EA2EUb M1AY3 01995 Public Disclosure Authorized EnvironmentalImpact Assessement for Hubei Province Urban EnvironmentalProject Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized ChineseResearch Academy of- Enviroiinental Sciences Public Disclosure Authorized TheCenter of Ei4ironmentTIPlanning 8 Assessment \ y,gl295 -40- ____ @ H-{iAXt§ *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w-gg t- .>s dapk-oi;~~n 1Lj t IW4 4a~~~~~~~~~~ .0. .. |~~~g., * A 6 - sJe<ioX;^ t ' v }~~~~~~~~Shamghai HubeiProvince Cuang~~~hou PeoplesRepublic ofChina ,. H. ''~' - n~~rovince i\\ 2 (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( H uLbeiprovince FORWARD The Hubei Urban EnvironmentalProject Office (HUEPO) engaged the Chinese ResearchAcademy of EnvironmentalSciences to assistin the preparationof the environmental impactassessment (EIA) report for the proposedHubei Urban Environmental Project (HUEP). The HUEPconsists of 13 sub-projectswhich need to prepareindividual EIA reports. Allthe individualEIA reportswere preparedby localinstitutes and sectoralinstitutes underthe supervisionof the Centerfor EnvironmentalPlanning & Assessment,CRAES. with the supportof HUEPO. TheCenter for EnvironmentalPlanning & Assessment,CRAES is responsiblefor the executionof the EIA preparationand compilationof the overallEIA report based on the individualEIA reports.A large amountof effort was paidfor the comprehensiveanalyses and no additionalfield data was generatedas part of the effort. Both Chineseand EnglishEIA documentswere prepared.The EIA report (Chinese version) was reviewedand approvedby the NationalEnvironmental Protection Agencv (NEPA)in May, 1995. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1-1 1.1 Project Background 1-} -' 1.1.2 Frameworkfor EIA Preparation 1-2 1.2.1 Response Government Agencies 1-3 1.2.2 Reference of Regulations 14 1.2.3 References of Environmental Standards 1-6 1.2.4 Scope of EAs for IndividualProjects 1-9 - 1.2.5 EnvironmentalProtection Targets 1-13 1.3 Benefits to the Local Community 1-13 1.3.1 Social and EconomnicalPerspectives 1-13 1.3.2 Urban Wastewater Treatment Projects 1-14 1.3.3 Urban Solid Waste Management Projects 1-15 1.3.4 Industrial Pollution Control Projects 1-15 1.4 Schedule 1-16 1.4.1 Preparation for Project 1-16 1.4.2 Constniction Period 1-16 1.5 Magnitude ofEIA Effort 1-17 . Project Description 2-1 2.1 Urban Wastewater Treatment Components 2-1 2.1.1 Wastewater Treatment Projects in Wuhan City 2-3 2.1.2 Wastewater Collection and Treatment Component in Xiangfin 2-7 2.1.3 Wastewater Collection and Treatnent Component in Huangshi 2-7 2.2 Urban Solid Waste Management Projects 2-7 2.2.1 Solid Waste Management Component in Wuhan 2-9 2.2.2 Solid Waste Management Component in Huangshi 2-12 2.2.3 Solid Waste Management Component in Xiangfan 2-14 2.2.4 Solid Waste Management Comment in Yichang 2-16 2.2.5 Estimation of Leachate and Landfilling Gas 2-18 2.2.6 Noise, Dust and Odor 2-19 2.3 Industial Pollution Control Components 2-19 2.3.1 ComprehensivePollution Control of Echeng fron and Steel 2-20 i 2.3.2 Relocationof JingmenCement Plant 2-24 2.3.3 HubeiPharmaceutical Plant 2-25 2.3.4 Relocationof YichangCement Plant 2-26 2.3.5 XlangfanChemical Plant 2-27 2.3.6 Erxi ChemicalPlant 2-27 3. Baseline Conditions 3-1 3.1 Nature Environment 3-1 3.1.1 PhysicalEnvironment 3-1 3.1.2 Functionsof water Courses 3-4 3.1.3 ExistingWater QualityofRivers 3-7 3.1.4 AirQuality 3-19 