.> 3 / AIfOLO-rRJNCH lllVAtRy OVER ACADIA . TO m:s ~RAft O"I stt. G~ IN -,. 10M L. Mahar , A. D. A Thosis 8ubmltted to the 7aoultl" ot the Oradua te School, Marquette UnlTerslty 1& Partial J'\ll.tl1laent 0"1 tbe Re­ ulremeGts tor the »egr~e ot ster ot Arts Ul1wt\uk•• , WlsooDs1n 'I, 1950 / PREFAOE '!'he beginnings in a small way of OOl!11"lel"oe And Mnutac­ ture in Oanada are tound in Port Royal . There was COn­ struoted and launched the first Tessel known to have been built in Amer1oa, a.nd on a stream that empties into the Bay of. Fundy was built the tirst mill in Canada . Here, too. the waters were reddened by the first bloodshed in Canflda in the lons and bitter struggle between England and Oanada tor supremacy in America . The :purpose ot this papt,lr 1s to trace the early Anglo­ Frenoh rivalry tor posse8~ions in the New World. Most general historians have slIghted Port Roye.l in tavor 01' the settlement at Quebeo . Other historians who treat the founding and settlement 01' Port Royal err either throuf.b nationsl bias. or tail to oonault the primary sources. I am deeply indebted to the Reverend Raphael J . HAmilton . 8 .J •• who direoted this study and whose Bugeest lons and oritioisms proved to be of the utmost vt'llue. H H ~ ...H H t:t ~ H Of '"~ !a to! 5! ~ t: t:3 t.( :d ~ 0 S !IIi' ~ ~ 0 ~ !i ~ I ~ • t; ~ .. ~ .... .. ~ "11 .. ~ ~ • ;! ~ .. ).: ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ;... - fa .. ~ ~ Q ij tJ.1. -. .. ~. "tt § .. ~ ~ i :. f! ~ b. .. ~ • S ", 0) • ~ • .. ~ .. .. t"'.. .. ~ ~ .. .. ~ .' .. • • .. .- • .. .. .. • .. • .. .. .. .. .- .. .. .. .. s >-s;: €1! ~ • !->of ! •.. ;!l • .. w~ ".. ~'" • ~ ,...., • Iii ~ f!1 .. ~ • ..~ • H,...... " t; • ~ • >- • • E • § .. ~ .. • • ,.~ ,. Q *"0 ~ t"'" ~ i ,... y"'" (I,l 5 / CHAPTER ! EARLY RIVALRY FO}~ lJ'lIE HEW lJlIOa LD The discovery o~ America. in 1492 i by OhrlatopMr Oolumbus did not have the 1lfl!11edia t e etfee t upon the eoonomy ot Europe that the finding of a new route to Ind1a b'1 Vasco da Gama did in 1499.. The Portuguese tt-led the way by Af:rlaa and suo­ ceeded. Vasoo daGama rounded t he Cap., salled up the iast­ ern coast of Af'riofl and crossed to Ind1a. The S,an1.a.rc!a eat sail in t he 'O ppos ite direction and t a iling tn the ir origi­ nal design, found instead a New World. That the newly dis ... covered lands "ere to be a source ot ,C!t1ae ord and contention bet"een the two oountr-t e& was 800n a pparent .. The, rulers of Portugal and Spain appealed t o Pope Alexander VI , to as tabU.ah the spheres of influence. In his fstI'Jotts Line of J;)emQroatlon of 1493, .hloh was later amende d and ratlf1ed by the Treaty of Tordas1l1as, the Pope fixed t he limits of eaoh country's future e xplore.t1ons. 1 Ipope Alexander VI , on the 4th of May , 1493, issued a bull, by virtu. of his a post.011oa l and pontifioal power by whioh he established 11 line 01' I lml tatton, runn1.ng trom the North and South poles" distant one hundred leagues west of the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands , giving t o Spain all t he territory" whieh she had disoovered, or mlghtdiscoverjl to the "est. and which had not been taken poss ession of by any Christ1an monarch at any t1.l!!$ pPElceding Chr1stmas, 1492 . To the Portuguese , i n s intl 1ar mar ner, and 6ubjeet to the same prov1so, the Pope gr a.nted a ll the terri tory which lay to t;he eas t of the 1 1ne of 11ml ta HOD . Because there Was some d1.s .. satisfaction as to t he diviSion , a meeting wa s arranged be .. 6 tween t he comm issioners of Spain nnd Portugal at 'l'ordaslllas, in Spain, in 1494 . 131 the Treaty of 1'ord9.8111a8, thtl line of demaroation was shifted to suoh a posit1on that it should pau l' north and south, three hundred and seventy leagues / west of the Cape Verde Islands • all to the west of that limitation to belong t o Spa.in , and all to the east to Portu ... ga l~ This 'Preaty W9.