Controlled Document. Copy No…………………. Issued to ………………… MAJOR PROJECTS & INFRASTRUCTURE HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE POLICY H ghways % L ght ng Assets August 18 INDEX Page Foreword 2 THE HIGHWAY NETWORK AND HIERARCHY 3 The H ghway Network ,oute Length 3 Network H erarchy 3 Carr ageway H erarchy 4 Pr nc pal ,oads 4 Non Pr nc pal ,oads . /nclass f ed L nk ,oads . /nclass f ed Local Access ,oads 8 H ghway Class f cat on Map 1Append 2 34 Footway H erarchy 5 Prest ge Walk ng 6ones 10 Pr mary Walk ng ,outes 11 Secondary Walk ng ,outes 14 Cycle Network 17 TRAFFIC SENSITIVE STREETS 18 Spec al Areas 18 Traff c Sens t ve Street ,estr ct ons 15 HIGHWAY INSPECTIONS 23 The H ghway Inspectors ,ole 24 Frequency of Inspect ons 2. Safety Inspect on ,epa r T mescales 25 Safety Inspect on Gu de 30 Intervent on Levels For Other H ghway Elements 31 ,egulatory Inspect ons 34 Defect ve Works 1Sect on 714 34 Performance ,equ rements 34 /nsafe Work ng Pract ces 3. /nsat sfactory Apparatus 1Sect on 814 3. Street Author ty Powers 3. Enforcement of the H ghways Act 1580 36 The ssue of Perm ts 37 Page NETWORK SAFETY 40 Sk dd ng ,es stance of ,oad Surfaces 40 Invest gatory Levels 43 W nter Serv ce 44 Network Dra nage 44 Equality Impact Assessment 44 THIRD PARTY CLAIMS 4. Deal ng w th Th rd Party Cla ms 4. ,ecords and Arch ves 47 GLOSSARY 48 Foreword The publ c’s v ews on the cond t on of roads and footpaths f gure prom nently n nat onal and local op n on polls and are frequently dent f ed as major sources of d ssat sfact on w th a Local Author ty’s performance. 3est Value w ll, through the publ cat on of the performance nd cators, further h ghl ght any shortcom ngs n a Local Author ty’s serv ce del very. Prov d ng a h gh standard of ma ntenance to the h ghway network requ res close co- operat on between several sect ons of the Counc l. In t ally, appropr ate standards have to be set and approved and an nventory produced. The network then has to be nspected at the correct frequenc es wh ch are determ ned by the network h erarchy. Any necessary repa rs are dent f ed and the work t cket s ssued to the contractor who carr es out the repa r to a requ red standard w th n a g ven t mescale. Performance needs to be mon tored and rev sed, when necessary, to mprove del very of the serv ce. It s essent al that all dec s ons and act ons are recorded w th regards to all works on the publ c h ghway regardless of the r promoter and arch ved n case they are needed n defense of th rd party cla msC these deta ls are currently recorded n the Author ty’s Street Works ,eg ster wh ch n turn must be made ava lable to the publ c. Th s document has been produced n order to prov de gu del nes to all off cers w th respons b l ty for the management and ma ntenance of the H ghway Network and to ass st them n the course of the r day to day dut es. The follow ng statutory requ rements apply to any person or party carry ng out any type of work on or adjacent to the C ty’s h ghway network. Any works carr ed out on the H ghway Network shall conform to the requ rements ofD • The Health and Safety at Work Act 1574. • Management of Health and Safety at Work ,egulat ons 1555. • Construct on 1Des gn and Management4 ,egulat ons 201.. • Chapter 8 of the Traff c S gns Manual 115864. • The New ,oads and Street Works Act, 1551. • The H ghways Act,1580 • The Traff c Management Act 2004. • Equal t es Act 2010. Corporate Health and Safety off cers w ll prov de ass stance and gu dance on any safety ssues relat ng to the H ghway Network. 2 3 THE HIGHWAY NETWORK AND HIERARCHY The Highway Network (Route Length) The C ty’s H ghway Network s deemed to be 100E urban and compr sesD- • Trunk ,oads A63/A1033 1funded and ma nta ned by the H ghways Agency4 1. km. • Pr nc pal ,oads 1A4 .2 km • Non-Pr nc pal ,oads 134 12 km 1C4 60 km • L nk ,oads 1/4 100 km 1/4 .04 km • Footways 1.31 km • Cycletracks 1remote from the carr ageway4 31 km • Hous ng Footways 260 km Network Hierarchy. The GWell-managed H ghway Infrastructure’ Code of Pract ce for H ghway Ma ntenance 1October 20164 1here nafter referred to the CoP4 states that a properly establ shed Network H erarchy prov des the foundat on for a coherent, cons stent and aud table ma ntenance strategy. The parameters for n t ally determ n ng a network h erarchy, wh ch are well def ned n the CoP, are br efly descr bed as followsD- Carriageways Footways