ANALYSIS OF LEADING CHARACTER’S NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA POTRAYED IN HAN KANG’S VEGETARIAN A THESIS BY GETA BRENAITA SARAGIE SIJABAT REG. NO. 160721038 DEPARTEMENT OF ENGLISH FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA MEDAN 2018 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA i UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA iii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA AUTHOR’S DECLARATION I, Geta Brenaita Saragie Sijabat, declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. Except where the reference is made in the text of this thesis, this thesis contains no material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in part from a thesis by which I have qualified for or awarded another degree. No other person‟s work has been used without due acknowledgement in the main text of this thesis. This thesis has not been submitted for the award degree in any tertiary education. Signed : ..................... Date : , 2018 iv UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA COPYRIGHT DECLARATION NAME : GETA BRENAITA SARAGIE SIJABAT TITLE OF THESIS : ANALYSIS OF LEADING CHARACTER’S NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA FOUND IN HAN KANG’S VEGETARIAN QUALIFICATION : S-1/SARJANA SASTRA DEPARTMENT : ENGLISH I AM WILLING THAT MY THESIS SHOULD BE AVAILABLE FOR REPRODUCTION AT THE DISRECTION OF THE LIBRARIAN OF DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH, FACULTY OF CULTURAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF SUMATERA UTARA ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT USERS ARE MADE AWARE OF THEIR OBLIGATION UNDER THE LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA. Signed: Date: , 2018 v UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRACT This thesis entitled with An Analysis of Leading Character‟s Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia found in Han Kang‟s Vegetarian Literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man's timeless desire to understand, express, and finally share experiences. It directs its readers to understand the picture of life through living people in literary works who represent as a whole. When facing the kind of fear, rejection and terrible moment, someone who is helpless and powerless can be depressed and affected to split their mind known as schizophrenia. This thesis uses to describe the negative symptoms of schizophrenia those are Flattening Affective, Avolition, and Alogia. This thesis analysis use descriptive qualitative as the way to analyze the data that is taken from Han Kang‟s novel Vegetarian and uses library research as the way in collecting data by reading and selecting quotation from Vegetarian. The negative symptoms of schizophrenia comes after the nightmare or something can be a terror for someone life who feels rejection and fear to be faced alone. Yeong-Hye already dives into her fear because her close persons and family already abandon her except her sister-in-law that keeps support her to be better. Family or close person for schizophrenia people should support him/her to face the fear once more instead of giving up on him/her. Keywords: Schizophrenia, Literature, Leading Character, Avolition, Affective Flattening, Alogia. vi UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ABSTRAK Tesis ini berjudul An Analysis of Leading Character‟s Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia found in Han Kang‟s Vegetarian. Sastra dianggap sebagai kegiatan manusia yang unik, yang lahir dari keinginan abadi manusia untuk memahami, mengungkapkan, dan akhirnya berbagi pengalaman. Ini mengarahkan pembacanya untuk memahami gambaran kehidupan melalui orang yang hidup dalam karya sastra yang mewakili secara keseluruhan. Ketika menghadapi jenis ketakutan, penolakan dan saat-saat yang mengerikan, seseorang yang tidak berdaya dan tidak berdaya dapat tertekan dan terpengaruh untuk membagi pikiran mereka yang dikenal sebagai skizofrenia. Tesis ini digunakan untuk menggambarkan gejala negatif skizofrenia yakni: Flattening Affective, Avolition, dan Alogia. Analisis skripsi ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif sebagai cara untuk menganalisis data yang diambil dari novel Han Kang berjudul Vegetarian dan menggunakan riset perpustakaan sebagai cara dalam mengumpulkan data dengan membaca dan memilih kutipan dari Vegetarian. Gejala negatif skizofrenia muncul setelah mimpi buruk atau sesuatu yang bisa menjadi teror bagi seseorang sehingga mereka masa penuh dengan penolakan dan ketakutan untuk dihadapi sendiri. Yeong-Hye telah menyelam kedalam ketakutannya yang diselimuti dengan halusinasi dan delusi dikarenakan keluargnya dan orang-orang terdekatnya telah meninggalkan dia seorang diri kecuali kakak iparnya yang sampai akhir tetap mendukung Yeong-Hye untuk keluar dari penyakit mental skizofrenia. Keluarga atau orang-orang terdekat bagi seseorang yang terkena schizophrenia seharusnya mendukung seseorang yang terkena skizofrenia tersebut agar