3.1.5 GeologyHydrological ofLandfills 3-26 3.2 EcologicalConditions 3-34 3.2.1 Terretria Ecosystem 3-34 3.2.2 AquiferEcosystem 3-36 3.3 SocialEnvironment 3-41 3.3.1 Population 3-41 3.3.2 EconomicPerspective 3-43 3.3.3 Basic MunicipalFacility and Utility 3-44 3.3.4 Waste Loads Controlin SixProposal Cities 3-47 3A4 Quality of Living 3-47 3.4.1 GeneralSituation ofResidents Living Standard 3-47 3.4.2 PublicHealth 3-48 3.4.3 Culture and Recreation 3-51 4. Anticipated Impacts 4-1 4.1 GeneralDescription Impact 4-1 4.1.1 Urban WastewaterTreatmant Projects 4-1 4 112 MunicipalSolid Waste Management Projects 4-2 4.1.3 IndustrialPollution Control (EPC) Projects 4-2 4.2 Iinpactson Water Quaity 4-3 4.2.1 UrbanWastewater Treaunent Projects 4-3 4.2.2 SolidWaste Management Components 4-15 4.2.3 IndustrialPollution Control Projects 4-17 4.3 - Impacton QualityImpact 4-22 .. 4.3.1 Relocationof CementProjects 4-22 4.3.2 EnviromnentalImprovement of the OriginalPlant Site 4-27 4.4 Impacton Groundwater 4-32 4.4.1 Xsai Landfillof Huangshi 4-32 4.4.2 JinkouLandfill of Wuhan 4-34 4.4.3 ShipoLandfill of XaTigfan 4-35 4.4.4 HuangjiawanLandtill of Yichang 4-37 4.5 Impacton socialEnvironmental and PublicHealth 4-40 4.5.1 DrinldngWater and Water Supply 4-41 4.5.2 Impacton PublicHealth 4-44 4.5.3 Impacton Agricultureand Fishing 4-47 4.5.4 Impacton Tourismand Landscape 4-48 4.5.5 Employment 4-48 4.6 Impactof EcologicalEnvironment 4-49 4.6.1 hnpact on AquaticEcosystem 4-49 4.6.2 TerrestrialEcological Environment 4-55 4.7 Effects of Sludge,Odor andNoise 4-58 4.7.1 Wastewatertreatnent Process and Optationof Facilities 4-58 4.7.2 Disposalof IndustrialWastes 4-61 4.7.3 SolidWaste Landfill and Its Operation 4-64 4.8 EzvironmentalImpact during the ConstnuctionPeriod 4-65 4.8.1 Impact of Trafficand Safety 4-65 428.2 Effict of Noiseand Dust 4-67 S itigation Measures 5-1 5.1 NitigationMeasures 5-1 5.2 PrincipalContents of Migatory Measures 5-2 5.2.1 MunicipalWaste Water Treatnent Projects 5-2 (Wuhan,Huangshi, Xiangfan) 5.2.2 MunicipalSolid Waste Management Project 5-2 (angshi, Wuhan,Xlangfi, Yichang) 5.2.3 IndustrialPolution ControlProject 5-2 6. Review Alternations 61 * 6.1 WastewaterCollection and TreatmentProject 6-1 6.1.1 WastewaterTreatment Process 6-1 i.i 6.1.2 Sludge Treatment Process 6-2 6.2 Solid waste ManagementProject 6-3 6.2.1 Alternative Plan for Solid Waste Landfill 6-3 6.2.2 Landfill Site Selection 6-4 6.3 Industrial Pollution Control Project 6-5 6.3.1 Air Pollution Control Subproject of Ezhou Iron & Steel Plant 6-5 6.3.2 Industry Wastewater Treatment 6-6 6.3.3 Relocation of Jmgmenand Yichang Plants 6-7 7. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan 7-1 7.1 - Purpose 7-1 7.2 EnvironmentalManagement 7-1 7.2.1 Principle for EnvironmentalManagement 7-1 7.2.2 Environmental AdministrativeOrganization 7-1 7.2.3 Implementationof EnvironmentalAdministration 7-4 7.3 Environmental Monitoring 7-7 7.3.1 Scope of EnvironmentalMonitoring 7-7 8. Public Participation 8-1 8.1 Public Comnents 8.1 82 Land Acquisition, Relocation and Resettlement 8-4 82 1 Residents Related Land Acqisiton and Resettlement 8-4 8.22 Resettlenent &5 8.2.3 Conclusion 8-7 9. Conclusion and Recommendation 9-1 9.1 Conclusion for Wastewater Treatment Components 9-1 9.1.1 Major Benefits 9-1 9.1.2 Main Adverse Effects and Mitigation Measures 9-2 9.1.3 Recommendation 9-3 9.2 Conclusionisfor Urban SolidWaste Management Components 9-3 9.2.1 Major