S. J C P E N T E C O S T June 4, 2017 Annual CATHOLIC Appeal The Appeal gives us the opportunity to support the work of the wider church in Western Washington. We have now met the Archdiocesan goal! Every dollar that comes in at this point will help us meet our parish rebate goal. This year, the rebate supports our St. James Immigrant Assistance Program. Our ministry to immigrants and refugees is more important now than ever before! Annual Catholic Appeal 2017 Archdiocesan Goal .............................. $365,209 Rebate Goal ......................................... $200,000 Combined Goal ................................... $565,209 Total raised through June 1 .............. $407,675 Shorall! .......................................... $157,534 Envelopes are available in the pews in front of you. Please fill one out and drop it in the offering basket. Your gi (however small!) will make a real difference in a lot of lives. You can also make your gi or pledge online at www.sealearchdiocese.org/donate. Thank you for your parcipaon! ORDER OF CELEBRATION FOR e Solemnity of Pentecost e Introductory Rites PRELUDE Prelude on “Veni Creator Spiritus” Duruflé (Noon) Veni Creator Spiritus: Plein jeu and Fugue Grigny ENTRANCE No. 482 in red Worship hymnal Come, Holy Ghost lambilotte THANKSGIVING OVER BLESSED WATER During the season of Easter, we are sprinkled with water from the font, blessed during the great Easter Vigil. RITE OF SPRINKLING WITH BAPTISMAL WATER Vidi aquam Schubert, adapted GLORIA chant, adapt. Lee Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to peo- ple of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we a- dore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory. Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almight- y Fa- ther. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mer- cy on us; you take away the sins of the world, re- ceive our prayer; You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mer- cy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Je- sus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father, A - - - men. OPENING PRAYER (COLLECT) e Liturgy of the Word FIRST READING Acts 2:1-11 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 104 Proulx SECOND READING 1 Corinthians 12:3b-7, 12-13 SEQUENCE Veni sancte spiritus Mode I Come, thou Holy Spirit, come! Where thou art not, we have naught, And from thy celestial home Nothing good in deed or thought, Shed a ray of light divine! Nothing free from taint of ill. Come, thou Father of the poor! Heal our wounds, our strength renew; Come, thou source of all our store! On our dryness pour thy dew; Come, within our bosoms shine! Wash the stains of guilt away: Thou, of comforters the best; Bend the stubborn heart and will; Thou the soul’s most welcome guest; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Sweet refreshment here below; Guide the steps that go astray. In our labor, rest most sweet; On the faithful, who adore Grateful coolness in the heat; And confess thee, evermore Solace in the midst of woe. In thy sevenfold gift descend. O most blessed light divine, Give them virtue’s sure reward; Shine within these hearts of thine, Give them thy salvation, Lord; And our inmost being fill! Give them joys that never end. Amen. Alleuia! ALLELUIA Murray GOSPEL John 20:19-23 HOMILY Father Michael G. Ryan PROFESSION OF FAITH (chanted on one tone at Saturday 5:30pm and 8:00) Mode V Presider Credo in unum Deum, I believe in one God, Choir Patrem omnipotentem factorem cæli et terræ, the Father almighty, visibilium omnium et invisibilium. maker of heaven and earth, of all things ALL visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father Choir Et ex Patre natum ante omnia sæcula. before all ages. ALL God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him Choir Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri: all things were made. per quem omnia facta sunt. For us men ALL and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and All bow at the words of incarnation, sung by the Choir: became man. Choir Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine, et homo factus est. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, ALL he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. Choir Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas. ALL He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom Choir Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, will have no end. judicare vivos et mortuos, cuius regni non erit finis. ALL I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, Choir Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per prophetas. who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken ALL through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. Choir Confiteor unum Baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins ALL and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead Choir Et vitam venturi sæculi. and the life of the world to come. ALL Amen. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Schubert, adapt. e Liturgy of the Eucharist PREPARATION OF THE ALTAR AND THE GIFTS Offertory (10:00) Loquebantur variis linguis Tallis The Apostles spoke in many languages of the great works of God, as the Holy Spirit gave them the gift of speech, alleluia. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak. SANCTUS Compostela Mass Holst, adapt. Ryan MYSTERY OF FAITH Holst, adapt. Ryan AMEN Holst, adapt. Ryan LORD’S PRAYER No. 246 AGNUS DEI Missa de angelis Vatican VIII COMMUNION Factus est repente ` Suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind Mode VII in the place where they were sitting, alleluia; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and announced the great things God had done, alleluia, alleluia. (10:00) Come down, O Love divine Harris Come down, O Love divine, Seek thou this soul of mine, And visit it with thine own ardor glowing; O Comforter, draw near, Within my heart appear, And kindle it, thy holy flame bestowing. (Bianco da Siena, trans. R. F. Littledale) When you return to your place after receiving Holy Communion, please kneel or be seated. Low-gluten hosts are distributed at the credence table near the presider’s chair. HYMN OF PRAISE O Christ, the great foundation AURELIA PROCESSION Variations on Veni Creator Spiritus Duruflé (Noon) Veni Creator Spiritus: Dialogue sur les grands jeux Grigny PROCESSIONAL ICON OF PENTECOST. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Gloria from Congregational Mass by John Lee, Psalm Response by Michel Guimont, Eucharistic acclamations from German Mass by Franz Schubert, adapted by Richard Proulx, copyright © 1986, 2010 by GIA Publications, Chicago, IL. Reprinted under OneLicense.net #A706828. All rights reserved. Vidi aquam and Intercessions Response from German Mass by Franz Schubert, adapted for St. James Cathedral. St. James Cathedral - Seattle ELCOME! If you are a visitor to the ST. JAMES CATHEDRAL Cathedral, we want you to know how The Most Reverend J. Peter Sartain, Archbishop of Seattle welcome you are – whether you have come PASTOR w The Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan from another part of the country, from across the IN RESIDENCE world, or simply from another parish here in the The Reverend David A. Brant, The Reverend Richard J. Ward Archdiocese. For more information about the parish, to PASTORAL ASSISTANT for ADMINISTRATION register, or to ask a question, visit our Sunday Help Lawrence N. Brouse (206-382-4280) Desk at Coffee Hour. A Cathedral staff person will be FAITH FORMATION Kathleen McCabe, Director (206-382-2018) on hand to assist you. Brenda Bellamy, Children’s Faith Formation (206-274-3108) Rosanne Michaels, Faith Formation (206-654-4658) Julianna Castro, Baptism Coordinator (206-619-0816) FOR YOUR SAFETY At each of the weekend Masses a Theresa Van de Ven, Administrative Assistant (206-219-5822) Seattle police officer or a private security guard is FAMILY MINISTRY present on the Cathedral campus. Suzanne Lee, Director (206-654-4640) LITURGY ON THE COVER Tongues of flame. Detail of the central Corinna Laughlin, Pastoral Assistant for Liturgy (206-264-2086) John Marquez, Julie Sharples, Ward Johnson, Peter Burns, east apse stained glass window. Hans Gottfried von Stephen Pace, sacristans (206-654-4646) Stockhausen, 1994. MUSIC MINISTRY (206-382-4874) Dr. Paul A. Thornock, Director of Music FLOWERS AT THE ALTAR are offered by the Joseph Adam, Associate Director of Music & Organist Stacey Sunde, Director of Youth Music Archdiocese of Seattle in prayerful thanksgiving for the Marjorie Bunday, Music Office Assistant Episcopal Ordination of Daniel Mueggenborg on SOCIAL OUTREACH and ADVOCACY Wednesday, May 31 and the Priestly Ordination of Chad Patrick Barredo, Director (206-382-4515) Green, Chris Hoiland, Jeffrey Moore, and Colin Parrish Hunt Hoffman, Hospitality and Administrative Support (206-382-4235) Teddi Callahan, Carol DeMatteis, David Wilson, on Saturday, June 3. Cathedral Kitchen (206-264-2091) MENTAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS MINISTRY CHILDREN’S PENTECOST PROCESSION at the beginning Nancy Granger, Parish Mental Health Nurse (206-382-4269) of the Noon Mass today.
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