Cycle ways DfT ,oad H erarchy Category H erarchy Category H erarchy Class H erarchy Descr pt on Descr pt on Descr pt on 1 Motorways 1a Prest ge A Cycle lane Walk ng form ng part of 6one the C ty Centre carr ageway 3 A 2 Strateg c 1 Pr mary 3 Cycle Track ,oute Walk ng ,oute 4 3 3a Ma n 2 Secondary C Cycle Tra l D str butor Walk ng ,oads ,oute . C 3b Secondary 3 L nk ,oads D str butor ,oads 6 / 4a L nk ,oad 4 Local 6 / 4b Local Access Access ,oads ,oads 4 The CoP recommends that the Author ty should also cons der local ssues when des gnat ng h erarch es. It stresses that t s mportant that the h erarchy adopted by a H ghway Author ty reflects the needs and pr or t es for each nd v dual part of the network and for ts users. In add t on, t s essent al that consultat on s undertaken w th the Author ty’s Asset Development Team when des gnat ng h erarch es. The whole of the C ty’s H ghway Network has been assessed us ng both the CoP as gu dance and n consultat on w th network users e.g. Passenger Transport, safe routes to schools, H ghway Development Control, Transport Strategy etc. to dent fy local needs and pr or t es. The network h erarchy, dent f ed on the follow ng pages, has now been establ shed and sets the nspect on reg me. However, t should be borne n m nd that w th the redevelopment and regenerat on that s cont nually tak ng place n the c ty the h erarchy w ll need to be reassessed at regular ntervals. To ensure that the network h erarchy s ma nta ned at the appropr ate level, each safety nspect on undertaken w ll nclude recommendat ons for suggestedH changes to the current h erarchy for each nd v dual street. These recommendat ons w ll be cons dered on a monthly bas s by the H ghway Network Management Team who w ll mplement any changes to the network h erarchy that are deemed appropr ate. Carriageway Hierarchy Principal Roads (Category 2 Strategic Route) A Pr nc pal ,oad s des gnated as be ng of suff c ent mportance w th n the nat onal h erarchy to just fy pr nc pal status. Part al fund ng for cap tal ma ntenance of Pr nc pal ,oads s ava lable from Central Government through the Local Transport Plan process. The Pr nc pal ,oad Network w th n the C ty compr ses of the follow ng routesD • A1075, Ferensway, from A63 to junct on w th Spr ng 3ank. • A1075, 3everley ,oad, from Spr ng 3ank junct on to C ty boundary. • A16., Freetown Way and George Street, from Spr ng 3ank junct on to North 3r dge. • A16., W tham, Holderness ,oad and Ganstead Lane, from North 3r dge to C ty boundary. • A110., Anlaby ,oad, from Ferensway to 3oothferry ,oad. • A110., 3oothferry ,oad, from Anlaby ,oad to C ty boundary. • A1166, 3r ghton Street, Hessle ,oad 1over flyover4, Askew Avenue. • A1033, Mount Pleasant, Stoneferry ,oad, Holwell ,oad, Sutton ,oad 1between Holwell and Ennerdale roundabouts4, Thomas Clarkson Way and ,a ch Carter Way 1to Ennerdale 3r dge4. • A116., Great /n on Street 1 nclud ng Clarence Street4, New Cleveland Street, Cleveland Street. • A116., Clough ,oad and Ferry Lane. Non-Principal Roads. Main Distributor Roads 1Category 3a Main Distributor roads) are as followsD • 31237 ,obson Way • 31237 Leads ,oad • 31237 Salthouse ,oad • 31231 Anlaby ,oad 13oothferry ,oad roundabout to boundary4 • 31233 Cott ngham ,oad • 31238 Ma n ,oad 3 lton • 31401 P cker ng ,oad 13oothferry ,oad to Hessle ,oad4 Secondary Distributor Roads (Category 3b Secondary Distributor roads) are as followsD • West Dock Street • Goulton Street • Walcott Street • Hessle ,oad 1,awl ng Way to Hawthorne Ave4 • Iackson Street, Engl sh Street, Commerc al ,oad • St Georges ,oad • Albert Ave • North ,oad, Calvert Lane, Calvert ,oad, Pr ory ,oad • Spr ng 3ank, Spr ng 3ank West, W llerby ,oad • Pr nces Ave, Jueens ,oad • Chanterlands Ave, 3r cknell Ave • County ,oad South % North, Fa rfa2 Ave, Hall ,oad, Sutton ,oad • Holwell ,oad, 1north of Sutton ,oad4 Wawne ,oad • Sutton ,oad, Cavend sh ,oad, Ings ,oad, Maybury ,oad, Marfleet Lane • Southcoates Lane, Preston ,oad • Laburnum Ave, Chamberla n ,oad • Old Hedon ,oad • Clarence Street, Alfred Gelder Street, Lowgate, Market Place • Hessle ,oad 1West of Askew Ave4 Unclassified Link Roads (Category 4a 4 A new class f cat on to spl t the unclass f ed roads up nto those that l nk the res dent al streets and are ma nly bus routes and those rema n ng streets that are solely res dent al.
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