$ confirmed by the. Pope in $. papal bull of June 24; 1506. Spain and Portugal, a t this +1:me were better qualified f or Bxploration, more consolidat ed, more nearly come t o theIr prime , more full of expansive forae than the people of Northern Europa, so that. their history comb~ned w1~h the1r geograph1oal position made them foremost i n exploration and oolonization. Both Spain and Portugal looked to the Sou t hwe s t , in p,art gUided no doubt by the Canaries , Madeira, and the Azores . From these semi-mythica.l goals of ancient navtgatlon, wind and thQ tide presoribed the line of disoovery. Thus we find that the We s t Indies , Oentral and South Amerioa w~r e dlacQvered before the North Am.rl~an Oontinent. Easier t o reaoh than l~orth Amerloa, the 'West Indies , and Centra.l Amerioa were also more attraotive whenreaohed. The Span .. iards found r i ohes beyond their hopes, pearls in t he se a ~ gold and silver in the so11 , and a 1'a08 of n$.t1ves who could bO forced to fish for the one , and mine for the other. Thus, for a ce ntury after Oolumbus t'lrst satled to the west, whil Ce ntral and South America became organized into a colleotion of S.panish provinces the ext%'eme Nort h wa·a lett to Basque , Breton and English fishermen. ' ~, Difficult to reaoh, cold and unattraotive when roached, North Am&rio4 came to be oonsidered as B stepping stone to another goal .. The explorers, therefore, kept ' perpetually ./ push1ng on I . seeking a northwest passage to Ohina. France and England were late comers to the :f1eld of explo­ ration and oolon1zatlQn. France W9:8 continually hampered by oont1nGntal troubles, and England had not as yet assumed the proud. title. M1stress of the Seas. Both oountries re­ sented the papal partition between Portugal and Spaln, and eomple tel,. d1srega.rc1ed 1 t .. With the opening or the seventeenth century France an4 England began a oontest for the ownership of fiorth America which WQS to r8J1181.n undeoided tor a century and a halt. England olaimed the oont1.nent through the discovery by the Cabota 1n 149'7 and 1498, and Franee ole.tme~ 1 t through the voyage of Verrazzano 1n 1524 ., Probably no qU88 tion in the hts tory of this conttnen t has been tbeeubject of s.o 'IIuch dllcuss10n as the liv.s and voyage's of t'he two Caeota. Some wrl tars attribute every­ thing to h11 Il.cond. /!Ion,. Sebastian. Their personal ohare-c ... tel', their naUonallt,'1. the number of voyages they made anti the extent and (lit-Get-lonot their disooverles hav. been and aUll are k ••~11 d18puted. 2 Some even go so far al to 2 Samuel Edward Dawson , "Tbe Voyages of t:he Canota in 149'7 and 1498". Prooeed'.ng an~ Trans~ot;lon8 of the· Royal Sooiety of Canada (Toronto, 1894), vol. 12, sec . 2, 51. 8 claim that t he voyages ap8 a pooryphal, the discoveries pre­ tended. Nevertheless, lolely upon the discoveri es of the Cabots have always rested t he original olaims of tbe English I race t oa foothold upon North America. Edmund Burke, the B~l t1,sh ~ta tesman, wrote ,ln h1s AQcount of European Set tl!.­ me n to in America J e der1,v$ our rights in Amer.:1oa , from the dis­ oovery of SehasUnn Oabot, whQ, first made the Northern Oontinent 1n 149'7.. The faot 115 sufficient... 1,. oertaln t o es t~hlhh a r '·Etht to OU1;' se ttlement s in North America . 3 Edmund Burke, An Account of the European Se t tlementa 1n All'.erlea(tondon , !"7'f1"t Vol. 2, 138 • . St r Angely enough_ in the puhlhhed annals o.f England, no contemporary aQOQunta ot the Ca.bots exist. Not a sing1e .crap ot wrl ting oflohu Cabot has been preserved. The map and globe of John Oabot no longer exist. EnglIsh olaims re.t solely upon, two lett ers of Patent , entries in the Privy Purse accQunts, two letters from Sl?an18h Ambassadors, and on three newa letters trom Itallane in London. 4 From the !lIeager ------------~~.. ~----------~--~--~---- ..--~ .... ----~------------~---- ..I-- · ~ 4 Clements R. Markham, ed., "The JQurnal of ChrhtopherCo­ lumbus and Doouments Relat ing to the Voyages of John Cabot and Gaspar Cort e Real"" iakluyt Sooiety Publioation (London, 1893), vol . 86, 1x. sourCes it has been established that John Oabot was moat proba­ bly a aenoeso , S who after having resided 1n Venioe for fifteen 5 IbId. , "Despa.tch from Ruy de Puebla to t he Catholic Sover .. e i gns . July 25, 1498". 207. 9 years from 1461 - 14'76, was admitted to elt1zenshlp.6 --~"------~------------~--------------------------"~~--"--------"~--------i 6 G. E_ Weare, Cabota Discovery of. NO)'t.h amerIca (London,. 1897 ) ,. n.g, '70.. Entry in Venet1an Archives reproduced: ·'14"6, dIe U8.l"t11, - Quod fiat pr1v11eglum clvl11taUs de lntus et extra loan! Caboto per babl tat1onemarmorum XV .. , iuxta consuetum.. De Parte ... 149 De Non ... 0 De Sinet-tti - 0" .. ThlitJohll Cabot was an experienoed navigatop 1s attested by 80001no# who wrote to the Iiuke of Milan, Ludovlco Sl'or!1a that he (Cabot) had been e ngaged in commercial transaotion along the Arabian coast, even visiti ng Meooa .
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