒ@B; dO3P ;<C J ;?ƒ;\@BL Q…6 6 ;? K H • K K K K K ³hN ` zM ¡M 8 ¡ ;YL ;<CJ ;YL ;posh area ;ZB;oG;3eP ;<CJ ;kL hV ;\?;3;•;<C6QLL Q J ;±n;<s e ;¹B T O ;;xƒ?L h`6Q ;Z? Ÿ I @;3;3 QP K KK• 8 8 K e K 8 ;?h69 ;@469 ;? h 9 @;\•@;Bg e ;<‡I 4@;]@;DL9 6 6O ;;•<C J ;\FGv° ;Z ;>@;¥?Lhi;?qh ;^?g`ŸaJ ;FG@;<CJ ;;xƒ?•@;ºy6 Q6 L9 l ;4;>?Gg9 a b H K 8 J K M – K 8 `b •<‡CS ?;?4;‘?;4;>Gƒ?gsQ·eg 9L h»h`6Q ;E?SJa ;^?g ` Ÿ aJ ;4;>?G;B;Y g 9 a b I L a ;<C J F Makhdoom Shahabuddin: Sir, the honourable member should bear in mind the 18 th Amendment now especially as far as the health matters are concerned, they have traditionally been with the provinces. Now the project like that should get initiated by the 2 provincial government and we have cooperated so many times and we are still doing it. Let the provincial government make a proposal to us and it should be generated by the provincial government and we will do it. K • K K ¤‹ M M K H O K •>?s ;D6L`Ÿ @_6 h œ ;¿À ;v6 •5 ;^@BŽ ;n@;•kp L hV ;:YL`c v•hL g ;\?6 h6O 82. *Senator Abdul Haseeb Khan: Will the Minister for Health be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government for preparation of a law on eradication of thalassaemia in the country? Makhdoom Shahabuddin: The Ministry of Health is cognizant of the need for legislation to control and eradicate Thalassaemia in Pakistan. The Ministry has collaborated with two Members of the National Assemblyãs Standing Committee on Health for the purpose of drafting appropriate legislation. This draft has been introduced into the lower house and has been referred to the Committee. The Ministry of Health would support this Bill and anticipate that it would be forwarded to the upper house in due course of time. Mr. Chairman: Any supplementary question? • K K `c H gO K K K ¤‹ `hr ;3;3LLQ P ;<CJ ;3; Q supplementary ; @v L •Â ! YL v•hL ; \?6 h6O ; :>?;Ds 6 L`Ÿ @_6h œ ;v •hL L K K K H 8 K 7 `c ` zM W`c I ÃN ;>B;?aJhshJa ?;?g V g B;3;<g I L Q r ;D?6 O j ;4FG;YL9LL ;•<C J ;Y ;E6 ;4;«?g 9 Ä O ;FG@;<C J ;cyclostyled ;˜ ?6Q ;\@B6 6O K K K H K K ` – `c `b¡8 ` b ¡ ˘; <CJ ;?Lhe ;¥?;<‡ q S z ;6 ;<I ;YL ;4g9 G@;< e ;]@;˘YLLa ;Z@4;Dg9 Å6 M ;3;YL Q a ;ZB;xƒ;aJ details ;B6O ;<I ;>B Å M @;3 P K K K Š K K `c H gO K Š s 8 `cK }¨ ` c ;?Lhe ;<I ;‘;>B?a I · ! YL v•hL ;\?6 h6O ;• <CJ ;EF;˜;<a g r ; 2004 ;\?;Y6QL ;Y ;]@;Y L ;k•c ;€F? 5 aŠ f K K H • K K • • `cÃr e KK ` c• ` M f K K ;4?e h69 ;º@Fƒ;YÈ LL ;˜ ;Z;>B?;;<I ·II ;Y ;•< ?;?6 shLL e†9 ;DÉL Q ;>B;?;xB O qhL S 69 ;>? ;< ¬rJz w;< ;xƒ? …Qh;•<C ;?? 6 K K K K WV6M • } ;<ee ;>BK O ;< ;>BGƒ;4@;•>B;?F;4;¥?;4;]@;< Ida J b e q g 9 rS ;<‡`z– ; 6 ;YL`c ;•<CJ ;?ƒ;ÊQ 6 ;B;xve•Ÿ ` c ;FG@;B;E e Ë6h @ a 8 L L K 6M 8 • • ;•<CJ ;Z?¡ 6s ;BaJ ;EF=;– thalassaemia YL`c ;;<w| ;B;YI L`ba ;positive ;D ÉL`Q WN H K ;•<‡S ̤L ;;4e ;^@BŽ ;:YK L`c v•hL gO ;\?6 h6O 3 K K 8 K K K ¤‹ • `hr ;?LLhe ;? h e ;4g9 G@;<e ;]@;kQ ;\@;<6 I ;>BÅM @;3P ;<C J ;3L Q ;^@B Ž ;@vL •Â ; : >?;Ds 6 L`Ÿ @_6h œ ;v •hL L H H K K K H Wd ¡ 8 `zM KKK8 U M • ` c K N 8 ;E ;Z?h69 ;YL ;B;>@;k;EeQ 6 @;B;<C 6 OJ ;\G?F;? qhh·L e ;Y L ;< I ? 69 ;>B?;4;]@;< I g9 Se ;< ;>@;kQ ;\@;FG@;<C6 J ;•<CJ • K H K ;• ;• D?6 O j ;v•Ÿ `c ;˘E;67:YK L`c v•hL gO ;\?6 h6O Makhdoom Shahabuddin (Minister for Health): Sir, this Bill has been introduced in the National Assembly by an honourable member from Pakistan Peoples Party and now the matter has been referred to the National Assemblyãs Standing Committee on Health.
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