BeneficialEffects 9-4 9.2.2 Main Adverse Effects and fitigationMeasures 9-4 iv 9.3 Conclusionfor IndustrialPollution Control Components 9-5 9.3.1 MajorEnvironmental Benefits 9-5 9.3.2 Major AdverseEffects 9-7 a . v 1. Introduction 1.1 ProjectBackground On March27, 1993the Governmentof Chinaand the WorldBank signedan agreement for a three year lendingprogram for the for the improvementof the urban environmentin four majorcities as wellas two minorcities in HubeiProvince. The project will provide approximately $ 150million to the municipalitiesof Wuhan,Xiangfan, Huangshi and Yichangfor improvements in wastewatercollection and disposal,nightsoil collection and disposaland urban solid waste collectionand disposal. For the controlof industrialpollution, funds will be providedto several highlypolluting industriesto control both water and air pollution. The project will be an importantfirst effortto cleanup urban lakesand riversalong the middlereaches of the Yangtze as wellas to begindealing with serious air pollutionproblems. The lack of sound environmentalmanagement is now at a criticaljuncture in Hubei Provinceas the paceof industrialdevelopment continues. Routinely, both domesticz-d industrial liquidwastes are dischargedinto rivers,sewers and lakesuntreated. Most of these water bodies haveseriously deteriorated to ClassIII or IV over the past few yearswith severallakes such as EastLake in Wuhanbecoming eutrophic and displayingalgal blooms each summer. Biological diversityin these lakes is also narrowingwith the successionof several speciesof carp and depositionof thick sludgelayers on lake bottoms. Watersupplies must be drawnfrom Class II reachesof the Yangtzeaway from urbancenters. In the realm of solidwaste, little or no sanitarylandfill practices are used. Most solid waste is simplydumped along the peripheryof cities. Thereis no treatmentof leachatewhich enterseither surface waters or groundwater.Collection and transferpractices are generallygood but disposalremains a seriousissue since the price of land has risen sharplyin urban areas. ModemlandfDI practices are thereforenecessary in order to maximizescarce landareas set aside fordisposal. Major investnent in all four projectcities for landfillstransfer stations and vehicles is thereforenecrssary. In the area of water qualityHubei authorities have chosen to apply an interim environmentalstrategy which seeks to maximizethe potentialof the YangtzeRiver for self purificationin the short run becauseof its large flows (23,400m/sec). This strategybasically seeksto improvethe qualityof lakesand streamsby divertingwastewater flows to the river via large collectorsand outfalls. Prior to dischargeinto the Yangtze,pre-treatment and primary treatmentfacilities are providedto removesolids and grit but not biologicaltreatment is planned inthe shortterm for econonicreasons. Hubei authorities propose to go to primaryand secondary treatmentpending additional financing and dependingon the biologicalcondition of the Yangtze Riveras these newwaste flowsare added. Sound solidwaste managementin HubeiProvince is severelylimited by the scarcityof landfillcapacity. InfomWal dumps exist at the peripheryof mostcities which needto be upgraded to sanitarylandfills. The projectwill establish such landfillsin each of the four citiesas an pilot or dernonstrationso that otherlandfills can be developedby localauthorities.
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