dapat melawan rasa takut yang dia rasakan sekali lagi ketimbang harus meninggalkan seseorang tersebut sendirian. Kata Kunci: Skizofrenia, Sastra, Karakter utama, Avolition, Affective Flattening,Alogia vii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Jesus Christ for giving me health, strength, and hope in every morning to accomplish this paper . I can not deny without His blessing, I can not finish this paper. Then, I would also like to express a deepest gratitude, love, and appreciation to: Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S., as the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara. I would like to express my gratitude to our Dean. Thank you for guiding us to be a better student through your directions and regulations that makes us to stay on the best line to study in our beloved faculty. It is my honor to be a part of your students here. Dr. Deliana, M.Hum, as the Head of English Department and also my teacher, I would like to express my thanks for everything you have shared to me. Every knowledge and dedication you give to me will never be forgotten and it is my honor to share with people around me. Please keep doing the best for English Department. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, Ph.D, as the Secretary of English Department and also my examiner, I would like to express my warm gratitude to you for all your help during my student years in English Extension Program. Thank you for all efforts and you are an inspiration to help me in finishing my degree in University of Sumatera Utara. You are inspiring me in any aspects of my student year. Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. as my examiner and my teacher, Thank you for your help during my student year in English Literature Extension program. You have taught me about literature and culture from your subject. I wish you have a very healthy life and keep your spirit to teach your students cheerfully. viii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Drs. Parlindugan Purba, M.Hum as my supervisor and my teacher. What would I do without you? You are a wonderful. Thank you for supporting me since I start my journey in University of Sumatera Utara as a diploma student. I can‟t count how many times you cheer me up in passing my student years. You are an inspiration for me and some students to life as human. Thank you for your guidance and all your supports so I can finish my student years without any hesitation. Please don‟t stop in inspiring every student in University of Sumatera Utara and never be tired to support your student no matter they look like. My Great Thank to all of teacher in University of Sumatera Utara that I can‟t mention all of you one by one. You are great teachers and all of you bear student‟s courage in studying at University of Sumatera Utara. All of you are Hero in our life as a student who always seeks for knowledge. Thank you for helping me during my student years so I can see the world through the window that you have made. I wish you the very best wishes in doing your duties. May God always be with you. Thank you I address to Mr. Purba‟s family. For Mami (Mrs. Lena Tiorida Gultom br. Purba), Gary Timothy Hasian Purba, and the Mr. Purba‟s daughter Christy, I am happy I can meet and know all of you in my life. You are such a gift from God that no one can replace with anything in this world. Never have I felt a home in Sumatera Utara before I come to Mr. Purba‟s house. May God always be with you, hold you, and take care of you. The greatest thanks are fully dedicated to both of the most God given gift, my family, (Alm.)Daulat Saragih Sijabat, Eng. and Natalina Sinurat, S.E i‟ve finished my degree without any hesitation. You keep supporting meet in any aspect. Your love ix UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA never be forgotten and it makes me strong to walk in my path to finish the degree. You are my inspiration to be a better man from day by day. For my Greatest Man, sorry I can finish my study as soon as possible before you graduate from this world but I still believe you are watching me from the place I don‟t know where exactly. I am inspired to live like you but I will make my life to be better for someone in the future. Thank you for everything. For my beloved sister Holy Glora Saragie, S.Psi . Thank for everything you have done to support me in finishing my degree in University of Sumatera. I am sorry to keep bothering you in any aspects of your life but here my work that I want to dedicate for every pray you hope. I know this work can not reply all sacrifices that you have done to me but this is only the beginning to start my new journey. I am here today because of your prayer, love, support, and care. Thank you also to my aunt and uncle, Halimin Tarigan and Sony Sijabat, and my little brothers, Goza, Kevin, and my little sister Rahma , thank you for inspiring me and supporting me. You are my inspiration to reach my degree here.
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